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Devil Devil
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Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Devil Devil CypBckU
Devil Devil ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Bonnie Willow

He had fled the estate, he needed air and quick. Everything felt weird, like some kind of strange aura had filled the air. It wasn't wrong perse, as he was not used to another woman so close to him, especially someone from so far away. And while he had promsied himself that he would get to know her, being around the house was just a bit too much for him at this moment. So, he had decided to go for a walk around the markets in Lytherania and try to get his mind of things. With his summoning staff in hand, he walked through the busy streets and listened to the people trying to sell their wears. The one was trying to be even more confincing than the other and he knew that both of them would only sell crap. Only the fruit and vegetable sellers actually had good produce, the others were trying to sell you things that you actually didn't need and didn't want, yet they made it sounds like it was pure gold. He didn't like these kind of people, maybe if they actually had quality it would be another story, but otherwise no. Deimos shook his head and walked off, looking for something more interesting.
And that he found, although most wouldn't say so. The young man stood still in front of a wall, a wall were some child had tried to paint something. He couldn't really make out what it was, so he was trying to see it from different angles. "What do you think it is?" He asked to the very first person he noticed that walked past him, not really caring who it was.

Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:21 pm
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Bonnie Willow
Bonnie Willow
Devil Devil 53zL75vk_o
Devil Devil TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 20 Y/O
Race: Druid
Occupation: Servant
Bonnie was trying her hardest to adjust to her new life, but it was quite a change. Life in the Blue Moon tribe had not always been quiet, ofcourse, but the city was something else entirely. She stood in the middle of the market and just looked around for a bit. There were so many kinds of fruit and vegetables she had never seen before, people dressed in strange clothing, loud noises and talking people. She loved it. There was so much to see, to discover. It was so much less dull than the tribe, where she had so often tried to slip away just to find something more exciting. But she had to get back to her work. An older servant had sent her to the market to buy the food that would be served tonight. The coins in the bag entrusted by her felt heavy on her hip, where she kept it in the pocket of her dress, and the task felt like a test. The money was not a lot for the Vylasars, of course, but to her, it could be life changing. It would be so easy to just- take it and disappear. Ofcourse, Bonnie was not planning on doing that. She had only been here for what, a week? She had not even met all of the Vylasar's yet. There was so much more to see, to learn, to discover here. Bonnie spotted a merchant selling all sorts of fish and made her way towards him; she was supposed to bring some salmon for dinner. Before she reached the merchant, however, a man spoke to her, asking what she thought it was. Huh? Bonnie frowned slightly, but noticed quickly what he meant: a wall filled with the drawings of a child. She put a step closer and studied the drawing with her green eyes. "Hmmm... Perhaps they're vines?", she suggested. The green colored lines seemed to loop over eachother, and to her mind that was used to the wilderness of the Avalon, it reminded her of the leaves and vines hanging from the trees.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:04 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Devil Devil CypBckU
Devil Devil ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Bonnie Willow

Someone actually reacted, not what he had anticipated. Normally people would just let him talk and walk past him, not carring about whatever it was he was mumbling about. He looked up when he noticed the lady who just spoke. "Vines, mhm," He mimicked her while looking at the child's painting. While he looked at it for a few more seconds, he slowly turned towards her. "I can see that, indeed. Thank you." A small smile crept on his face, while he looked her from head to toes. She looked like a working lady, cute and probably busy. Wondering what she was doing here on the market, before he noticed her bag. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Deimos pointed at the bag she was holding. The young man held out his hand. "Let me help you." If she didn't take his offer, that would be on her, but nobody could tell him that he didn't try.

Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:40 pm
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Bonnie Willow
Bonnie Willow
Devil Devil 53zL75vk_o
Devil Devil TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 20 Y/O
Race: Druid
Occupation: Servant
The man agreed with her and then looked her up and down. Bonnie knew that look - she reveled in it. A smile creeped onto her face as well, and she returned the gesture. No, he was certainly not bad looking, not at all. A little bit of a bad boy, she could see that, but she liked that. They tended to not get attached. That made everyone's live easier. He pointed to the bag she kind of forgot she was holding. Bonnie looked at it for a split second, but then decided - what the hell, there's just some bread in it so far. It wasn't even her own bread. She probably had enough coins to buy another one if he ran off with it. But although he certainly looked like trouble - he looked like the good kind of trouble. He didn't seem poor or desperate at all. She handed him the bag and smiled brightly. "Sure, I'll always accept help from a handsome man.", she answered, before continuing to walk towards the fish stall she was going towards in the first place. "I'm buying ingredients for dinner. You got any suggestions?", she asked then, trying to keep the conversation going. She purposefully didn't mention it wasn't for her but for her employer, not wanting to look like just a lowly servant - although she suspected he could tell from the way she was dressed. She definitely didn't look rich or put together right now, and she kind of disliked that. But there wasn't anything she could really do about that. Unless she could charm a rich man so that he would buy things for her, perhaps..That could be an actionable plan.
Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:24 pm
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