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Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine
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Lemuria Citizen
Hayes Hartford
Hayes Hartford
.. guess
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine HkvWy1M
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine V8Ipv4p

Character sheet
Age: 32 years
Race: Druid
Occupation: Captain Guyliner
Yo-ho, must be fate's design
revenge, revenge revenge is gonna be mine
It was another lively night at the tavern. Ale flowed freely and the sailors became more jolly by the hour. And where there was rum, enchantment and more rum, there was Hayes. The captain had burst in the tavern in a rather loud manner, clearly not giving a damn about the other people. Soon enough his crew, his family, was chattering away about their latest adventures and riches. It really was a rather cheerful sight, if one forgot the fact that they weren't exactly the most upstanding citizens.

At one point, Hayes had strayed from his companions. They let it be, knowing their captain often found his own way back to them. The tall man was standing at the bar when, suddenly, a vision of red appeared in the corner of his eye. He took a mindful sip of his ale as he cocked his head slightly to the right. Next to him stood a young but fiesty looking lass, one who's eyes made his own twinkle with surprise. "You should try the dragonfruit whiskey lass, it's delightful." He spoke as he shot her one of his signature handsome smiles. "Of course, I'm more of a rum type of man myself." He went on. Nothing beat rum.

& Cassandra Mercier

Outfit (zonder haak x)
Mon May 01, 2023 11:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Cassandra Mercier
Cassandra Mercier
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine Cass_h15
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine Pxy6bN4

Character sheet
Age: 21 Years Old
Race: Human
Occupation: Traveller
Cassandra had a habit of picking the lively taverns in a city, which was not always appreciated by her company. When they had entered, it had been early and still pretty quiet, but the guests had become more rowdy with the passing of the hours. Lucian had already suggested going somewhere else as a loud group entered the establishment, but Cass had waved him off and said he could catch some air with Saph if he wanted.

Lythrania was an enchanting city, and the Mercier loved observing every part of it, even if it were pirate-ridden taverns. Contrary to her guard, she believed she could handle herself. If not with some charm, then by her skills with a sword.

When her drink was empty, Cassandra left the table that had been occupied by her and her friends to pick up something new at the bar. She was watching the owner pour some other drinks, deciding what she would choose this time when the man next to her suddenly spoke up. Glancing aside, Cass was met by a handsome smile, one that screamed: 'I know I look good'.

"What, is a dragonfruit whiskey too girly for you?" she quipped with a chuckle as he commented he was more of a rum type of man himself after his suggestion. As soon as the owner's attention turned to her, she ordered her dragonfruit whiskey. "And he'd like some rum," she added, sticking out her thumb to the man on her left.
They will be expecting a breeze, show them you're a hurricane
Fri May 05, 2023 11:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Hayes Hartford
Hayes Hartford
.. guess
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine HkvWy1M
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine V8Ipv4p

Character sheet
Age: 32 years
Race: Druid
Occupation: Captain Guyliner
Yo-ho, must be fate's design
revenge, revenge revenge is gonna be mine
A night out with Hayes usually included rum, flirting, more rum and if it was a really splendid one: singing. The pirate —fearsome as he might be to some— did have a habit to burst out into song when the alcohol flowed freely. It was not a strange sight to see him standing on the table with his fellow crewmates as he sang about his greatest love: the sea, or was it revenge? It mattered not, right now his attention was drawn to one of other hobbies: showing off his handsome smile.

The girl next to him was rather fiesty-looking and had a certain appeal that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Moreover, her humour seemingly matched her good looks. A chuckle escaped his lips as she fired back, asking him if dragondruit whiskey was too girly for him. "Not at all. I actually quite enjoy the sugary taste, sweetheart." He said in a defiant and playful manner. Hayes didn't care for dragonfuit whiskey as much as rum, but it definitely wasn't bad. He grinned when she ordered a glass of rum. By her doing so they were already on friendly terms with one another. "I can tell this is going to be a great night." He said cheerfully. "What brings you here tonight?" He asked her while he lifted his brows. Perhaps she was here with her mates, just like he was.

Outfit (zonder haak x)
Sun May 07, 2023 11:28 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Cassandra Mercier
Cassandra Mercier
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine Cass_h15
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine Pxy6bN4

Character sheet
Age: 21 Years Old
Race: Human
Occupation: Traveller
Not at all. Cassandra glanced aside at his response, unable to keep the corner of her mouth from twitching upward. "Then the rum must be good here if you still prefer it," she concluded. She did not comment on him calling her sweetheart. He would only revel in her taking the bait if she did so, no doubt, and his ego was already inflated enough as it was.

See, Lucian? This was how you managed to traverse the world with little conflict. It was as simple as ordering a stranger a drink. Cassandra had always treasured the ease with which she manoeuvred through social interactions. If anything, this journey was more interesting now that she could bring home all these stories and experiences she had picked up along the way.

"It can hardly be a rare occurrence that someone buys you a drink," she countered with a chuckle. But perhaps every night was a great night to him. The tavern owner set their drinks in front of them, and Cass picked it up before answering the pirate's question. "Getting a taste of what Lythrania is like." A simple answer, but one that gave away that she was not from here and that she could not have been here for long.
They will be expecting a breeze, show them you're a hurricane
Wed May 31, 2023 9:11 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Hayes Hartford
Hayes Hartford
.. guess
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine HkvWy1M
Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine V8Ipv4p

Character sheet
Age: 32 years
Race: Druid
Occupation: Captain Guyliner
Yo-ho, must be fate's design
revenge, revenge revenge is gonna be mine
The pirate could tell the girl in front of him was a fiesty one. Or maybe he just wished she was and hoped he could will it so. It had been a while since had met anyone he felt truly enthralled by. "The rum here is divine," he mused with a devotion that many would only have for their loved ones. But to Hayes, his relationship with rum had been the most longstanding. "Of course, there are also other pleasures that make me return to this particular venue." He hinted with a devious smirk. Like the barmaids, singing, dancing and whatnot. What's a pirate not to love about that?

A lighthearted chuckle escaped his lips when she said that he must have many people buying him a drink. "What can I say love?" He said. "Many find me quite dashing." He went on. What was worst about his ego was that he was right: he was indeed handsome. But enough about him. His brows shot up in surprise when the girl implied that she wasn't from here. "You picked the right place for that." He told her with a knowing smile. Briefly, his eyes darted around the room, before finding hers again. "A proposal then: let me show you what Lythrania is all about. If you're unsatisfied by the end of the night, I will vow to make it up to you some other night." How cheeky of him. He held up his cup as a way to seal the deal by a toast. Now all she had to do was accept.

Outfit (zonder haak x)
Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:14 pm
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