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Delve into destiny
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Delve into destiny SRiYB3K
Delve into destiny 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveastrology was invented by those who stargazing
The journey had been long and odious. Many times, Fauna had just wanted to give up, and turn back. Let this "Deimos" come to her, like a good gentleman should. Even if he were to part with his sister then. She was a full-grown adult, right? She really didn't need him to look after her anymore. But then Fauna remembered not only her promise. But also the fact that; she really couldn't say those things. She knew a bit about her future sister-in-law's condition. But nowhere near enough to tell her what she did; and didn't need. So the sorceress pressed on. Luckily, she had her cousin with her. Who made everything so much better. Fauna didn't feel so alone when she was with him. Which was funny since; the woman was never really alone. She had a group of servants assisting her, as well as guards. And they never strayed far from her. Especially not when they traversed more dangerous country, like Avalon. The brunette always had eyes on her, watching her. Yet she never felt truly seen. Not by anyone expect Zuhayr. The trip wasn't all bad, though; the sights she saw were absolutely beautiful. It was all so different from the snowy land she had known. And the woman loved it. She liked it so much that she even took some detours, so she could appreciate the landscapes more. And well, perhaps also because the closer her party got to Lemuria; the more nervous she became. And so she started to look for ways to buy some more time for herself.

But eventually she knew that she couldn't dance around the issue anymore; this was what she had wanted after all. It did seem like such a good idea at the time. It would give her a good reason to get away from her troublesome family back home. And far out of the reach of the Tyrgg's. But mostly out of the hands of the governess of Norwyn. Sometimes, Fauna could still feel Rán's cold hands around her neck. But now that things were starting to get real. She was beginning to have second thoughts. Even if she knew she shouldn't since there was really no going back from here. At least she didn't think so; the woman didn't want to eventually return home a failure. She had to make this work somehow.

When the woman and her party eventually went through the gate that would lead them to Lythrania her fears and doubts were washed away a bit by the sheer beauty of the city. Located so deep underwater. It allowed her to see a part of the word that was surely not supposed to be seen by human eyes. The sorceress felt like a child every time she spotted a school of fish swim past the barrier. Since she got, she excited. They were so pretty, too; appearing in all sorts of shapes and colors. Her carriage went on, making its way through the city. And very quickly the woman noticed the castle they were heading towards. The seat of the Vyslasar family. She was etching every closer to her destiny. One that she couldn't find in the stars, no, it was one she had crafted for herself. Eventually, after what felt like ages. The vessel came to a stop. And a servant opened the door. When Fauna stepped out. She felt a little wobbly, having been on the road for quite a while. But she regained her balance rather quickly. Servants were already buzzing around her, unloading her belongs. Fauna looked to see if she saw Zuhayr anywhere. But her attention was eventually drawn to a man that very clearly wasn't a servant. Her heart started to race as she approached him, since there was no doubt in her mind that that was in fact her intended; Deimos. Fauna gave the man a gentle smile and a small wave. "You must be Deimos, no?" She asked, even if she already knew the answer. "It's so good, we can finally meet each other after all this time."

Outfit x

Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:28 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Delve into destiny CypBckU
Delve into destiny ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Fauna Rizal

He had dreaded this moment, this exact moment. He never wanted any of this, but sadly, the gods had spoken and now he was stuck. How many times he hadn't taken up a pencil just to write his parents, to beg them to reconcider because he absolutly wasn't husband material. But he couldn't do it, it would show that he was weak and couldn't uphold the Vylasar name. And that scared him more than anything. So Deimos had to suck it up and be there for once his bride-to-be would show up. Which also meant that he had to scrub all of the painting from his body. Ever since Deimos had arrived here in Lythrania, he had been painting just to keep his mind of things. So now he fingers were covered in multiple colors and layers of paint and getting that clean was one hell of a job. It had taken him a good couple of hours to get everything cleaned out, but it was presentable for now. A good thing, because now he had to hurry and change before the carriage would arrive. For this occassion servants had brought him a particular white suit with a multicolored tie. Deimos wasn't sure about the tie, but he would just do what they thoguth best, fashion wasn't his strong suit by any means. So while he was combing his hair, to get any kind of style in it, he heard someone knock on the door. "Yes?" He answered quickly, not paying any attention to who stepped inside. " Milady Rizal will be arriving any moment." Ah no, he had ran out of time. Deimos threw the comb down, grabbed his summoning staff and quickly walked passed the servant that had come and got him.
The young man was just in time to step outside and make himself look presentable, because the carriage was already in sight. Deimos swallowed hard, wondering if this was the same feeling Chaska had. Probably not, technically her future husband was family, this woman was a complete stranger to him. That made him hate this deal even more. He looked a little confused when all the personel stepped out of the carriage and starting bringen luggage inside. Not him, who hadn't realized untill now that she was staying here, with him. He bit on his tongue trying not to curse. Shortly after, someone else stepped out of the carriage. "Oh Lythrana no, she's fluffy. Why in the name of the goddess is she fluffy?" was the first thing that came to mind.  But he forced a smile on his face when she walked up to him and made a propper little bow. He took her hand in one of his and quickly pressed his lips on the back of it. He hated it, he hated it, he hated it. But it was necessary. "It's an honour to meet you at last, milady Rizal." He spoke to her, trying very hard to remember his education. " Welcome to Lemuria, I hope you had a pleassant trip from Raveryn."  

Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:56 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Delve into destiny 3UOvOIY
Delve into destiny 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
Another arranged marriage and all that? Well, wasn't that just a common sight with these Rizals. He had just agreed on coming with her, because it was the whole reason why had travelled to Ravaryn. And he enjoyed her company more then he would admit to himself or the people around them. So he had helped her pack up, even leaving small suggestions on what to take with her. He had also made note of certain things she seemed to enjoy, such as those edible crystals, and had made sure the chef would make a good amount for them to take with them to Lemuria. Perhaps the people in Lemuria could make these as well, but he knew out of experience that some things were just better if they were made the way you just liked them. So after Zuhayr had gotten his request fulfilled, he had carefully packed the snacks in travel safe containers. Neatly portioning them out so that he could keep proper track of it through it all.

And then the day had finally arrived. The dark haired man had gotten ready pretty early in the morning and had helped around with the rest of the men. He often got note that he didn't have to do these things, as he was a Rizal himself. But he wasn't used to be treated like any kind of nobility. He was just a regular man from a regular family. He could divine, but that was about it. The fact that two sorcerer bloodlines coursed through his veins was just something biological. He didn't feel like he was any better than the people around him. If anything, he didn't have much to add anyway. So he just did what he was good at; doing heavy lifting. He was strong and capable so... Why not put it to good use. When everything was neatly packed up, he had gone to the stable to get his horse ready. While some would travel by carriage, he had chosen to travel by horse alone. He had already seen how easy it was to navigate the desert of Xaila and the forest of Avalon with a horse, so it obviously was his ride of choice.

After making sure Fauna was alright, they set off. She really had chosen the scenic route as they came across beautiful sights along the way. The fact that frostcrown was still hanging over the land left everything in an almost frozen state. A blanket of frost would meet them often in the morning, decorating the area with crystals wherever they looked. It was fascinating to the man, who had lived the majority of his life in Xaila, where sand dunes spread as far as the eye could see. He had vague memories of his time in Ravaryn as a kid, but this was all new and exciting, so it just stuck around more easily. The fact that he was riding on his own horse allowed him to actually write down some stuff along the way. Ideas and small thing that crossed his mind. Future ideas for books he would write once he got back home. Every night he would show Fauna what he had written down, sharing some ideas about stories as he tried to ease the mood little by little. He wasn't great with being social, but he could at least see that she wasn't looking forward to it. Their grand detour, despite being beautiful, wasn't needed. It was just giving her more time until she had to meet her future husband. He really felt for her, really he did. His parents would never force him in such things... And perhaps that was the reason why he still was single to this day. If it wasn't forced on him, he would most likely never even consider something like marriage. It just wouldn't be something for him, especially with his kind of magic.

For him, the days flew by. He was more at ease while travelling with Fauna and honestly had a great time with her. She was the kind of person he felt like he could share anything with. The fact that he slowly became more and more some kind of personal guard to her was just a great bonus to top it all off. After what she had told him, he wouldn't allow her to suffer like that anymore. So this strange new land and its strange new people would have to be very careful, because he wouldn't let his guard down. After they had left the boat, he had gone up ahead with some other men. His eyes shifting to the ocean above them as soon as they went through the gate. His brows lifted a bit as he blinked in surprise. He had read about this place many times, but actually seeing it. Now that was something else. He chuckled for just a moment as he glanced behind him, wondering what Fauna was thinking about the sight. But... Just like that it all went so very fast. They came to a halt in front of something that looked like a castle and the men started to their job.... As Zuhayr was left to his own. A first in the journey. Oh... Well... That was unexpected.

He dismounted his horse carefully and before he knew it his steeds was being taken away. He frowned, clearing his throat as he adjusted his gloves a bit. Like always he was wearing clothing which covered his skin almost completely. Only really allowing freedom for his neck and head. The clothing was something he had gotten in Ravaryn and it was quite skin-tight to say the least, decorated in some placed with furs and other putting more of his own physique on display. If it wasn't for the fact that it was a bit warm here, he would definitely have put another coat on. His dark eyes trailed amongst the busy men as they finally fell on his cousin. He stepped forward, silently excusing himself as he approached her, only to slowly come to a halt when he noticed the small man that had joined her. That must be the man she had mentioned, Deimos. Zuhayr tilted his head as he looked the man up and down for a moment. He was much smaller than him, which surprised him. He was slender in build and was dressed in this white suit... Combined with an awful multicoloured tie. He frowned at the display, looking him up and down again, but not really making a sound. Why did it feel like some sort of clownfit...? Was that just him? He was used to wearing dark clothes exclusively.... So the display of these two in their flashy attire made him a bit... Well it was questionable. For Fauna, he didn't care much what she was wearing. In his humble opinion most things suited her. The colour option, however, could have been a bit better.

He had heard what he said, even saw what kind of gesture he did. Zuhayr observed it carefully as he stood somewhat behind her, keeping a close eye on the other man. He wasn't even aware how intimidating it would appear. He was quite muscular and stronger in build than the other. As he stared down at him it never crossed his mind how the other must feel. His stern expression, his hands neatly held behind his back and well, the giant axe that he carried on his back as well... People would never suspect that he was honestly having a small meltdown about it all... And that all he wanted to do was just have a quiet little place where he could work on some of his texts.
Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:50 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Delve into destiny SRiYB3K
Delve into destiny 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveastrology was invented by those who stargazing
Now that she had gotten a closer look at her intended, several things stuck out to her. She was relieved to find that he certainly wasn't ugly. Even if his choice of attire was a little; unique. And perhaps one could say that about her too; with her choosing to don a bright pink furry coat in a climate that didn't warrant one at all. But for her, it had been a deliberate choice, if perhaps an unconscious one. She had wanted to stand out, to attract attention to herself. As a royal; it was something that she had always done. So it just felt natural to her. In fact; Fauna had thought that she hadn't gone for something flashy enough. Since despite her coat's color; it did lack detail. And her gown itself was fairly light and simple. Perhaps in that way; she and her husband to be kind of matched; with him also wearing something mainly white and plain-a droned with a piece of clothing that stood in stark contrast to that. But instead of it being a coat; like it was in her case. It was a multicolored tie. Perhaps some would find that a strange choice, but; Fauna found it rather charming. Deimos was rather a gentleman, speaking to her in a manner she was very a costumed too. Even taking her hand and kissing it. It was something many men had done over the years, but; somehow this time it felt different. Perhaps because this man wasn't just some polite noble. But her husband-to-be. Fauna listened to his words, and nodded when he had finished. She had noticed that in the meantime, Zuhayr had found his way back to her. As he was watching both her and the young lord Vyslasar from his position behind her. Fauna turned her head to look at the man, her eyes meeting his. She gave the tall man a cheeky smile, as well as a wink. Before she placed all her attention on back onto Deimos again. "My journey was very pleasant indeed, and I thank you for your warm welcome." She said honestly, even that perhaps his words weren't truly meant. The fact that he at least tried did please her. "But there is no need for such formalities." Fauna didn't want this barrier between them, she didn't want him to refer to her as "lady Rizal" or anything like that. Normally she wouldn't drop the etiquette so quickly, but. She felt that she kinda had to no; it would be the best way to get to know each other quicker. "Whilst I'm here, I want you to treat me like you would do with anyone else." The woman stepped forward as she dipped her head forward a little. "So please just call me Fauna." The woman then moved away and stepping sideways as she gestured to her cousin. Who was still standing a little ways removed from them. "And this is my cousin, Zuhayr Rizal." Her voice was soft and gentle when she introduced the two men to one another. Feeling it just that she was the one to do so, knowing that kin was a little shy when it came to such matters. "He will be staying with us for a time, as my companion." She explained, though perhaps "companion" wasn't the right for what he was. He was in fact a great many things to her, but she couldn't name them all. And companion came closest to friend, so in her book it fitted.

Outfit x

Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:51 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Delve into destiny CypBckU
Delve into destiny ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Fauna & Zuhayr Rizal

Even before he could get an answer from the lady in front of him, a shadow was cast over the young Vylasar. He looked up, his dark coloured eyes narrowing when he noticed the man standing behind Fauna. A weird feeling overcame the man, but he didn't trust the other man, not yet at least. It was as if he was invading his home, his space, his possession. Deimos focused his attention back on Fauna, who spoke to him and told him that the formalities could go away. She told him that, while she was staying here, he had to treat her like anyone else and although he wanted to make a remark on that, he kept his mouth shut and his thoughts to himself. "As you wish, Fauna." He said with a smile on his face. "You can call me Deimos." She already did that, but who cares, he had told her so now it was correct. He hoped at least, he was never good at this kind of etiquette. Deimos slept through most of those lessons, thinking it would never apply to him. Boy, was he wrong. The sorcerer looked up at the man standing behind Fauna, when she introduced him as as Zuhayr Rizal, her companion. Another Rizal, another one that could look into the future. Another one he couldn't trust. He hated it, he hated that gift. Deimos felt like it was prying into someone's private life. Nobody needed to know what he would do in the future, including himself. "It's my pleasure to meet you, Zuhayr." Deimos told the man with very little emotion on his face. He wanted to let the man know that there was nothing he could do, Fauna would be his, even if he didn't agree with it. Because to him, Zuhayr looked like he didn't want to give the woman up so easily. So, the young man gazed upon his future wife and smiled. "Shall I give you a little tour of the house, or do you want to relax a bit first with a good cup of tea? The servants will bring your luggage inside, no need to worry about that."  

Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:54 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Delve into destiny 3UOvOIY
Delve into destiny 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
It was weird, these feelings. They washed over him in waves. One after another they slowly shifted in his very core, making his stomach turn every time. He was nervous, scared, tense... But he was also slightly pissed off already. Not that he would ever mention that, because he was actually pretty good at keeping those emotions at bay. He didn't even know where that one piece of annoyance came from. Was it because how he was treating her? Well... It was just right actually, how it was supposed to be. No... It was because, somewhere, deep down, he wanted to have an excuse to step in. And he hated himself for it. Why did he feel that way? He clenched his jaw slowly, averting his eyes to the ocean above them. It made him nauseous to keep thinking about it. So for now, he would avoid instead of confront. It would be for the better anyway. Slowly his dark eyes went back down, meeting hers in the process. Her smile working as infectious as ever; as he couldn't help himself and show her a small smile back. The wink that followed, caught him a bit off guard, stirring up another wave deep down. But he kept that smile up as long as she looked at him. Only for that façade to fade as quickly as she turned her back at him. His gaze shifting to the manlet before her.

Their eyes did meet for a moment and Zuhayr swore he could almost feel how much the other didn't want him here. He raised his brows for a bit when he noticed, his lips in a fine line as he tried to remain neutral. He tilted his head once more, to one side and another before moving his shoulders a bit as to loosen up his muscles. It was the him who finally averted his eyes first, looking back up at the ocean above them. The tension in his chest caused him to have a painful tension in his back as well.... Or maybe it was from carrying around that have axe. Most likely a combination of both. And then they started to speak again to one another. Fauna making small notes on the journey, stating that he could just call her by her first name. Treat her like any other... And all that. At the mention of this the xailan man couldn't help himself. His eyes shifted back to the man before her, slightly shaking his head. By Xeion what was he doing. He bit his lip ever so slightly as he looked away again. He didn't know what this all was, but he didn't like it. Why was she just trusting him like that? Why did she allow him so much room despite not even knowing the man. It frustrated him and he didn't know why. That little voice in the back of his mind actually suggested it; but he quickly shoved it out of the way. He couldn't do that, no. It would only cause more damage then good.

Only now he realized he was biting the inside of his cheek, his anxiety slowly rising more and more as he heard the Vylasar respond. He hated how casual they suddenly were, but tried to refrain from feeling anything more. It was then that, slowly, doubt and fear creeped up in him. That sudden rush dying down in an instant as he suddenly felt so out of place. He looked at the ground, lowering his shoulders a bit as he withheld a sigh from his lips. He could break down once he was alone. But damn... That promise was hard. When he was in Xaila he could have a breakdown in the safety of his home. But now he felt like everything wasn't good enough, everything felt too strange and too dangerous. Not only for him; but also for her. And maybe that was just the reason that drove him to come so far... Yet also to an even worse point then he had been at. He felt safe with her and that terrified him. Because what would happen if that safety faded as well? He- No...

He looked up at the mention of his name, twice. He blinked in surprise, looking from Fauna to Deimos. He blinked rapidly, nodding ever so slightly at the man as he opened his mouth a bit. But as he tried to speak, his throat tightened. That heavy feeling he had so many times before fell on him, choking him out of all the words that laid on his tongue. He closed his mouth again, only to look at the ground once more. Dread falling over him once again as a million worries started to wash over him. He shook his head ever so slightly once more as he tried to keep his breathing under control. It was fine, everything was fine. But that was a big fat lie and he knew it. This wasn't fine. He didn't like it, he didn't like how bad this was. How much danger she could be in. And how many things could go wrong. And he hated how much he just wanted to run and hide. Because he didn't want to avoid it. He knew that once he came face to face with a problem, he could deal with it. It was just the unknown that was the big scary monster. And he hated it... So much.

When Deimos spoke again, he stepped closer to Fauna. His hand slowly moving away from his back. As he softly grabbed hold over her coat, tugging softly at it to get her attention. His gaze fixated on her, pleading her to... To do what exactly? He wasn't too sure... But in this moment, where he could barely control his body... Where his breathing was already getting more difficult by the second... He wasn't sure if he could keep this up. And it made him even more anxious... Because he wanted to keep it up, for her.
Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:59 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Delve into destiny SRiYB3K
Delve into destiny 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

love My love for you reaches time that doesn't exist

Fauna was a lot of things, but she didn't always handle things the best; not intentionally, of course. For in her mind; she was doing the best she could, but. She was also young and very inexperienced. And that caused her to make mistakes. Like now; she had been so focused on Deimos. And making a good impression, that she, at first. Didn't even notice the growing tension between him and Zuhayr. Until it seemed too late. If her cousin hadn't stepped in, if he hadn't reached out to her like he did. Like a child tugging at the coat of their mother, desperate to get their attention. Fauna would have almost certainly taken up one of Deimos's offers,  a tour of the grounds. And a cup of tea sounded lovely. In fact; if she would have it her way. She would want to do both. She was currently riding on such a high, of adrenaline, that right now she felt like she had energy enough to do almost anything. Perhaps she was more like acting like a child than anyone here. With thinking, she could just rush into things, like she could handle them. However, luckily; Fauna didn't get to add that potential miscalculation. To her list of mistakes. Since Zuhayr made her realize what was; actually important now. It wasn't Deimos. It wasn't even her. It was him; her dear-him. He, who had done so much for her already; she couldn't- she couldn't just ignore him. Not when he was looking at her with those eyes. The sorceress couldn't tell what he wanted from her. But she would find out, it was her top priority right now. The brunette wanted to reach out and touch him, but she knew that it wasn't the best idea. And so, in a bid to reassure him. She nodded at him and smiled. Hoping that it would ease his anxiety, even if it was just by a little. The woman turned back to her intended after a few seconds. "Could you give us one moment?" She began, giving her intended a hopeful smile. As she started walking away from him. Gesturing with her eyes that Zuhayr should follow her. She did look back at Deimos once or twice, hoping to catch a glimpse of his facial expression. But to her mind it didn't betray much. Not that Fauna would care if it did; she had to make sure Zuhayr was okay first. That's why she stepped away for a bit. When they were a safe distance away from everyone else. The sorceress locked eyes with the man. "Zu what is it, are you okay?" She anxiously asked him. Her eyes full of worry.

Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:55 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Delve into destiny CypBckU
Delve into destiny ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Fauna & Zuhayr Rizal

He didn’t exactly knew what was going on, but the tall man behind Fauna was acting weird, as if he had some problem with either him or his house. Although, Deimos couldn’t really blame him, as it was strange for him aswel to call this place his home. Hé kept his eyes on the man, hoping that he could get a glimpse of what was wrong, but the tall man was difficult to read. He was only trying to do his best, to make this meeting as smooth as possible. How did this happen? How did he made someone look so … uncomfortable. Deimos decided to keep his attention to the woman in front of him, hoping that she could shine some light on the situation. Sadly, instead of doing that, she asked for a moment of privacy. With a smile, he nodded and stepped back, but kept his eyes on the two. Wondering what they were talking about, he grasped his summoners staff, just in case something would go horribly wrong.
Deimos didn’t want to interrupt the ‘meeting’ between the two, but he wondered if it was something that he had done. Did he made such a bad first impression? Naturally, he wasn’t happy with all this, but he had hoped it didn’t shine through to much. The young man bit his lip, wondering, asking himself what he could have done differently. Meanwhile he thought about the coming days, weeks, months. He decided to give Fauna a few days to acclimate to the new environment. Maybe in a few days, he would take her somewhere. To get to know each other better.

Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:11 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Delve into destiny 3UOvOIY
Delve into destiny 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
It was hard to keep himself from breaking down right here and now. Or maybe it was the stress from doing so that kept his emotions in check. Whatever it was, he felt like he could burst at any moment now. As if his anxiety would shatter his very being, pushing out all the ugly and sadness that was inside of him. It was such a double-edged sword, as it both drove him more to the edge, but also caused him to just remain where he was. Frozen in fear, one could say. He wasn't even able to speak, talk back or do anything here. And he knew it was all from the idea of what the two of them could be, would eventually be. He didn't like to be jealous, but right now he knew that that feeling was lingering within him. Slowly wrapping itself around any doubt that manifested in his mind. It made everything so much worse, as he saw things, heard thing, that weren't really there. Such as how he viewed the Vylasar as a threat, despite him not giving him any reason to think about him like that. He knew it wasn't fair, but he also couldn't push himself to not feel such things anymore.

Luckily for him, Fauna responded to his action and the pale man smiled back at her when she offered hers up to him. He loved her smile so much. It always pushed him to smile too, despite what kind of things were on his mind. That expression she had, it truly was like a cure to all his ailments, all his pain. And he so wished that it would never go away. Because he was scared to go back to a place and time where he didn't have that. Yet, he also wasn't stupid. Perhaps a bit delusional, but not an idiot. He knew that one day it would go back to how things were. And they most likely would exchange letters again as he would be back in Xaila and she would be married with kids and duties to fulfill. Oh, how life could be cruel like that, but had he ever thought his to be any different? No right...? Exactly. So, there was no real mourning for a loss of something he never had to begin with. It was just fine... Really. It had to be, after all.

Fauna excused them and stepped away from Deimos. For a split second he looked at the Vylasar boy, observing him one more time. He didn't like how the other reached for his staff like that, as if he was preparing himself for some sort of battle. It made him grab his axe as well as to even out the odds. But he refrained, averting his gaze from the summoner as he followed his cousin with his eyes fixated on the floor beneath them. He couldn't help but shake the feeling that the other had some mal intention, especially with what he did just now. As a mix of two sorcerer lines Zuhayr knew what kind of things each family could do. And it was no secret that the Vylasar summoned their mighty beasts through the wooden thing the boy had just reached for. In his eyes that felt like a challenge, or even a warning on its own. And Zuhayr knew that he could handle whatever the man had, for he had fought things before that were utterly terrifying. It was just the idea of Fauna being in danger that really drove him more into a corner. He couldn't help but feel like this guy was just bad news. A disregard for the bias he had, of course.

The dark-haired woman spoke to him and he finally looked at her. His eyes filled with emotions, each and every one of them moving more rapidly within frame then the last one. Her question made his stomach turn and he could almost feel as if the things around him started to spin. So he looked back down, nodding slowly. "I-" He started slowly, clearly not being fully able to form his words. So, he closed his eyes for a moment. Taking a deep breath as he tried to collect himself. The eyes of the person behind him were burning on his skin, he could just feel the judgement radiating from him and he absolutely hated it. But he couldn't do much about it. Slowly he looked back up at her, taking another deep breath in the hopes it would help him. "I'm fine, yes, but-" But what? I don't trust the person you're supposed to marry? I hate his guts? He doesn't treat you right? You deserve the very best and he doesn't deliver? "It's all so very new and I-" Ah... No, that wasn't it right? "I'm tired from the journey," Lies. He could run a marathon. He could fight anything that was thrown at him. If she asked, he would move mountains for her right here and now. Then why. Why did he say that? By Xeion he was such an idiot.
Thu Apr 20, 2023 10:26 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Delve into destiny SRiYB3K
Delve into destiny 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

love My love for you reaches time that doesn't exist

Zuhayr had Fauna's full attention, it was as if everything around her simply faded away. Deimos, the servants buzzing around them. She didn't see them anymore, there was only; him. Her dearest friend and cousin, the only person who really seemed to understand her. Of all the people everywhere, he was perhaps the closest and most important to her. And there was something wrong; he was hurting. She could not only see it in his eyes, but also feel it. As if they were connected somehow. It felt as if she was holding onto one end of her red thread of fate, and he; the other. Binding them together - if only, if only it told her what exactly what going through his mind. What was wrong So that she could better help him. 

Her gaze didn't leave from him for even a second. She stared up at him, with her big doe like eyes. It took a little while for him to steady himself. At moments like these, when she was forced to watch him struggle with himself so. She wanted to reach out to him, hold him. But she knew she couldn't; it would only have the opposite effect. Her embrace would only make him more nervous. And so, she held back. Even if it was so hard for her. Fauna didn't even care if it would be inappropriate for her to do such a thing, especially here and now. If she could have, she would. Right here, in front of Deimos, in front of everyone. 

After a few moments of watching, him moves his gaze around. And getting a grip on his breathing; she did reach out. But just with one hand. She placed it on his shoulder. Her grip was gentle and when she looked at him her face gave him a reassuring nod.  "I'm fine, yes, but-" he finally managed to say. And though she was glad to hear he was okay, she also knew that nothing someone says before the word "but" really counts. Especially not when it comes to Zuhayr. Because she knew that he would never tell her what was truly bothering him.  He'd cover it up with a lie or excuse, to make her feel better. To stop her from worrying. Because he was kind, and selfless like that. Always putting her, and her feelings, above everything else. 

It's all new and he- cut himself off. The brunette sighs softly, as she nods at the words he follows that up with. - and he is tired from the journey. Of course, he is. Fauna couldn't help but feel a little defeated, like the adrenaline rush she had been on before suddenly all left her. She felt drained. Still, she didn't show him. She simply reacted with understanding and kindness. Because she didn't want to force him to say something he didn't want to- even if she wished that he would be honest with her.

She moved her hand away from his shoulders and took a step back. "I  completely understand." she said with a low volume. "I'm quite tired myself." Now she was, before, it felt like she could handle anything Deimos wanted to do with her. But now, now she just wanted to rest. Rest and think. "Come," She said with a smile, and a slight playfulness in her voice as she offered up her arm to him. They were both fully covered, as there should be no fear of triggering his magic. Her gaze, finally, shifted away from him. And back to Deimos. She had almost all but forgotten about him. "Lets have the man of the hour act as our room attandant for a bit hmm?" A joke and yet when she said it. She felt a little sad.

Tue May 23, 2023 10:29 pm
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