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There's no place like home
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Harvey Layton
Harvey Layton
There's no place like home KC9JEbJ
There's no place like home EmesTWTHarvIcon

Character sheet
Age: 33
Race: Human
Occupation: unemployed
Years have passed since Harvey laid eyes on the familiar view of Ashmoor's shores. He couldn't help but sigh in relief, his eyes glimmering with emotion. He had been traveling back for months now, after a long recovery, and the whole time it felt like he'd never make it home. Too afraid of the bad luck that seemed to have plagued him since the shipwreck. He didn't dare to hope. But now, as he stood on the bow of a ship, sailing full speed towards Port Silverstone, he finally allowed himself a sliver of hope. He was finally coming home.

If it wasn't for the captain, who vouched for him, they wouldn't have let them into the upper ring at all. To say he was shocked when he heard his name wasn't on the list because he was supposed to be dead was an understatement. It wasn't unthinkable if they had heard about the shipwreck. Anyone would have assumed he was dead. He would've assumed the same thing if it had been someone else. Hearing someone say that you died, however, was the strangest thing to hear about oneself. He had written to his sister, but a letter was easily lost on a long voyage across the seas. It must've never arrived. And that would mean that his family was still under the assumption of his death. Thanks to the trusted word of the captain, Harvey was allowed back into the upper ring to fetch the papers that could prove he was who he said he was. His own copy had sunk with the ship years ago. So that was his main responsibility if it was up to the harbor masters. But for Harvey, there was only one priority now: reuniting with his family.

Accompanied by an officer of the law—to make sure he would actually fetch his papers—Harvey rode through the familiar streets of the upper ring. Memories flooded his mind, and he had to fight the urge to stop at several locations. Making a mental note to visit these places when he had some more time. Once the two riders had entered the outskirts of the upper ring, Harvey urged his horse into a fast-paced gallop. Unable to wait any longer. Quickly followed by the officer, who didn't even stop him as Harvey had told his story. So he probably understood his haste. Harvey quickly turned under the tall iron gates and drove up the familiar driveway, past rows of pine trees and the green pastures leading all the way up to Willowvale Manor. Home to his dear sister Josephine and her family. His blue eyes were searching for a sign of her or her husband somewhere on the estate as he neared the gloomy-looking manor.

”Josephine! Carlisle!” He jumped off his horse before it had completely stopped, ran up the stairs—three steps at once—and burst into the house. ”Josephine! Its me!” His long hair flicked from side to side as he looked around the great entrance hall. Empty. Silence. The floorboards creaked under his boots as he stepped further inside. Suddenly a gasp sounded as a servant girl had appeared, no doubt startled by his long hair and unkempt beard. And of course the manner in which he had run into the house. Normally, Harvey would take the time to explain the situation, tell her who he was, and ask for his sister. Like a gentleman would. But this wasn't a normal situation. And before either of them could say a word to each other, a loud sound came from up the stairs, as if something had fallen, followed by some voices. Both the servant girl and Harvey looked to the stairs, and without skipping a beat, Harvey ran up them—three steps at once—while the shaken up servant girl stayed behind in shock. Luckily for her, the law officer had arrived to explain the situation.

Harvey followed the voices to a closed door. His heart was racing, anxious to finally see his family again. To hold his sister again and shake the hand of his brother-in-law. How he had dreamed of this moment. It had kept him alive at sea, the image of their faces. It had pushed him to fight for his life and do everything he could to come home again. Finally, that moment was here. Without knocking, he opened the door and stepped inside...

tag: Vivienne Howard & Callum Alastair

Hair-vibes || Beard-vibes || Outfit-vibes
Tue Apr 11, 2023 12:38 am
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