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Spineless in my tomb of silence
Time will tell
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Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Spineless in my tomb of silence 9s9opHd
Spineless in my tomb of silence Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Amongst the shocked crowd stood the Crown Princess, sobs leaving her lips as tears fell from her eyes. Only an hour or so ago she had been the vision of the Twilight Ball in her stunning dress. Now she still was, but for all the wrong reasons. Her gown was soaked in a red liquid that could only be blood and her face had turned paler than it had ever been. The crown that used to sit so effortlessly on her head didn't seem as sparkling anymore. Arianna had turned to a horrid vision of death, one that she had just seen herself.

The young woman had pushed her way to the edge of the crowd. She was still fighting to reach her father yet several armed guards stopped her from doing so. Her eyes were focused on the king, who had so bravely stopped the evil culprit. But Arianna didn't quite seem to realise this. Instead the words that the dying man had spoken to her were still ringing in her head. She is going to kill him. The only true realisation she seemed to have was that if her father hadn't been such a valiant warrior, he would be dead right now. She had been too late.

A guard that now carefully held her in his arms gave sushing her a try. She didn't hear the words he softly said. The princess merely whimpered as she saw something gold fall to the ground. Slowly, no noise left her lips anymore except for silent sobs. She saw her father pick up the ring and she noticed just how the look in his eyes changed. Many wouldn't notice, but she remembered this look. It had been the same one as when he told her about her mother's betrayal. The fury, the betrayal and the hurt, it was all there. Slowly, Arianna got a sense of what had dawned on him in the moment. But Arianna wasn't given time to think about it, as her father started speaking.

What words Orion Ylindar said didn't exactly dawn on her, but in the morning she would remember. She felt the guard let her loose and she kept crying silently. Her gaze lowered to her shaking hands, still covered in red. If it was possible, seeing the blood made her turn even more pale. She started seeing images of the dying man again and she began shaking. There was no way she even noticed her own guard approach. All she saw was a vision of a red haze.

& Caspian Elessar

Outfit (echt heel heet maar nu onder het bloed Sad( )
Mon Feb 13, 2023 11:51 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Spineless in my tomb of silence IzBexY8
Spineless in my tomb of silence Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

In a matter of moments, the whole night had been turned to waste. He had seen it happening, quickly calling out for the guard although he had been to late to actually keep the event from happening. Luckily their King was a trained swordsman and he could easily fend of the attack. But it paralyzed the whole room. Apart from the guards who were now forming a blockade between the woman and the actual crowd, a few sworn swords standing next to the king in his protection. Caspian moved forward as well. Searching for the one woman, Arianna.

When he spotted her he swallowed. She looked, messy to say the least. Ghostlike almost. Which made him  grit his teeth. She was covered in blood. Was she hurt? Was it her own blood? Multiple scenarios were flying through his head right now. But the order that was given was clear enough. Each one of the assigned personal guards moved over to the children of the King to get them to safety. As did he.

He found her, shaking like a leaf. Making him swallow. Gently he stopped in front of her, blocking her vision. ’Don’t be scared. It’s Caspian. I’m going to take you to your room.’ He whispered ever so softly. Though he was quite uncertain about the fact that she could walk. If anything, it looked like she could faint at any given moment. Which was why he resorted to an action he would’ve never done in any other circumstances. with ease, he lifted her in the air. Holding her against his chest. ’Everything will be okay.’

It must be made.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:51 am
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