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I'm what you want, not what you need
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm what you want, not what you need Image
I'm what you want, not what you need Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
It all had gone so quickly suddenly. He only had to speak one little word out of his mouth to his aunt and arrangements were made. Invites were written, letters were sent, and ships had arrived. It was not like their little wedding was one to write home about anyway: just the youngest of the Vylasar's being married of to one of their own. He knew what people might think, might say, but sorcerers did this for generations: keep their precious and ancient magic close to their home, buried away under the sea like some legendary treasure you might hear in pirate stories.

Ezekiel had prepared himself - or rather, had been prepared for the nightly ceremony. Twilight had fallen already and he had never felt this anxious. It was not some battle he could win with hard thrown punches, harsh words or even brutal magic. No, this was a fight he could not win. It was written in the stars that he should unite with Chaska. He just didn't know how he should feel about it. He fiddled with the delicate silver chains hanging down from his ears. He had been decorated in something that should be worthy of a Vylasar. Except for his fingers, which seemed deliberately barren. He looked from his reflection in the mirror to his hands and bit the inside of his lip to further hide any emotions while he held his gaze down.

At some point his aunt had come by to approve of him. He had immediately tensed up in his whole body as he saw her and spoke with as little words as possible. Until eventually there was a quiet knock on the door. It was time to head to the temple. He was to be accompanied by his family. A curt nod followed, as he carefully put on the waistcoat that had been prepared for him. No, he needn't have to worry about anything, everything was arranged for him into the minute details. Just as his bride was.

It was completely dark as they reached the temple, apart from the small torches that had been lit. There wasn't even moonlight to guide their paths. The sky above the come was clear, but no moon was to be seen. It was a lonely blank canvas, littered with tiny specks of stars. But it's star piece was missing. He had no idea if getting married at a new moon was bad luck, but he couldn't help but worry a but. But, even so, it was fitting for them: Chaska and he never seemed to follow the ordinary path of rules and tradition anyways.

The silver haired sorcerer's eyes were drawn from the sky back to the temple. He placed his hands behind his back as he walked forward, his breath trembling as he exhaled slowly. He forced his expression to sink into his usual mask: his lips in a straight line, his eyes slightly narrowed as focused himself at the task ahead. Chaska had yet to arrive, so he kept his gaze on the battlefield of his lifetime ahead of him. From that moment on, he would be alone. No-one would back him up, just him and Chaska.

natuurlijk fluit fit
Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:37 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
I'm what you want, not what you need 7mKmf4U5_o
I'm what you want, not what you need 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Once she had been dreading this day, only to beg Lythrana for it to happen as soon as possible after getting tangled up within her feelings towards the man she was supposed to marry. Almost desperately she had been trying to convince him to wed her, fearing the ever lingering dread of her illness and its consequences creeping ever closer. Now that day finally arrived. After tonight she would no longer have to worry about her future. Her parents and siblings would be able to sleep safe and sound, knowing that she'd be taken care of regardless of what the outcome of her illness would be. And so would she, wrapped up within the sheets of the bed that had grown familiar to her, next to the man who still held so much mystery. Yet she felt no fear discovering what lay beneath his tough surface, ready to uncover whatever he so desperately tried to hide behind his harsh words and anger.

A gasp escaped through her lips as dear sister tightened her corset, tying the ribbon of her pale blue gown. Shimmering in the golden evening rays her gown looked like it had been woven by starlight, adding luster to her pale skin and features. The sorceress remained silent as she stared at her reflection, picturing the ceremony in her head over and over again, barely taking note of her sister's words as she quietly nodded in response. The heels were already tough on her feet, if only she wouldn't trip like that night within Silvercrest. That night where she had first slept beside her betrothed as he had tucked her into bed, knowing that for the rest of their lives it would become a familiar sight.

As night fell upon the city, Lythrana's message became clear. While the stars shone brightly within the night sky, she was nowhere to be found. The sorceress almost scoffed at the thought. A new moon on their wedding day, their deity as absent as their morals had been. Quite ironic. The road towards the temple seemed almost endless as she continuously sunk her teeth into the inside of her cheek, her stomach turning at the thought of facing him there at the altar, having to find her voice and speak her vows while right now, she could do nothing but quietly reply to those surrounding her.

So when she finally neared the temple, she didn't pay attention to the crowd gathering in front of it. She couldn't bring to give her brother a glance, or shoot her sister an apologetic smile. She couldn't even face her parents, either of which she still had mixed feelings towards. Instead, she kept her eyes strictly on the path leading to the temple, soon to be averted towards where he stood. The soceress took a deep breath, an attempt to ease her nerves before she halted beside him, her long dress draping over the stairs leading up to the temple as she sought out his gaze from the corner of her eye. Linking her arm with his, she said her silent prayers. Within a few moments the two of them would be bound to one another for eternity, a marriage based upon lies and distrust before it had even began.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:21 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm what you want, not what you need Image
I'm what you want, not what you need Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
It was easier to force his eye onto the lion's den. He could feel the crowd getting bigger behind him, but he was not one to fake a smile to all the people - probably family - he didn't know the names of. He supposed they were from Chaska's side: proud parents, excited siblings, old friends from the capitol. His side felt all the smaller. There would be no tough father to pat him on the shoulder as he would enter his adult life, no mother to wipe away emotional tears as her son would put a ring on the finger of the girl of his dreams. This was no cliché romance story. It was more bitter than sweet.

It was only when he heard rustling in the crowd that he moved again. First, barely noticeable, when his fingers tightened a bit stronger around his hand, still kept still in place behind his back. And then by licking his lips and lowering his gaze to the ground, his head moving down with the movement. He had no idea what to expect of it all, he hadn't bothered talking with Chaska about it. It was like every wedding he ever attended: a pretty couple, some fancy words and festivities after. It had been a long time since he attended one, though. Never would he have imagined his own would be next. Ezekiel furrowed his brows and a determined huff exited his nose as he squared his shoulders. He eyes were drawn back up, and then he looked over his shoulder, turning his body as he locked eyes with his bride.

The beading on her dress sparkled orange in the torchlight. There was no moonlight to light her up silvery blue, so shadows from the fire flickered over her silhouet. Ezekiel set his jaw as she moved towards him, every step seemingly taking an eternity. He had no idea what he should feel at this moment. Was it resentment over his faith? Or should he feel happiness? Were those feelings in his stomach nauseous nerves, or something completely different? In any way, he could not tear his gaze from her. He had always known she was beautiful, and he knew it better than anybody in this whole crowd. It was no different because she had been dolled up in some expensive fabric and molded into this version of herself. Tonight they would be up for display. Only one night.

And even though it all happened in slow motion, she was with him before he could even process what was happening. She stepped up to the last step of the stairs and almost if it was second nature at this point, she linked her arm with his. And as they did, they shared another look from the corners of their eyes. He couldn't tell what she was thinking from that look. He supposed she would be happy. She had been asking for this moment, multiple times, almost desperately. He had yet to figure out why. So why wasn't she absolutely beaming? Reveling in the spotlight, making her family proud. He felt even more anxious now, pursing his lips together. But he ever so slightly moved over to her. ‘‘No turning back now,’’ he whispered, only for her ears to hear.

Without looking back at the crowd, he moved forward. He could feel the eyes burning in his back, so he did not know what was the more safe space. Standing outside, or in there. He walked slowly as at the end of the aisle the priest was waiting. He knew everything that was supposed to happen from now on, it had been explained to him a million times, as if it was expected that he would fuck it up. The funny thing, however, he expected that he would feel utterly alone at this point. Like a little duckling that had lost it's mother. But when he glanced back towards Chaska, he felt the slightest bit of comfort that she was the only person that could understand. And she understood, he knew. Perhaps not the whole of it, but she was like his brother in arms. So as he faced the priest when they arrived to the crime-scene, he gave them a slight nod.
Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:42 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
I'm what you want, not what you need 7mKmf4U5_o
I'm what you want, not what you need 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
From the corner of her eye she could tell how many people gathered in front of the temple, though she didn't bother to identify their faces. She could feel their gazes burn into their skin, as if the heat of the torches illuminating the path towards the temple hadn't been enough. All of them gathered watch the two of them seal their promise to one another. Gazing upon another arrangement succeeding, another chance for their kin to bring fresh sorcerer blood into this world, preventing their bloodline from thinning out. She couldn't look them in eye, knowing the main reason behind their tear stained eyes and smiles. There was, however, one set of eyes she could stomach to meet. An odd colored gaze which had been swift to lock with hers as she stepped towards the temple.

She couldn't read his expression, yet she couldn't look away. His familiar gaze comforted her in a way, as if she stepped towards something familiar in this nerve wrecking situation. Dressed within black, a notable choice for the occasion, he looked as handsome as ever. Perhaps it had been his form of rebellion, refusing to flaunt the colors of his Kingdom as he was forced to adhere to its wishes. Her expression remained neutral, not sure whether to grant him a smile or to mirror his neutral expression as she finally arrived at his side.

Her muscles tensed for a brief moment as he moved over, whispering words which sent a shiver down her spine. Shitfing her gaze between the floor and his eyes, she faintly nodded, softly squeezing his arm as she let a tiny piece of that vulnerability break through her walls. "We'll be fine," she whispered back, her voice sounding fragile as she not sure whether those words were meant to ease his mind or that of her own. Tightening her grip on his arm just a bit more the sorceress took a deep breath once more, bracing herself for what awaited them behind those massive doors of the temple.

She could feel her heart drop as her betrothed took the initiative, setting foot within the grand temple where the High Priestess awaited their arrival. Following his example, she didn't glance over her shoulder, keeping her eyes on the altar before them. This would be the hardest part, voicing her vows confidently, refraining from stumbling over her words as heart and mind still seemed at war at this very moment. As the Priestess would initiate their blessing, she'd still have a brief moment to repeat the words in her head, making sure she wouldn't make a fool out of herself.

Sharing one last look with her betrothed, the man to which she would belong the moment they'd set foot outside of this temple again, the silently swallowed, biting the inside of cheek as he gave the Priestess a nod, making her stomach turn as if she were but a seasick crewmember. This is what she'd begged for, what she had wished for during her sleepless nights in that guestroom she'd now leave behind. The only way her future would be secured, and the only way she could safely figure out why exactly this man had made her feel things she had never felt before.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:00 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm what you want, not what you need Image
I'm what you want, not what you need Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel had played this moment in his head countless of times. He had tried to imagine what it would be like. He wasn't much of a romanticus. He never thought marriage would be like that of the fairy-tales. He had seen real marriages all around him. It was out of convenience, just like them. He just wondered if those couples just gotten used to each other over the years, or that they truly started to love each other. It was like family in a way, wasn't it? You couldn't choose them, but you just couldn't help but get attached to them. The way he still loved Myrddin, in a way, and he still wanted to make his aunt proud. It was brainwashed into his every being. And when he looked at Chaska, maybe there was a place in his heart that would tolerate her over time. Maybe one day, they would not fight anymore.

She held him tight as they shared a few, quiet words between them. With fleeting glances and nerves they probably both had, but pride did not allow to let them reach to the surface. Nothing would really change after this, would it? They would not suddenly fixed all their problems. They still would have the same indifference between them, argue about the same things, make up like they did before. But as he felt his breath tighten in his chest, he laid his hand on hers grasping his arm for a second. They'd be fine, indeed. It was just the rest of their lives. He looked away at the ground, closed his eyes to collect his thoughts, before charging into the temple.

Once the ceremony was initiated, the priestess started to speak. All those words he heard a few times before. About holy matrimony, about how their deity had blessed them with ancient magic. What honor it was to be an Vylasar. She blessed the union of them. The names of Lythrana and Laphiss were dropped, but he didn't really listen to what she had to say. It didn't mean anything to him, truly. It was not that he was a non-believer, but this - all of this - was fixed. It didn't feel like faith, or like it was written in the stars. He felt like an actor, just playing his part. He didn't dare to look the priestess in the eye during all of this. He just bit his tongue and hearing the words without really listening.

He would be lying if he said he wouldn't be dreading this moment. He would hate to speak some hollow words to Chaska. Because, after eveything, she deserved more than that. He had considered stating some cliché words, telling her what she wanted to hear. Pledge her love and duty. But he couldn't, because it would be lies. And they promised each other that they would no longer pretend. He had thought about it. What would she prefer? Things she wanted to hear, or the truth? He could lie, make a memory of something that would be something she could tell to her peers in the future. Or something completely different. Something authentic to them? He knew he was bad with words, ever since he had learned the world wasn't as pretty as he'd always imagined. But when he looked at Chaska, her silhouet still caught that sense of beauty and uncertainty that made the world exciting when he was a boy.

So once the floor was theirs, only one witness for their vows to each other, he had no idea what to say. He could tell her she was the moon and the stars, the breath of magic in his veins. But it would be a lie. He could tell her he was hers and she was his, but that would be something they would fight about in the future. He could tell her he would be there for her, in bad or worse, in sickness or hell, but even that would not be true. They were to set on their own paths, whatever those would be. He could only promise her his hand, his loyalty for what it was worth. So he took a deep breath, and turned towards her, placing her delicate hands in his.

‘‘I won't be yours, because I belong to myself,’’ he started bluntly, knowing it was not what she wanted to hear, but what she needed to hear. ‘‘But I will try to give you which is mine to give.’’ He didn't dare to look at her straight in the eye, instead he focused on her hands, intertwined with his. A frown was on his face as he awkwardly tried to... say whatever he needed to. He wanted to be real, most of all. He wanted their forever to be based on lies. ‘‘I'll pledge to serve you in the ways you require.’’ He looked back up at her. ‘‘I'll be your shield and protect you, whichever way I can.’’ It was all he could offer. ‘‘I'll keep our secrets and fights, and do whichever duty calls me to.’’

Had he rehearsed the words before this night? Oh, he had done. He didn't care that he didn't pledge his undying love in front of the priestess. He didn't care that she might tell everyone. It was real. He would do what was necessary. And further than that, he could make no promised. He could not promise her love nor loyalty. He could not promise to be the perfect husband. He could not promise to harvest the stars from the sky for her. There was only an agreement. A believe that they would not hate each other for the rest of their lives. He could keep her safe, for Lythrana's sake, he could summon a bear. Nobody would hurt her if he could stand between them. He blinked slowly as he looked back at her, carefully, almost shy, as if he expected to hit him in the face once more. Even if this marriage was for show, he had meant what he said.
Wed Jun 14, 2023 11:18 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
I'm what you want, not what you need 7mKmf4U5_o
I'm what you want, not what you need 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
After tonight, once she'd set foot out of this holy ground, her life would never be the same. For eternity she would belong to this man, forced to endure whatever challenges he'd bestow upon her. He may never let his guard down, imprisoning them in the cycle of their fights and harsh words for all of their marriage, accusing her of ruining his life, when both of them knew that they were simply adhering to their duties. Yet she couldn't quite blame him if he did. Maybe she would indeed ruin his life, securing her safety and expecting his devotion while all she did was saving her own skin. She would be promised safety while he would be promised a burden.

Her glance shot up from the floor beneath them, surprised at the comforting gesture of his hand upon hers. Even for a brief moment it managed to ease her mind, to find recognition in his nerves. The tension surrounding them almost felt tangible, eagerly waiting to devour them whole. The two of them had faced tougher battles, however. The only difference being that this battle would change the entirety of their lives, intertwining their futures until death would tear them apart.

As they stepped towards the Priestess and entered the temple she had to refrain from holding her breath. Never before had she been this thankful for her arm linked with his, or perhaps her shaky knees would've simply given up on her. As they stood before the Priestess and her words echoed through the grand interior of the building, she tried her best to keep her gaze fixed upon the woman, trying to comprehend her words and blessings as her mind was nothing but a ravaging whirlwind. In between words she tried her best to refrain from shooting the man beside her a quick glance, hoping to find but a glimpse of reassurance in his eyes. One she didn't quite deserve.

Releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding she granted the priest a polite bow of her head before turning herself towards her betrothed, knowing that this would be the moment she dreaded the most. Even though she had known this man for a while now and explored the entirety of his body, her heart jumped at the touch of his hand folding around hers before she met his familiar, odd colored gaze. It was almost as if her eyes showed the longing for his words, to be told something that could ease the lingering guilt, but at his first sentence her heart sunk as she softly squeezed his hand in response, trying her best to neutralize her expression.

The words that followed, however, were kind of.. endearing almost. In their own, Ezekiel-esque way, making it easy for that feeling of disappointment to vanish as he continued. She didn't nod or respond in any way, just keeping her gaze fixed on his as she focused on his voice, his lips blurting out promises she'd never dared to imagine. It was clear that there wasn't any love involved. Not the type of love she'd read about in her silly little childhood books, at least. Yet she could appreciate the clear devotion to this arrangement, knowing he wouldn't simply blurt out words she would've wanted to hear. After all, their vows would remain between them, the High Priestess and their deities watching over them, even when absent from the sky.

For a brief moment the corners of her mouth curled into a smile, a subtle way to thank him for his words before it would be her turn to speak. She had repeated them in her mind over and over again, replacing and scratching each sentence over a dozen times perhaps. Her nights tossing and turning had been well spent, at least. And now it was time to voice them out loud, to seal the promise she had so desperately begged him for.

"Tonight, under Lythrana's reign, I'll promise you eternity. As the stars keep their watchful eye I'll choose to pledge my loyalty to the brightest and most distant one, though its burning light would be enough to blind me." Her stomach turned at those words, but something within her had refrained her from scratching that sentence alltogether. As if she could somehow trick herself into believing she hadn't lied to him about it. "You and I will traverse the waters of time, travel through both light and shadow as life's lessons will be bestowed upon us. Yet I will not stray from your side." She hadn't let go of his gaze yet, making sure to read every muscle on his face in hopes of being able to interpret but a fragment of his thoughts."I vow to fulfill my duties as your wife, to honor the gift of Laphiss as well as our kin. To match your strides wherever they may lead. To set aside conflict and refrain from swimming against the current, even when the waves will threaten to drown me." It was something she had to do, no matter how much she would be tempted to give into her need to go against his words, to voice her strong opinions even if it meant getting themselved tangled up within yet another arguent.

Without stumbling over her words, she managed to make it to the end, wrapping up her empty promises with the words which perhaps held the most truth of them all. "We are not competitors, for I've come to realize my place is beside you." With those words her tensed muscles relaxed, even though the guilt lingered. It had been done. She had spoken her pretty words aloud and wrapped him up in this web of lies, all while his words had seemed so genuine. Yet she would try to stay true to her promises, as it was the least she could offer him.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:59 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm what you want, not what you need Image
I'm what you want, not what you need Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The words he spoke, maybe weren't spoken from the heart, but at least of the honesty that his mind could muster. He had never lied to her. He would choose not to say certain things to her, but every word he had spoken to her had been true. So he would not promise childish love, lies of a happy ever after. Because he could taste what lingered on the horizon for them: never a simple agreement, driving each other into madness, the taste of salt and rust on their lips. It wouldn't be easy. They were forced together, and while some nights it was great, the bad nights still outweighed them. He wasn't looking forward to the coming night, spending it celebrating something he didn't believe in. Break bread and drink to something so fabricated. While he would love to think that everything would change once they'd wrapped around in some cold embrace, he feared that it would be just that. Just skins touching, not minds.

And yet they hold each other's gazes like if they would avert them, the world would stop spinning. It was like he wasn't afraid anymore, that anywhere else than this bubble that they'd created would be scarier still. And while he spoke, he feared what she might think of his words. Would she curse him once again, for ill fitted words or stroking against the grain of tradition? Or might she be touched by them? Maybe it was selfish to even consider that possibility. Especially for him, which mind and thought he protected do diligently, caged away from her behind lock and key, only for her to occasionally glance upon through barred windows. And yet he might even unconsciously wanted to hand her the keys, for her to pry him open, because he couldn't to it himself. But even that key, she would have to wriggle out of clenched fingers.

Ezekiel's eyes windened slightly at her soft smile. It wasn't much, but it resembled an understanding between them. That she understood his position, as much as he understood hers. That they could not change between night and day with just a few weightless promises and a ring. But he meant what he said. As duty commanded, he would give what he could to her. If only it would be a raised sword and bared teeth. It was the only way he knew how. So he smiled back, if only it was in relief. He wasn't scared of her words that would come, as he knew they would be truths as well. It was the only promise they still clutched at, to stop pretending. At least with each other. It was the fragile trust he unknowingly clung himself to.

Chaska's words were much more poetic than his. It was clear that she was much more well-read than he was. She talked to gracefully about the stars, leaving out the moon as not even a crescent smiled down at them tonight. She made grand promises: eternity. His expression turned more grave, as his eyebrows furrowed slightly. And as she continued every well-chosen word, he felt heavy and light in his stomach at the same time. The word "wife" still sounded otherworldly to him, but he would be no stranger to it after a few moments. As he would be her husband. They would be forced into adulthood soon enough, as she promised to endure it by his side, no matter how tough it would become. He squeezed her hand with an upturned corner of his mouth as she spoke about not swimming against the current. As if they wouldn't fight again, but maybe at least he could be with her up that stream she talked about. Or maybe he just didn't understand her metaphors. Or maybe after all, she put up a show for a priestess.

The last words held more weight than what had come before. No competitors, but a place beside him. His eyes widened at the sound of that. Did she truly realize? What kind of amends did she make with herself? Or with him, without him knowing? Had she given up fighting against the grain, or did she truly wanted to stand with him? In a way they were still children, not knowing what this meant, which responsibilities they had promised to each other. And yet, as one hand untangled from hers and trailed up to her neck, placing it just above the pearl necklace that started all of this. ‘‘As equals,’’ he whispered gently. The whole idea of this woman belonging to him was uncomfortable at the very start for him. And they'd spend to much time exposing themselves to each other in ungodly ways anyways.

And before the priestess could even call out her proper blessings, he pressed his lips against hers. It felt much more natural than it should be at a night like this. But things were not happening like they should be anyways. There was no moon, no giddy smiles or good nerves. The air was heavy, they just hadn't decided yet if it was filled with dread or glee. That that storm would blow over, or that thunder would erupt in a matter of time. But he kissed her anyways, getting reacquainted with the taste. And for just a long second, he let himself slip into it.
Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:53 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
I'm what you want, not what you need 7mKmf4U5_o
I'm what you want, not what you need 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
For the longest time she had studied those words, wasting ink on sentences only to scrap them once again. Her vows needed to be honest, though not blunt. Especially after the wild ride bridging their meeting and wedding day. She had wanted to make sure to capture some of the feelings still so unfamiliar to her, all while promising him eternity while she knew she'd trap him in a web of lies instead. It was almost as if that realization hadn't dawned upon her until her quill eternalized those lies on paper.

She had never been the type to overthink her words, being able to express herself thoroughly ever since she was a little girl and expanding her vocabulary by reading book after book, absorbing their contents like a rag of cloth against a wet floor. Yet a feeling of anxiety surged through her body as she looked him in the eye, voicing her words as she tried to read his mind through his expressions. She almost flinched at the soft squeeze of his hand, though quickly reassured by the tiny smile he gave her, giving her the final ounce of motivation to finish her words clearly and without stumbling over them as she had so deeply feared.

As soon as the words were out it felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Withn a brief moment the ceremony would be over, leaving them as the married couple she had so desperately wanted them to become, even when it had been for the wrong reasons. Reciprocating that tiny smile he gave her, she was surprised to find his hand moving towards the back of her neck as that familiar, fluttery feeling in her heart returned. Especially paires with the words that followed, flushing her cheeks as she refrained herself from pulling him in closer, wondering if he truly meant those words. "If that's what you wish," she replied, mostly meant as an answer to please the Priestess, though the tone of voice would betray her relief and appreciation for his words. The mystery this man held couldn't cease to intrigue her. One moment he'd unleash his anger upon his cousin, leaving him bloodied and broken, all while despising tradition and duty, even considering her his equal.

Perhaps he was able to read her mind, or maybe he was simply too stupid to realize the presense of the Priestess beside them. Either way he was quick to find her lips, leaving her both surprised and relieved by the familiar taste of him. For once she didn't care about the consequences, refusing to break the kiss as she rested her hands against his chest, feeling the build up of nerves and anxiety vanish with each passing second. Maybe it lasted just a few seconds too long to be considered appropriate in this situation, but she wouldn't pay the thought much attention. As of now, she would considered his wife anyways. A title which she'd carry with her for the rest of her life.

She couldn't hold back a smile from lacing her lips as she pulled back, though her expression was quick to turn smug, refraining from teasing him about not being able to hold back even on the altar. Those kind of words would be best kept between the four walls of his chambers, however. Their chambers. The sound of it had yet to grow as familiar as his touch.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:17 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm what you want, not what you need Image
I'm what you want, not what you need Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel was glad that at least this part of their lives - the start of it, maybe - was in private. Nobody would be able to reciprocate these words. He had no idea what the priestess would tell, but the words that were spoken were only for each other. Even if he could probably never perfectly recite what Chaska had spoken to him, as it was more of a poem than a promise. Perhaps the two of them could coexist, as he might ask her in the future to explain it to him, word for word. But he had gotten the gist of it, she promised to be dutiful by his side, as a companion, rather than a competitor. Had it been like that all this time? Fighting over who was right, who would come out on top. Maybe she had already won, getting what she wanted, making him vow these things, realizing he didn't lie a word. Whatever spell she'd cast over him, making him soft and compliant.

But it didn't seem the end of the world anymore. He could imagine it, some life, side by side, as she so prettily had described. Through seas and currents, whatever that meant. It painted a picture he hadn't expected of her. They hadn't spoken much what would happen after this, she only voiced time and time again that she wanted this. A temple, a vow, a kiss. And as he grazed her soft skin once more, tenderly as he leaned in for that kiss, it wasn't half as bad what would happen after. They could live alongside each other, or spent separate lives, continuing this dance of push and pull. Whatever it was, at this moment, it wasn't that scary anymore. He looked at her as he told her he wanted to be equals, and she produced some political correct words. A sharp exhaled exited his nose, amused by the lack of fire in front of an official. ‘‘I do,’’ he whispered, not bothered by prying eyes for a change. Before the kiss lingered for a while to long, probably obviously not their first. But probably the first for them to not be followed by some wandering hands.

As they pulled back to each other, he quickly pursed his lips together to not look to pleased. He didn't want the pleased look in the eyes of their family members when they thought they might have been responsible for a decent match. He raised his eyebrows when she looked a bit to smug for his liking. He wanted nothing more to tease her back, but as he heard a small cough next to him and he looked back at the priestess, he realized his mistake. The rings presented to him, his hart sunk a bit. Well, if it hadn't been obvious before, it was obvious now, that the innocence was long gone.

The silver haired sorcerer tried to play it cool as his hand went back to her hands, looking at her delicate fingers in his rather small hands, if only to keep his own from fidgeting. This felt the worst, the weirdest part of it all. Chaska had been walking with his pearls around her neck for weeks now, and as he disliked that symbol of engagement, sometimes he had looked down at those pearl to earth himself back to the ground. But now he would have one of his own, a simple piece of metal to tell the world that he was a married man now. That he belonged to someone, if it was of his own choosing or not. A token of love, some would call it. Not for them. He had no idea what it meant yet, apart from binding them together. And as he slowly picked up the delicate ring for Chaska, silver and with shimmering lapis lazuli adorning it, he hesitated, if only a moment, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with the weight of duty.

‘‘I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage.’’ He gently put it around her finger, then quickly closing his hand around hers, to hide the gem from his eyes as he looked back up to her. He stole a quick glance from the priestess, as if it was expected of him to say more. ‘‘And as a symbol of all we have promised an all we shall share.’’ He nodded quickly and kept his gaze on her now. He didn't know why the nerves suddenly had returned with a vigor. Why this felt the most real of all, having something tangible of their promises.
Mon Jun 19, 2023 7:36 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
I'm what you want, not what you need 7mKmf4U5_o
I'm what you want, not what you need 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Perhaps it had been obvious, the passion behind their kiss betraying the things they had shared way before it was considered appropriate. Maybe it had just been another subconscious rebellion against the ideals of their faith, but if she had to be honest, the thought hadn't crossed her mind as she simply settled for the familiar feeling of his lips against hers, the only gesture making sense on this grand, confusing day of theirs.

His words sounded so genuine, even when his face lacked a smile like hers the moment they broke the kiss. She couldn't help but to wonder what was going on in that mysterious little mind of his. If he truly spoke from the heart, or simply chose the words which would please the High Priestess. Much time to think about it wasn't granted to her, though, as the woman beside them was quick to remind them of what needed to be done. Right, the ceremony wasn't over yet. If anything, the most significant moment had yet to come. The moment where, finally, she was able to give him something to show the world he belonged to someone, rather than her being the only one flaunting such trinket around her neck.

Taking another deep breath, the sorceress averted her gaze from the ring's presented back to him, a feeling similiar to when she had to speak her vows resurfacing. She couldn't tell why, however. The ceremony was almost over, all they had to do was seal their spoken promises with a trinket of silver metal. She had been wearing the pearls around her neck for quite some time, so a ring wouldn't make quite the difference, would it? Still her heart skipped a beat as he spoke once more, sliding the ring across her finger and closing his hand around it before she could even take in the sight of the beautiful gemstome adorning it. Again she granted him a faint smile, though his words were less personal now. There was nothing left to say, anyway. They'd voiced their promises for one another aloud, now all they had to do was seal them with a simple, final promise and rings of silver.

The sorceress untangled her hand from his, carefully taking the ring in between her slender fingers as it rested at the tip of his, reciting the words in her heads before gently sliding it across, feeling as if she was finally able to claim him the same way as he'd done when clasping those pearls around her neck. It was a mixed feeling, however. While the arrangement felt more equal as of now, it was quite unnerving knowing how she'd eventually ruin his life with this simple gesture, setting them up for failure before their marriage even began. "I, too, shall give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage," she repeated, though they sounded a little more hesitant than her vows had been. "Sealing my vows with a tangible reminder and promising to keep my word to you." Her gaze fell back upon the silver trinket, perfectly forged to be worn by him and him alone, before averting back to his odd colored gaze. It had been done. Between now and a brief moment they'd set foot out of this place, leaving and facing their family as husband and wife.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:57 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
I'm what you want, not what you need Image
I'm what you want, not what you need Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
It were these final moments before having to face the crowd of people that was waiting past the exit of the temple, that he wanted to be dragged out as long as possible, and be over as quickly as possible at the same time. He still didn't feel ready to enter this new chapter in his live. Suddenly there would be always somebody by his side, whom he should take care of, protect and keep in his mind at all times. Although he would be lying if she hadn't already invaded his mind. But an easy lie to tell to himself.

So when the next trinket that bound her to him was now part of her, he almost felt guilty in a way. He shouldn't be, because he gave her what she wanted. Even now, standing with her hand in his, he didn't know why. Why she wasn't eager at the start, but always this kind of optimistic about it all, and after a while almost desperate. He had wiped her teary eyes while she asked why not marry her. And now he was met with a soft smile, where he felt the tension in his jaw rise.

He looked down at their hands once more as she didn't hesitate to slide a ring over his finger. And as she repeated the words necessary, he wanted nothing more than clasp his hand together, feel the silver with his other hand, but he refrained himself from doing so. He just looked at their hands for a while, matching silver on their fingers, glimmering with blue. That was it then, as she again promised her place by his side, just making clear what this tiny trinket meant. One he should not remove, but keep on him at all times. He looked back up at her, giving her a tiny nod as his gaze softened slightly, brushing his thumb across the back of her hand. Did he feel different? Honestly, he did. He had expected to have a burden lifted, but suddenly he felt it heavier than ever, as he finally let his fingers flex and feel the silver burn in his skin.

Ezekiel wanted to do what he was best in: run away. But for this ceremony to be finally over, for everybody to witness, was that damned shell. He didn't know what he would prefer, something bad? It would be easy that their marriage was doomed from the start, nobody would bat an eye at the mistakes that they would inevitably make. And they sullied their marriage anyways. But somehow a good sound was even more nerve-wrecking. Because than they had to live up to this expectation that everything would be brilliant anyways. That they would be brilliant. He turned to the priestess, clutching Chaska's hand tight as the conch shell he had collected from the beach was presented. He hadn't looked into it much that day, when he was still angry with her. It was completely ordinary, pearly white with some peach-colored markings. He had picked it up, weighed it in his hand and took it home, not even taking an effort to look for something else. But now he started to second-guess himself as the priestess raised the shell to her lips. He tightened his grip on Chaska's hand and closed his eyes as he felt his stomach turn. And then from the deafening silence, a perfectly clear sound filled the temple.
Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:54 pm
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