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Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

Nothing had changed, nothing at all. Although he was doing things trying to get everything from his mind, it never really seemed to work. He had a letter crumbled up in his hands, pacing along the sides of his room. The urge to throw it in the fire was ever present, but he wasn't allowed to. His father wrote him a letter, explaining that soon after the wedding of his sister, it would be his turn and that he had to make haste to get on the good side of lady Rizal. And this, this gave him the most panic he had felt in years. This man had no clue what he had to do, what he was doing nor what had to be done. He had ignored every lesson on this matter, thinking it would be never for his situation. And now, he was thrown in a viper's pit. Deimos punched the wall in front of him, which made the ears of Häti go into the wolfs neck. The summon would normally react to his emotions, but this was something even he could not comprehend. The summoner looked at the small hole that had appeared after the punch and he cursed under his breath. There was something that he could do, but it was something that he really only wanted to do when it was his last resort. Taking advice from someone wasn't his strong suit, even if it was his twin sister. He wanted to fix things on his own, but also had to admit that this was out of his league. "Fuck." He looked out the window, actually seeing the fucker that he was looking for. He would not step outside, he would not talk to him. But he had to get Ezekiels attention somehow. Fuck.

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
+ notes eh.. idk what happened with this post
Wed May 10, 2023 8:11 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Days were passing and Ezekiel slowly came back in a certain rhythm. He spend most his time getting back to his job, staying on the streets of the city, looking regal back in uniform and his sword at his hip. He didn't miss the feeling of the sorcerer staff strapped to him. He had rarely taken the thing with him anyway. Only when duty commanded. And it rarely did these days, his aunt made sure of that. So when his shift of the day had stopped, or rather, he found that he had worked enough for today, he had reported back to his squad and eaten with them. It was just simple rations, but they had been willing to share. His family could miss him for one evening, he would just tell them he had been working if their would be questions.

When he walked back to the castle, the sun was already setting. He made his way back over the grass, taking a shortcut he would usually not take. He walked past several rooms where torches seemed to be lit. Somewhere around here was Chaska's guest room. He scratched the side of his cheek as he glanced over to one of the rooms, meeting the eye - not of his fiance - but that of the twin brother of her. He stopped dead in his tracks as he looked over to the man, mouthing something that he could not hear. For a short while a frown appeared on his face and then he raised his hand to give Deimos a small, awkward wave. It was true: he had avoided Chaska's family for a while now. He did not think her brother would have high opinions of him.

Fri May 12, 2023 3:12 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

Ofcourse this happened, he always had this skill to find whoever he was looking for, yet this time he just wanted to turn around and run. Yet, he was frozen in place when his eyes made contact with his soon to be brother in law's. He swallowed dry, mumbled something under his breath and though franticly about what he had to do now. Thank fuck that Ezekiel was just as awkward as he was, with his little wave and frown on his face. Deimos rose his hand, waved for a moment and than beckoned him to come inside.
Now he had a few moments to think about how he wanted to do this. He hadn't actually spoken with Ezekiel yet, he had seen him once or twice, but that was about it. He knew that he was of the guard, his summon was a bear and that he was trying to wife up his sister. But that was as far as his knowledge went. This would be the most awkward he has ever been. Not knowing how to speak to the men, let alone trying to ask for help. And it was all Chaska's idea, but he couldn't just blame it on her. It was his incompetence that got him in this situation in the first place. The man sighed, grabbed his instrument and sat down, quietly playing while he waited for Ezekiel to arrive. Maybe some music could help him, with the nerves, with the awkwardness, with this pain.

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
+ notes eh right, sorry
Tue May 16, 2023 9:24 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel wished he had never raised a hand to the man. He already had a bad reputation, why would the man think otherwise? He could have just shrugged and walked on. But no, he had to be polite, or whatever. And now the man was beckoning him over. He really wanted to hit himself for that stupid decision. And as Deimos moved away from the window, he cursed under his breath, kicked a patch of grass and then threw his head back as he looked at the darkening sky. Just his luck.

The sorcerer took a while to get his body to move again and made his way up the porch, waling up to the door that lead to his chambers. He swiftly ran a hand through his hair and straightened his casual clothes. Then he opened the door and was greeted with pleasant tunes of music. Before he looked at his future brother-in-law, he closed the door behind him. He was rather surprised by the music when he looked over at the man, who shared the two-toned hair with his twin. Ezekiel envied him slightly, as he did not have a single creative gene in his body. He simply did not have the patience to practice something that felt useless at the end of the day. And he didn't have the natural talent to just be good at it. That all seemed to be accumulated in his cousin. The only thing that Ezekiel could was dance, but that was just because he knew how to move his body in combat. Dancing after all, was not that different.

‘‘Hey,’’ he finally said when he looked up at his cousin. The silver haired man quickly found a dresser to lean against, his fingers drumming silently on the wood as he look at the ground once more. His eyes drifted across the room, and after a while he spotted a hole in one of the walls. He blinked slowly and looked back at the man making music. Interesting. In a reflex he tensed the fingers of his right hand. And when he could no longer bear the awkward silence between them, he took another look through the room. ‘‘Looks like you settled in alright,’’ he commented. He never knew precisely why he also had to be here. Because of Chaska, or because he had to marry the Rizal girl? Why couldn't he just move to Ravaryn then, as that girl seemed to have a place at that court, not in Lythrania. This man also was some branch away from him. He was cearly marrying himself up the ladder, while Ezekiel had to make do with someone closer to home.
Tue May 16, 2023 10:05 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

The music helped him, a bit at least. He felt himself getting calmer, but it didn't take away the immense panic that was building up in his chest. He had to make a story about this, maybe even write a song about it. His troubles would make for some good lyrics. He smiled a bit just before he heard the door. With his eyes focused on the instrument, he didn't even look up when Ezekiel stepped inside. He just nodded on the simple 'Hey' that was thrown his way. Good, now what. Now he had to say something, and not just "You screwing with my sister, now give her back". No, he couldn't do that, how delightful it would feel. Deimos stopped playing and placed the instrument on the ground, before getting up from his chair. "You can take a seat, if you want." He spoke, trying to get the nerves shiver out of his voice, while he pointed at on of the chairs and the couch. He hated it when people would just stand around, it always gave him the feeling that they wanted to leave as soon as possible. Althought, that was probably the case with Ezekiel right this very second. Deimos sighed softly when his cousin started about him settling in alright. He shrugged afterwards. "It's no Moonbright, but I can get used to it. I guess." That wasn't completely honest, but he had only spoken with his sister about him being slightly homesick. And it was not something he would say to Ezekiel if he didn't have to. "Look, Chaska asked me to speak with you, that's the whole reason why I'm doing this right now." Straight to the point, that might actually be the smartest and fastest way to get this out of the way. "She thinks I need some help." Oh dear Lythrana, there we go.

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
+ notes help
Tue May 16, 2023 10:52 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The music stopped quickly after he started talking. Now it was eerily silent, something he seemed to share with his sister whenever he was around. But they soon skipped to smalltalk and the shorter man offered him a place to sit. Ezekiel narrowed his eyes and didn't respond. He, in fact, did not want to sit down. He wasn't planning about hanging around for a long time. However long Deimos wanted him to be here. Ezekiel's teeth were already gnawing at the inside of his lip as his cousin responded about Moonbright. Yeah, he supposed it was like that. He preferred Moonbright over the underwater city as well. The fresh air, the buzzing streets, the boats in the harbor. Perhaps because it was nothing like home he liked it so much. Maybe - even him - would miss Lythrania, if he was forced to live somewhere else. ‘‘I guess you will.’’ he responded airily at his remark. He had to.

Deimos seemed to suck at small-talk, because he suddenly got to the point of this sudden meeting. He dropped his fiance's name and Ezekiel's odd-eyes were quick to drift back to his cousin. He furrowed his brows, raising his hand to his cheek to absently pick at his skin. That was weird. Why would she want that? She did not talk about it to him. But maybe because communicating was still a work in process between them. And then he dropped that he needed help. From him. The lips of the silver haired sorcerer slightly parted as he looked dumbfounded at the other, his eyes round and his hand dropping to his chest as he pointed at himself. ‘‘From me?’’ he asked in disbelief. Where could he possibly help this man with. And in what universe was Chaska thinking he was willing to help him. He did not know this man. He could barely spend a fortnight without getting in trouble, how could he help him.

Ezekiel scoffed and looked the shorter man up and down. ‘‘W-why? With what?’’ Both his hands were back behind him, gripping the wood of the dresser. Then his mind started to wander. What did they talk about? He could imagine Chaska needed somebody to rant about him to. Even though the last few days had been... better. It didn't mean he would immediately grant favours to her family. Especially is this man propably thought he was a dick.
Wed May 17, 2023 1:13 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

The awkwardness was noticeable between both parties. Neither of them seemed to know what to do, what to say nor what was coming. Deimos hated it, the silence, the suspense, this feeling of helplessness? He took a deep breath and only nodded towards the airy replay he got from his cousin. Maybe this would have been less awkward if they had actually talked before hand, but it seemed that both men had ignored each other since they had been here. Which seemed to be the root cause of this ordeal. The young sorcerer decided that small talk wasn't his strong suit, so he just did what he had to do: explain why he called his cousin over. This seemed to shock Ezekiel, seeing his change in expression. Maybe it was because he called out his sister, of the fact that he needed help, but something changed in the man's face. The words, spoken in pure disbelieve, made Deimos only softly nod. It was true, it was one of the very few times that he would actually ask for help. But it was needed in this moment, because otherwise he would ruin everything and that would destroy more than he wanted to. A sigh rolled over his lips, while he scratched the back of his neck and looked painful to the ground. Ezekiel asked him with what he needed help and the sorcerer couldn't find the courage to look up to his cousin. "Fauna." He only replayed, rolling his neck and trying to look past Ezekiel, so that it gave the illusion that he was actually looking at him. "It seemed that you and Chaska are in relative good spirits regarding the whole arranged marriage." Was it true? He didn't know, this was from stories he had heard around the castle, but he hadn't actually seen the two together yet. So, he had taken the word of the outsiders. "Yet I find it difficult to get a connection with the lady Rizal, not to speak about that cousin of her that keeps breathing down her and my neck." The smallest hint of annoyance was feasible in his voice, while he balled his hand into a fist, but relaxed it soon after. Maybe, hopefully, Ezekiel could help him with this.

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
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Thu May 18, 2023 12:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
This was not how he planned his evening to go, being left speechless in his cousin's chambers, somewhat summoned to help him. He felt set up by his betrothed, not feeling like this should be something he would have done voluntarily. But anyway, it was not like Deimos had come looking for him. They just happened to cross paths, and now he was confessing to whatever he and Chaska had spoken about. And whatever he was needed for. Did he need somebody to be beaten up? Was that the reason for holes in the wall of a guestroom?

So when he made his older cousin look down in embarrassment for only asking whatever the fuck he needed him with, he just knew it was going to be bad. So when the words of a girl's name came out of his mouth, his eyes widened even more as he looked at his cousin, who was clearly avoiding his gaze. He knew the tactic, he used it all the time as well. Fauna, it was the girl he was supposed to marry, a Rizal. He didn't have the best of luck. And when Deimos continued speaking, the more Ezekiel wanted to disappear here and now. Good spirits? Dear Lythrana, what had Chaska told him? Probably everything. Ezekiel crossed his arms, now it was his turn to look at the ground while Deimos kept on digging his grave in front of him. Blaming a bad connection with Fauna, and the other Rizal present in the castle.

Ezekiel inhaled sharply as he looked back up at the man. He wouldn't describe him and Chaska to be in "good spirits". They fought all the time, made up, fought again, and over and over. It was just that they found common ground in only one place. But he probably knew that, already. Why else would Chaska tell him to help this unfortunate man. ‘‘It's not that I want to marry, it's because I don't have a choice,’’ he first made clear to the man in front of him. He could probably relate, as he was in the same boat. It was still a miracle he thought they were just content with the situation, because they weren't. Chaska was just more desperate to make something out of the situation. And well he, he was still deciding. He was angry at all of them, but he could not blame his betrothed. He wished he could, but - it was just complicated. Ezekiel shrugged, trying to carefully pick his next words. It was still his sister he was talking about. ‘‘Just... get it over with,’’ he stated it as simply as he could. It worked - well he didn't want to say wonders - for him. But it made do.
Thu May 25, 2023 2:22 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

Why did it seem like everything that could go wrong, went wrong? Deimos was just trying to save his marriage, even though they weren't even married yet. He wanted to be able to do something good, for once. But the words he had spoken, they got a different reaction. Ezekiel seemed to be surprised when he spoke about his relationship with his sister. For a moment, Deimos narrowed his eyes, wondering if this was all one miscommunication. What did Ezekiel think Chaska had told him? No, better question, what hadn't Chaska tell him? His cousin didn't seem to be happy with him asking for help. But he had the easy route, he was marrying within the family. And that made him even more angry. Why did he get punished with this marriage.
The moment Ezekiel told him that he wasn't happy with getting married, Deimos looked at him with a certain anger in his dark eyes. "And you think I had a choice? You're getting married within the family, with your own cousin and my sister. I got pawned off to a stranger, to a woman from another family. To someone who can see the future, who can see how bad I am at all this shit. I never wanted to get married either, but were you two seem to have all this lovey dovey stuff under control, I am afraid that her cousin is going to snap my neck if I as much as breath in the wrong direction." Deimos hadn't even notice that he had raised his voice and he balled his fist again. Emotions were an hell and he hated not being able to keep them in check. This is where Häti came into the picture, but his summon wasn't here at this moment. "So, no. I can't just get over with it. All I need is some advice, something, anything. How to deal with this all." This went all so very wrong and he regretting every moment of it. If it was possible, he would've just stormed out of the room, but he didn't want to show his cousin that kind of weakness. He just hoped that Ezekiel could see his point of view in this problem.

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
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Sun May 28, 2023 1:59 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel realized too late that he probably should not have mentioned to the twin of the woman he had to marry to word it just like that, that she was a burden to his precious life and freedom. He had no idea the bond the two of them shared, but he assumed it was close. And he assumed this man knew everything about all the highs and lows of his relationship with his sister. All the more reason why he was so surprised that Chaska had spoken about him like he was any wiser about this.
So when he started to speak, Ezekiel was taken aback. This was exactly where he wasn't suited for. He couldn't speak, comfort or advice anybody anymore. He had lost all patience for it. And in a way, all his empathy too. He didn't care that his cousin - that could be any random guy for all he knew - needed some relationship advice.
Ezekiel raised his eyebrows slightly as Deimos' voice started to raise, as if he was to say: "are you done?". If he would start a tantrum about this, he would just leave out that door in an instant. He wouldn't waste his time on this. But the older redeemed himself a bit as he repeated his.. well almost a plea. Ezekiel cocked his head back and a sigh escaped his lips as he looked the man up and down for a second. This was riduculous. Why was he even considering answering? Was he really that desperate to avoid a fight with Chaska later about this. "Why didn't you help my brother??" He could feel her accusing glare already. ‘‘Why don't we talk this over a drink,’’ he proposed after a short pause. Because truly, he couldn't handle this at this moment in time, and without some liquid encouragement.
Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:19 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

It felt good, to finally get all his worries of his chest. To vent, even if it was to someone who didn't give two rats asses about him. That was something he knew for certain, that Ezekiel wasn't bothered in the slightest. It was written all over the silverhaired's face. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions that were steering in his soul. If Häti would have been here, the wolf would probably have tried to bite his soon to be brother in law. It annoyed him that the man in front of him did not show any kind of emotions, other than annoyance. He could not see why Chaska had to marry him, they would be such a mismatch. Chaska was as bombastic as he was, while Ezekiel seemed to him like a blank canvas. No such emotion was ever on his face.
Still, his words made him stop dead in his tracks. A drink? As if that would help, but maybe, maybe it would calm him down a bit. Maybe it would make this conversation a bit better. "Fine." He scoffed. This room became to small for the both of them. A walk, some fresh air, a drink. it might clear his head, clear the storm brewing in his soul. "Lead the way." Was the last thing he said to the younger man, while he walked past him outside.  

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
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Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
A like surpreme Image
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The air was still very tense, and Ezekiel was one to keep his cards close to his chest. Even if it was no use: Chaska might as well had pulled them out of his hands and put them on the table for her twin to see. So as a last resort he had offered him a drink, making the most of this still young night. And even if the conversation still would turn in circles, he might could forget about it with enough strong liquor to completely numb the nerves. Deimos agreed, and with a wordless nod he exited the room, the castle, and walked over the cobbled streets to one of his favourite speakeasies.

The walk over was pretty silent as well. They probably had nothing in common. He hadn't spoken to his cousin in years as well. They had been kids the last time they had seen each other. Now they were full fledged adults, grown ass man to step into their next chapter of life: marriage. Well, maybe after all, they had something in common. Deimos was just quicker to come to that conclusion, asking him for help and all... Ezekiel scratched the back of his neck as he looked over to him. The two of them, poor, unfortunate souls.

The silver haired sorcerer walked to the bar as soon as they came in, holding up two fingers to the barman as he entered. He knew the man with the bushy mustache and apple cheeks well, as he often made a stop here after - or during - his night shifts. He welcomed him with a nod and quickly pour two cups of his usual order, some strong whiskey to put the warmth back in his body. When he leaned over the bar, the barman asked who his companion was. ‘‘My dear cousin,’’ Ezekiel replied with a small grin as he patted his on the back, before turning his body a quarter raising his cup to him. ‘‘Who is going to be married soon,’’ he joked as he looked him straight down, taking a sip of the burning liquor.
Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:08 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

Not a word was spoken while the two sorcerers walked into town. Deimos just a bit behind Ezekiel, as if he was afraid of getting associated with the other Vylasar. He was rather new to Lythrania, or at least, he had to work from his memory to find his way, while Ezekiel was born and raised here. People knew him and Deimos didn't really wanted to let people know him. He just wanted to disappear and go back to Moonbright, yet he couldn't just leave his twin sister. And Fauna. He swallowed with difficult thinking about her. She seemed so content as long as she was in the same space as her cousin. She didn't want this, just like him, but somehow she had found more peace with it. And he didn't even have the guts to speak with her about it all. Lost in thoughts, he followed his cousin towards one of the bars in Lythrania. Not entirely sure what was going to happen.
It looked like Ezekiel knew the man behind the bar, according to how they greeted each other. A drink got poured in for both summoners and just as Deimos wanted to pick up the glass, he got introduced as Ezekiel's dear cousin, the one that gets married soon. As if it wasn't awkward enough to be here with the younger summoner, he was also making fun of him. With a look that could kill a mighty beast, Deimos picked up his glass and chugged the drink in one fell swoop, which made him cough instantly. "Yes." He spoke once the coughing stopped. "The unfortunate soul that has to marry, after you." He looked at Ezekiel, before gesturing the barkeep to refill his glass. It burned his throat, but it made him warm on the inside, and it was probably the best thing he could get here.

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
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Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:47 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
Ezekiel Vylasar wrote:
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel look all to pleased with himself as he said the words he knew would sting his little cousin the most. He had gotten the deadly glare and he gave him an innocent smile, as he continued to laugh as Deimos seemed to have trouble holding his liquor. Ezekiel quickly followed his example and drained the rest of his cup, relishing the warming sensation of the drink.

But Deimos was quick-witted, quicker than Ezekiel had expected in the first place. He gave the man a small smirk as his eyes darkened slightly and leaned against the bar more heavily. ‘‘That is true. But your sister is quite the catch,’’ he said without blinking. Their refill was quickly served and he looked at the barman and it was enough for him to get the hint that the two of them needed a private conversation, but he imagined his ears would be perked for the rest of the night.

The silver haired sorcerer sighed and turned his back towards the bar and took the next sip from his cup. ‘‘So what have you and Fauna been up to anyways?’’ he asked him. That's why they were here after all, and not toss each other passive aggressive comments. Even if he was the one that had started in the first place.
Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:10 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

Deimos felt a hit of pride when he noticed that he was just a bit quicker than Ezekiel had anticipated. The fact that he was a ball of anxiety right now, something that only got a little less with every glass of alcohol, he still had his wits to him. He got a smirk back, but it was the darkening of his cousin's eyes that made him smile back. By his next words, Deimos could only laugh. "I know, I've been stuck with her for my whole life." He reacted with a smirk on his side. "That means you think I'm a catch as well?" Deimos winked to his cousin, before finishing his glass. It was all just jokingly, but he hoped that Ezekiel saw it the same way. He hated that this whole ordeal became stale and serious. He wanted to have a bit of fun.
But Ezekiel spoiled it again, by asking what he and Fauna were up to. Deimos grimaced painful, while ordering a new drink. It might not be the best idea to drink this heavily, but the sooner he could forget this situation, the better. "Nothing much." He spoke softly. "Every time I try to spin a conversation, that cousin of hers is standing in her shadow, looking at me as if he wants to cut my head off clean with that axe of his." He sighed, swirling his newly poured drink around. "And it didn't seem like they can get separated in any way possible." He couldn't stand the man, it was a gut feeling that he had when he met Zuhayra, there was something wrong about the man.  

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
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Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:22 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel had been eyeing him down, chin raised and his eyes slightly narrowed as he explained how his sister had been such a catch, thinking he knew everything about their past-time activities. Yet, he did not return his comment with an angry glare, but with laughter. Ezekiel raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, and bit his lip as he stifled a laugh with her next few comments. Especially after his cheeky wink. The silver-haired sorcerer took his time to look the man up and down, remembering his previous endeavors with the men, even if it was a tad weird to look at his future brother-in-law in that way. ‘‘I think Fauna should consider herself lucky that she will have a pretty husband,’’ he said as he lowered his chin and looked his straight in the eye for a second, before downing the rest of his drink.

The next drink was ordered by his uncomfertable question. Yeah, what? He wanted his help right. He could drink his pain away, he got it, truly. Than he should just say it and he would enjoy a night of forgetting with him. And as he spoke, he brought the next drink to his lips. He seemed to have trouble with a protective little cousin. ‘‘Well, they should be. She had duties too, you know,’’ he said with a shrug. ‘‘Just tell him to piss off. It's not like he can do anything about it.’’ He sighed and took another long sip of his drink, keeping up with his cousin. They were drinking fast, and he knew the alcohol would kick in with a vengeance sooner or later. ‘‘Be assertive. Believe me, your betrothed will thank you in the future.’’ Or fight about it and make up in a different way. At least, that worked for him.
Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:48 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
A like surpreme CypBckU
A like surpreme ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

"I'll take that as a compliment." He chuckled softly, before looking a bit more serious to his glass. "I think every man who can get their hands on someone like Fauna can consider themself lucky. I'm just not sure if I'm the correct man for her." He sighed. Oh wait, now he had brought down the mood himself. Good job. "She is a catch tho." He chuckled softly. He couldn't deny that, Fauna was a gorgeous young woman and he had seen many other men turn their heads around when she walked passed. He should feel proud about getting married to her, yet it only felt like restrains. As if he would have no my freedom after they put the rings around each others finger.
He had ordered yet another drink, deciding that he had to slow down on the drinking. So he just played with it, swirling it around in the glass, before listening to what Ezekiel had to tell him about his problem with Fauna's cousin. He chuckled for a moment. "Like how you keep Chaska away from me?" He looked at the man next to him, he did like their company, but it hadn't changed his views on him as his future brother in law. "But it might be worth a try, last time I tried that he just scoffed at me." Deimos thought back, there was one other thing that had been wondering. "The man is weird, he had some kind of premonition when I touched his shoulder. But he didn't want to tell me much about it." He hadn't thought much about it, probably meant nothing. Or so he hoped at least. "But enough about him." Deimos had enough from talking about that man. "Being assertive, that's a whole other task. I'm a singer and painter, not much of a talker." He sighed softly, taking a sip from his drink and looking in front of him. He started to think that this all was rather hopeless.

+ tagEzekiel Vylasar
+ notes help
Mon Jul 24, 2023 2:28 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
A like surpreme Image
A like surpreme Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
Ezekiel Vylasar wrote:
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The silver-haired sorcerer could not help but smile at his silly words, his eyes narrowing to slits as he did. But when he followed with his words, the smile faded from his face as quickly as it had appeared. ‘‘Oh please, stop,’’ he grumbled when he put his cup down. The barman was very kind to fill it up immediately. He was probably eavesdropping, sharing the gossip with the next customer. ‘‘You have no choice, neither does she. She could have been looking like a witch and you would still have to do your duty. It does not matter if you are the right or wrong man.’’ Fate. Destiny. Those were words that Chaska would probably use. Saying that he just had to accept it. And he understood Deimos. He was also not over that.
Ezekiel smiled again when Deimos made a clever comment about his betrothed. ‘‘It's not that hard,’’ he spoke with a slight smirk on his face. There was only one this he and his wife could agree on: and that was throwing themselves at each other. He listened while sipping on his next drink when he spoke about the protective cousin. Deimos quickly realized he wasn't that interesting, just an annoying fly that he was spending too much attention on. And as he spoke about his deficit as an talker, he shrugged and cracked another smile. ‘‘You are talking an awefully lot right now,’’ Ezekiel commented when he looked back at him. Then he sighed as he looked at his older cousin. Was he really going to do this? Explain his future brother in-law how to get with his bethrothed? ‘‘Then don't talk,’’ he said after a sigh. ‘‘I'm sure woman love the painter and singer guy.’’ It wasn't like he and his bethrothed had ever bonded over anything except their shitty position and the bad hands they were dealt. ‘‘You sure do sound like a romantic with hobby's like that.’’
Tue Jul 25, 2023 4:47 pm
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