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strobe lights and red solo cups
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Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
strobe lights and red solo cups OqB89Df
strobe lights and red solo cups WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf

strobe lights and red solo cups 2JBi150

Morgan often gave parties at her home, for various reasons. But the most pressing one was simple because she couldn't help it. She just loved the kick it seemed to give her every time. Especially since her parties were different from most others in the upper class. She didn't host stuffy balls, where the most people were allowed to do was touch one another above the shoulder during a dance. Nor did she give endless dinners, where the food was just as bland as the conversation material. No, she provided a space where attendees were much more free. There were still some rules in place, of course; she still had some sense for her reputation. But still, not enough for any real "proper" ladies to be present. There was drink flowing everywhere. Strong drink, none of that prissy watered-down whine. And many gamble tables were set up. Morgan was sitting at one of them. With several men surrounding her. She knew them all, of course, she knew them very closely. They talked to her, joking about all manner of things. All the while she gambled away the little money she had left. But even when she lost; the woman couldn't even be mad over it. She was in too good of spirits. So she simply laughed. While she threw her cards down on the table. 

Morgan then looked up when she saw an all too familiar figure approach her. "Can you believe it, Augustus, I can't seem to catch a break! All I do is lose, when I really ought to be winning." She said, in a tipsy manner, when the man was close enough. She smiled then as she threw a coin pouch on the table. Truly her last earnings. But she didn't dare to stop now, the night was still young after all. The others around the table placed their own bets then, and the gamemaster started to dish out a new set of cards. The game was on again. Morgan chuckled as she leaned closer to Augustus. "Maybe now that you're here my luck will finally change, hmm?"
Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:02 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Augustus Carnegie
Augustus Carnegie
strobe lights and red solo cups Edt3MsEN_o
strobe lights and red solo cups FS1rlmW4_o

Character sheet
Age: 28 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Villiers' House Steward

But golden boy's in bad shape
It looked like Augustus was the only clear-headed one around – according to himself, at least.

The blond man strutted through the premises of the property that he knew all too well – he was simply a vision in his black and white suit and dark bowtie (one of the ensembles he had carefully selected to be a part of his work attire; yet, Augustus didn’t feel like changing into something more vibrant). He walked with a pencil-thin cigarette in one hand, a crystalline glass of amber-coloured whisky in the other, carefully dodging the other guests who seemed to be scattered around the room, all in various stages of intoxication caused by the never-ending array of drinks present at the party.

He was used to the view of frolicking noblemen while standing sober in the shadows as his work obliged him to do – the Villiers family was well-known for hosting parties that were in the top tier of Ashmoorian nightlife. But with Morgan Montague, tonight’s host, everything was a little different – a little wilder. The guests were a colourful patchwork of all layers of Alderrath’s Upper Ring – notably boring businessmen that turned into finely-dressed peacocks as soon as the clock struck nine in the evening.

A smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw the hostess. Augustus leaned over her, placing the whisky on the edge of the table as he crouched down a little, blowing out a huff of cigarette smoke towards the neighbouring table. 'Morgan, darling… You, losing? That shouldn’t be happening, no.' The blond man grinned at the way the brunette carelessly threw the coins on the table as he placed a hand on her shoulder. 'Oh, did I hear that correctly? Did you just promote me to be your favourite lucky charm for the evening?' Augustus’s grin grew even wider as he locked eyes with the gamemaster, before turning back to Morgan. ’Do you want me to just stand here and look pretty, miss Montague? Just to see if I'm truly your lucky charm.'
Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:46 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
strobe lights and red solo cups OqB89Df
strobe lights and red solo cups WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf

strobe lights and red solo cups 2JBi150

Augustus leaned over her. Kneeling down a little while, he did so. Morgan watched the glass of whiskey he had placed on the table. She wanted to reach for it herself; for she really could use some drink right about now. And she was sure Augustus wouldn't mind, sharing was caring, no? But in the end, she didn't; it wasn't full enough to quench her thirst. Morgan chuckled when, like some sort of steam engine, he blew a huff of smoke towards a nearby table. Causing some members at that table to cough a little as they turned around to glare daggers back at the blond man. Smoking was one of the very few things that wasn't allowed. Well, at least not in this room. This was her main drawing room, where she received most of her guests. And so she didn't want this place to stink of smoke, long after the party had ended. That smell always seemed to linger here. Since she couldn't really air out the place, very well, thanks to the lack of windows. But there were, of course. Some exceptions to that rule. One of them being Augustus. Morgan hummed in agreement over his comment. Though she supposed that losing these kinds of games wasn't that big of a deal in the end, they were nothing in the grand scheme of things. And fortunate men didn't have to win every game they ever played. Just the important ones. And when it came to that, at least; Morgan did certainly always come out on top. One way or another.  'Oh, did I hear that correctly? Did you just promote me to be your favorite lucky charm for the evening?'  Morgan laughed at that, thoroughly amused. But, it seemed, Augustus still had more to say. He asked her if she wanted to test out his so-called "luck" by making him stand here while she played. If Morgan didn't know better, she'd think he was suggesting that she should let him do something else entirely. "Oh, but my lord Carnegie, you are so good at standing around and looking pretty." She teased him with a grin painted on her face. "But, there is indeed a better why to test how lucky of a charm you are." The woman stood up from her chair then. Placing her cards faced down on the table. She noticed the others sitting around looking up in surprise when she gestured to the man to take her place. "Why don't you play in my stead, hmm?" Her eyes moved to the game master, looking for approval from the older man. Which he gave with a short nod. The other members sighed a little, but otherwise seemed to accept the change of plans as well. Causing Morgan to turn back to Augustus with a wide grin. "If you win, I'll even let you take some of the earnings." She whispered to him then, while she winked at the man. She would keep her word, and give him a cut. But she had already decided that she'd keep the bulk of it for herself.
Wed Feb 15, 2023 11:01 pm
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