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Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Heavensent XwC2DZk
Heavensent EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
The scariest part is letting go.
'Cause love is a ghost you can't control.
I promise you the truth can't hurt us now.
So let the words slip out of your mouth.
A sigh of relief left the sorceress lips when she finally set foot on the grounds of Lythrania's castle. A magnificent building of white and ivory, shining brightly in the sun's rays that managed to reach the city down below. Once belonging to the royal family, it was now the home of many of her relatives. Including her siblings, Deimos and Chaska. At least for the time being. Aniu had been the only one left in their childhood home, only for a little while, but still, it had confirmed how much she had missed them both after her years of travel. So much had changed in such a short time for her baby brother and sister, so when Aniu received Chaska's invitation to come to Lythrania, she didn't hesitate for one second. If they needed her in any way, she'd be there for them. It was the least she could do after what she had done...

Besides, she needed them too. By Lythrana, how she needed them too right now! It had been a tough and strange couple of days leading up to her journey to Lythrania. Thank the gods, she could leave that mess behind. If only for a short time. Being here again, even with all the memories clinging to this place, was truly a relief. And in a strange way, it did feel like coming home. A soft smile lit up her face as her eyes looked over the building and its beautiful details. It was like it hadn't changed at all. Her arrival was planned, of course. Her father and Aurelia surely had some correspondence about it. So when the coachman started unloading her luggage, a couple of servants appeared to bring it to her designated guest room. She meant to follow them, to settle down a bit after the journey. But that plan flew out the window the moment she saw them. Her face lit up even brighter as her heart filled up with a warmth that only her family could enkindle. Unable to keep her elation
under wraps, she let out an excited shriek when walking quickly turned into running. Wrapping her arms around her sister as soon as she was able, twirling her around. "Chaska!" She then turned to her brother with the same energy and squeezed him in her arms as tight as she could. "Baby D!" Aniu released him from the hug but kept her arm around his waist, moving to his side. "You have no idea how glad I am to be here! I have so much to tell! And I missed you both so much!" With her free hand, she cupped the side of her sister's face. "My gorgeous sister." She sighed with an almost sentimental smile. "I can't believe you're engaged! Both of you!" Her eyes widened in feigned shock, as if she actually couldn't believe it. Which wasn't entirely false. It was so strange to imagine her baby sister engaged or even married! Let alone her trouble making brother! It would mean the true end of an era for the three siblings. And Aniu wasn't sure if she was ready for that. But the expression was soon replaced with a loving smile. Noticing the pearl necklace around Chaska's neck, she finally let go of her brother to inspect the wedding jewelry up close. "It's beautiful, C." She expressed in awe, though her eyes moved upward, locking with those of her sister. Hoping she would be able to see Chaska's true feelings on the matter in her eyes.

+ Chaska & Deimos <3
Sun May 21, 2023 2:01 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Heavensent CypBckU
Heavensent ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

Why was it only now that Chaska told him that she had sent letter to their older sister? It infuriated him, as if he wasn't important anymore to her. It fuelled his annoyance even more, knowing who was her number one now. But still, this wasn't a moment for dark and destructive thoughts. Their sister was coming to the capital and he couldn't wait to see her again. Maybe, if Chaska wasn't going to steal her right away, they could even perform together again. Like the old days. He was happy to not be able to think about all the shit that went wrong in his life in the past few weeks that they had been here. For now at least, they would have fun, just the three of them. Like it was supposed to be.
A smile formed on his face when he saw Anui coming up towards them and as always, Chaska got the first hug, but it wasn't long before her arms wrapped around him. Anui would probably be the only one who could get away with calling him Baby D, and that was a good thing. He gave her a hug back, but there wasn't any time to speak. A waterfall of words came over them while Ani would just keep on speaking. So, he waited. And flinched a bit when his older sister spoke about both of them being engaged. What had Chaska told her? Al the shit that was going on surrounding him and Fauna, it was all so bad when you looked at Chaska and Ezekiel. "I've missed you too, Ani." He said with a smile on his face. "How was the trip? I hope nobody bothered you on your way here?" He asked afterwards, genuinly worried about his sister. True, she was older than the twins, but he was always the overprotective brother. It was something he couldn't just turn off or something.

+ tag Anui & Chaska Vylasar
+ notes Sibs, sibs, sibs~
Sun May 28, 2023 2:56 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Heavensent 7mKmf4U5_o
Heavensent 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
It had been a shot in the dark, sending their eldest sibling a letter. Unlike them, Aniu had grasped the opportunity to chase her dreams before being chained down by the weight of martial duties. But with her own marriage creeping ever closer, she figured it would be time to update her sister on all that had happened. Well, not all of it. The formal aspect of the situation, at least, in hopes that her dear sister could find a way to visit before the big day would arrive. She could use her comfort, after all.

To her surprise, that arrival came sooner than expected. As she and her brother awaited their elder sister in the courtyard, they were soon met with her enthusiastic appearance. Before she had taken in the sight of her sister, she was flung into the air and twirled around in a long awaited embrace. A smile appeared on her face when her feet met the ground again, seeing how her brother would be the one getting squished next. "It's good to see you, Ani," she answered with a smile, nodding in agreement at her brother's words. She, too, had missed her immensely.  After all, they had been inseparable until fate eventually ripped them apart. Her smile grew wider with her endearing words, their gazes meeting as she gently cupped her face.

Though, her words forced the sorceres to hold that smile, even when her stomach turned. It was quite the milestone worth celebratng, both of the twins getting engaged at the same time. If only it hadn't caused all of these conflicting feelings, forcing her into a complicated situation with the man she'd soon call hers. She wouldn't bore her sister with all of that, though. Now that the three of them were finally reuinited, it was time to cherish those moments before she and her brother would be caught up in.. other matters, leaving them too busy to even spend time with one another. "I guess we had to grow up eventually," she joked, her words paired with a faint chuckle as she shot her brother a quick glance, hoping he'd play along.

Their sisters attention had soon been directed towards the pearls around her neck. It was the only thing people seemed to notice ever since she worn them. Perhaps because that was all that she was now, all that she would be; Someone's wife. Ezekiel's wife. "Thank you," she simply stated, fidgeting the pearls in between her fingers for a brief moment before being caught off guard by the sudden gaze of her sister. "Why don't we all head inside? I can't wait to hear about your adventures back home." Perhaps the offer came a little too hasty, but the last thing she needed was for her sister to worry about her immediately upon arrival. Same went for Deimos, she supposed. If they'd be able to circle back the conversation to their sister's life back home each time she'd mention either one of their betrothed's, everything would be fine. 
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:31 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Heavensent XwC2DZk
Heavensent EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
The scariest part is letting go.
'Cause love is a ghost you can't control.
I promise you the truth can't hurt us now.
So let the words slip out of your mouth.
It was as if she had thrown a firecracker at them. Deimos flinched, quickly changing the subject, and Chaska kept her smile, but Aniu knew her better than that. Typical flight and freeze responses. All because she dropped the E-word. The tension was instantly palpable, making her questioning gaze move from her sister to her brother and back. It seemed her sister had left some details out of her letter this time, and she couldn't help but wonder why. Aniu was so happy and relieved to see the twins again that she completely misread the room.. I mean, courtyard.. but not anymore. There were tensions and emotions brewing in both Chaska and Deimos, and something even seemed to brew between them, which worried her. She felt the urge to interrogate them right on the spot, figure it out, and nip it in the butt before it would actually become something. She probably would've done that when they were younger, but Chaska was right. They're all grown up now. If they really wanted to share their true feelings, vent about their lives, or ask her help in any way, she had to trust that they would do that on their own accord. It didn't change the fact that the sorceress was awfully curious about what exactly prompted these responses, though, which was clearly noticeable by the puzzling glances she threw their way. She expected some answers at some point at least.

It wasn't as if these arrangements came as a surprise to the Vylasar children. Just because she had managed to evade the same faith didn't mean it wasn't in the stars for the eldest of the three. If it was up to her, none of them would've gotten an arrangement marriage. Which, sadly, it very much wasn't. It wouldn't surprise Aniu if her parents had already started to make plans behind her back. Especially now that she has taken a break for the weddings. She was willing to perform her duties as their parents eldest daughter at those weddings, but she truly feared it would be seen as a sign that she was ready to fulfill other duties now as well. Ugh, it didn't matter. Those weddings weren't her true reasons for coming to the former capital. Her dear brother and sister were where her main priorities lay. She couldn't help but feel that this was where she was meant to be right now. Like some strange force pulling her down to the ocean city. All she could hope for was that her gut was right about that feeling and that she was able to help out her siblings.

Deciding not to mention the engagements for now, she smiled in agreement with Chaska's proposal. "Yes, let's do that. I'd love to see how things have changed here." She looked up at the castle for a moment before taking the lead and walking into the new home of her siblings. Which felt incredibly strange, remembering her childhood with the former prince here. "Oh, uhm... Ezriel wishes you both congratulations on... well, you know." She faced away again in the hopes they wouldn't see her blush, stepping up a few stairs that led to a great hall. Their footsteps, soon followed by Aniu's voice, echoed up to the high ceiling of the immaculate white walls. "Oh, and my trip down here went swell." she smiled at Deimos, remembering his worried question from before. She slowed down a bit, grabbing his arm, to walk beside him. "You don't have to worry about me, D. I know my way around traveling." Her words were paired with a soft squeeze on his arm, deeply appreciating his concern nonetheless. "It felt a lot shorter than I remember, to be honest." she mused softly as they walked on. Her attention was soon directed back to her sister, since it was Chaska's idea to head inside. It had been more of a reflex that Aniu took the lead with the twins, just like she always did as a child in their little pack. Since she was familiar with the castle, it only felt natural, but now she felt a little stupid. "I'm being an awful guest, aren't I? I'm sorry, old habits I guess..." An awkward chuckle rolled off her tongue as she glanced over at her sister with an apologetic smile. "Lead the way sis." Wisely deciding not to add the 'this is your home now,' comment.  

+ Chaska & Deimos <3
Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:57 pm
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