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They can't tell us who to be 'Cause we're not what they see
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
They can't tell us who to be 'Cause we're not what they see XwC2DZk
They can't tell us who to be 'Cause we're not what they see EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
I want a moment to be real
Wanna touch things I don't feel
Wanna hold on and feel I belong
Both her brother and sister clearly started their own lives here in Lythrania. Just because she was here now too, didn't mean they would spend every minute with her, while she visited. She didn't blame them, of course; that was just the life of a Vylasar. Once they had you hooked on the marriage game... well, let's just say Aniu was happy to still swim around as a free fish. She wasn't ready to worry about what was truly going on in her heart. Which was kind of ironic, since it was this place where her heart strings were first plucked. Oh, young love. How it could blossom in a castle like this. She had spent many days and nights here as a child, growing up. With and without family. Now she was here again, after years away. It felt like a lifetime ago. The sorceress wandered through the castle alone that afternoon. Reminiscing all by herself about her youth. Well, not entirely by herself. She roamed the empty halls with her familiar by her side. The large wolf creature calmly walked beside her. Now she barely fits through some of the doors. But once she playfully chased Aniu as a pup, passing the paintings on the walls. The same paintings that Aniu walked by now.  

The young woman had a content but soft smile, lighting up her face. She still knew her way around, and it wasn't a big surprise when she ended up at one of the dance halls. Though this one was a little different from the rest, it was naturally her favorite. This one had open arches along the sides, leading to the gardens. It was empty, of course. They only used it for special events. But it looked lovely, as the afternoon sun shone through the waves all the way down to the castle flooring, leaving a playful wavey pattern on it. Aniu remembered the many dances she had on this floor. She only had to close her eyes, and it was as if she could hear the music again. She started softly singing, echoing off the high ceiling. She twirled around a couple of times, crossing the dance floor. Her flowing dress trailing behind her. A playful giggle rolled off her lips, but it soon got caught off guard by a low growl. She looked at her familiar, staring at something through one of the arches into the garden.

Curious to see what it was looking at, Aniu walked through the arches into the garden, before calling back her familiar with her wand. If people were around, she couldn't be out anymore. And it wasn't hard to spot the thing her familiar had seen. A group of guards, clearly guarding... something. She couldn't see what it was at first since it was just behind one of Lythrania's dark, blue rose bushes. A slight frown appeared on her face. This was something new? With her hands resting behind her back, she calmly walked up to the group.


Tue May 23, 2023 12:46 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
They can't tell us who to be 'Cause we're not what they see RbKYMU2
They can't tell us who to be 'Cause we're not what they see 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ Maybe I wasn't made for this world ❞
Even if it was for his own good and also something he had requested, it didn't feel like it. It felt as if he was being trapped once more. As if they were mocking him. Again. And it saddened him. Yet, he couldn't do much about it. he should be angry, as he had been before. But he was at his end when it came to anger. He was feeling drained, tired, defeated. As if everything he did, didn't even matter. His cries for help, his pushes to get people away from him, his screams to leave him alone. And if he could think rationally, he knew that they couldn't understand what he really wanted. Because they were too stubborn to read his requests. And he was born broken, not being able to say what he wanted, what he so desired. He was as a child, not able to walk or speak. And the more he said in solitude, all alone with his thoughts as his desires were being denied, it felt as if he had been locked up in his own body. And he couldn't call out for help, nor could he run for it. He was stuck in one place and no-one would come and safe him. Because in everyone's eyes, he was fine. Look, he was healing. He was getting better! Right? No. He could feel his sanity fall apart. Each and every day worst than the last. He was falling apart and every attempt to keep himself together was met with laughter or childish counters. There was no winning when it came to the heir of Lythrania. He had been cursed with such a blessing that would haunt him till his final days. Oh, how he wished he could just do as he wished. That would be his only remedy.

And as he stared out of the window of his room, he could feel his body get tired once more. He had grown unresponsive to people coming in the room. Keeping his focus on the view outside as he had neatly placed his hands over one another. They had taken away his crutches, as he had run away a day or two ago to seek out Shyam. And he had been so happy knowing the man was alive. But he had also been angry, saddened and by the gods he had been so scared to see him like that too. The image of how the other was doing was burned in his mind. And just like a burn wound, he felt it flicker up every now and then. Seeing it right there, as if he had never been ripped away from those prison bars. His beloved... He didn't deserve this. Neither of them did. It was getting to a point where it was just... Enough. They've had enough. They needed rest, they needed peace. They needed each other. He wanted to close his dearest in his arms, press kisses against the back of his neck as he would gently let his fingers trace along his cheekbone. Cradle him as if he was the most precious thing he had ever dared to embrace. And he would draw little images on his skin, tell stories with each movement. Tales that his vocal cords couldn't tell him, but his hands could. And he would love him each and every day, as if it was their last. Because after what had happened to them... It felt as if every new dawn could be just that. Their last. They were both such broken souls, such... bruised up people. And they needed to heal. He needed to heal. His dearest, beloved Shy.

He was zoned out staring out of the window when he heard some men come in. People always came and went in his room. And they always addressed him, spoke to him. And where Myr was a man of manners, would respond with politeness and acknowledge them, he didn't this time. He hadn't in a few days now. He barely ate anymore, nor did he ask for things to do. He was defeated and he was tired. He didn't want to push on anymore, because it felt as if he was just fighting an uphill battle... And even though he had been pressing himself up against that boulder, it had just been getting heavier. By the gods, he could swear he was getting worse by the day. The load was getting more and more... And he wasn't even back at the start... he was far behind that. One step forward, three giant leaps back. It was just what his life had been for the past couple of weeks. At this point, wouldn't it be better to leave the task behind and give in. Let that boulder go... He was never going to win anyway. Alone, with no-one by his side... A broken boy like him couldn't even dream about it. For his sanity, for his own well being. he had to let go... Let go.

Hands were laid on him and for the first time in days he looked at the person who lifted him from his bed. A guard, who had done this kind of thing a lot by now. Myrddin would have thrown a fit if the man would have done this just a week ago. He would have bitten him, just like he had done to the other. But he just... Didn't have the energy anymore. And he just let it happen. The sensation that pulled through his leg made him flinch, however, and he had to bite his tongue as to not let out a whimper of the pain that was clearly there. It didn't last long, however, as he was placed down in a chair. He blinked slowly, looking downwards to the thing, before sighing softly and letting his gaze focus on something in front of him. One of the guards started speaking, but once again, Myrddin wasn't responsive. He just avoided the others gaze as he looked at the ground, slowly leaning to one side as he used his arm for support. He already wanted to go back to bed. Sulk over everything that had gone wrong in his life. Daydream about what he had seen in that tower. Just think about... Him. It was all his mind was focused on, that much was for sure. And yet, he didn't really do anything as they pushed the wheelchair out of his room. Not even asking him what he would have liked. he was used to it by now.

They took turns and twist in the corridors of the castle, even descending stairs as one lifted him and another lifted the chair... Until, eventually, they were in the gardens. He was placed among some of the blooming rose bushes. And his grey eyes had focussed on one of the buds that had opened up just now. And where he would have found it stunning on any other day... He simply couldn't see the beauty in it. He sighed, averting his eyes as he pulled up his shoulders, not even looking at the canvas that was right in front of him. The blank thing was right there, next to a table that was within reach of him. It had his paints and his brushes, even his pencils to make a sketch first. And where the old him would have loved this, he simply looked at them for a moment, before pulling his good leg in and wrapping his arms around it, closing his eyes as he leaned to one side. He was tired, he wanted to sleep. His mind was drained... Drained from everything. he wouldn't get any creativity now, nor would he be able to create anything. It felt wrong to do anything like that anyway while... He sighed once more, blinking slowly as to push away the tears. His behaviour, however, seemed to annoy the guards around him quite a lot. They had gone out of their way to make this for him, perhaps in a way to cheer him up or not have to bother with him for a bit. And all he did... Was sulk. Ruining everyone's mood in the process.
Sun May 28, 2023 11:12 am
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