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Another way
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Oscar Trygg
Oscar Trygg
Another way 53zL75vk_o
Another way TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Mage

He’d lost all his belongings, except for his clothes. Why had this happened to him? What was he supposed to do now? Oh, his father didn’t know a thing. Of course, he’d said that he’d leave and he’d send him a letter as well. And well, that was it. Then he arrived in Alderrath, which seemed like the perfect place for him to gain more knowledge, to find his purpose. Well, he certainly got a purpose now, fix all this.
With what was left he wandered around. He was hungry, no one knew him, and saying who he was didn’t seem to matter. This was a huge lesson in itself already. Except for his early childhood, he had really only known a comfortable life. Thanks to his father, Erek Trygg. Now, here he is, in a place where people have to work hard to get even a little food on their plates. This place in Alderrath was literally called the lower ring. The idea that he wanted to visit this big city at all had already caused concern on the home front. And he'd managed to appear confident enough to handle this. Could he handle this? No. He was book smart and that didn't seem to be useful now. He could hardly defend himself unless he used his dark magic, which in turn had greater consequences. So, no. He had to find another way.

He walked down the street, keeping his head low. People ran past him, which almost caused him to fall over. He stopped walking, looked up, and noticed he’d found a psychiatrist’s office. Open hours. Well, maybe he was sick in his head. No. But maybe getting in there could mean something to him. So he entered the building. “Ehm, hi?” He started, looking around.

{@Damian Lunetta}
oona @ cttw
Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:13 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Damian Lunetta
Damian Lunetta
Another way 5GPsqhT
Another way FWMBmFh

Character sheet
Age: 32 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Damian Lunetta
”Take this, twice a week and come back after a month. You should notice a change after the first week. Don’t be alarmed, you will feel drowsy the first couple of times after taking the medicine. Goodbye.” He waved at the man leaving with the bottle in his hands, another patient helped. His illusions became more and more potent and it helped his masked the pain that he felt whenever someone told him about lost loved ones. As if he wouldn’t understand the feeling all too well. Damian washed his hands in the sink behind his office and looked in the mirror. He looked tired, even more so than other days. Him working late to make potions and practicing his spells made him sleep even less than before. He stretched his arms above his head and yawned, before he noticed the bell above his door. ”Comin’,” He walked out of his office and was greeted by a man who didn’t look like he knew what he just walked into. ” Hi, can I help you?” He asked the younger man, wondering why he looked kind of anxious. Well, that might be the reason why he was here, but still. Damian would like to hear it from himself, instead of making speculations.
Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:37 pm
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