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Dear brother o'mine
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
Dear brother o'mine Pine10
Dear brother o'mine Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled

Dear brother o'mine NZMzUEY
She was without reason, for the first time in quite a while. Months of independent research had spoiled her to a point her parents could have never done. Despite them trying their hardest.  As they had always hoped that money could buy her ease and calmness. It never did though, of course, it hadn't. Any toy in her hands would be a bore within a day, and any dress they bought her would be destroyed within a week or four. Material things never lasted long within her grasp for it was such a constant. Fun while it lasted, but a bore when she had it for too long. No, the only thing keeping her occupied was going outside, running free alongside her best friend Remi. They went on to explore all of Lythrania together. Their first interest being the many species of fish that swarmed around the city boundaries.

Oriana smiled as she thought back to those days- she would take a big book with her and sit on a bench near the see-through walls. And as they looked out over the reef beyond, she would identify every single species of fish her eyes got the treat of seeing out there. And as she got older she would dive deeper, and learn more about them, their subspecies and their position within marine ecology. Oriana learned of invertebrates, and vertebrates. In bed, she would read all about this new found thing called photosynthesis- If only 13-year-old Oriana knew what her older counter part knew.

Oriana smiled once more at the thought of it as she slipped through the halls of her home- it was crazy to think that once, these halls had felt huge- as now, it felt as though she was locked between them- despite knowing full well there were many ways to sneak beyond the cracks of them. Secret passage ways, ways to get onto the roof of the castle her family called home. She passed one of these now, a window that would lead her to a roof that would lead her onto another and so forth. Her eyes went to meet Remi, whose agile body had found its way up the window sill underneath- He had no need to talk to be understood by it's human counterpart. They were thinking the exact same thing. It was unfortunate however that someone approached who definitely wouldn't be keen on seeing her climbing out a window, "Caelum!" Oriana called out excitedly. "Over here! C'mon!" A bright smiled pulled onto the corners of her lips as she waved her older brother closer. When she had returned home yesterday, they had barely any time to catch up, or well, she had barely enough time to tell him all about her work- so, she would definitely not pass up any opportunity to do so now.


Much thank Nien x
Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:57 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
Dear brother o'mine KjadvhJ
Dear brother o'mine D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
With beg steps Caelum stalked through the castle halls. He rested his left hand on his sword, feeling the familiar weight of it on his hip. It was calm today, a bit too calm. Caelum always anticipated on something big happening, another fight or whatever his cousins stirred up this time. Yet the trouble that landed on his path was his sister. A small smile tugged on the corners of his lips. No surprise there, actually. He spotted his sister by the window and she called him over at the same moment. Caelum sighed, knowing he couldn't ignore her. Not that he wanted to. He just had to cut her off last night and he wasn't sure if it would've been better to let her ramble on about her studies. Just kidding, he loved to hear her talk about what she likes. Seeing the joy in her eyes whenever she was talking about her passion light up his heart. And even though she was a hand - and head - full, he loved having her around again. 'Hello,' he greeted her with an amused smile. 'What trouble are you stirring up now?'
Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
Dear brother o'mine Pine10
Dear brother o'mine Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled

Dear brother o'mine NZMzUEY

She leaned onto the elaborately decorated window sill behind her as she looked at her brother. Remi making way for her as she did whilst sniffing out the newcomer in their little scene. Oriana grinned a little when Caelum mentioned trouble, she'd always had a neck for getting into it, luckily however, she also had been very skilled at getting out of it. "Hmm wouldn't say trouble" she mused as she pushed herself away from the window and into a warm embrace with her brother, hugging him tightly for a quick second. "I prefer to call it an adventure, you know" she grinned before turning back to the window.

"Care to join me big brother" Her look went passed her shoulders onto him once more as she installed one of her legs onto the open window in front of her. "We have not seen each other in forever, we really should catch up- i have so much to tell you!" Oriana pouted whilst crawling through the opening and onto the roof "We will have the best views from up theree~" she continued in the most persuasive way she could as Remi followed her closely.

Much thank Nien x
Wed May 03, 2023 10:36 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
Dear brother o'mine KjadvhJ
Dear brother o'mine D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
He held out his hand as Oriana's familiar Remi went to sniff his hand. He softly summoned his own familiar Cat to make them meet eachother again. It had been a long time, after all. Cat jumped onto the windowsill to greet Remi and Caelum shifted his eyes back on his sister, who was grinning at his comment. 'Wouldn't call it trouble, huh?' Caelum repeated and hugged her back. It felt good to have her back home again. Now he could babysit her again. Yay. He leaned back to look at her. 'Your adventures often end up in trouble, Ori,' he mused back with a small grin. Of course he knew she always got away with it. She always had anyway. He raised his brow at her invitation to join her so called adventure, already onto her way outside. He chuckled as he watched her climb out of the window, her own familiar and Cat following her along onto the roof. Allright, if Cat wanted to go onto the roof he couldn't deny it. He rolled his eyes. 'Allright, allright.' He moved his sword out of the way and climbed after her through the window onto the roof. 'God-' It wasn't everyday he climbed through a window and it was evident, but soon he stood. He watched over the landscape, the early evening sun painting the sky all sorts of colours. He smiled and looked at his sister. 'And now?'
Sun May 07, 2023 9:26 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
Dear brother o'mine Pine10
Dear brother o'mine Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled

Dear brother o'mine NZMzUEY

A grin formed along the corners of her lips, watching her brother struggle at something was quite the rare sight after all, making it all the more entertaining as she watched. Unlike him, his sister had always been very agile and lightfooted. Carrying less muscle around made her great at getting anywhere, whether it required climbing, skilled jumping or getting through the narrowest of openings, both her adventurous soul and favourable muscle placement had made her the person to reach the hardest of places. Years she spent on the skill, the castle was as much a home as a playground to her and Remi.

"Of course it is not trouble" she mused while stretching out her back on the other side of the window "Something is only trouble when you a r e in trouble, and i never am" a grin settled on her face once more when she looked back at her brother, now on the roof with her.  He asked her what they were up to now, and she shrugged "My route, just follow me and you won't fall" she promised before balancing along the roof-cable skillfully. And once on the other side, back on more stable ground, she looked up at the skies. Bathed in the little warm sunlight their watery ceiling let through. Oriana smiled warmly as she watched her rays paint the waters a beautiful gold. "When i first arrived in Xalia, I preferred the sunset there to the one here" she admitted with a chuckle "But nothing truly compares to ours doesn't it?"

Much thank Nien x
Fri May 19, 2023 6:57 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
Dear brother o'mine KjadvhJ
Dear brother o'mine D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
She went on to say something more about the trouble she was not causing, according to her. Because it is only trouble when you get in trouble. Caelum shook his head, he thought differently about that. But fine, he wasn't one to start an argument about that with his sister. It would only tire him out. Sometimes he had the feeling Oriana's brain was just too quick for her own good — and his good too. When he finally stood on the rooftop and asked what the next step was, Ori was already on her way, telling him to just follow her so he won't fall. 'Well that sounds promising,' was his sarcastic remark. Caelum didn't have a fear of heights and his balance was fine, but knowing he could still fall from great heights didn't excite him that much. But he followed her, scuffling on the roof with care. Luckily, he made it to flat roofing alive, letting out a breath he had been holding in.

Together they watched the sun reflecting on the water, marking it golden between the watery blues. He turned his head to look at her when she talked about Xaila's sunset. 'Hm, I've never been there. I wonder how much it differs.' He let a little pause follow before he spoke again. 'Is it really that hot there?' Caelum already saw himself sweating through his layered uniform and armour he wore almost daily.
Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:24 pm
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