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The sun watches what I do
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Lumina ElaƩydar
Lumina ElaƩydar
The sun watches what I do ILBfO3u
The sun watches what I do DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
Settling into the luxurious guest chambers that were granted to her had been surprisingly.. smooth. Her servants had even done a fine job at unpacking while she had explored the castle. Of course she wouldn't even think about lending them a hand, why by Laphiss would she? Lumina had thought to run into trouble at least somewhere along the way. But there was truly nothing to complain about. How perfect.

The former princess was sauntering about the castle once more. Each turn felt so very familiar, as if it had only been yesterday since she had last called this palace her home. She couldn't say it was a feeling she could get used to. But there was little time to despair when she was finally free of her brother's wicked wrath. Or rather, he of hers. She found her way to a windowseat soon enough, basking in the sun that fell through. The sunshine made her long hair look even whiter than it was. It was almost as white as her dress. The golden embroidery was fit for her status and the sheer fabric highlighted all the curves she had been given by Lythrana. She looked like a saint. It was a shame no one thought of her that way yet.

& Ezekiel Vylasar

Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:14 pm
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