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Hold your horses
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Nerissa Emoira
Nerissa Emoira
Nienn Bean
Hold your horses FM5OXFNE_o
Hold your horses Cf14b1402bc618070fea3d11bafcd3a88d873d9c

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Citizen

Ooh, who said it's true
That the growing only happens on your own?

After a hard day of working and cleaning, she was finally able to do something for herself. So, she decided to take a little walk, since the weather was far too nice. It would have been a shame if she didn’t take the time to enjoy the lovely sunrays, bringing some warmth to the cold landscape. Perdita missed the full warmth of the sun, but she was able to love the dramatic landscapes of Ravaryn as well. Besides, it were the people inside the kingdom that always made her feel more at home. Not that she had been here long enough to know that now, but she loved the job that was given to her. And she was trying to stay more on the positive side of things.

Eventually, during her walk, she ended up somewhere near the stables. There was a beautiful white stallion peeking his head out of the stable, drawing her attention. And, ofcourse, she couldn’t resist the urge to give him some love and scratches, since that seemed to be on his mind. Not that she was able to know that for sure, like some people could, but her observant nature made it easy for her to catch slight clues. Carefully she placed her hand on his head and he slightly leaned into her touch, moving his head down. He was insanely huge next to her, since she was just a very small and slender woman, which made the contrast even bigger. But he was certainly enjoying the attention as he laid his head against her chest while she moved her hands behind his ears, giving him little scratches there.

And everything was well, until someone came walking around the corner. The horse lifted his head quickly, and in the same movement, threw Perdita on the ground into a haystack because she didn’t hold enough weight to keep herself standing. Swiftly, her eyes moved back up to the stranger, sitting in her yellow dress in the hay.

Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:55 am
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