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They robbed me
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Oscar Trygg
Oscar Trygg
They robbed me 53zL75vk_o
They robbed me TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Mage
The journey had been absolutely difficult. He’d told his family about his plans to travel and see what he could learn and find. It was rather impulsive, but he felt absolutely useless. Oscar was young and inexperienced and he thought he could fix that by discovering the realm of Odiria. Yes, he'd read books, a lot of them, actually. Books about magic, his own magic was dark magic. He'd read books about the Realm of Odiria. So he knew about his place. That's precisely why he'd chosen to come here. Ashmoor was the most advanced area within the Realm of Odiria. Even though magic is forbidden within Ashmoor, it is the place where the original habitants are known to possess magic. Dangerous, yes, but he might learn some things. Well, the first lesson got to him rather quickly.

He'd wanted to go to Ashmoor University. That was his goal. But he’d never imagined that it was quite difficult for him to reach. He should’ve accepted help. He shouldn’t have gone alone. Now he was an easy target and that resulted in this.
Several people grabbed him by his arms. He tried to free himself, but there were four of them and he was alone. Oscar managed to free one arm and tried to hit the other person holding his arm, but that resulted in a knife to his throat. “Alright! Alright! Take everything!” he screamed. One of them covered his mouth with his hand. “Quiet!” The person hissed. Oscar clenched his jaws as they emptied his pockets, and took his bag. “A rich one, aren’t ya?” Well, not anymore. Oh, Ranaan… why? He was pushed to the ground and kicked in the back several times.

Maybe if he'd shown some interest in the army, maybe if he'd taken his fighting lessons seriously this wouldn't have happened. Maybe then he wouldn’t be on the ground, stripped of his belongings. Oh, he should’ve known better. He pushed himself to his feet and stared lost in the direction of where the criminals had gone. “And now what…” And so he held his face in his hands.

oona @ cttw

Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:40 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
They robbed me Nick_b12
They robbed me A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
He was no reckless hero. He was not dumb- when he saw the kid being pushed to the ground there was not much he could do but remember the faces. Everyone knew everyone one way or another and such foul play he wouldn't let slide in his part of town. A young boy it had been, a newcomer- an easy target. If he had intervened there was no doubt he had been taken down rather easily by three men.  Nick shook his head as he approached the feller, now looking like a lost puppy. A kid down on his luck, far away from anything he knew no doubt. He felt for him truly, and it was with the intention to help a little that he walked further.  "Well, now you should listen to me kid" he told the lad as he approached him with his trademark salesman smile "First lesson, never turn your eyes away from the area your in, especially when your not known around here" he explained in reference to him holding his face "Makes you an easy target" No eyes, no witnesses. A young kid like him couldn't afford to be seen like that out in the open. Especially not when he's dressed like wealth. He smiled calmly "Now about your stuff, was that all you had lad?" he asked with care in his words.

The place you fight cruelty is where you find it.
And the place you give help is where you see it needed .

Much thank Nien x
Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:07 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Oscar Trygg
Oscar Trygg
They robbed me 53zL75vk_o
They robbed me TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Mage
In this moment he didn’t feel anything. Well, maybe if emptiness was a feeling? Then he did feel something. Because that was it. What was he supposed to feel after being robbed and left on the streets without any of his belongings? His mind was quiet. It was something he didn’t want to process, because then he would realize that he was stuck. Where was he supposed to go now? How could he show others who he was. He could wave goodbye to the university for now. With any luck he'd find someone his father knew and maybe that person would know him or believe him if he told his story. But no. No. He couldn’t think about solutions right now. If only he could turn back time. If only…

“Well, now you should listen to me kid,” the voice of a man made him look up. He was smiling at him. Oscar frowned slightly. The man didn’t look like he had any bad intentions, but then, how should he know? The man kept talking. “First lesson, never turn your eyes away from the area your in, especially when you’re not known around here.” Why was this man telling him lessons? “Makes you an easy target,” he continued. “Well, it doesn’t seem to matter… I was looking around when they got me,” he reacted without thinking. “Now about your stuff, was that all you had?” Oscar clenched his jaws and nodded. “Yes, that was all I brought with me,” he sighed. “Uhm, sir… why are you giving me lessons and advice?” His question was hesitant, but he was genuinely curious, for he didn’t know this man, didn’t know this place and this man didn’t know him. Oscar didn’t come from a place like this and it was visible. He never considered to wear different clothes, which was entirely stupid.

oona @ cttw

Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:39 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
They robbed me Nick_b12
They robbed me A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
A good point he made, yet one Nick waved off with a quick chuckle "All the more reason to not make yourself even more of an easy target kid" he noted as he shot a look around the place. There was no trace of the thugs- but there were always ways. People to talk to, routes to follow, Nick nodded, he always managed to find a way. Life around these parts was a generous one when it came to obstacles- only those fit for the test were able to find a way through it.  But first, he had to know what he was dealing with here, and thus he asked f it was all the boy had that had been stolen. Which apparently it was, the tall man nodded once as his calculating eyes fell upon the young man. A smile adorned his lips when he asked him about his intention.  "Because you seem to need em lad, given that lost puppy face i suspect you don't know your way around here do you?" he nodded "It doesn't take much for me to help you out, so why wouldn't i?" he had always been supportive of the underdog. Those down on their luck had his heart- perhaps because years ago he had been in the same position when a huge part of the adults he knew got either killed or arrested- when he was all alone in the big city, fending for himself as he played the game alongside the big guys in order to manage. "Your passport was in there wasn't it?" the charlatan investigated further with empathy in his voice.
The place you fight cruelty is where you find it.
And the place you give help is where you see it needed .

Much thank Nien x
Thu Mar 23, 2023 3:26 pm
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