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Unkown stranger
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Lemuria Citizen
Raelynn Vylasar
Raelynn Vylasar
Unkown stranger Hzqs3Ji
Unkown stranger FyhCTdN

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

“Sorceress.” She tasted the word in her mouth like it wasn’t a sound. She was a sorceress. Her branch had gotten an upgrade and was now an actual staff. She traced the linings with her finger. To her, it felt warm, since it clearly belonged to her and connected her to her celestial familiar. Being here was supposed to teach her to become the sorceress she was apparently meant to be. This was supposed to be her home now. Ever since she’d arrived here she hadn’t been able to summon her Acorn, her flying squirrel. But then, only a few nights had passed. Nights in which she hadn’t been able to sleep.

Sleeping used to be her way to escape reality. Now it seemed impossible to fall asleep. She hated her room. She preferred to stay in her brother's room with him by her side. Only then it was possible for her to fall asleep. Only by his side, she felt safe. But he’d left already and therefore she’d gone back to her own room. Her room was so big it felt suffocating. Maybe she should just start practicing summoning her celestial familiar.

And so she left her room and walked the hallways leading toward the garden where she felt most comfortable aside from her place beside her twin brother. It was a clear day, despite the water that now seemed to be heaven, streaks of sunbeams shone down and brightened up the garden. But she wasn’t alone. Her instinct told her to turn around right away, leave, and lock herself in. But this was not a possibility. She couldn't numb herself, so being alone was like being back in the brothel. She just stood there, looking for her voice to say hello. But what words should she use? Would just say hello suffice. Oh, by now she had been standing there for far too long. Scary almost. Would she now come across as a stalker?

She fidgeted with her wand, moving it with a certain rhythm and touch, and just as she opened her mouth and let out a sound that just couldn't become a word, her flying squirrel appeared. “How..? But this wasn’t a spell,” she finally spoke.

oona @ cttw
Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:41 pm
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