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Hope & Desire
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Hope & Desire CypBckU
Hope & Desire ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Amyra Warth
He had memorised the letter by heart, it wasn't that difficult. The words just poured in and stayed there. He hated it, he never wanted to be married. His sister was the pride and joy of the family, even if she was sick. He was just an annoying brat who kept getting into trouble. And this, this was the biggest trouble of all. He had taken his stuff outside, he had to let of some steam. It wasn't much, but it was better than being stuck inside and just worry about that damned letter.
So he had taken his painting stuff and had placed his easel at a relative empty place. Deimos didn't care if other people would stop and watch, he was used to that kind of attention, as long as they stayed quiet. With all the emotions raging within him, he decided to use that as his inspiration for this canvas. And with a few powerful strokes, he started at this piece.
It took him a couple of hours, and the sun was ready to set, but he was happy with it. It wasn't finished, yet, but he could do the finishing touches at home. The young man stood up, and started packing his things, when someone caught his attention. He smiled softly and waved for a moment, before he continued packing.

Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:37 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Amyra Warth
Amyra Warth
Hope & Desire 53zL75vk_o
Hope & Desire TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Healer
As the journey from Lythrania back to Moonbright would be fairly long, Amyra decided to stay here a little bit longer before returning back to Moonbright. She didn’t want to go back to her father anyway. It gave her the creeps how he always wanted to control her life and would get so easily mad when something went wrong, even if it was just a small thing. He had treated Amyra with an iron fist, even though the girl had done nothing to stood up against him. She was too afraid that she would receive another beating. While had hadn’t been violent a lot, he certainly had given her a slap or two whenever she said something that didn’t sit well with him. And it was always her mother who had calmed her down and treated her bruise, healing it immediately to avoid people around them suspecting something. To the outside they were the perfect family portrait, but on the inside they were nothing but scattered and broken.
Amyra looked at her shoulder at the soft mewl she could hear from Daisy, the kitten she had adopted. Or rather plucked off the cold street. She loved the kitten to pieces and it had taken some time for her father to agree with it, but her mother had convinced him that as long as Amyra’s duties didn’t suffer from taking care of the animal, there should be no problem with keeping it. Amyra petted the small thing as her gaze went back to the man who was painting something. Suddenly he stopped painting and started packing his stuff. Amyra wasn’t fast enough to avert her gaze from him and her cheeks got a little bit red when he noticed her. Luckily he did take it well and even waved at her with a smile, to which Amyra smiled and waved back.
She didn’t know if she was out of her mind or just had a stupid moment of bravery because he seemed so inviting, but she noticed that she was walking towards him. ”Ehm, sorry to bother you,” she spoke to him, feeling suddenly shy now that she was standing in front of him. But she couldn’t back down now, not after she had actually bothered him. ”I was wondering if you were painting the beautiful scenery around here.” She had massive respect for people who could carry out their hobby when others could watch them. She would get too nervous if she were to do that. And it wasn’t like she could paint at all. Not in the slightest. 
Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Hope & Desire CypBckU
Hope & Desire ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Amyra Warth
With the utmost precision he places all the supplies back in the back that he brought with him. If there was one thing that he hated, it was mixing his paint or smearing paint on his fresh pencells. He shuddered by the thought of it, but noticed that his mind wasn't exactly in the game right now. If he wasn't thinking about his painting, his mind went right back to the letter. Deimos sighed for a moment and stopped with his hands in the back. He hadn't even noticed that the girl he had seen earlier was standing next to him. She spoke, it scared him and with his summoning staff in his hand he held it in front of his face, as if it could protect him. Well, the staff couldn't. Häti most definitely could. He was part way through the first sentence of his summoning, before it finally came through his mind that this girl was nothing more than a bystander. He lowered his staff and stopped for a moment to figure out what she was saying to him. Scenery, painting. She was referring to his work. Deimos shook his head. "Sorry, I was lost in thoughts and didn't hear you walk up. I didn't mean to scare nor attack you." With a hand in the back of his neck, he lifted his head and swung it from right to left. "But no, I wasn't painting the scenery. I was.." He stopped and looked at the canvas, what was he painting? He had a rough idea in his head but it became something different entirely. "I don't actually know," he mumbled under his breath. "Damnit."

Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:51 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Amyra Warth
Amyra Warth
Hope & Desire 53zL75vk_o
Hope & Desire TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Healer
Amyra’s eyes widened in fear when the man held something up towards her that she didn’t recognize, but that could undoubtedly hurt her if he wanted to. She held her hand to her chest and took a step back, her mind going blank. He faintly registered that Daisy was mewling in defense, stretching out a black-and-white paw towards the man, as if she really believed that she could damage him with the tiny claws that were attached to her paw. Amyra was scared that she would get hurt and took another step back. And that was when the man seemed to come to his senses, quickly putting away the staff. Amyra’s heart was throbbing in her throat by now as she fought hard to bite back her panic. She had been in this situation with her father too many times to easily brush this off and she had to really concentrate to figure out what he was saying, eventually coming to the conclusion that it was all a misunderstanding and that he wasn’t about to hurt her. For now, at least.
”T-That’s alright,” he reassured him with a shaking voice that was absolutely not reassuring at all. Her bottom lip started to tremble and Amyra fought hard to bite back her tears. What was it about angry people that made her so scared all the time? Why couldn’t she just easily brush this off as a misunderstanding and get on with the conversation? Daisy had withdrawn her paw, but she was still looking in defiance at the man, as if she warned him not to pull that stunt again. If Amyra could have one small piece of Daisy’s bravery, she would have probably been an entire different person. Oh, how she wished she could stand up for herself.
”I-It’s alright. You don’t have to tell me,” she told him, holding both her hands up in defense. She didn’t want him to get mad, even though his anger would not be directed at her. ”I-I’m sure that it will turn out to be nice, whatever it is you’re drawing.” She tried to smile at him reassuringly, but she knew she had still trouble processing what had just happened. ”It’ll probably be a masterpiece compared to what I can produce.” She tried to make a joke so that it would ease both of their emotions, but she knew she was doing a poor job. Why couldn’t her heart just stop beating so damn hard? She wasn’t even in danger anymore, but it was hard to convince her almost hyperventilating body of that fact. 
Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:23 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Hope & Desire CypBckU
Hope & Desire ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Amyra Warth
She was scared, she was scared of him. Of what he had done, without even trying to be scary. He could see it in her eyes, feel it from the change in atmosphere. Anxiety had filled the air around them and this time, it wasn't his. He sighed and looked around, what an annoying place to be in right now. It wasn't his intention to scare her, she scared him when he was lost in thoughts and suddenly spoke. Yet, it was wrong from him to start his summoning ritual. He shook his head when she told him it was alright. "It's not," he said shortly and picked up his bag. He hung the bag over his shoulder and looked past her, the other people had left. It was just the two of them now here. Maybe that was better. "It's not that I don't want to tell you," he said, looking at the canvas. "It's that I actually don't know what it is." The swirl of dark colours on the outer edges, with the bring red and white spot in the middle. There was a particular feeling he had with this piece, but wasn't sure if it was a suitable name for it. "Hope and desire," he mumbled softly.
Deimos focused his gaze on the woman standing next to him and draped his coat over her shoulders. "You look cold, maybe from the shock? I'm sorry. Here, you can keep this." He smiled softly, he had enough coats back at home and otherwise he could always buy a new one. He was used to the weather in Lythrania and didn't always bother with keeping himself warm. "I'm sure you can paint if you would set your mind to it," he reassured her quietly. "Everyone can paint, as long as they believe."

Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:37 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Amyra Warth
Amyra Warth
Hope & Desire 53zL75vk_o
Hope & Desire TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Healer
Amyra bit her lip when the man spoke his words, telling her that his behavior was not alright. She could keep arguing with that, but she was scared that she would make him mad by rejecting his words again, which she didn’t want to happen. So she just looked awkwardly away, hoping that if she would keep silent about it he would forget about the matter and that they could discuss something else. Luckily his attention went back to his canvas and Amyra took a peek at it, admiring how he painted the colors in a seemingly random way, but it still seemed to fit together. She hummed and nodded as he gave it a name. ”Yeah, that sounds pretty,” she muttered softly, tracing her eyes slowly over the painting. The way he had painted and how the colors blended in together made her curious about what the initial thought was behind all this, but she knew that would be a too personal question, so she didn’t bother asking it.
Amyra felt a bit calmer as the man placed his coat on her shoulders, looking up at him in surprise. Her cheeks reddened when he spoke his words and she suddenly felt very stupid. ”I get tense pretty easily. It isn’t your fault,” she reassured him. Ever since her father had started treating her like shit, she was always a little jumpy, especially around strangers. It was a but cynical that she would be a healer as occupation, but healing people actually soothed her soul and most of them were very grateful for the help she gave them. Carrying out her duties made her feel at ease; the connection between her and her patient almost seemed to come naturally, which wasn’t the case when she just spoke randomly to a stranger. That didn’t mean that she didn’t try, though.
He reassured her that she could paint as long as she put her mind to it and Amyra smiled. ”Sure, I could put some colors on a canvas, but that still wouldn’t be an admirable painting. For that I would have to need someone who could teach me, just like with most things in life,” she pointed out, her cheeks immediately reddening after she realized what she had said. ”O-Of course I don’t mean to undermine your words,” she spoke hastily. ”Especially not after being so kind to me. Are you sure I can keep your coat?” She hadn’t even thanked him for giving it to her. The more she interacted with others, the more she understood why her father thought she was such a failure. She just couldn’t do things right from the start, could she? 
Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:57 pm
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