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Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Dear fellow traveller YgnN2uK
Dear fellow traveller 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain

The armour plates on his shoulders shimmered within the dull light that engulfed the hallways of Lythranias palace in its trademark blue hues. It didn't fully sit right with the man just yet, living this deep underwater- the weight of it held up by magic no being but the dragon that gave it to them could understand. Such a thin layer, on which the duty of watching over thousands of lives laid. Rhydian bit his cheek a little as he laid eye on the boundary from behind the castles beautifully inlaid glass panels. Back when it was still the capital city, he would visit the place a lot alongside his family, as good friends of the royal family it had not only been a vacation, but a duty also.

And here he was again, not on vacation, not on duty- no it had been his own free will that had lead him here, the intrusive thoughts that always seemed to win him over in an instant. Lumina was here, and to see her he'd venture miles and miles under a dark sea, no matter how frail the ceiling above his head got. They hadn't exactly split in a good way- really they hadn't split at all, they just walked in different directions without a last word to rely on. Just a warning he had purposefully forgotten about after all those months way from here.

And thus he went about his journey towards her, following the instructions the guards had given him, in good trust of his last name. A key he'd always liked to turn when given the opportunity as it just simply made things a whole lot easier and quicker. It was however, upon knocking on the door and not hearing anything back that a certain uneasiness crept up on him. With hesitation he slowly pushed open the door, perhaps he had gotten the wrong room? In good hope he entered, "Lumina?!" the captain called out. However, quickly noted that this in fact was not her room at all, an empty one neither. His surprised gaze met that of the younger man in front of him, balancing uneasily upon two wooden crutches. "Oh fuck, shit i am sorry mate" he apologized as a chuckle escaped him. It was kind of funny- he wasn't going to act as if it wasn't. Elros and him would laugh for hours at this when he told his friend all about it.

He shook his head a little before taking in the man in front of him a bit better, clearly wounded, worse than Rhydian had been previously. "By Lythrania mate, what happened to you? " he dared to ask, shock painting his face a few shades paler.
+ Myrdin

Much thank Nien x
Sun Apr 16, 2023 4:16 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Dear fellow traveller RbKYMU2
Dear fellow traveller 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ Maybe I wasn't made for this world ❞
As hours turned into days he had lost track of time, but he had been able to look after his progress with his crutches. Every time he rose to his feet again, he managed to move a little bit more. Where he first had struggled to even stand up, he now was able to keep himself upright. His leg still slightly hurting as he put pressure on it, but the healers had assured him that it was no longer broken. To have two legs broken really was quite the achievement, but he had managed to do so. By the gods, they were lucky to have moon magic and be right at the source of its power. He would have died that day if it wasn't for all those factors, that much was for sure. And now that he had gotten some time to let his body heal on its own, the magic they came to preform every few days was really starting to show. At first it didn't do much, as broken bones were never an easy thing to heal. But his left leg had just slightly been fractured, not completely snapped like the other. So... Now only weeks after the incident, was he already able to put weight on it. And he was grateful for it, for he wouldn't know what he would have done if he had to remain any longer in that bed. Especially now that he had a goal before him. He had to be mobile if he wanted to find the other. If he had to trust on the people around him it would take forever before he would get any news. Stubborn as he was he wanted to do it all by himself. But in many ways he was getting desperate. He really missed Shyam so much and it was starting to weigh him down... More and more... And more.

One of his guards had pushed him back on the bed, looking sternly at the other as Myr made a difficult face, clearly in pain. "You need to listen when we tell you to do something sir," the man said, clearly annoyed by the fact that for one the boy wouldn't listen and two, he had to boss around his superior. The blonde man didn't really mind, if he didn't listen, so be it. His mind was set on being able to walk soon. And that was all that mattered. If he would be able to walk with those wooden things, then that would be enough. And he would try and practice at every opportunity he got, that much was for sure. These guards, however, had been instructed to let him rest, make sure he was fine and protect him at all costs. They basically had the same task that Shy had, only were they not as fun as the other was. And, if he was being blatantly honest here, they were practically useless for him. They couldn't help him with the things he really needed. Like a break from his mind or a distraction from all the dark thoughts that kept on lingering around. They couldn't even read his signs, so if he needed something he had to write it down. It honestly wasn't practical, at all. And he still wondered why his mother had decided to throw away the one person that was at his side at all time, being his translator, guard, friend, emotional support and so much more in just one package. Aurelia really was insane.

He had made a gesture of a glass in the hopes that the guard in front of him would get the movement. He was thirsty, so a glass of water please. Luckily for him this man had a brain and nodded slowly, after which he left with the task of fetching him something to drink. Some guards still remained outside the room, or that's what he would assume. Just like how another guard was left with him. Two at all time with him and at least one to guard the door. The heir really wasn't let out of anyone's sight anymore. Privacy was a thing from the past. Which meant that he couldn't really... Force himself to do things anymore. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't try. Because, as soon as the one guard had left the room, he had rose to his full length again, letting out soft noises of complaints as he did. He moved his arms slightly, pushing himself somewhat as he tried to put himself forward. The other guard why had remained in the room stepping forward in a matter of seconds, complaining and instructing him that it had been enough for today. But the tall man held his head high, turning his face away from the other as he tried to move, annoyance and pain written all over him. If it wasn't for his situation he would have scolded this man for his behaviour. But right now he was at his mercy, at everyone's mercy. A mute, crippled boy that couldn't do shit, not even defend himself verbally. He really was a joke.

Myrddin had started to make louder noises at the guard as he looked down at him, literally having his hands full with the one thing that could keep him upright. The guard on the other hand kept on stating he had to sit down again, softly putting his hands on his chest and trying to guide him a bit back. Which was honestly- A horrible thing to do as he couldn't move backwards. So when the guy did it again, he let out an even louder sound, which was short but quite vocal for him. And he hated it. He hated that he had to resort to using this way of communicating to get his wishes across. And he hated that he wasn't being taken seriously because of it. Most likely because of a combination of things, but the boy couldn't help but think it was mostly because... Right now, he was just as much worth as a child that wasn't able to speak yet. And that thought alone fuelled him even more. He was getting quite pissed off by the second. And so did the guard. As he started to put more force behind his voice as he kept on telling him to sit down, Myrddin became louder as well. But the noises he made weren't words, they were just sounds that clearly sounded annoyed. Leave me alone.

It was when the door opened that the both of them fell silent. Myrddin raised his eyes towards the entrance as a frown came on his face, not being able to recognize the man right away. However, he knew the man was a moon elf by his features. What was a moon elf doing here? The same thought seemed to pass through the guard that was standing next to him. The other had turned towards the stranger, looking him up and down with a clear face of annoyance. The way the man spoke wasn't formal, which made the young man question what he was even doing here. And when the other made a comment about him, he froze, looking away almost in an instant as he had to hold back the urge to let out another annoyed sound. Luckily for him the guard in his room had already started to move towards the elf in question.

From the other side the other guard from earlier had returned, already holding onto his spear as he had tilted his head a bit upwards, sceptical about the situation. Now the stranger was pincered between the two man, trapped right in the doorway. He really had chosen a poor place to use foul language. "State your name and purpose," the guard stated as he reached for his weapon. Myrddin rolled his eyes when he noticed this, turning himself slightly away as he moved himself slowly back to his bed, sitting back down on the edge of it with a deep sigh. He looked over the scenario once, before sighing once more. Idiots. He signed with the flick of his hand. If that man wanted to harm him he wouldn't have done it like this, that much was for sure. But using more than one braincell seemed to be a challenge these days.
Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:53 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Dear fellow traveller YgnN2uK
Dear fellow traveller 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
From confusion, the helpless romantic turned to stress as the man's guards appeared within his sight. Or at least, he assumed they were given the crests on their armour. Rhydian blinked a little as he pressed his lips together, watching the spears turn toward him, their sharp points glimmering within the dull light that fell upon the room. Slowly he held up both his hands, the last thing he wanted was for things escalate way past necessary. It had been a little mistake, no need for the situation to turn dire. Though most importantly, he really had no interest in writing his uncle a letter, asking to be bailed out of Lyhtrania.  

He breathed in slowly when the men asked him to state his business, pfsh as if he was planning on killing this beat down child. What kind of monster did they invision he was? "It was a simple mistake sirs, I mean no harm" he pressed as his look shifted between the two men before finally ending up upon the boy behind them. Of importance, he seemed. Given the height of the security he had within an already secured castle. A Vyslasar perhaps? "I was looking for Lady Lumina, that's all- i had no business here" How was it a Vylasar ended up in this state? When there was no war to be fought? When his security was this high? Though of course perhaps it was only because of the fact the man was injured. "Just opened the wrong door, heh" he smiled, a chuckle escaping him out of both nervosity and the strangeness of the situation, the situation could've been so much more funnier hadn't the guards been alerted. God Elros would be laughing his ass off at this.

Much thank Nien x
Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:26 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Dear fellow traveller RbKYMU2
Dear fellow traveller 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ Maybe I wasn't made for this world ❞
After everything that had happened to him, his mother had made sure that he would never be unattended ever again. He was sure that she despised Shyam for what had happened. And he wondered if it really was for the fact that he almost died or for the fact that their family looked weak now. The heir to it all, reduced to nothing more than a house plant sitting in his bed all day. Every fiber of his being torn to shreds or broken into a million bits. It had already been a few weeks since the accident, how much longer until he was fine again. How much longer before he could go back to how things were. That is if that were ever to be the case. If Myrddin was being completely honest, he just knew that things would always remain broken despite how much time had passed. The lingering fear of losing his life and the pain attached to it were still fresh in the back of his mind. Would this be a part of his life now? How troublesome. It was already starting to annoy him. As he was getting past the sadness and self-pity there really was nothing more than anger, determination, and ice-cold ruthlessness. He was done being the little guy everyone felt sorry for. They would regret ever treating him this poorly, he would make sure of that.

The man that had entered his room was immediately being threatened. And the young heir simply looked on to the scene. It surprised him that this man did not even know who he was. Then again, he looked a lot different than he normally was. A couple of weeks ago he was a proud and regal looking man. Having a fine and athletic build that complimented him and his role perfectly. Now he was nothing more than a broken mess. Having lost a lot of weight due to the stress and lack of training, he just didn't look okay. He looked sick. The bags under his eyes were heavy and the clothing he was wearing was loose and informal. But it was comfortable, and it allowed space for his splint, a tiny pro to the million cons.... As these oversized clothes really just underlined how skinny he was getting. How damn troublesome. The tall man observed the other as he started to speak, hands up in the air as a sign he meant no harm. The things he said complimented his stance, stating that it was an honest mistake. Ah well yea, that can happen. But would they take his word for it?

At the mention of the name Lumina, the blonde sorcerer frowned. The ex-princess? What was she doing here? From his knowledge she had no business here in Lythrania, let alone their home. It annoyed him instantly that strangers were being invited into their house without his knowledge. Perhaps because no one wanted to worry him, or perhaps because his mother was treating him like a child again. He clenched his jaw somewhat, his eyes clearly annoyed as he looked at the other now looking at him. Once he was back to work, he would take this security hazard very seriously. Strangers he had no knowledge of within this castle? Now that was something he would let go that easily. It was already enough that there were Rizals invited into the castle by the far of family of him. Had they requested this? No, they hadn't, since this happened when his mother away. Meaning he should have known of it, but he hadn't. This was a castle for crying out loud, not some sort of chicken coop everyone could get into just because they were some hot shots.

The captain closed his eyes with a sigh. Damn clowns. And whatever he would say or do wouldn't be taken seriously, since he was supposed to rest and not worry about his job. Well, when he saw something like this, he could only worry. The whole situation had escalated ever since Shyam was taken away from him. And by Lythrana, they were really testing his patience. He slowly turned his head, his eyes focusing on his sketchbook as he grabbed it. The man pulled it in closer, flipped to a new page and started to write. While he did, his guards were already pushing on. "Name," they said, not putting their weapons down yet. And they were right. What was a complete stranger doing here for a girl that wasn't even supposed to be in this castle in the first place. And if he were an Aerendyl, like he suspected he was, he was very far from home to come visit someone's not home. Why did these people think this castle was some sort of resort? That annoyed him even more. He finished his writing and flipped the book towards the man. 'Tell one of them to read this or read this out loud; Lord Myrddin requests that the weapons be put down,' But he was annoyed, and it was written all over his face. Damn people in his house. Why. If he were still up and working this would never have happened.
Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:51 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Dear fellow traveller YgnN2uK
Dear fellow traveller 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
None of the men seemed to share his go-lucky kind of mindset, as none of their attitudes seemed to shift upon his chuckles, his honest mistake. Yet he forced his smile not to falter, not wanting one of them to think he was here in bad spirit. He really was not after all, he was here for love for lythranias sake! His gaze went from the beat up child to one of his angered cautious guards, whose words did not fail to maintain the man's worries. Rhydian sighed, well here they went. "Captain Rhydian Aerendyl, sir" he stated, upon which he felt the disappointed sigh from his uncle miles away as he tainted the family name he was given once again. "Son of Evendyr Aerendyl" the elf completed.

The silence that fell between them all, gave him the opportunity to notice the sound of ink being pressed upon paper, and upon seeing the words being written, a relieved grinn appeared upon his face. HA, look at whose mind he had changed huh. His gaze shot towards the guards as a bit of pride relaxed muscles within his arms and face. It seemed he had convinced the boy of his innocence already. Thank Lythrania. "Read that kind fellers" he stated whilst pointing at the beat down man, whose arms held up his written word. As upon seeing that, it finally clicked, there was but one person who did not have the ability to speak- and all a sudden it all made sense. "Captain Myrddin," he greeted the man, whose annoyed face he choose to ignore. "I am sorry to have disturbed you, on your healing bed" he said as kindly as possible, suppressing the urge to ask him what the hell had happened to him. He'd just ask Lumina later, perhaps there was drama he had not heard of?

Much thank Nien x
Tue May 02, 2023 1:19 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Dear fellow traveller RbKYMU2
Dear fellow traveller 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ Maybe I wasn't made for this world ❞
He couldn't help but feel like he was in the presence of a man child. Which, in its own right, was in many ways hypocritical of him to think. After all, he was still a boy in many ways. Clearly younger than the other, that much was for sure. But he had always been of the youngest of his generation, together with Ezekiel. Still not the youngest, though, his brother had taken that role upon him. And he was glad he did, because he would completely collapse under the pressure of his position if that were the case. Because then everyone would be older and he would be compared to achievements before his time. Something that surely would have influenced his childhood even more. Lucky him. Ezekiel and him were only a couple of months apart anyway, so growing up they always had each other. If one was falling behind, they always had the other to fall back on. And if one had issues with certain things, they had the other to learn from. By the Gods, he missed those times. It all felt like another lifetime at this point.

The man finally told them who he was and at the sound of his name, Myr raised a brow. He looked over the other, observing him for a split second. He had heard of the man, but never really seen him. So he had no idea what he looked like He was small, not like other moon elves or the rest of his family for that matter. And that really surprised him. Aerendyls were quite purebred elves, meaning that they held most of the traits the species had. Well, not everyone fit such standards, or so it would seem. AT least he had light coloured hair and blue eyes. So he had at least that going for him. Rhydian went on to state who his father was and the blonde heir nodded slowly. He knew who Evandyr was but didn't particularly like the man. If anything, he preferred the governor to his brothers. At least Andreas knew what he was doing. Sometimes it felt like the other one was just a sad excuse for carrying the elven last name. But then again, it was none of his business. He already had enough on his mind with his own family.

The man seemed to relax, pointing at his words as he spoke. Myrddin raised a brow once more at his loose way of speaking but held back a sigh. It really seemed that this captain was as blunt as they came. As he clearly couldn't read a room. As he held his grey eyes focused on the other, he could see how one of the guards turned their heads. Looking over what he had written down, the man let out a sigh. One that sounded more annoyed than anything else. The sorcerer glanced over at man in question, frowning ever so slightly. Was he really not going to listen to him again...? He really was considering using other methods to get his message across at this point. But he had to hold back. Violence would be efficient, but not appropriate. But before things could escalate between him and the guard, the moon elf spoke once more. The focus of the heir went back to him. It had been a while since he had gotten addressed by that title. And there it finally was, an apology... Or something. Really... How slow were these guys’ brain cells?

He frowned, looking at the man for a moment before glancing back at the guard. The way the man looked at him, it was quite clear what he wanted. Something along the lines of; what do you want now then? He frowned deeper, clenching his jaw slightly. Well, this was just getting more annoying by the second. The sorcerer looked down at his book, turned the page and started to write again. 'You should all leave,' was written on the paper. 'And that's an order or I will inform my mother about your disobedience,' he hated pulling the mother card. But right now, it was the only thing he really had in them. And as soon as the guard had read that particular part of the written text, he glared at Myrddin for a moment. Clearly annoyed, but also somewhat hesitant. They both knew that Aurelia wasn't having any shit right now. She would handle this situation swiftly and with no mercy. Especially if he mentioned how uncomfortable he had been doing his exercise... And how they had tried to push him back into bed.

The man bowed his head, looking at Rhydian for a moment as soon as he turned away from his master. Walking past the elf he went outside, almost throwing the door shut as he went out. Myr frowned again, looking at the scene for a moment, before rolling his eyes. Damn idiots, they were useless. The sorcerer finally glanced over at the man remaining in the room, narrowing his grey eyes for a second before writing once more. 'You shouldn't be here,' As in here, the castle. Not this room, but a castle as a whole. 'We currently have a lot of guests from other sorcerer families within the castle for family matters. Is my mother informed about your visit? I was not informed about it,' And the fact that he wasn't, annoyed him. He was supposed to guard this place, keep it safe. And he was supposed to rule the city one day too. The family was, in many ways, his responsibility. Although not completely yet, it would be one day. And with everything going on a stranger shouldn't be here right now, even if it was an Aerendyl. So, he damn well hoped that the man had a better excuse then just visiting his girlfriend, who seemingly was just on a vacation here. Also something that really wasn't necesarry right now.
Wed May 03, 2023 11:57 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Dear fellow traveller YgnN2uK
Dear fellow traveller 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
Myrddin wrote once more, this time telling his guards to leave- which sent a wave of relief through Rhydian, knowing he'd finally gained enough trust from the man in front of him to afford some sort of privacy. Not that that was what he was after, but the principle of it was enough for the elf to relax his shoulders once more. He turned his gaze towards the men holding their weapons, which after a clear sign of resistance were lowered. Upon which they finally left the two of them alone, however, not without granting the elf a stern look once more. Rhydian smiled at it, a sparkle of joy glimmering within his blue eyes. He knew they'd just be standing outside of the room, most likely with an ear against the wall. But that was okay,  he hadn't planned on staying here any longer than needed anyway. He was not here for the captain, he was not even here for the castle itself, all he cared about was the woman that lived here currently. He wondered what she would make of this all. Would she laugh at it? Would she be mad at him for not knowing his way around here? Idiot- that was what she would make of it surely, Rhydian smiled- he loved it when she called him that.

Being left with only the captain, Rhydian did not really know what to expect of him. Growing up he had surely seen the Vylasar around but never close enough to actually strike up a conversation with the man. He'd only spent time with his own on family events- Meleyes, Elros..he had never really paid attention to the world around him. Something that proved to become quite the trademark for the elf. Whose gaze now returned to the wounded captain of Lythranias guard. Who had already written another note for him to read.

Rhydians brows furrowed upon reading the man's writing, as they stated his company around these parts was not wanted.  Though he failed to truly get a sense of what the captain meant with here exactly. Here as in this room? Or here as in the castle- either way. Did not matter. He was not welcome, that much was clear. Rhydian clenched his jaws whilst he read what came afterwards. And had to hold back a look of surprise. Other sorcerer families? What made it as though that was a reason for him not to walk this house? How dare Myrddin decide wether or not Lumina, whose house this originally was at that, had no right to receive guests. He shook his head "Your mother was not informed" he stated clearly "I was not aware Lady Lumina had no right to receive guests without your mother's approval" he continued as his words had a bit of a negative undertone upon the last part. One he could not hide it seemed, Rhyian had never been good at hiding how he felt. "I think Lumina is quite capable of that on her own"

Much thank Nien x
Sun May 07, 2023 11:18 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Dear fellow traveller RbKYMU2
Dear fellow traveller 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ Maybe I wasn't made for this world ❞
The smile the man threw at the guards leaving, was one of a child. A boy. He cringed a bit at seeing it, side eying the man that seem to feel victorious for something he hadn't done. Really, what kind of idiot was this? Did he really feel no shame of wandering within another’s home and barging within someone's private quarters? Did he really not see how urgent this was? The guard already were on edge from everything that had happened, him and his mother were on edge. Everyone here was on edge. They didn't need some random people around these parts. When his mother would eventually hear about this, which she would since the guards had seen the elf. She would surely not take this incident lightly. Rhydian was lucky that he had encountered the heir and not the current governess of the underwater city. She wouldn't have taken lightly to someone random within her home. She would take it back to his family, back to Silvercrest, or something alike. She was a ruthless woman, with little to no empathy for others. In many ways it made a perfect leader. She was born for the role as both the head of the family and position as leader of the city. Something her son surely hadn't inherited, sadly enough.

And when the guards had left and they were alone, Myrddin wrote his concerns down, turning his book towards the man that quickly read over it. It was clear the man seemed a bit offended by what he said, which was funny as the blonde man thought himself to be mild compared to whatever wrath his mother would unleash upon him. He really had no idea what kind of hellhole he had walked into. Most likely following his little friend below instead of his head. Really, some people were hopeless. And maybe he would have been kinder, as he normally was. Understanding and more compassionate. But the captain was so done with the world and all the jokes the universe threw at him. He was in pain, he was tired and he missed the one good thing in his life. If anything, he wasn't having any of this childlike behaviour. Not today, not tomorrow, not next week. If this man wanted to act like a child, he would treat him as one. It didn't matter that he was bedbound, they were within the Vylasar estate now, a place where his words had power over all but one.

So when the other spoke, he frowned slowly. His mother was not informed, bad news. But then he went on about the last princess and he had to hold himself back not to roll his eyes. Because if he would, they would roll to the back of his head, since this statement really showed the others stupidity. By the gods, how simple could you be. So, when the man finished, Myrddin quickly started to write again, turning the book towards him in an instant. 'I'm sure lady Lumina is capable of receiving guests in her own home,' He focused his eyes on him, narrowing them ever so slightly. Just because this was the lady's late home, didn't mean that she had a say all about everything. It was his job to secure this place. The Vylasars now ruled over this part of Lemuria, meaning their requests and words were final. The heir took a deep breath, holding back a sigh as he put the book back down. Closing his eyes for a second as to collect himself. This was giving him a huge headache. And by Lythrana, it was so damn annoying.

After a couple of seconds, he looked back at the piece of paper, lifting his hand as he started to write. 'This place no longer belongs to the late royal family. We have been entrusted to secure, rule and take care of the city ever since the establishment of the council,' He surely could fill in the rest, but with a man like him you never knew. 'People who come and go in the castle, without our knowledge, is a safety hazard. This is not a vacation resort or a public hotel. My apologies if that wasn't clear,' He was clearly annoyed by it, clearly annoyed with him. Lumina most likely had requested with his mother to stay here, for what reason, he didn't know. But to invite someone without any of them knowing about it. Well, it was dangerous. Everyone was on edge, the other surely had noticed it by the reaction of the guards. He had almost died a couple of weeks ago. If anything, they looked weak right now because the heir couldn't defend himself properly. Right now was the perfect time to strike. 'You are lucky that you didn't run into my mother,' Because if he had told her the tale he had told him, then she would have most likely taken it to the she-elf as well, asking for a more in depth explanation what his business was here.
Mon May 08, 2023 10:33 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Dear fellow traveller YgnN2uK
Dear fellow traveller 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
He thought of him as an idiot it seemed. He acted as though he had no idea who and who did not reside within the castle. Rhydian narrowed his eyes slightly, just because she didn't find her home within these halls no more, did not mean she had no right to accept visitors within the room she was trusted. Besides, some of his kin knew he was here,  in this not hotel. Rhydian scoffed a little at the condescending tone of the broken man in front of him, he was just much a captain as the heir of Lythrania, he was not stupid- reckless maybe yes, but don't entirely stupid. "Oh fuck off i know this ain't a hotel I am staying at an inn in town." he argued "And i will have you know it was your cousin who let me inside here" he followed up with a hand on his hip to strengthen his argument. "Cealum let me to your home yesterday, i am sure you can trust his intuition if you don't trust an allied family's member"

He shook his head in a matching annoyed manner "Really mate, i am just here to visit a- friend, not much of a safety hazerd is it? Or are you saying you view me and my family as such?" he tilted his head. The Aerendyls and Vylasars had no heat between them, both simply governing a city within the same land. What kind of danger could Rhydian possibly be? "But fine, if you really want to make a big deal out of this and belittle your cousins trust, i shall meet with your mother no problem." he shrugged "If it is really such a problem i am here i am sure he'd known how your mother thought of me. Chance is big he told her anyway right?"

Much thank Nien x
Mon May 22, 2023 4:09 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Dear fellow traveller RbKYMU2
Dear fellow traveller 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ Maybe I wasn't made for this world ❞
Myrddin lifted a brow as soon as he heard the man scoff. Excuse me? What was that? What kind of behaviour was this? A frown quickly followed after the motion, and he could feel a slight anger rise in his chest. If only he had his magic right now. Maeve would surely make short work of this situation. She had always been better at dealing with people like this. She had confidence, where he was still quite lacking in a lot of departments. And, to top it off, he also didn't have a way to really speak back to people. Sure, he could write, but text didn't have as much power to it as a voice did. And by the gods, his familiar carried a voice and prescence that demanded respect. The thing was majestic, regal even, everything he should be due to his birth. And yet he lacked in so many compartments. It was why he felt so empty, so lost and generally annoyed without her. It was as if he had lost the strongest part of himself. The one thing that he could use to let himself be known. To reclaim that part of him that carried all that pride, as heir and captain. He had already given up on so many things to give in now. And he had come too far to be pushed around by some stranger that thought he owned the place. No. He wouldn't bow down, not in his own home, in his own room. This was Vylasar ground. His word was final.

If Myrddin could stand up right now he would have surely used his body language to make sure that the thick-headed elf knew how unpleased he was by the way he was speaking. Would he have thrown a punch? Maybe he would have. A couple of years ago he would have lashed out to the man until he had beaten him completely down. Demanding respect through pure physical violence. It was one of the things that had to be forced out of him. He no longer was as violent as he used to be. But by the gods, the anger he could feel in his chest sure as hell was there. He grinded his teeth carefully as his expression shifted. He didn't need someone talking back to him. He had been kind, understanding and had shown him his manners despite the whole situation. And all this man did was just talk over him, as if his words didn't have any power to them. Just standing there and mocking him and what he had written down. He hated it, he absolutely despised it. It didn't even matter that the man brought the name up of his right-hand man and cousin. Because right now, he wanted the other out of his sight. But sadly, for the mute man that wasn't an option.

The moon elf foolishly went on. Mocking everything as if he was a moron, an idiot. And the blonde stared at him with a very displeased gaze. Stop asking questions. Just fucking stop. He was tired, he was in pain and he just wanted to be left alone. He had already had an awful day thanks to these new guards and the past week had just been pure torture. This was anything but a blessing to him and it was showing. His expression shifting more and more to anger as the other went on. It wasn't because he was annoyed by what he was doing, no. Normally he was a very patient man, someone that was forgiving and actually took the time to help people. But right now... He was anything but pleasant. Ripped away from everything he so adored and his most loved person locked away. His entire body aching as he tried to fight for just an inch of freedom each and every fucking day. And then a boy like him just showed up, thinking they could mock him. Just like then. But he wouldn't let those voices win anymore. He was no laughing stock anymore. He wasn't going to be mocked. He deserved respect, his words deserved to be listened to- He was a Vylasar. He was heir. He was captain. He was everything that he should respect. Stop fucking mocking me.

And before he knew it a crutch flew through the room. Aiming straight for the other head as the man had quickly flung his arm back. Heavily panting he narrowed his eyes angerly as the item missed its target completely and hit the wall with a loud thud, before finally falling down to the floor. Myrddin's breathing had fastened quite a bit as he was clearly pissed off. His eyes focused on the man as he started to sign. Get out. But it wasn't as if the other could even read his hand signs. Yet he signed it again... And again... And again. But what did he expect? That this would make the whole situation clear? That the other would magically learn how to read a self made sign language? No. Only a handful of people could really understand it. And it was frustrating him more and more, until he finally opened his mouth and tried to force himself to speak. His tone was high pitched, as it normally was, but it was more akin to disoriented yelling than anything else. And as he went on, he was getting stuck in a vicious circle. Where he was getting more and more frustrated over the fact that no words could come. And he was just getting angrier, he was getting louder, he was getting more emotional. Stop laughing at me. It was all he wanted to shout out.
Tue Jun 06, 2023 6:25 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
Dear fellow traveller KjadvhJ
Dear fellow traveller D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
It had been a few days and Caelum had been stepping in for Myrddin wherever he could. As his right hand he had to now, since the Captain was bedridden. Now it was time to pay him a visit, get a look at him, see how he's doing, all that stuff. He thought he would be a rather peaceful little event of his day, yet he quickly realised that wouldn't be happening when he heard a loud bang coming from his door. Caelum hurridly closed the distance between himself and his door and opened it. What he found was not something he had thought to see, ever. Rhydian, the man he had escorted to the castle, was in the room with Myrddin. Myrddin himself was screaming and aggressively signing with his hands. Get out. Caelum frowned and walked in further. 'What's happening here??' His look went from Myrddin to Rhydian, as to tell him to explain himself. 'I think it is pretty clear you should leave.' He didn't know the story, but seeing how angry Myrddin was, was reason enough for him to terminate the cause of it; which was clearly the man in front of him right now.
Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:32 pm
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