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Old men and hardworking horses
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Julliet Ambrose
Julliet Ambrose
Old men and hardworking horses 20f4b8f1482e094ee73649c7c03ec298
Old men and hardworking horses Dd726201a3fe0d0a986e091fec43c4c8

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: The Ambroise business
She was a thunderstorm wrapped in silk.
"I'd say that one" his daughter had said as she leaned on the armrest of her chair. "Healthy, good lineage" she elaborated. It was a topic she had become quite knowledgeable on. Horse racing. It had always been the one thing she could outsmart her father in for it was the only front even he depended on luck in. It was the only battle he could never fully prepare to win in. No pre though of plans, no calculations. All you could do was having a keen eye for details and luck. Huge amounts of luck. Perhaps this was why she had always loved going with him to these races- she felt as though she stood a chance against him. Here she could rub her victory into his stupid face.  This was their kind of fun, betting, drinking whiskey while being saved from rain by the roof above their head. The adrenaline, the tension- to them this was the game of the month. The one time they stood evenly matched- though ofcourse only he could place the bets or whatever- but she was going to shove her opinion down his throat non the less. And if her idea won, and he lost, it was all worth losing the previous argument. And well- we don't speak of him being right. Her look shot towards her father, a grin adorning her lips "What you say old man? number 14?"

+ Alphard

Much thank Nien x
Thu Mar 23, 2023 6:35 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alphard Ambrose
Alphard Ambrose
Old men and hardworking horses 21eabcf0f03e6e685c0eacbb129fb8f6db80ef1a
Old men and hardworking horses 3e74098e3620c6a403320625b70356bb936aa7ac

Character sheet
Age: 42 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: een boefje
I was carving my name into your side
and you were calling me soft
Alphard was silently swirling his drink around in his glass as he listened to Julliet. There was a burning cigarette between his lips and the nicotine filled his lungs. Even though Alphard knew his racehorses, somehow his daughter knew which one would win most of the time without even giving them a proper look. Some days it frustrated him."Number six," Were the first words he spoke to her since they had arrived. He had never been a man of many words and those that he did say out loud were chosen carefully. "Would have to be my choice. Fourteen has a shit rider. He's new to the track and look at the way he's yanking at those reigns. He's not ready yet." Alphard turned his head towards his daughter, his pale blue eyes finding hers. "You're about to lose your money Julliet."  The man tutted with a shake of his head. Of course he had informed with the people around the track for the last few days. One of his youngsters was about to run his first race here in a couple of days and, if he was being honest with himself, he just wanted to bet on the right horse instead of lose to Julliet that day.

calling me gentle
I do not think you were paying attention

Fri Apr 14, 2023 9:30 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Julliet Ambrose
Julliet Ambrose
Old men and hardworking horses 20f4b8f1482e094ee73649c7c03ec298
Old men and hardworking horses Dd726201a3fe0d0a986e091fec43c4c8

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: The Ambroise business
She was a thunderstorm wrapped in silk.

At last, the man spoke. He barely did and unsurprisingly it were words of critique or better knowing that left his mouth. Her calculating gaze followed his toward the horse he'd put his money on, a safe choice. Her dad always seemed to try and find some sort of hold on when it came to a guess, Julliet wondered if his mind would even let him do anything he was unsure of. However, she hated to admit he had a good point when it came to the rider, her eyes darkened a little as she tried to find any come back. She tilted her head.

"I wouldn't be so sure old man" she smiled whilst pressing her glass of whiskey against her mouth, she wouldn't admit he had made a good point, not until she surely lost and even then- rather not. "Number six has had some great months yes, but all things must come to an end eventually, a switch of the old guard and all that" A grin formed onto her face as she laid her eyes back onto her father. "Sure, the lad is young, but he has the spirit and energy, and his horse is young- not burned out yet. Besides, none of these horses are trained to react to the way their reigns are handled. All they know is that they gotta run" Julliet elaborated before a chuckle escaped her. She loved challenging him, enjoyed arguing with him. Alphard had never been a loving father, he didn't have a soft hand and caring nature. And Julliet didn't expect it of him, arguing was the way they gave each other attention. It was how they showed their care to each other, giving each other a listening ear and quick wit.  "I am not losing my money, i am doubling it" she grinned "And i can not wait to see you lose it, father" a laugh followed.

Much thank Nien x
Mon Apr 17, 2023 7:15 pm
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