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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
Vagabonds Wp10309412
Vagabonds Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
if i get too close and i'm not how you hopedForgive my northern attitude, i was raised on little light
The man patted his horse firmly on his neck as he waited for his younger brother to arrive with his steed. He walked over to the saddle of the red dun stallion to check the girth and lower the stirrups. Ed was standing with one back leg on rest. He was truly the chillest stallion you could know, perfect for the architect son, who was a very decent rider, but not quite a very brave one. He would never truly admit it, but when he was younger he still had some more nerve to get the feisty horse under control. But now that they'd had grown older together, a few gray hairs were visible on the muzzle of his steed, he was perfectly content with a gentle horse. So as the animal had his eyes half closed to the first warm rays of bloomtide sunshine, he drew his hand over the hindquarters of his animal and waited behind him as he leaned against a hitching post.

When his younger brother finally emerged, he scoffed and stood back up straight. ‘‘About time,’’ he called over to him as he walked over to the head of his horse and grab the reins. He had invited him for a pleasure hunt up north. Just them being by themselves to get away from the city, if only it was just for a day. He would not be hunched over his drawings and Trystan not over his never ending piles of documents. And he even did it, because he thought Trystan was more a fan of being outdoors, with all his violent hobbies of punching other men of horses.  
Thu Mar 30, 2023 4:20 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Trystan d'Vrys
Trystan d'Vrys
Vagabonds 9cfjxKR
Vagabonds 06f2d34eebbb271d3ccc6341a244d826

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Lawyer
All ambitions are lawful;
except those which  climb upward

Lloyd had invited him to go out hunting. Which wasn’t all to weird, apart from the fact that he knew his brother didn’t like those things an awful lot. And while he had tried to be on time for that said appointment, Trystan needed to swing by his office for something. Which resulted in a few people clinging to him. But eventually he had gotten out of there and he had gone to the place they would meet. Luckily for him, he had picked up Brego earlier that said day, so he wouldn’t lose any more time. The weather outside was perfect, the first rays of heat were shining down upon them. Frankly there was no better moment for a hunt then today!

’Sorry, I forgot something at the office and well. People are in need of help.’ He apologized. Grinning up at his brother from in his saddle. Fingers briefly moving over the black neck of his steed. His spear was lodged firmly between a saddle bag and his leg, but not in a way that it would harm Brego. ’Lead the way brother.’ A playful grin appeared on his lips as he glanced at the other. Some downtime spend with Lloyd, it was the best way to spend a day if you asked him. And it had been a while for sure. ’How are things?’

On the miseries or credulities;
of mankind.

Fri Mar 31, 2023 11:16 am
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