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Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
Landslide KjadvhJ
Landslide D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum sighed heavily as he lowered his sword. His arm ached a little as he planted the sharp tip of his sword into the sand and leaned on it, giving one of his legs some rest. He was facing one of the training dummies, ragged and cut by his blade and countless blades that came before him. He had been practicing with his sword, some mindless drills he learned back in the day. Not that he wasn't any good. Caelum liked to keep practising, keeping his skills sharp. No one stayed good by never practising again. He had to keep his form after all. He swiped his hand across his forehead, getting rid of the sweat and gripped his sword again, lifting it up. He was ready for another round of drills.

+ Ezekiel
Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Landslide Image
Landslide Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel had let his training slip when he had been freed from prison. Mainly because he couldn't face anybody yet. His pride had truly been hurt, even if it was completely his own fault. He had come to peace with that, still there was so much more... injustice about what had happened. He mourned the loss of his magic, but he did fear it as well, knowing what he could do when he lost his temper. His aunt told him so clearly: people like them couldn't make mistakes like that. All the more embarrassing that it kept happening. But he was not half bad with a sword, and he thought it might clear his mind for a few hours. So when he thought he had picked a quiet time in the training yard, he had collected his sword, twirling it in his hand as he assessed the weight of it. The blade was especially forged for him, more suited to his smaller frame and light movements, a bear carved in the handle.

He wasn't by himself. He quickly spotted his eldest cousin leaning on a sword. It looked like he had been giving one of the dummies a bad time. Ezekiel stopped moving his hands as he caught the flat side of the blade in his other hand. He pouted his lips slightly as he was thinking about whatever what could happen in the near future. Caelum and him had never been that close and he might get away with a confrontation if he just pretended he didn't exist. But he was still part of the family and probably not happy with him. At all. Ezekiel gritted his teeth together and thought about turning around, but that would be cowardly. Not that the silver haired sorcerer was a stranger from running away from confrontation. But as Caelum raised his sword again, it gave him a chance to move on. He would be focussed on his own drills, and Ezekiel would just pretend that he was air. So he walked past his cousin without greeting him and moved towards a patch of grass, sheathing his sword and start with his warm up exercizes, stretching his muscles that almost felt rusted together.
Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:07 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
Landslide KjadvhJ
Landslide D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
He was ready to hit the practice dummy again, when he saw something move in the corner of his eye. Caelum paused and turned his head, seeing Ezekiel not far from him stretching his muscles. It seems like he was here to practice as well. He hadn't greeted him, which did irk Caelum a little. Maybe he could sense he wasn't in his best mood? Or well, Caelum was in a fine mood. Just, the whole situation with Myrddin and him was a mess. Caelum lowered his sword again, turning a little towards the younger man. 'Goodmorning, Ezekiel. How are you feeling today?' Of course he knew he had spent time in prison. They weren't close and actually barely spoke, but Caelum wanted to change that. Maybe it was his age, he was the eldest of the cousins after all. Was it just that he couldn't connect properly? Whatever it was, it was never too late to change their relationships. If the man in front of him was willing, of course.
Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:58 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Landslide Image
Landslide Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
He thought he'd gotten away with it, while he was bending over, moving his hands from one toe to the other. However, his peace wasn't very long when Caelum spoke up. He stopped in his movements momentarily, hiding a sigh with his head turned upside to the ground. He placed his hands on his knees before pushing himself upright again, looking at his cousin with his head slightly ajar, a blank expression on his face, his eyes slightly narrowed. He was still quite suspicious about him, questioning his motives. Was he genuine interested, or just trying to get a reaction out of him? Caelum might be the eldest, but he wasn't that intimidating. He had to look up to Myrddin his whole life, so Caelum was probably a more even match.

‘‘Want to practice on a moving object?’’ he asked his older cousin, totally ignoring his previous question. It was a stupid question anyways, and he was not in the mood talking. So, while they were both here, they just as well get the most of it. He folded his fingers together and stretched his arms up, rolling his shoulders back as he reached for the sky for a moment. Then he bend down to pick up his sword, twirling it in his hand once again.
Mon Jun 19, 2023 5:47 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
Landslide KjadvhJ
Landslide D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
He didn't look like he wanted to talk with him. Caelum hoped he wouldn't get a snarky comment his way, but that wasn't the case. Ezekiel finished his stretching and pushed himself upright again. Instead of answering his seemingly easy question of how he was feeling this morning, Eze anwered his question with another question. Caelum titled his head a little as a little smile crept up his face. 'I thought you'd never ask,' was his response, gripping his sword tighter as he lifted it off the ground. If Eze didn't want to indulge himself in small-talk, Caelum understood. They would get more out of a little practice anyway. Plenty of time to ask about the younger cousins life then. The man took a couple of steps away from his practice dummy so they would have a clear area to practice. 'When was the last time we did something like this? I actually can't recall.' Had they ever practice their swordfighting before? They must have, right? Or was he too old for that, had he missed Ezekiels early training days?
Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:06 pm
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