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Xaila Royal Family
Takoda Daetrys
Takoda Daetrys
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Character sheet
Age: 35 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Noble - Armorer

If I could not open my mouth, then would you talk for me
Takoda was a man of his word. He promised Nymeria to put the children to bed so he took the nine and five year olds in his arms. They were protesting, kicking their little legs to get out of their fathers grip. "Oh no no no young lady!", he sputtered when Astrelia escaped. She was fast as lightning, running away from him, back to the sitting room. So Takoda sighed deeply and put Nasim on his shoulders, running after her. When he chased her away from her grandmother, he mouthed 'sorry' and quickly took off again, trying to grab her little arms. She was giggling so hard, she started to run slower. And finally after a long 30 minute-ish chase, he finally could grab the laughing child. Oh she was so stubborn, just like her mother.

It took another 30 minutes at least to read their story and stop them from talking. Exhausted he came back to the sitting room. Radhja had disappeared and Takoda slumped onto the sofa. Damn those kids would get the life out of his body one day!

• Nymeria
Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:09 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Xaila
Nymeria Daetrys
Nymeria Daetrys
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Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Crown princess
It is my own, and i will keep owning it

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Her hand rested upon the warmly coloured wall of the entrance to the sitting room. A familiar space the princess held close to heart, for not only did her kids grow up within it, it was also the communal space where she and her sisters had spent lots of their earlier days. It's location in the centre of the palace made it safe for the young royals to entertain themselves freely, the closeness made for a cosy spot fit for a tight-knit family such as themselves. And the crown princess smiled at it's doorstep, listening in on her husband and kids- his struggle to get him into bed. She had asked him to take his shift in parenting for the evening- her business had been a rouse, however- a gorgeous smart little lie. As in all seriousness- she loved to hear him be a great father to her little monsters. She adored hearing him joke around and couldn't get enough of the laughs they shared despite the kids struggling to stay up much longer than they should. And gods- what a great father she had found in Takoda-

Once the sound of fighting lowered she made her way into the living space of their little family and was finally greeted by it's beautifully decorated furniture and it's well-balanced cosy vibe. The elf smiled softly as she brushed her hand over the sofa's back, listened to the faint sounds of her little ones being read to out of one of there many mythical epics. Stories Xalian elders had been telling the younger generations for ages. Astrelia especially loved them- dragons weren't dangerous or scary to her at all, Nymeria feared they never would be. Her mother's and grandmother's stubbornness ran thick within her veins, she'd be a warrior queen just as those before her. Nasim on the other hand, he seemed to take more after his beloved father--Artistic and gentle, with a habit of taking in strays from the streets. They'd make a good pair later on, Nymeria was sure of it, after all- a queen's strength lay not only within herself, but also greatly depended on the family around her.

When her husband returned from his evening battles, his wife watched him fall onto the sofa as she approached him softly. Laying her hand upon his shoulder gently, a warm smile colouring her calm face in a loving manner. "Well fought" she mused softly, lowering her hand towards the top of his upper legs "No beast in the desert can compare to there will power, is there not?" the princess joked, a chuckle rounding of her words before she moved her eyes onto his.

Much thank Nien x
Fri Jun 09, 2023 2:17 pm
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