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Everything stays
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Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Everything stays Untitled
Everything stays Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

? Despite everything, it's still you ?
What had happened at the ball was something that had spread through the public like wildfire. The old man was the first to tell him, followed by some customers he had heard talking about on the passing. Polaris had tried to ignore it as much as possible, as he knew that it didn't concern him. He had to make distance between him and the royal house. But it was hard as his mind kept lingering back to him. He had left Scorpius behind without many words. They had been friends, right? But he knew it was a dangerous game to be friends with such a high figure. It would mean he could be easily tracked down. And that was the last thing he wanted. He had nightmares about it, about how the bounty hunters found him through that one connection. And he had started to prepare just in case. Already writing a letter in preparation to leave for Sigma and the people of the tavern. Miss Spots was also ready to leave at any second. She was doing well, being well fed and back on proper weight after having endured such a harsh journey. They were ready... All that was left was a signal.

But the signal never came. And as days turned to weeks, he knew that perhaps, maybe it never would. He had allowed his mind to open up a little bit. And he found himself in a place he didn't think he would ever go to again. How was Scorpius doing after everything that had happened? His father had almost died and now it also came to light that his brother did perish. He knew the history of the royal house; it wasn't a secret to anyone how it went. And to have lived such a heavy past. Well, it probably wasn't easy for the boy. Would he be thinking of him as well? Would they meet again? He heard that they weren't allowed to leave the castle for now, so Polaris knew that he wouldn't get another opportunity to talk to the young prince until tensions were resolved. If they were ever resolved. The castle looked like a fortress these days; people were tense and the atmosphere around it was even extremer. He had been such a fool to treat the other like that the last time they had spoken. He honestly... Felt horrible for it. And he wanted to apologize. Was it too late now?

His legs had carried him to the front of the castle. his shoulder bag resting on his hip, one hand gripping onto it as he stared up at the gate. He swallowed, feeling tension rise in his chest as he went over his words again. He couldn't, right? But was there another way he could... No, there wasn't. His dark eyes slowly moved downwards, focusing on some men who stood guard near the gate. The young, skinny man took a deep breath and carefully stepped forward, hanging his head a bit lower as he nodded at the two men who glared at them. "Uhm- Hello?" He asked carefully. His greeting wasn't met with much kindness as they snapped back at him, demanding for him to spit up what he wanted. He almost took a step back at the aggression they displayed at him, lowering his head even more as he pulled up his shoulders. "I- I was wondering where I could- I wanted to... How do you..." but he couldn't get out of his words and all the guards did was look at him, clearly irritated by this random boy who seemed to waste their time.
Mon Apr 24, 2023 11:33 am
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