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Under The Dome
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Avalon Citizen
Bonnie Willow
Bonnie Willow
Under The Dome 53zL75vk_o
Under The Dome TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 20 Y/O
Race: Druid
Occupation: Servant
It was cold outside, but inside the domed city of Lythrania there was never any rain or snow. It was quite peculiar, actually, to be surrounded by water that would never reach her. The first day Bonnie was here, right after she crossed the tunnel and discovered the magic wall that kept them safe, she was not entirely sure if she could really trust it. Even now, she was not entirely at ease here, below the sea - she found she actually quite missed the wilderness, the trees. This city was so... Blue, and she was used to so much more green. But now she was inside, and inside it was quite nice and warm; maybe because she had to work so hard. She was sitting on her knees, a bucket of water next to her, scrubbing the floor. Somebody had dropped a very sticky substance - probably some kind of food. Hopefully, actually. It was quite hard to remove from the wooden floor, that was for sure, and sweat stood on her forehead. She had her blonde hairs tied away from her face and it made the way her face turned red when she exerted herself all the more obvious. Unfortunately.

+ Ezekiel first : )
Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:19 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Under The Dome Image
Under The Dome Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The last few days had been a rollercoaster. It was like he had been stuck in slow-motion and suddenly time came crashing down as the world started spinning in it's usual speed again. And he regretted almost everything of it. He had avoided Chaska like the plague, as had he not tried to visit Myrddin again, which he probably should. But well, as if that was going to end well. His guard was glaring at him like he was pure evil personified every time he saw him pass in the halls. So Ezekiel had done what he did best: run away. From all his responsibilities. He had spend a day above the surface, walking through the dunes and watching the sea until he could not feel his fingers anymore.

Once he returned home, the feeling had soon returned once he had made the journey though the tunnel and through the city. The sorcerer only spend the bare minimum here, attending only the necessary meetings. He still had to show his face, smile to his betrothed in public, but that was it. He could barely remain eye contact with her for longer than a second. Ezekiel was too caught up in his own thoughts, hurrying though the halls like somebody was chasing him. He just didn't want to be spotted, the last time he was held up by somebody, that had escalated quite quickly.

So he had not even noticed Bonnie working on the floor as he took big steps to cut the corner as quickly as possible. Something that servants were invisible for the bigger players? The sorcerer very ungracefully tripped over the bucket, barely stayed on his feet as the contents spilled over the whole floor. The man cursed under his breath, but he quickly turned back to the girl. ‘‘I am so sorry.’’ He had not completely forgotten his manners, yet.

Mon Mar 20, 2023 2:26 pm
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Bonnie Willow
Bonnie Willow
Under The Dome 53zL75vk_o
Under The Dome TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 20 Y/O
Race: Druid
Occupation: Servant
She should not be surprised. No, really, she shouldn't. Servants were barely human, after all, even though most people in the castle had been quite nice to her so far, but that was probably mostly because she was new here. But when somebody ungracefully stumbled over her bucket, spilling the contents over the floor and ruining her hard work, even splattering her with the dirty cold soapy water to add insult to injury, she really wanted to get angry. Bonnie clenched her jaw really hard as she watched the puddle grow. The man actually turned around and apologized to her - that was a shocker. He looked big and important and she might have even found him handsome if she hadn't been so angry at this very moment. She looked up at him and stood up, grabbing the now empty bucket and dropping the sponge into it slightly too forcefully, but it did not make the satisfying 'bang' she would have really liked to make right about now. If she had been at home, she would have given him absolutely no pity, she would've let the full force of her anger loose on him. But at home, she was protected by her brother the chief, and the social structures were not nearly as rigid as here. Here, she was a lowlife, not rich or important or worthy, and so she just had to swallow it. "No problem, sir.", she answered after a second, her voice unwavering, but her green eyes could not hide the disproportionate fury she was feeling. Really, she should not be this angry about a small mistake. But it was everything together; moving to an entirely new and alien city, having to actually work for her living, and such degrading work at that. She had come here for freedom, to be safe of the dark powers that seemed to be at play in the jungle, but instead she was stuck between these stone walls that were so thick that no warmth could go through them, underneath the pressure of an entire ocean, surrounded by strange people who played chess with people and for whom she was not even a pawn. There was plenty to be angry about.
Sun May 21, 2023 9:27 pm
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