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I'm out of my depth
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
I'm out of my depth  YgnN2uK
I'm out of my depth  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.

He had ventured across the many ocean waves, with an image of her in the back of his head. Her, stupid goddamn image- his summer fling, a fire flickering dimmer within the many winds that cut his face as the ocean stretched out in front of him, yet never died, never starved of oxygen. They stumbled upon each other, one night. He had only been on land for a day or two and couldn't catch sleep on stable floors just yet. She had been the first person he saw when he entered the saloon that night. Her striking strawberry-blonde hair failed to escape his attention. He hadn't recognised her that night, truly he had never paid attention to her back in the days of the monarchy. They were just two people that night, both not where they would like to be, sipping their drinks. And soon they would be two people fond of each other, two adults doing adult things.  A summer it would last between them, Rhydian hadn't expected to stay within the gates of Lythrania for that long but somehow she managed to keep him within her spell. Wether this was of passion or war, either way, it had been enchanting to be alongside her.  As her cold ways of interacting with others were so different from his own- they were complete opposites yet so familiar. She had a way of thinking that had done so much more than inspire the man she had chosen that one night in the saloon.

No more than a fling it had been however, time ran out, he had to go back to the seas he loved so much. Back to his life as a captain aboard his own ship. Waves took over and dimmed the fires of passion between the pair, distances tore them apart and after that four months of healing after that one horrid day. And yet- to him, the flame never fully died.

Rhydian liked to believe he returned as the same man he had been before, as he rode throughout the magical city of Lythrania once more. A cocky, hot-headed elf without any baggage that kept him up at night. Perhaps these hopes were why he had returned here, for here, with her he had felt great. It was here that he last saw himself as he had been before it all. And that was with her, with the princess. Rhydian clenched his jaws as he rode up to the place he knew she'd venture to in the dark of night, the place no home could ever compare too for her. And once he had slid out of his horse's saddle. a fresh way of uncertainty shook the ground beneath his feet. Months had gone by since he had last seen her- what if he had lost her thought? What if she had felt abandoned by him leaving her? Not sending her letters once he returned home wounded? The elf shook his head shortly- he hadn't had the time to think of her. As he lay in bed cursing the gods in the most awful pain imaginable, he had figured she wouldn't know anyway. She'd think he was at sea- she'd think he would be gone for a year and continued her life. And could rest, he could weep and scold without thinking of her and the person he had been alongside her. He didn't have to think of her and miss her alongside the pain he already had been in.

He breathed in slowly before pushing open the big doors leading to the central hall of her home. Now technically the home of  the new ruling family of these parts. Rhydian could only image how hard it'd be- shoved into the guest chambers of what once your home.  A dim blue light from outside filtered through the big windows that were set between marble walls reaching as high as could be. Rhyian looked at it all with stocked breath and keen eyes. When he had last been there- Once more he inhaled as he pressed forward, he could only hope showing up like this was the kind of gesture needed to be welcomed back by the woman, if not as a fling, as friend. Though his heartbeat for the latter.

Whether he liked it or not- for Rhydian would always hate being so attached to another. He spoke with the guards, shived his family name in their faces and was led towards her chambers. It had always been a nice card to pull when needed, his legacy. As one of the later-born children in the family, he had all the gain, yet no strain from it.  Even though now, in front of her door- the power he felt before slipped through his hands within an instant. Brought down from his high horse he knocked.  "Lumina?" his voice echoed through the dimly lit halls "Hey, can I come in?"

+ Lumina
Pitch black, Pale blue.

Much thank Nien x
Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:03 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
I'm out of my depth  ILBfO3u
I'm out of my depth  DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
Oh it hadn't been as easy as she had made it seem, settling in. The former princess was plagued by remembrance of what her life used to be like. She remembered the countless time she had hurried down the halls, whether it was chasing or being chased. Her life had been so utterly careless back then, when it was good. Now it was just a stark reminder of what was lost.

Thankfully for her, the moon elf was very capable of hiding how she truly felt as she had walked the halls. She had become somewhat of a master at pretending she wasn't hurt by what had happened. Sometimes even she herself forgot her clever ruse. Those days it was difficult to remember that she wasn't just the queen that should have been, but also the princess whose life had been taken away. In those moments she often forgot the suffering she thought she had went through, as she focused herself on her secret escapades.

Perhaps being here would do her some good. That was, if she had to believe Ezriel. But she knew he had just wanted her out of his sight, so she could hopefully be out of his mind. It was pathetic how he couldn't even handle seeing her. But she knew she would still be on his mind, for he knew she would always be the better choice. It was the one truth they could agree on.

Loosing oneself in thought wasn't ideal, but it was what happening to Lumina as she stood in the middle of her new chambers. The pull out of her endless train of thought came in the form of a knock, and then, an all too familiar voice. Her head snapped towards the grand door. Could that truly be him? She hadn't noticed just how chilly the room had become until now. As she stood in front of the door she briefly hesitated. But there was no point in avoiding someone she realised she wanted to see. He had always been so good at distracting her, after all. So she pushed her white hair over her shoulders, before her dainty hand moved to open the door. "Rhydian, what a surprise."

Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:33 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
I'm out of my depth  YgnN2uK
I'm out of my depth  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.

He had not known what he could expect when the door swung open in front of him. A desire to be as close as possible again? To meet each other's skin under a passionate touch, melting away in the sweet Deja Vu of the summer behind them? Or a cold shoulder, a slap in the face for how little it had seemed to have possibly meant to him from the perspective her beautiful eyes? The man could only clench his jaw when it played out in front of him- as the door opened, he was met by neither, nor disappointment.

He smiled faintly upon seeing her again, her long silky white hair neatly tucked behind her shoulders. A dress he had not had the pleasure to see on her before, undoubtedly new. He breathed in as a chill wind met his exposed skin from inside the room, he could only guess she had been too busy in her head to light the fireplace of the guestroom she was forced into. Lu had always been a thinker- a mindful person strongly contrasting his more often action-driven way of going through life. It was a source of interest to the man- as trying to pry the beautiful princess's thoughts, had managed to keep him at her lips.  "Lu-" he greeted her with an unexpected warmness in his tone. He hadn't wanted to fall back into old patterns immediately- the thought of being the helpless one twisted his guts in an uncomfortable way- yet seeing her once again had left him unable to withstand the desperate feelings within his chest.

A sigh broke the short silence that fell between the pair as Rhydian nodded his head a little, pressing his lips together shortly before answering, "Heh you could say that- it has been quite a while hasn't it?" His gaze went up to her eyes as the glimmering lights from outside fell upon his blue eyes. "I got in a bit of trouble at sea... as I am sure you know-" a grin pulled onto the right corner of his mouth as he leaned against the big doorframe, looking down upon the lady.  "You always seem to magically know everything afterall," the elf gave her, his voice deepened. There was no point in finding excuses or lies with Lumina, he wouldn't underestimate her again, for he knew exactly how well the world around her was known to the ex-princess. She would've made an excellent royal if given the chance. "But I wont bore you with my long healing journey, or sob stories that do not interest you nor are able to be bettered. I came all this way to see you Lu, talk with you, will you let me?"

Pitch black, Pale blue.

Much thank Nien x
Fri Apr 07, 2023 12:41 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
I'm out of my depth  ILBfO3u
I'm out of my depth  DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
The former princess had always been quite adapt at dealing with her own feelings. Or rather, she had been clever enough to do so in secret. Whether it was letting out the anger she felt through cunning schemes or through.. less virtuous acts. Nobody knew what she was up to, how she truly felt, because she preferred it that way. She had made herself not to be like her brother, who just disappeared whenever he couldn't deal with his own feelings. She would never do that, because she convinced herself she had everything under control.

Every now and then, however, the past came knocking in a way even she couldn't have expected. When it did, it managed to surprise even her. The astonishment that was written all over her face when she heard Rhydian's voice on the other side of the door was only hers to see. Yet some of it remained as she opened the door so she could face him. The warmth with which he spoke could thaw through the cold she had inflicted on the room. She felt it more than she liked to admit.

The moon elf continued to speak. He had always been the talker of the two of them. Perhaps it was because he was nervous to see her once more. "It has." She once again confirmed as she looked at him. Her dark eyes kept a strong focus on his, as she was afraid what would happen when she looked just about anywhere else. A shimmer of a grin appeared on her face as he spoke about her knowing about his troubles. Of course she knew, Lumina always knew. "You're right about that." She simply stated. Many would do well to remember it, but he did. He knew. He wanted to see her, why? She hadn't thought he wanted to stay around her even longer than he already had. "Why would you want to do that?" She spoke in a candid manner. Him being here confused her, something which she hadn't exactly signed up for. She would not mind continuing their little 'dalliance', but he sounded like he wanted more.

Fri Apr 07, 2023 1:41 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
I'm out of my depth  YgnN2uK
I'm out of my depth  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.

He leaned his head against the doorframe as she spoke- her cold yet enchanting voice awakening many dear memories. Her little grin at being given the gift of being all-knowing by him suited her. It was that certain self-esteem she carried with her that had always been able to put a spell on the man in front of her. His breath halted shortly as she questioned his motives- because why was he standing here? Why did he go such a long way to be potentionally denied access to her companionship? Was it because he felt guilty about leaving her despite the fact it had been fairly clear to the both of them that they were nothing more than a fling? A summer joy meant to end at autumn's arrival? Or was it because he would regret every day of his life if he had not given it another shot?

Rhydian felt his throat tense up as his eyes met Lumina's, hard-to-read Lumina. Interactions with her could truly feel like reaching into a never-ending abyss, luckily, however, Rhydian had never feared the deep. He smiled a little as he slowly grew a little more at ease around her. The longer he stood within her aura, the more he noted it wasn't that of hostility or unwelcomeness. For as far as she was readable, she was truly keen on knowing why he was here with her. Though he did not know how to feel about her questioning this. But what he did know however, was why she might think so- a pang of guilt pulled on his heart has he pressed his lips together again, failing to get the emotions out of his face as he couldn't ever. He was what she was never, an open book. A clear canvas of emotions and thoughts no matter how hard he tried to conceal them.

Rhydian had always been an emotional man, unable to keep his feelings in check. Something that Meleys would always call him out on, naming it weak. And that alongside his short posture had always been one of his strongest insecurities- but around Lu? He bit his cheek shortly as they coloured red right in front of her- he looked around as though it would relieve him of the tension he felt upon his chest. "Because-" his eyes went downward, meeting hers. He breathed in "Well- Because it was the first thing I wanted to do after I recovered fully Lu" he answered honestly. It was true- he had not thought about it all beforehand- Rhydian never thought, he did. And his spirit ached to be with hers again, something had drawn him back to her side and it wasn't thoughts, it wasn't a calculated plan- it was pure feeling, pure wanting to be with her again. He chuckled softly "Because I wanted to see you again, I hope it isn't hard to believe. Because I don't want it to be" his look softened shortly as he kept it locked onto her for looking anywhere else seemed like a suicide mission.
Pitch black, Pale blue.

Much thank Nien x
Fri Apr 07, 2023 2:21 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
I'm out of my depth  ILBfO3u
I'm out of my depth  DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
Wherever Lumina went, a string of broken hearts usually followed. She had been toying with older guys for a long time. They were playthings for her, nothing more. Those love affairs ended as quickly as they began. In her mind her chapter with Rhydian had been closed and done. The moment she heard his voice behind the door she knew she had been wrong. She could will him to be the same as the others all she wanted, but it would do nothing. He'd always been different.

There was a part of her that wanted to close the door right after she had opened it. He had been meant as a plaything, but during that Sunpeak he had grown to be something else. Now part of her hoped that he would leave, so she wouldn't have to think about him anymore. But she knew he wouldn't. He had always been an open book for her to read, even after all this time. She just didn't understand why he had returned. He must have known wanting to be with her again would be a mistake.

It would do him little good to want to get close to her. But it was the exact reason why he was here. She knew just how impulsive he could be, so him being here must have been a decision based on feelings alone. Unlike him, she was calculated in every move she made and it was all to protect herself. Her heart was guarded by her every might while he wore his on his sleeve. "Didn't I warn you not to try something like this last time we saw each other?" She asked him in a rhetorical manner. "I tend not to act with my head rather than my heart Rhy," She said softly. Calling him by his nickname sent a chill through her heart, which she chose to ignore. "And it's telling me that letting you in would be a big mistake." It didn't matter what her heart told her, she had to listen to what she knew best, which was her own cold reasoning.

Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
I'm out of my depth  YgnN2uK
I'm out of my depth  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Not friends, not enemies.

The muscles aligning his jawbone firmed up as she spoke, wrinkling the skin covering them tightly as his eyes shimmered within the light blue hues of the room. Rhydian had no idea what it was like to love. To truly give all of your heart to someone and get theirs in return.  Though he had seen it among his friends and family. But, he had also seen how it destroyed his father when his mother died. Followed by the pain he saw when the same thing hit Elros- he was fairly certain he didn't even want to love if it saved him from the pain of things ending. Yet, as he thought back to those sweet days between the two of them, and the way they had lingered upon his long term memory, he'd almost argue himself on the matter. He'd almost convinced himself it would all be worth the risk of a broken heart just to have those sweet and amazing moments beforehand.

Rhydian hadn't expected to be hit as hard as he had when the inevitable struck down him. When she argued his offer,  backing down stating it would only be a mistake to let him in again. Rhydians eyes widened slightly allowing for a broader emotional display on them. When she called him by his nickname, it felt as though she threw salt upon an open wound even if the soft demeanour of her speech had given him the slightest amount of hope yet again. "Was it last time?" he stated softly as his glimmering eyes went on a search for hers. "Lu..." he plead as he tilted his heart slightly, a soft hopefully smile adorning his lips.

Why was he like this? He had come here without a single thought- and still, none kept him back from continuing as he followed his heart. He knew she felt the same, he could see it in the way her voice softened, and within the words, she spoke. Her heart wanted it just as much as his did- "Was last summer a mistake?" he spoke again softly, warmly "We left on such a good note Lu- remember the evening before i left?" the moon elf recalled smilingly "Why must it end there? Why can't we be close again, if it felt that good to be?" His head argued slightly, it would only end up hurting one of them or both- he'd be like his dad, like Elros- but his heart beat louder as the two of them spend more time in front of eachother- he didn't care for the pain. First he wanted to live.

Just strangers with memories.

Much thank Nien x
Sat Apr 08, 2023 3:27 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
I'm out of my depth  ILBfO3u
I'm out of my depth  DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
Rhydian Aerendyl, however uncomplicated he might be to others, was the greatest threat to her own heart. Or so Lumina thought. He had been the only one she had ever been with who had stayed longer than mere weeks. An entire Sunpeak their time together had lasted. That had been too long, she now realised. Because if they had only been together a short while back then, she would be able to instantly turn him down now. But she couldn't.

Somewhere along the way she had grown to care more than she liked to admit. Her feelings for him were utterly complicated, and she'd much rather not figure them out now. Part of her wished he would disappear just so she could return to her own melancholy. But there was a part of her that still longed for him to be by her side again. Admitting to that would ultimately get her hurt, so she didn't. In refraining from total honesty she was granted his pleas and an amount of emotion she could never display herself. "It should have been." She said as she felt a sting in her heart. Sending him away would hurt more than she wanted it to.

The way he spoke to her made the look in her eyes soften. Somehow, he always managed to tear down the walls she put up with such ease. Yet he had never been able to do so fully. She didn't know what to say to him as he continued to speak. Everything he said sounded so logical, so honest. "It wasn't a mistake," she spoke with a sigh. "But it must end here, because," she continued before she stopped and softly bit on her lower lip. It had to end because she did not want to get hurt. Because she'd only be a bad influence. But she couldn't say that. "It just has to." She tried to be as confident as she could be while saying it. She didn't need to give him any reasoning.. but she did. She owed it to him. Quickly, she averted her gaze from his, because she was afraid he'd possibly see how her lips said one thing, but her eyes showed what was truly in her heart.


Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
I'm out of my depth  YgnN2uK
I'm out of my depth  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Not friends, not enemies.

What was she so afraid of? Rhydians eyes hardened shortly as she argued their sunpeak should've been a mistake- yet found softness again when she agreed it hadn't been. Not for him, not for her. So why did it had to be? Was she perhaps as scared of closeness as he had been? And still was somewhere within his thoughts? Lumina had always had this sense of mystery to her, she held her heart behind a lock and there was little that could pry it open. But, he had. He had the key within his hands last sunpeak and by Lythrania how much he missed having it. Rhydians shaky breath filled the silence that fell between them as she choked on her words for a bit. His eyes once again met hers and right before she stole her strong and cold gaze back, he saw it falter.

Why did it have to? Why? Rhydians head shook side to side slowly as she once again distanced herself from him. Doubt filled his mind as he stance in front of her began to depend on shaky flooring. And for once, he was forced to listen to them- his thoughts. For they were louder than the beating of his own heart now. Why did she have to say such things? Why did she hurt herself as she did right now? Because for Lythranias sake, he knew she went against her own gut right now. Lumina never- let a silence weaken her words.  She never stayed to argue a choice that was completely her own if she didn't doubt it herself. Rhydian might have lost the key- but he still knew the woman in front of him through and through.

Many feelings pulled onto his heart as the silence between them merely grew. And for now, he was glad she didn't have to see any of them, as she looked away from him to avoid the same most likely. He felt a pain watching her leave him, an unjustified anger somewhere but mostly- mostly he felt desperation. He nodded slowly as he forced himself to think, wanting to find some sort of way neither of them had to feel this pain, because neither of them wanted to leave the other again - deep down. "Alright" he nodded as he reached for some kind of hope. He nodded "How about, and hear me out oke?" a smile crept onto his silly face "It ends here, like here here" he gestured towards the room as he slowly convinced himself of his own plan. "But- we can go elsewhere! You and me, a walk through your beloved city i barely know...how about that Lu?" he tilted his head as his look softened "I don't care in what way we go through life from now on- as long as we don't have to leave each other..." he sighed shakily as his enthusiasm changed into a bittersweet note "But- if you truly want me to leave completely, I will." he would never force her to do anything- if she wanted to break her own heart, the choice would be hers. Not his, never his.

Just strangers with memories.

Much thank Nien x
Sun Apr 09, 2023 12:46 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
I'm out of my depth  ILBfO3u
I'm out of my depth  DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
In every one of her dalliances she had been given the role of the hunter, rather than the prey. Each man, or woman, had crumbled to their feet before the captivating -former- princess. Lumina might not have held the title she once did, but their prayers told a different story. One of her affairs had always been different though. Rhydian had come to her, but was never truly gone. She still often doubted the fact if she had been the archer, or if she had been the prey.

A hundred thrown-out speeches that she had once thought of flashed through her mind. They lingered on her lips in this moment, ready to be said to him. But for once, she found herself at a loss for words. She could not come up with an explanation for her statements, even though she usually had one at the ready. But she couldn't understand why he still came back to her. He told her it was simple, but was it truly?

When he spoke once more she felt herself purposefully keep her gaze from his. She knew what looking in those deep blue eyes of his meant, and she wasn't sure she could ever truly reject him. He would want to go someplace else, just for her. His words managed to puncture through every wall she put up. Finally, she couldn't keep herself from icing him out anymore. "After everything, after I've given you so many reasons to leave," she said softly. "You still wish to stay?" She asked softly. "You would give up being with your family, just to be by my side in a godforsaken city?" She took a few steps away from him, leaving the door open, as the realisation dawned on her. Perhaps he was the only one that could see right through her.

Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:02 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
I'm out of my depth  YgnN2uK
I'm out of my depth  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Not friends, not enemies.

Her train of thought went beyond her man's understanding. How could she think of herself as lowly as she did? Not only had she been a princess- but the way she went through life- the way she presented herself in prideful fashion and cold beauty- it had managed to take the breath from the man's chest many of times. Rhydian chuckled warmly, a flabbergasted tinge lingered on each note. For he could not comprehend how a woman like her, with all her grace and beauty could be thinking in the way she did.

Rhydian had never been one to be dumbfounded by love, he hated the attached feeling it came with, he hated to be weak for a woman like his father and best friend had been. Or more specifically, the thought of one day ending up like them, heartbroken, scared him enough to keep his heart at bay. Or so he thought. As one summer alongside her had fed it enough to keep beating for the time they weren't. Despite the trial, despite the error of his seaward endeavours, it had remained to beat on. And even when the awful pain had soared through his body, even when the tragedy of his journey clouded over him during the day- it was her of whom he thought in its wake.

Rhydian's throat closed off when she doubted his devotion- more so doubting herself in the progress. As it hit him he'd seen a side of her he never had seen before, standing in front of him wasn't the cold and proud Lumina he had met before. It was a woman whose life had been rather static, a woman doubting her worth, yet beautiful all the same. She was like him, a fool in love.  Rhydian followed when she moved back into her warmly lit room, feeling a relief being thrown over his strong shoulders upon entering her life once more. Her private room, her heart?

"I see no reasons" he mused warmly as he took of his coat and laid it upon the chair next to the beautifully decorated fireplace. "There are no reasons to leave if you do not want me too Lu" he continued as his look softened upon every word leaving his mouth. As for the first time in their conversation, he did not manage to keep his eyes away from her. They took in her beautiful face, her gorgeously shaped body and more importantly, the way she displayed herself in front of him. The way he had the key once more and was able t see past the doubt she cast around herself. She felt for him still- just as he did for her...

A small chuckle broke the heavy mood between them when she mentioned his family, "It is not godforsaken- it is never when you are in it" he smiled as he approached her, finally daring to lay his hand softly upon her shoulder. His eyebrows scrunched up as he looked for her gaze within that clouded face of her. "Lu- i do not care in what way I meet you,  in your bad and good days- i would never not want to be by your side." a smile quirked up around the corners of his mouth "If there are any reasons you gave me, it were reasons for me to stay with you. For as long as you let me" He hated it. Somewhere. The words she pulled from the depths of his heart, the inner feelings he usually hid away in fear of making himself look weak. But around her, he was already weak anyway. And that he did not mind one bit.

Just strangers with memories.

Much thank Nien x
Tue Apr 25, 2023 4:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
I'm out of my depth  ILBfO3u
I'm out of my depth  DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
The former princess had always been rather stoic about love. It was strange really, how unemotional she could be about matters of the heart. For her, there was only marriage, which was a transaction. It would unlikely be a man she cared for, but she had been all right with that. Every man that had been in her life had left her heart as cold as it had been before. She used to think that was how she liked it.

None of them had made her feel anything. Not until he had entered her life and thawed whatever icy walls she had put around herself.  He had made her heart beat faster whenever he came around, in whatever venture he managed to drag the two of them in with his endless optimism. Sometimes she still felt the rush, the tingle on her skin, when she thought back to their time together.

Thinking about him was one thing, but actually having him in front of her.. All the doubts she had felt came rushing back in, but so did the feelings she didn't want to admit she had. She was sure he did not think himself a genious for the words he spoke, but they seemed rather perfect to her. Was that what he had done to her? Did she no longer think his idiotic remarks just that, had she fooled herself into thinking they were rather full of simple wisdom? She did not answer him, she just looked to a point far away in the distance. Slowly, she began to realise just how much she had let her heart ache for the day he would return.

When he reached for her, placing a hand on her shoulder, she couldn't help but look up at him. His declaration, one of love if she had ever heard one, should make her feel as if she was drowning. Only Lythrana knew how much she dreaded falling, especially if it was in love. Was that what was happening? But she didn't feel anything like that, she felt steady and grounded under his touch. "You are a fool for this, truly" She said with a sigh. Carefully, she took a step towards him while she kept her gaze stuck on his. "I do not need saving Rhydian," she mused, determined to state her case. But her voice faltered anyway. "But will you run away with me?" She then asked as she took a hold of his hands. Shortly she looked at the pair intertwined, before her eyes found his again. Slowly she raised one of her brows, rather playfully, finally giving into his stupid smile.

Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:13 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
I'm out of my depth  YgnN2uK
I'm out of my depth  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences.
Loving her felt as though he´d ventured through bushes of thorns. It had hurt, it had asked of him a perseverance unmatched by anything else the world had to offer. But in the end, the sight of the roses had made it well worth it, for no beauty in the world could compare to their pink petals. Rhydian´s smile warmed upon meeting her beautifully cold gaze, as where others sought out spring or summer, Rhydian wanted nothing more than the cold winters of her eyes. Winter was cold, yet beautifully peaceful, calm and static. Its serenity and dangerous undertones made for a well-exciting adventure, and one Rhydian would never back down from.

He breathed softly within her close proximity, taking in every inch of her as if he was looking at all the jewels the universe had to offer- and yes, perhaps it made him a fool to love her as hardly as he did. Maybe he was belittling himself by falling to his knees for her, begging for her attention and heart, but these were simply the thorns he had to endure, in order to see the beautiful view of her and her striking personality. And that made it all worth it in the end, for he'd walk on burning coal just to get a glimpse of it, if she'd let him.

The short elf kept his eyes fixed on hers as the distance between them slightly narrowed, robbing him of his breath shortly. "Perhaps" he mused softly, as though he was afraid the walls would hear and rob them of their intimacy. "But I don't mind being a fool in this case" A small smirk appeared on the elf's face, however, lowered itself rather quickly when the woman in front of him took hold of his hand. It was crazy how much such a small gesture could shake out of a strong man such as him. It was as the story of the little butterfly, creating hurricanes with the faintest flap of it's wings.  A tiny wave that rippled into a massive one over time. It coursed through him, shook things lose within him in a matter of seconds, stunning him for a second as he was caught up into it.

She assured him she was not in need of saving, and he didn't need much in order to believe her word. After all, in all the time he had known her, she had proven to him not only her strength but also never-ending willpower and quick wit. Yet the elf could only hope the same thing counted for her spirit. The abstract part of her that strength wouldn't safe. Rhydian had a sense she wasn't strong there, for the words she spoke and the doubt she cast over their relationship in order to save herself from potential harm- it spoke louder than she ever could, yet Rhydian was in no position now to answer. For now, this would only cast her further away from him.

Caught up in her magical touch, Rhydian took a blind step forward, his heart beating faster whilst he did, his brows furrowing upward more. He bended his fingers over hers, rubbing his thumb softly over the soft skin of her hand in a loving manner. And there she went, with months of knowledge on her slightest facial expression he noted her falling. And he was more than prepared to catch her with both his arms. When she asked if he'd run away with her, he watched her raise an eyebrow. And he immediately knew she had let him back in. He knew that right now they stood intertwined, together.

And slowly he rose their hands, placing a soft kiss upon her knuckles as he moved his eyes upwards to meet hers. "I'd be a fool not to want that, and well- we've already established that I am haven't we lu?" he stated warmly, moving his other hand on top of their intertwined hands, his gaze softening once more "If I could, Lu, i'd-" he looked around him, his eyes sparkling in an enthusiastic manner, as though what he was about to say was bigger than the room they shared, he chuckled "If you want,  i'd walk beside you through every season, No matter how the wind blows, and in  any weather thrown at us, I wouldn't budge Not when i am with you, no matter the distance between us, no matter the hardships." he nodded his head "That I can promise you, I assure you Lu"

Their eyes met, their hands touched, the room few smaller, Lythrania was no more. The castle and it's inhabitants were no more. It was just them now, in a dimly lit room. Rhydian chuckled warmly "Gods Lu, the power you have over me" he shook his head but couldn't bear to break the eye contact they had. "You are with it though" he followed up with a confident smile. When he had come here on a whim, he had never expected to end up in her room- truly, he had expected nothing, he hadn't thought anything when he got onto his horse and strode over here. He simply felt, and experienced the need to see her once more, and now he stood here. In front of her and in her aura once more. And for the first time in a while, he wasn't an Aerendyl, he was not a failed captain, a wounded man or a nitwit- here he could simply be. In this room, he could be a fool and nothing more, a fool for her, a happy man with no past to keep him behind. Together they could be whatever they wanted to be, and nothing had felt more freeing in a long while.

He was beyond the thorns now, he thought as he looked at her, there was no going back now. No backing down, the fear of losing her felt so little now that he could almost taste the sensation of being with her and beside her. And now, now he could only hope she'd want him, as much as he wanted to be with her.
Sit with you in the trenches.

Much thank Nien x
Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:49 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
I'm out of my depth  ILBfO3u
I'm out of my depth  DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
Their story had started out as secret moments in a crowded room, consisting of stealing glances that should not belong to either of them. Their chase of one another had been one that she rather enjoyed, as she often did. While Lumina usually threw out her prey like they were last week's news, Rhydian had never truly left. Him and his golden aura had left a mark on her heart.

The princess had always been particularly good at letting people go, as they had come and gone her entire life, but not him. She had repressed whatever she had felt the way she usually did. But deep down, hidden from even her own knowledge, she had pined in patience and silence. Lumina would have endured that way, had it not been for Rhydian showing up. Would he be the one to wake her up in time? All so she could wake up at his side. There were many things she did right, but this would truly be it.

The fool and the princess; it would be a fitting title for the two of them. Because Rhydian would be nothing but a fool to admit how he truly felt about her, for wanting to thaw through her endless winters. Yet he did not mind. He truly did not mind. He would be there through her worst times and still praise her for her silent storms. She could lie endlessly and effortlessly, but not to him. Many would call him 'less' than those in his family for his lack of tact, but he had the uncanny ability of always seeing the truth in her. So she could not deny it now.

A simple touch of her hands was turned into a moment of adoration when he placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. Her dark eyes wandered down to the gesture. When he started speaking again, and she looked up, she noted his starry eyes sparking up in a manner that could light up the entire sky. It was as if she did not even need to hear the words that sounded more like a promise than a confession of love. She listened to the prose he spoke, which he would undoubtedly call a rambling of words should she address it. So she would not, at least not like that, for each word sounded perfect to her.

It mattered not that he saw right through her. He cared for her because of who she was, not in spite of who she was. And that was enough. She cared not that he had seen her fall in these past moments. She had not spoken in a while, nor could she find the words to say to him now. ”You can call this whatever you wish to.” She finally managed to say. ”I feel the same way.” She then confessed. Not in a whisper, not with any hesitation, because she was sure of her case. There was no fear, no lack of commitment, she did not feel any of that. She just felt a need to have him by her side. And he’d know.

”Did you just compare me to a goddess?” She then asked.

Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:56 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
I'm out of my depth  YgnN2uK
I'm out of my depth  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences.
Her silence was delicate, one he did not fear nor challenge. It was as the calm of the waves at night, rhythmic-  and controlled. It hadn't lost its power to cut at the cliffs though, it still chipped it away piece by piece. It merely did this slowly, thoughtfully. Rhydian smiled as the seconds chipped at his rapidly beating heart, it's thuds reaching the vein in his neck, it's warmth correlating with the warmth of their touch. And suddenly the room around them grew even smaller when the elven princes spoke, as to him she'd always be a princess.

His blue eyes widened, his smile grew, and somewhere he swore he'd heard music play along with her beautiful words. He could this so many many things- so many words yet none would do his feelings, no their feelings justice. So instead of speaking, instead of destroying her beautiful silence, he rubbed his thumb over the side of her soft hand. A small touch, a little reminder of the grand feeling he carried for her, visualized in the sparkling of his eyes, the awe on his face when they met hers. It was just them, them and their feelings for eachother- how could he possibly name such a good thing? There was no better than best- yet tonight felt as though there was. A grand best, a better than best, A lumina and Rhydian- together. Feeling the same way- that was the closest thing there was to better than best.

When she cut at one of the words he'd used previously, Rhydian chuckled endearingly as he brought up his shoulders. If there was anyone walking around whom embodied everything he considered heavenly it would be the woman standing in front of him. He stepped closer. Untill nothing but a few centimetres of trapped air kept them apart from each other. Rhydian smiled as he looked at her fair face- loosening his gentle touch in order to bring it up to the side of her face. Caressing her jaw softly as he shortened the distance between them. one last time "Well- i'd certainly go on my knees for you Lu" he hummed with a playful tone in his voice as he finally dared to lean in. Bridging the last bit of space between the pair.
Sit with you in the trenches.

Much thank Nien x
Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:53 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
I'm out of my depth  ILBfO3u
I'm out of my depth  DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
It was marvelous what a few moons at the height of the year could do to two people. When she had first encountered Rhydian, she had thought little of him but a thing for her to play with. Their time together had not been very long, they had not been years in the making. But as he stood in front of her once more, years later, she could not deny the way her feelings for him instantly ignited again. She felt the way she had back then: like her frozen heart was thawing from his radiant smile. She could not deny that she had never stopped caring for him.

When he said her name her entire world stopped. She did not care for him like a friend, what she wanted was much more than that. By him giving her just an inch of his bravery she was able to admit that to him. She was able to face her greatest fear by letting herself feel something for someone. Though it only took one look in his eyes to know that her fears would disappear like snow under the rays of the sun; and that he would never leave her.

Just one word was enough for her to start teasing him. With her heart still full from his confession she was now making it her personal mission to taunt him. She had not doubted that it would work. Before she could throw another witty remark his way, however, he managed to do the impossible once again: surprise her. A smile still lingered on her lips as she kissed him back softly. With her arms quickly wrapped around his neck, she retreated, for just a moment. "I will hold you to that promise." She whispered. "Now close the door so you can show me just what you meant." She stated as she let him go. She instantly felt empty without him next to her, but it would not take long. They had the entire night to find out if he was good on his word. And after that, an endless amount of time to figure out what they would be.

Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:25 pm
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