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Crown Princess of Xaila
Nymeria Daetrys
Nymeria Daetrys
Ambiance F10
Ambiance 3f082b7bfed34d0b4509368c3fda9e97

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Crown princess
It is my own, and i will keep owning it

Surrounded by her most trusted guards, the crown princess of Xaila made her way over the busy marketplace at the centre point of their beloved home. It was a central hub of many cultures, many people, and to her a most valued excursion every week for not only did she like the taste of exotic goods, she also loved to walk among her people. Get a glance at the state of the land her family ruled. She disliked the thought of living behind strong and high walls as much as most of Xailas royalty seemed to.  After all, Xaila was only as strong as the loyalty they shared for each other. Everyone born under their cultural influence should be viewed as kin. And thus smiled brightly whilst walking among them, the shining jewels on her hips, neck and arms clinking as she moved along gracefully. Her hands floating over the goods she was inspecting.

Beautiful silks made of the webs Lumurian caterpillars left behind were nicely laid down upon wooden tables. She smiled approvingly once she found a golden one among them, and laid there as though the vendors had known she would walk past. "I'd like these" she said as her eyes met one of the guards whose hands shot towards the fabrics as she paid for them fairly with a bonus. "They would make a fine skirt won't they Riju?" she asked her with a warm chuckle. "Thank you, kind sir" she nodded at the shopkeeper before continuing her walk.

As she walked, her eyes surveyed her surroundings more, crossing the many different people that filled the courtyard. Kids playing in one of the many water fountains around. Artists showing off their new songs and merchants trying to sell their goods. Among them however, was a man that caught her attention specifically. Yes- not long ago she had attended his wedding, With a bit more of a stern expression she made her way towards where he was standing, undoubtedly looking at ingredients to add to his kitchen. She tilted her head a little as she placed her hand on her mostly bare hip. "Rizal" she greeted the newcomer in their midst. All the way from the north he had come, and with his last name, it hadn't been a  move unseen by the royal family. She stepped beside him, looking at the goods he was studying "Entertain me, what do you think of these goods" she asked of him, she'd always been interested in ones thoughts- and unbeknown to him, she actually had an interest in the topic aswell.

Much thank Nien x
Fri May 26, 2023 3:08 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
Ambiance J2Hi32L
Ambiance Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
He had promised the staff that he would prepare the meal for today, at least for the family. He knew how much Naheara loved his cooking and he still had to prefect his pallet around the taste of Xaila. That's why he had read some books, wondered around the market for days and tried different things whenever possible. That brings us to today, where he had yet another recipe in his head that he wanted to try. He was used to making thick and warming dinners, things you needed in the frigid cold. But here in Xaila was a constant warmth, that stuck to your body and made you feel clammy. So he had to make something that could refresh, cool down. His trained eye went over the different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Deep in thought, he was trying to connect the dots, the flavours. He hadn't even noticed that someone stood besides him, until his name was called out. He wasn't the only Rizal here in Xaila, but he knew that his kin, Zuhayr went to Lumeria some time ago. Before that, he had travelled to Raveryn. Mortem wondered if he was the only Rizal here at the moment. "Yes?" He hummed softly, his eyes still on the ingredients in front of him. "They would make a wonderful meal." He focused his attention on the woman standing next to him. He recognized her as one of the crown princesses of Xaila. He bowed slowly, as was custom for someone of her standard. "But if you would please, can you tell me the difference in flavour between those two. I haven't had the chance yet to prepare them in a meal." He pointed at two almost identical looking fruits, the only thing different were the small spots on the outside.

Fri May 26, 2023 4:15 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Xaila
Nymeria Daetrys
Nymeria Daetrys
Ambiance F10
Ambiance 3f082b7bfed34d0b4509368c3fda9e97

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Crown princess
It is my own, and i will keep owning it

Entertained she was somewhat. His witty remark hadn't struck her as disappointing at least-  an approving smile adorned her lips which remained on there as she nodded her head at his courtesy. In her youth, it had been somewhat of a gesture she had frowned upon, if she did not think it humorous that was. And even now, she rather had someone nod their head, luckily she was not one to nitpick however. Any form of respect she'd take, after all, it wasn't pride she received from it. It was a token of trust her people bestowed on her, a way for them to show her they'd listen to her word, it was an honour.

She grinned slightly at the man's next words, as he forced her attention upon two fruits- native to her homeland and clearly unknown to him. After which she moved her gaze towards the vendor whilst shifting her weight upon her other hip, leaning on it with one of her jewelled hands. "Hm I could" she thought out loud, despite already having thought out her words. "But I think you would learn much more from experience" she smiled as her thoughtful gaze went back onto the figure next to her. "Why don't you try them, my treat? I am sure neither will disappoint you" She chuckled "They are grown locally, a popular fruit among my people, see it as a late welcome present from my culture" the crown princess humored as though he hadn't received one yet from simply being in their beautiful country.

Her look went back to the fruits as she picked two from the left one, one for herself, one for the company. "This kind of fig is particularly sweet, and goes great as a desert" She smiled " I used to steal them from the kitchen all the time, my sisters would get annoying sugar rushes out of them" the princess continued to explain with a chuckle hiding behind every word she spoke.

Much thank Nien x
Sat May 27, 2023 12:14 am
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