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Boss babes
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Ashmoor Citizen
Julliet Ambrose
Julliet Ambrose
Boss babes 20f4b8f1482e094ee73649c7c03ec298
Boss babes Dd726201a3fe0d0a986e091fec43c4c8

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: The Ambroise business
She was a thunderstorm wrapped in silk.
The entire morning she had spent among her father's partners, she was present in his meetings, ran a few errands around town and well- it was fair to say she did so successfully. She now made her way through the middle ring, her family had factories and packhouses all throughout the city. And thus she was definitely not a stranger throughout these parts. She made her way to the train rather quickly with this knowledge. She knew the shortcuts after all, years of coming her had given her that. Following after her father who always seemed to know the shortest way to everything in town.  Once in the train, it caught her by surprise to see how busy it was, and after walking around a bit, she found the only cabin with room left. As only one person occupied it, Her eyes glimmered in interest shortly as he appeared within her vision. Another working man, mister baron. With a quick inhale she slid open the door, not caring to knock or anything. And with a grin painted on her face she took a seat across from him, shooting him a quick glance "Far from home Frederick" she noted as she sat back a little, bringing her eyes back to the baron of glimmer hollow. They had never spoken before, but she enjoyed stealing his introduction away from him. Her eyes went around the beautifully made cabin, wood detailing laid engraved in the seats, and nice cushioning would make their trip all the more comfortable. It was as anything from uptown, made to be beautiful even when absolutely unnecessary.

+ Freddy
If karma does not get you i fucking will

Much thank Nien x
Thu Mar 23, 2023 7:34 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
Boss babes EmesTWTfredHeader
Boss babes EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
What's your name? Who's your daddy?
The muffled sound of people packed in the cabins on the train turned into a wall of noise for only a couple seconds when someone entered his cabin. The cabin he had occupied in peace and quiet. Frederick had hoped it would stay that way during his travels in the train today since he had had a busy morning. The baron of Glimmerhollow was still very much not used to his title and the expectations that came along with it. Struggling to juggle his responsibilities in both Glimmerhollow and Alderrath. A big part of his life was still in Alderrath. It had been for many years. Not to mention the woman he stalked loved. After his conversation with the Duchess, he couldn't help but obsess over Alison and their upcoming engagement. He had to make plans. He had to do things right this time. He didn't want to ruin it. Not again. Aside from that, though, he had to make sure his theaters and galleries were functioning well in his absence. And his sister, of course. His dear sister, who now lived in Alderrath too. He had a whole life here. Alderrath had been more of his home than Glimmerhollow had ever been. So to hear the young woman, who had just entered the cabin, imply that it wasn't made him look up from the sketch book in his lap.

He had taken the short moment of peace in the train as an opportunity to sketch some details he remembered from his last encounter with Alison Winter. He had been drawing her eyes, softly scratching his pencil on paper, while mulling over his next move with the heiresses of Ashmoor. His gray-blue eyes looked up at the young woman's face, now sitting across from him in the soft cushions of the cabin seats. His eyebrows, which had been lowered into a frown before he looked up at her, raised in a bit of surprise and perhaps some early intrigue. She had addressed him by his first name, but she did not seem to ring a bell in his memory. He looked her down and up, slowly, as he took in who he had in front of him. He vaguely remembered her, but he wasn't quite sure from where. Something that was very clear to him, however, was the audacity this woman had. And even though it annoyed him, he was starting to get more intrigued. The glimmer in her eyes and that grin made him very curious about what she was up to. With a sharp, loud clap, he closed the sketch book on his lap, intertwining his fingers and resting them on top of the closed sketch book. He tilted his head a bit, locking eyes with her. She had his attention, alright. ”Are you always this audacious and  presumptuous to people you never met?” His eyes squinted a bit, though he couldn't help the slight curling up of the corner of his mouth.  
(C) Ross
Tue May 16, 2023 7:19 pm
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