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Trystan d'Vrys
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Ravaryn Citizen
Trystan d'Vrys
Trystan d'Vrys
Trystan d'Vrys 9cfjxKR
Trystan d'Vrys 06f2d34eebbb271d3ccc6341a244d826

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Lawyer

Trystan d’Vrys
“The settling of old scores has never settled anything.”
Gender Male
Age 25 YEARS
Species Human
Magic None
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Lawyer
P.O.B Ishgard
Residence Ishgard
Faceclaim Daniel Sharman
Build Athletic
Height 187 CM
Skin tone Pale
Hair color Dark brown
Hair Texture Wavy
Eye Color Blue


With his tall stature he is a man that draws the attention to him whenever he walks into a room. His features make him a handsome dark haired man with piercing blue eyes. Resembling his older brother very well. His hair is slightly curly but always cut neatly. Due to his stature, he is often seen as an imposing man. He always walks around with a certain confidence, especially when on the job. But apart from that a smile can always be found on his lips, a vibrant look in his eyes.

The man often enjoys working out, which grants him a great physique and a toned body.


His clothing varies, though he prefers to dress properly. On the job he will always wear suits, sometimes varying in color. While in his spare time he can be found with more loose clothing. Yet, he will make sure that he is always presentable for anyone. Trystan is everything apart from a slob.

Constellation Stag
Alignment Lawful Good
TraitsHonest, independent, protective,,  patient, intelligent, resilient, romantic
TraitsBlunt, stubborn, temper, overly emotional

The prime motivation for Trystan is to be independant and take charge of whatever is thrown his way. The man has a very assertive personality and is passionate about life and what he does in life. Something he approaches with vigor and confidence, he knows how to look after himself and others. Pursuing his own path in life.

Taking action is one of the things that describes him the best, ready to make difficult decisions and accepting the consequences when things turn out differently. A firm believer of the idea that people should encourage themselves and others in the process. Which is something he does offer help in, in the form of taking people under his wing who are interested in the law. Trystan wants to be autonomous, showing his own strengths and independence. Though also isn’t afraid that at times he also does need help from others to get something done.

In his own way he makes sure that the people who need it are cared for and supported. Which makes him a man with the heart in the right place. One of the things he loathes the most is how degrading people can be to those who are of lower standing. His way of reacting to that can be seen as overly emotional, simply because he cares. Trystan is known to support the underdog, wanting to give people the best chance in life they could possibly get. For those who he holds dear, he’d move mountains and walk through fire. Another part of him is the one that isn’t afraid of breaking glass ceilings. He doesn’t tiptoe around a problem but rather faces it head-on.

While one could say he is an open book, Trystan remains very private. Though his demeanor at times can be seen as quite scary due to his height, he always sports a charming smile. He is a worrier, mainly about the safety of family and loved ones. But he does try keeping his emotions out of sight, which often ends up in him acting out in the way of working too much, partying too much or simply punching above his weight in any form.

SkillsAnything law related, communication, diplomacy, writing,  
Unskilled at Dancing,  painting, mathematics
Hobbies Poetry,  jousting,  drawing, horseback riding, hunting

Family Tree


Grandfather Lloyd d’Vrys
Grandmother Megyn Donniger


father Owen d’Vrys
mother Elyn Tyndall


Brother Lloyd d’Vrys II


Aunts & Uncles TBA

Read this for more info on the family

Trystan is a family oriented person. For his family he’d do anything. Making it so that the man is always there when his brother or his parents need him. He isn’t one to put a stain on the family name since he carries it with much pride.

Type Lawyer

Having studied different aspects of the law, he had a wide knowledge about the laws that matter. There is nothing he really specialized in. Property law, martial law, criminal law and marriage law. He is very well versed in these kinds of matters.

Weapon type Spear

From a young age it was clear that the young man was extremely handy with anything spear-like. Which was eventually something he specialized in. He can hold his ground with a sword as well, but his skill isn’t developed enough. Not like with the spear. Something that also shines through in his jousting.



  • Born as the second son in the family on the 30th of the Storm Moon. He grew up in a loving family, with parents who only wanted the best for their sons. As a young child he enjoyed playing around and doing kid-like stuff. Trystan was aware that his brother would be the one to become the heir, which gave him a free card for doing all the boring things. Though obviously he learned about etiquette and other important mannerisms, just in case.

  • As soon as his education started, it was clear that his interest didn’t lie with anything mathematical unlike his brother,  instead his interest went to the language department, always writing, reading, diplomatic skills and communication. Around the age of 7,  he discovered his interest in jousting. This was also the time where he took an interest in learning how to fight with a spear. Knowing that the chance that he would ever properly use this in battle was slim, but it was a way of putting his mind to something else.

  • Somewhere after he turned 9, he got interested in the law. His scholars taught him everything he needed to know. Though his parents had also brought him in contact with some lawyers, who did offer up a bit of their time to teach the young boy.

Teenage years

  • While growing up, he did attend a few tourneys to hone his jousting skills. But he was primarily focused on his studies.

  • During his teenage years, he grew up into a nice looking lad. Something others noticed too. Which would give him quite a rep sheet if he had been looking for that. Though Trystan wasn’t interested in anything like a fling. If anything, the young man wanted to wait until the right person came by.

  • Next to jousting, drawing was another skill he picked up. Something he liked doing in his pastime just like hunting, horseback riding and writing poetry. A renaissance man like no other one would say now. With him picking up his pencil, came the expectation that there was a hidden architect in him as well. And while he certainly could draw a nice looking building, it was nothing compared to the skill his brother had.

  • With the brothers being rather close in age, it did happen every once in a while that they hit the town together. A hint of rebellion against their parents maybe. Something they both paid the price for if they got caught. But it made their bond only closer.


  • Graduated top of his class. In the first few years he worked for other people, expanding his knowledge further. Around 23, he took over the office from the man he had been helping since he had gotten too old.

  • The man still hasn’t found a wife, yet there had been a moment when he had fallen for someone. Though his love hadn’t been answered at the time which had left him quite broken hearted at the time.

  • Often works together with his brother when it comes about building new buildings within the line of the law.

  • Recently he has been acting as an advisor for the king and the current master of Law. Something he is very proud of. Though he won't let his usual job go. Building quite a reputation over the years.


⚖ Trystan is a hopeless romantic, a firm believer in love. The kind of man that would shower his beloved in gifts and attention. He is loyal to the bone and dreams of having his own family.
⚖ Owns a black stallion called Brego.
⚖ Still lives at the estate, but is often found in his office which is located in the center of the capital.
⚖ Likes to travel.

Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:36 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Trystan d'Vrys XuTWurPc_o
Trystan d'Vrys MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:45 pm
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