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when everybodys gone
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Christina Astalli
Christina Astalli
when everybodys gone H0mzcaZ
when everybodys gone FaxCtWv

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Noblewoman

Golden skies

Christina had taken her son into town today. She had some business to do, and no one to watch him during the time she'd be away. So the woman had no choice but to take the young boy with her. Much to his dismay. Finnian was complaining and being difficult the entire time. Christina had warned several times, but he just; didn't listen. It irritated her beyond belief, but she didn't lose her temper. Christina kept her composure. They were in public, after all. But the moment they would get home, she would be sure to punish him accordingly. Christina held the tiny hand of her son while they made their way through the busy street. The little boy was swinging his arm around, taking hers with him. Annoyed, the woman wanted to tell him off. But before the words even left her mouth. A familiar voice called out to her. It was an older woman Christina knew rather well. It was a friend of her mothers. 

The two women talked for a little while, it was generic little conversation. About the frost crown ball, the attempted assassination of the king. All that was relevant. Finnian didn't like it, he was tugging at her skirts and calling her name. Chirstina huffed but otherwise ignored her son. And his attempts to distract her. He needed to wait until she was done before she would give him any attention. Otherwise, she would feed his bad behavior. It seemed like after a while; the little boy got the memo. Since things got quiet. But when Christina moved her eyes towards, where she thought he was standing. The woman saw; nothing. Panic gripped her heart as she looked around. But he was nowhere to be found. The older woman didn't quite understand at first. But when Christina called out to her son and didn't get a response. It clicked. The woman offered to help and look for the child. But Christina didn't hear her anymore. All she heard was the sound of her heart beating ever so loud. The noble woman then raced forward, making her way through the thick crowd of people. Her eyes frantically scanning the area. "Finnian?" How could this have happened? How could she possibly lose sight of her son? She had her eyes off him for just a few seconds. "Finnian where are you!" All sorts of scenarios were going through her mind. What if someone took him? He was a prime target, a young child alone-wearing such fancy clothes. "FINNIAN!"

Tag; Caspian Elessar

Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:36 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
when everybodys gone IzBexY8
when everybodys gone Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

There was some family business he needed to attend to. Today he hadn’t been assigned to guard the Princess, but rather to patrol town. Something he would continue on doing so when he was done with what needed to be done. His father needed him to run an errand, mainly deliver an important document to one of the bankers within town. Which was exactly what he was doing right now. Making his way over to them, delivering the paper and getting something in return to deliver to his father on a later occasion. If anything, he’d understand that he actually had a job to do right now as well. Keeping the streets safe. After the attack on the king during the festivities, the atmosphere within Ishgard had changed a bit. People seemed to be more on edge. Which was a normal reaction after all. But when the hour got later, things also took a wrong turn which was why the patrols during those later hours were upped. A necessity like no other.

Within the center of the city a small market was going on. So he had decided on moving to there. Given that it was a hazardous environment for pickpockets and what more. As he had walked towards the market, numerous people had passed him of all ages. Nothing weird about that really. At the market however he came across a woman that was frantically screaming the name of someone. Which alarmed him. Approaching her, shortly placing his hand on her shoulder. ’Miss what’s wrong?’ If anything he was around to help and she looked like she could use a hand or two. A concerned look was clear on his face. Finnian, who on earth was Finnian?

It must be made.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:51 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Christina Astalli
Christina Astalli
when everybodys gone H0mzcaZ
when everybodys gone FaxCtWv

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Noblewoman

Golden skies

The woman felt like she was looking for a needle in a haystack. It was a seemingly impossible task to comb the crowd in search of her son, all by herself. But stopping to ask for help was something that didn't even cross her mind. She was panic-stricken that thinking rational wasn't an option anymore. The woman pushed herself forward. Not caring if she did hurt anyone in the process. She was like a raging bull, only seeing red and nothing else. Then suddenly, she felt a steady hand on her shoulder. The otherwise slow moving woman whipped herself around immediately to face the person who had dared to lay their hands on her. His attire gave away that he was some sort of knight. Normally the woman didn't care to see one of them, they were far below her notice. But now she couldn't be more happy to see the shiny armor of these men glistening in the dim sunlight. He asked her what's wrong, and the noblewoman had to keep herself from screaming at him. "My sons missing." She stated, her voice loud and full of fear. "You must help me find him!" She all but demanded of the man in front of her. "He is a young boy, about four years of age. With blond curly hair blue eyes, and wearing a silver coat with gold detailing."The brunette was starting to become fidgety as she finished giving the man a general description of her son's appearance. They were wasting time here. Precious time. Every moment that went by, her Finnian could be straying ever further away from them. "Hurry, we must find him quickly." And with that, the woman walked away from the knight her eyes once again going to everything in sight. Her step full of haste. She yelled out for her son. Not even look back at the man, to see if he was following her.

Tag; Caspian Elessar

Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:02 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
when everybodys gone IzBexY8
when everybodys gone Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Perhaps he should’ve approached her differently. But in this very instant the man was simply responding to a woman that seemed in distress. As was his job to react to such things he hadn’t thought any further. But the look in her eyes when she swirled around made him tilt his head. The panic in her eyes, it set something off within him. What on earth was going on here? Had she been robbed? Or had she been a victim of something else? Perhaps a witness to something unholy. All kinds of scenarios were playing in his head. But when she spoke, he swallowed. A missing kid. That wasn’t good, not at all.

A nod followed her demand. Off course. The description that was given to him made him hum ever so softly. ’His name is Finnian right?’ It was what he had heard her scream after all. But he had thought that she simply had been a woman, angry at her husband for something. This was way worse. ’I’ll help.’ He simply stated as he watched her walk away. Deciding on walking in a different direction, yet not the opposite one. Finding a few other knights in the process and giving them the same description. Which would give them a bigger chance. Caspian climbed up a wooden crate, looking from above gave him a better picture. And in the distance he spotted a blonde boy, that wore a silver coat. Making him whistle on his fingers, which alerted his fellow knights. Pointing into that said direction, before jumping off and running into the direction as well.

It must be made.

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:17 pm
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