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Pit of Vipers
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Damian Lunetta
Damian Lunetta
Pit of Vipers 5GPsqhT
Pit of Vipers FWMBmFh

Character sheet
Age: 32 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Damian Lunetta
For today he had closed his store. Yesterday had been heavy on him and he really wanted to take a day off so that he could recharge and relax. Which meant that he had busted out his white attire and put some slick in his hair. "You can do this, it's just tea. You don't have to be ashamed." The man muttered to himself, while he looked in the mirror. Today was one of the days were he went back to his parents' house for a cup of tea. Last time, which has been a couple of months, Damian had to break the news to his parents that he had to call of his engagement. He sighed and felt tears burn behind his eyes, he still missed her deeply but there was no way that he could see her again. The fact that he was a trigger for her was the biggest issue. And he had to life with that knowledge. He took one last look in the mirror, before he walked outside of his workplace and locked the place up. It would take some time before he would be in the Upper Ring.
Damian enjoyed the walk, where he would watch the different kind of people who walked with him. Once he came closer to the middle and upper ring, he noticed a change in people. In their attire, their body posture, their overall appearance. Damian had never seen himself as an Upper Ring fit, but he was born and raised here so it was only natural that he was here. The man looked at one of the clocks scattered throughout the Upper Ring and noticed that he was early today. So, he found a spot near a fountain and set down, quietly watching the people walking by.

[&Augustus Carnegie]
Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:04 pm
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