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A storm away
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Ether Rizal
Ether Rizal
A storm away I4pgPY7
A storm away UeZYXVC

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Diviner
champagne, cocaine, gasoline & most things inbetween
Life's too short to be bound by responsibilities. At least, that's what Ether told himself as he closed up shop for a week - something he'd never done before. Sure, it would make a few regulars less than happy, but they'd manage, would they not? It wasn't like his daily divinations were a necessaty for them (even though they might feel differently about that).  
But after his talk with lord Myrrdin Vylasar, the city of Lythrania intrigued him so. He had always wanted to see it for himself, but somehow, he.. hadn't. And that bothered him. He liked to think of himself as a free person, someone who could do whatever he wanted, who no longer was under the control of his Rizal name, but.. Here he was, doing divinations daily, only taking the weekends off to party and quite frankly, to lose his mind. Did his existence have any meaning at this point? Was he living, or surviving? A bitter thought, way too bitter for the kind of life he led. He was rich and quite content, he couldn't complain. But if he couldn't see the world.. He felt like his life wasn't complete.
So he took a week off from work. And he made the journey to Lythriana - which meant for him, hopping aboard a cart and kick back and relax - everything can be arranged with some gold Very Happy. As they neared the end of the tunnel, Ether sat up in Awe. The sights he saw were.. Unnatural, but so majestic at the same time. He could see fish, sharks, stingrays and turtles coloring the 'sky', though it wasn't the sky, it was all the sea. It was somewhat unnerving, he realised, as he felt the hairs on his neck stand up. What if it all came crashing down the minute he set foot in the city? But the coachman driving the cart he had boarded told him to get off, because they had arrived, and so he did (with fear in his heart). As he entered the city, it stood tall, not wavering a single bit. Of course it wouldn't.
© yuno
Sun Apr 02, 2023 12:53 am
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