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[FOF] Destiny has its eyes on us
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Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
[FOF] Destiny has its eyes on us 3UOvOIY
[FOF] Destiny has its eyes on us 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
When he had left home, he didn't think to pack anything fancy. He thought the trip would mostly involve him caring for Fauna and seeing that she was well. He knew knew of the festival, of course he did. He was no idiot.... But when one made hasty decision, it was only normal that they forgot a thing or two. So for tonight he sadly did not have any traditional Xailan robes to wear. he would have loved to show the one he would meet where he was from, maybe it could spark a conversation... Who knew. But no. He got a somewhat good looking Ravaryn attire for tonight, even completed with some gloves and extra's so that almost no skin would be showing. He wasn't sure if it was even a thing here or the Rizals had picked it out for him due to his magic, but the cloth would cover his neck, only leaving his head free. The fabric was thin, so he knew it wasn't for keeping off the cold. Strange... But so were more things in the cold land. He wasn't sure if he could ever get used to it...

But he got ready, put the suit on and made sure everything sat perfectly. As he observed himself again in the mirror he narrowed his eyes, sighing softly. Where had the request come from...? Where he would be engaged. It was not a demand, but rather a question. And when he had read the letter, it was clear that his parents weren't forcing him into this. But Zuhayr knew all too well that they wanted him out of the house, out there in the world. He was old enough now, ready to stand on his own two feet. Right? The man sighed, fiddling with a button at his wrist. He tilted his head slowly as he closed up the last of the things, before carefully putting on the leather gloves. He pulled some of the fabrid of his suit over it, so that he could neatly tuck it in. He had to be sure that it wouldn't come lose. The dark haired man held his breath for a second, looking up once more. He hadn't looked this good in quite some time. The attire showed off his muscular build, something he often covered up with as much layers of cloth as possible. The sorcerer tensed up, nodding at himself in the reflection. But this was only the easy part, right? How would it be when he came face to face with her.

And there he was then... In a room filled with people. He tensed up for a moment as he held his breath, looking around with his dark eyes. How hard was it to find an actual Rizal in a crowd of people? The man's jaw tensed up for a second as he felt an anxious feeling creep up on him. They usually had silver hair... Or she did, at least, right? He slowly blinked as he stepped forward, but almost jumped aside when someone almost bumped into him. His breathing heightened as he took some steps back. Ok Zu... Just. Calm breathes. But as the man tried to lift his gaze once more  in an attempt to find her among the rest, he took another step back to avoid someone. In the process he bumped into a way more fragile person. The Xailan man turned around in surprise, wide eyes as he gasped. "I'm so sorry," he said, before his eyes widened. Well, it would seem he found her... Xeion what a mess already.
Wed Jan 04, 2023 8:33 pm
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