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August [+Nyx]
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
August [+Nyx] JS82q3hE_o
August [+Nyx] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor
A sunny afternoon in Alderrath. A somewhat rare occurrence, or at least too rare in Alisons eyes as it wasn't unusual for dark clouds to block the welcome rays of sunshine from warming the cobble streets. Some said the clouds weren't really clouds, but rather steam and gas bonding together in the air to make the days so gloomy. Alison was sure that wasn't true, though; they were just unlucky with their climate.

The rare occasion called for an afternoon stroll, just in time for dinner. Her trusted guard Garrett, bless his heart, was recently forced to return home to care for his sick wife. It was all very sad. It did mean, however, that his stand-in wasn't quite as observant as he was and so this time she was actually able to 'forget' the parasol that her mother insisted on her carrying around when the sun was out. She liked feeling the sun's warmth on her face; her mother did not like the freckles it gave her. Well. Tough luck.

Satisfied that she had managed this little victory, she returned home quite content with herself. She was just on her way back to her quarters to freshen up before dinner, when she ran into her father. The grey-haired man looked quite content with himself as well; evidently the weather brightened everyone's mood. "Hello father." she greeted him, her deep voice raspy but with a cheerful ring to it. "Alison, meet Nyx. Starting Monday, he will be your new personal guard." It was only as he mentioned it that she noticed the person next to him and she couldn't help the fact that the cheerful expression on her face was immediately wiped off. Her new guard -- Nyx -- was about a foot shorter than her and certainly a lot less muscled than Garrett was. Her brows furrowed together. This was supposed to protect her? "Are you sure?" she asked her father bluntly, not hiding the disagreement in her tone, nor addressing this Nyx. How he could ever think this would be a good idea was beyond her.
alison winter
Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:12 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
August [+Nyx] 9J7lqbMa_o
August [+Nyx] 2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
It was nothing like the former criminal to feel these feelings of uneasyness, maybe even nervousness. She had worked so many jobs within her lifetime that she might've lost count along the way. Different colleagues, bosses and tasks on every job as well. While she had never worked for the Upper Class before, she didn't expect it to bother her as much as it did. Beside that, this wasn't your regular old Upper Class family. These were the people ruling over both Alderrath and Ashmoor as a whole. The ones who chose to keep Alderrath as it always had been, no matter the sometimes inhumane circumstances within the Lower Ring. She would now serve these people, voluntarily. When climbing the rings in between her jobs, she could've never imagined ending up here, within the Winter palace. Legally.

At this point she was standing beside Ashmoor's Duke, Edward Winter. The most powerful man within the entire district. Even the usually fearless Nyx could feel her knees weakening with every second passing, but she remained determined. Who in the right mind would possibly pass on this chance, even if it meant living with the guilt of betraying your own morals. Never again would she have to be a stray within the Lower Ring again, begging people for work. All she had to do was guard the second-most influencial person within the district.. How hard could that be?

An unfamiliar voice greeted the man beside her. Father. It was the only word needed for her to realise who had just walked up to them. As she turned around she met a pair of emerald colored eyes. This was the woman she would be guarding. The Duke's daughter was visibly taller than herself, making her having to turn her head upwards in order to look her in the eyes. It had cost her a second before realising the customs, and the fresh guard quickly bowed down before the Heiress as the Duke introduced her to his daughter, making it unable for her to inspect the woman further. "Truly an honor, your Grace." She spoke after the introduction, staying within her bowed down position as she stared to the ground. It was the Heiress' reaction that kind of threw her off. Staring at the floor of the palace, many feelings overwhelmed her. Doubt, annoyance, guilt, maybe even a little anxiety. As much as she wanted to stand up straight, she waited for the Duke's reponse. It would be better for the ground to witness the uncertain expression on her face right now, rather than the Heiress herself. She had to take a few seconds to collect herself. This was going to be her biggest job so far, and most certainly the biggest job of her entire life.
@ Alison Winter
Mon Jul 11, 2022 3:43 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
August [+Nyx] JS82q3hE_o
August [+Nyx] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor
It wasn't like her father to make mistakes, so one could only assume that he knew what he was doing. Especially because she was his only daughter, his only child, even, and she knew how important her safety was to him. Still, it was a mystery to her. Where did he even find a man this short?

Although now it was hard to see exactly how short he was as he kept his head bowed. So at least that was something he did right. In doing so, he revealed the thick, dark braids on the top of his head, obviously having longer hair there than his shortly shaved sides. It was all very strange, different than she was used to. Garrett had held himself in a sort of soldier-like way, keeping both his hairstyle and his clothes very neat in the process. It showed that he took his job very seriously.

Truly an honor. Yes, it better be. His voice surprised her, actually being lighter than she expected. Especially for a guard. "Are you doubting me, Alison?" her father answered, in a way that only he could; his tone was light, loving towards his daughter, but she was not supposed to talk back. She slowly blinked before pursing her lips into a smile. "Of course not." she answered, seeing Nyx stand up straight again from the corner of her eyes. Really, that short?

She was ready to call it a day right then and there, still having to freshen up before dinner after all, but apparently her father had a different idea. "I will leave you two to it, then." he said. He shook Nyx' hand, then as he walked away quickly squeezed Alisons shoulder, with a pointed look to go with it. Great. She watched him walk away, then waited even longer for the sound of his footsteps to fade before turning towards her new guard. "So how did you land this job?" she asked. She might not be supposed to question her father, but she could question Nyx all she wanted. He would work for her, after all. As she did so she finally gave him a proper once-over. Despite the limited height and the slightly lighter voice, there was something rough about him that she couldn't quite put her finger on. It wasn't the face, though, as he actually had quite soft features and big brown eyes. Part of it were probably the hands, then; as they looked quite calloused, like they were often used for physical labour. It made her doubt if this person was even from the middle ring. Her brows furrowed together at that observation, creating a temporary wrinkle that would probably become permanent in the future, as it wasn't an unusual expression for her. Somehow she had a feeling it would become an even more frequent thing.
alison winter
Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:55 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
August [+Nyx] 9J7lqbMa_o
August [+Nyx] 2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
It took a while before the guard got her permission to stand up straight again, but when she did, she finally got the chance to have a better look at the person she was going to protect. The short conversation between the Duke and his daughter passed her by as if it was just background noise. Silently, the guard observed the woman before her. The heiress was tall, surely taller than expected. Her face was decorated with a freckle here and there, and the woman radiated both elegance and status. If it wasn't for the life she had lived within her Lower Ring years, she'd even be kind of intimidated by her presence. Weird, especially since thugs and thieves had never scared her.

As Nyx sunk within her thoughts, a certain voice was quick to snap her out of them. She had not even noticed the Duke taking his leave, and was now left alone with the person she was going to spend most of her time with for Lythrana knows how long. "That is quite the long story, your Grace." She answered, trying to repress a nervous smirk. The woman's voice had a taste of disbelief, maybe distrust even. Perhaps her Lower Ring skin hadn't shed as much as she thought it had by now, and the remains of her past still lingered within the smallest details of her mannerisms, as much as she tried to hide them. The thought of how she landed the job brought her back to that weird but eventful day. The stolen artefact that she was trying to get her hands on surely changed her life, but not in the way she initially thought it would. No amount of cash would compare to the salary she'd make here. Perhaps, she could even buy her own ship within the span of a year. "I could tell you all about it during a garden stroll, perhaps?" She then offered to break the silence. Besides, the atmosphere within the castle started to feel stifling. Perhaps she'd feel more at home after stretching her legs a little.
@ Alison Winter
Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:27 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
August [+Nyx] JS82q3hE_o
August [+Nyx] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor
Quite the long story. Well, she supposed that starting Monday she would have all the time in the world to get it out of him. A slow blink was her only response, not quite used to not getting her way immediately. She wouldn’t let it get to her though, not wanting to risk her father scolding her later for not giving the guard he so carefully selected a fair chance. She supposed she could always try to pry a little more out of him over the weekend in a good moment. After his Sunday hunt, maybe. Even if he was stern sometimes, she was still his little girl and could wind him around her pinky if she so desired. In that sense he was much easier than her mother.

She got snapped out of her thoughts as Nyx mentioned telling her all about it during a stroll in the garden. A small smile appeared on her face at the thought of her curiosity being satisfied. However, she just got back from the gardens and had to freshen up before dinner still. On the other hand, the late afternoon sun was nice as ever and if it meant that she could sneak out without her parasol once more than she supposed that was quite the win. ”Certainly.” Her tone was supposed to be neutral, but she couldn’t quite help the cheeky glint in her eyes. She wasn’t sure how she felt about this new guard, so any information to help her make up her mind was welcome. She would need to trust him, after all. ”Let me show you the sculpture garden and then you can tell me all about it.” The sculpture garden was quite a historic place, with statues from the dukes and duchesses through the generations. A good place for a new guard to realise what he was getting himself into.
alison winter
Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:25 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
August [+Nyx] 9J7lqbMa_o
August [+Nyx] 2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
Maybe it was just her imagination, or something she liked to believe, but her offer seemed like it had broken the ice a little. Maybe just a chip out of the massive walls that seemed to surround each of the aristocratic family's members, but it was a start. Even though she still despised the social system, the Upper Class, and everything related to these matters, she had to protect this woman. Playing pretend wouldn't be enough to keep this job. It was expected of her to put her life on the line for her when necessary. The thought of this made her suppress a silent chuckle. Quite ironic, how even with an imporant job like this, she still remained a pawn of an unjust system. No matter your rank on the social ladder, this family would find a way to exploit you. Nevertheless, the blonde's cheeky smile caught her off guard, forgetting about her thoughts for a moment. For a few seconds, the woman before her seemed to show signs of humanity, instead of being the tyrranical Heiress the guard had already made her out to be.

Nyx agreed with her offer, and started following her towards their destination. While strolling through the massive castle, she tried her best to think about how she could twist her story around. She had only told people the true story, but had not yet told the socially acceptable version out loud. The paintings and statues within the hallway's didn't even catch her attention, as she tried to puzzle together a story believable enough to tell the Heiress.
@ Alison Winter
Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:52 pm
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