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black sheep
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Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
black sheep  Wp10309412
black sheep  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
‘Woah, Bessy.’ He softly pulled up the reins from his big draft horse mare, but she basically listened to his voice anyway. She came to a halt, her shood hooves clang loudly to the cobbled road, and his cargo came to a rattling stop. It was early in the morning. Very early. But he had to be early, because then the bakers still wanted his milk, fresh and ready. Also he would have to leave a few bottles by regulars houses. In a simple movement, he flung himself of his wagon en walked towards the big mare. He patted her on her neck, after which he undid the reins.

The sun was already out, but he still heard the rumbling and drunkard's songs coming from the bars. The people sounded exceptionally loud in the dawn, probably pissed out of their minds. He sighed and remembered the days when he was a boy, causing trouble until the early hours. He scrachted behind his ear for a moment, after which rolled the reins in even loops and hung them on the side of the wagon. He hitched the horse to the post he stood by and wanted to start unloading the cans, trying to drown out the barsongs.

Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:47 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Elliot Gallio
Elliot Gallio
black sheep  Ellie10
black sheep  51cc3d0afc66d35f71a2a4565fa64e54

Character sheet
Age: 20 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: idiot

a soul full of sunshine

Elliot liked his life. Maybe he even loved it on a good day when his empty stoach had been filled with beer and whiskey and the alcohol made him feel a certain kind of way. Until the hangover hit him the next morning and he tried to soften that by drinking more. It was a never ending circle that, if looking back, wasn’t all that great as he thought it was.

Singing a song his oldest brother used to sing with him on the nights where everything was great he stumbled out of the bar. His arm was wrapped around an older man he had met the night before and whilst they were both singing different songs, worked different jobs and had different views on life they had hit it off. In a friendly way of course. That was life for him, go out and find people that he could talk to, make friends but never anything else. No love, no relationships. Just gambing, friends for a night and blurry nights.
Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:10 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
black sheep  Wp10309412
black sheep  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
But it wasn't just a bar song. No. The words - which were by the way wrong, half of the time - reached his ears, which he had to detangle from a, deeper, raspier voice that sung another song. He knew that song! And he knew that voice... Promptly, Thiago dropped slammed the can back in the back of the wagon and he found his way towards two men moving drunkenly down the street, swearing from left to right, singing that damned song.

He grabbed his little brother by the collar of his shirt, shoving the much older man away in the same motion and turned his brother towards him. The smell that greeted him was impressive, even for their standards. A disappointed look clouded Thiago's face. How could he? ‘‘What the fuck do you think you're doing? Eh?!’ Oh, if only Rafael could see him now, echoing the same words that were said to him every, single day. But now he understood why they were said. He was not mad at his little brother. He was worried. I mean, look at the state he was in! Thiago grabbed him by both his shoulders and looked up at him. They didn't look alike at all, but they were brothers, unfortunately. That meant he was his responsibility. Elliot came home like this more often than not. But tonight, Thaigo thought he was at home, stinking in his bed. How was he still out and about, when there was still so much work to do? Okay, maybe he was a little mad after all.  
×  @Elliot Gallio  × voice ×
Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:52 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Elliot Gallio
Elliot Gallio
black sheep  Ellie10
black sheep  51cc3d0afc66d35f71a2a4565fa64e54

Character sheet
Age: 20 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: idiot

a soul full of sunshine

Ghost hands that, for a second, didn't seem to belong to anyone pushed Fredrick away from him before they reached for him. His right hand formed into a fist and he aimed for the nose of the man that touched him, hoping he would hit him in the face. It was his first instinct after many drunken fights at the pub. His vision was still blurry and it was clear that the alcohol was still running through his veins at a high speed. With wobbly knees and bloodshot eyes he squinted slightly in an attempt to focus on the man in front of him. The grip on his collar felt somewhat familiar, but he couldn’t quite recognise it just yet. It was early and late at the same time and the bright morning sun burned his eyes that were used to the darkness from inside.

A drunk grin played on his lips when he finally recognised the face in front of him ten, maybe tweny seconds later. ”Oh, I didn’t see you there Thiago” he slurred. His breath smelled of strong alcoholic beverages and he wobbled on his legs. ”Whatcha doing here? Do you want to get a beer? I’m sure they’ll serve you if that means you’ll get rid of that awful frown on your face.” Elliot mumbled with his blue eyes focused on the lines on the forehead of his older brother. Okay, he might have been the reason why they were there in the first place, but that didn’t mean he ahd to accentuate them like that, every time he looked at him right?

Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:11 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
black sheep  Wp10309412
black sheep  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Thiago could barely say his angry words, before a fist slammed into his nose. For a moment, he looked as dumbfounded as his stupid little brother, who was still trying to put two and two together. But Thiago's mind was racing. He should not be angry, Elliot was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing. Hell, he probably wouldn't remember, once he had slept the alcohol off. Thiago wiped the back of his hand down his nose, and immediately noticed the blood on it. That little dickhead. He decided that now he was allowed to be a little angry. The little shit had hit him!

Once he spotted the recognition in Eliiot's eyes, Thiago somehow got even madder. There he was, with that stupid grin on his face, looking awfully happy.  He wanted to wipe it off. And he was still thinking of liquor. Thiago decided to count to three, but he didn't get to two. ‘‘You little-’’ he started angrily. He tried to slam his brother into the nearest wall, looking out for his fists this time. His nose was still bleeding, and he looked the part of any other drunk street-fighter. He couldn't believe Elliot was throwing his life away like this. Sure, he didn't have to stay at the farm for the rest of his live. But Thiago also couldn't take care of him for the rest of his life. He argued with himself to scold him, even hitting him back, but what would it matter? He wouldn't remember. He would scold him in the morning, and that he would remember. ‘‘We are going home,’’ he said firmly. ‘‘So get your sorry ass together.’
×  @Elliot Gallio  × voice ×
Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:33 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Elliot Gallio
Elliot Gallio
black sheep  Ellie10
black sheep  51cc3d0afc66d35f71a2a4565fa64e54

Character sheet
Age: 20 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: idiot

a soul full of sunshine

He could see the blood dripping down his brothers nose and somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered how that had happened. He had already forgotten that he was the cause of his bleeding nose and the rising anger.

If you would’ve asked their parents who Elliot was they would tell you that he was their special boy. Their miracle after almost ten years of trying to get pregnant after having Rafael and Thiago. Their little boy that could do nothing wrong but after they died and Thiago and Elliot were the only two left things changed. He wasn’t special anymore and not his brothers miracle, no. That much was clear since the day he had been born but there wasn’t much he could do about it. All he did was try to live his life how he wanted and it felt like no matter what he did he would do it wrong anyways. So why not do it this way? At least then he knew he was wrong.

His back hit the brick wall behind them and he could feel the air being pushed out of his lungs with force. Elliot tried to take a couple of deep breaths, coughed and looked down at his brother. He was smaller but stronger than the blonde boy (+ sober) and it was clear that he wasn’t happy. We are going home, so get your sorry ass together.” Angrily trying to push Thiago’s hands away from him in an attempt to get some space between them he huffed. ”I’m staying here. You can do whatever you want,” he argued back.
Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:00 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
black sheep  Wp10309412
black sheep  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
If only their parents could see his little brother now. Perfect, little, Elliot. It was fine when they were younger. He was a child, a teenager. He didn't care much for a good-for-nothing baby. He only started to be funny when he started walking and riding, and Rafael and him pranked and teased him endlessly, with much dissaproval of their mother. But look at her wonderboy now, wobbling and slurring, not a thought behind those eyes. Oh, he should hate Elliot, but he never could.

Elliot didn't like his plan, of course. Thiago sighed impatiently when he started to struggle back. But Thiago simply grabbed him by one of his wrist, knowing he would overpower him easily. Especially in his drunken state. ‘‘Nope, we're gonna get you sobered up,’ he spoke annoyed. He had no time to argue with him, nor did he want to. He tried to yank his taller brother towards him, away from the wall and then twist his arm behind his back. He wanted to walk back to his wagon. Back to Bessy who still waited patiently, swishing her tail lazily to scare away the flies. He wanted to make this quick, because the town started to rouse, and he didn't like trouble. He clapped his left hand on the back of his brother's shoulder and started to push him towards their wagon.
× @tag × voice ×

Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:20 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Elliot Gallio
Elliot Gallio
black sheep  Ellie10
black sheep  51cc3d0afc66d35f71a2a4565fa64e54

Character sheet
Age: 20 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: idiot

a soul full of sunshine

The thing with Elliot was that he was a stubborn drunk. He wasn’t the strongest even after twenty yesrs of working on a farm, but he was quick. When he was sober. Drunk Elliot was quite different. He was loud, his movements weren’t as controlled as he prefered them to be and everything moved in slow motion. He sung songs he didn’t even knew when he was sober and he came up with the most ridicculus ideas. He did that sober too though. The thoughts he had when he was sober became worse with the first couple of drinks. The fear, anxiety and doubt seemed louder with every sip until they stopped and Elliot was close to being black-out drunk. He loved his brother even though the voice at the back of his head told him that he was good for nothing other than disappoint Thiago. He loved his brother even though the only thing he could remember at the end of the day was the disappointed frown on his face. He loved his brother, but he never felt like his brother loved him back because of the decisions he made.

”No we can’t!” Elliot ‘whispered’ loudly when his brother walked them back to his wagon, his arm behind his back and his hand between his shoulderblades. ”Mr McMuffin is here and we’re not leaving him here. Was the big draft mule that he concidered his best friend even here? Probably not but that didn’t matter.
Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:23 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
black sheep  Wp10309412
black sheep  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Of course he would keep complaining. Thiago had to keep a firm hold on him, because he still swerved and struggled while walking. But he didn't fight back as hard as he would have expected. And it was because of that damned animal. That he was worried about. ‘‘Oh, is he now?’‘ Thiago scoffed back at him. He wouldn't be surprised he rode him all the way up here, leaving him somewhere and than left him to roam the streets. He also wouldn't be surprised the animal found his way home himself. Horses did. But that beast wasn't a horse, and it was as stupid as it's owner. ‘‘He is probably smarter than you and went home,’’ Thiago assured him. It was like talking to a toddler.

He released Elliot his wrist when they arrived at the wagon and he pushed him towards it. He realized now it was still stored to the brim with fresh milk. It would go sour if he didn't sell it today. It would be worthless tomorrow. He wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve, and grunted by the look of the blood smudging his shirt. Groaning he grabbed the back of the wagon and leaned forwards on his arms, head bent down and let the blood drip down on the cobbled streets. He weighed down his options. He should take care of Elliot and bring him home. But he also needed to fulfill his promises, or otherwise he would lose customers. He blew his nose once, and then looked up and squeezed his nostrils together. He turned to Elliot. ‘‘But first: Stay. Put.’’
× @tag × voice ×
Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:59 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Elliot Gallio
Elliot Gallio
black sheep  Ellie10
black sheep  51cc3d0afc66d35f71a2a4565fa64e54

Character sheet
Age: 20 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: idiot

a soul full of sunshine

Elliot made some faces while his brother scolded him as if he was a child. He wasn’t, even though he acted like one sometimes. ”You look like shit” the youngest Gallio mumbled as a weak comeback. He did, and yet he knew that the women and men would line up just to have his brother smile at them. Pathetic really.

The seconds between walking to the carriage and his brother telling him to stay put were a bit of a blur really. Had he fallen asleep whilst standing up? He tried to blink away the tiredness from his eyes. ”Yes sir.” He nodded and shot his brother an innocent smile. No way that he was going to stay there while Thiago got to do all the fun stuff. He was starving and he could smell the fresh bread from the bakery.
Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:50 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
black sheep  Wp10309412
black sheep  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
And he acted like a toddler. Thiago just looked mad at him when he made faces, and slowly shook his head. It wasn't even remotely funny. ‘Dickhead,’ he muttered under his breath, while he looked up and waited a minute for his bloody nose to stop.

Thiago wiped the rest of the blood of his face as well as he could. He had the look half decent. Then he looked at Elliot, saying he would stay put. Thiago rolled his eyes. ‘‘I mean it,’’ he warned him. ‘‘Just sit down and wait. That's not too hard, is it, Ellie?’’ Thiago rolled up his sleeves and started unhauling the milk churns from the back of the wagon. The bakers used it to make buttery cakes and pasties, which were usually what rich folk ate up at the higher rings. But the people at the port also liked some fresh milk in the morning or in their tea. So he sold large churns to merchants as well. He sighed and started walking down to the back of the bakery, fearing that Elliot would be long gone when he returned. If he was lucky, he would have fallen asleep.  
× @tag × voice ×
Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:41 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Elliot Gallio
Elliot Gallio
black sheep  Ellie10
black sheep  51cc3d0afc66d35f71a2a4565fa64e54

Character sheet
Age: 20 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: idiot

a soul full of sunshine

”Just sit down and wait. That’s not too hard, is it, Ellie?” He pressed his lips together tightly to stop the drunk words from leaving his mouth. Even he knew that it wasn’t worth it to fight and argue about, even though he called him fucking Ellie.

Elliot waited until his brother turned and left him alone to sell the milk. It made him giggle softly. Maybe he just used the milk as an excuse to leave him and never return to the farm. That was what they did right? Fathers? Thiago was basically his dad at this point anyways. He was swaying slightly while he made his way to the bakery and felt around in the pockets of his trousers for the last coin he had saved for breakfast, but that coin was nowhere to be found. A frown made it’s way onto his face as he checked again and again, but they were completely empty. Leaving him in front of a baker that didn’t look to happy. ”My brother, Thiago, is in the back, would you mind getting him for me? It’s important.” He smiled while the old man went to get his brother and got to work. Shoving baguettes and croissants they normally couldn’t afford into his pockets he kept an eye on the door where both his brother and the baker were probably talking and on their way. With a fancy and expensive looking pastry in his left hand and another one with chocolate in his right he ran back to the carriage whilst shoving them into his mouth.
Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:34 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
black sheep  Wp10309412
black sheep  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Thiago knew he was probably making a mistake. It was stupid to trust his little brother, especially in a state like he was in now. But he was already here, he had done the work, and now he only had to collect the money. So when the baker greeted him, he gave him a rare smile and started loading in everything he wanted, while the baker chatted cheerily.

Thiago made a few trips back and forth, noticing Elliot had indeed left. He wasn't surprised, but he still grunted. Stupid shit couldn't listen for just one minute. Thiago went back again to the baker for the next churns, and then he was called to the front of the shop. A young man needed him. His brother. Oh no. The cheery baker looked a lot grumpier already. Oh no .. Thiago apologized in advance, but he felt the storm coming. When they both arrived behind the counter of the shop, Elliot was gone, again, and so were a few of the good man's bakings.

And now the baker was mad too. Thiago cursed under his breath and tried to calm the man down. He apologized for Elliot's behaviour, promising it was not a scheme they were playing. He even tried to explain the situation, that he was drunk and not thinking, like as Elliot ever thought, and he would cover the money. This seemed to calm the baker down. He named his price and Thiago had to swallow that bitter pill. That was outrageous. How was he going to cough up that kind of money? They eventually settled on the price by giving him a massive discount on his order, and by the end of the exchange, Thiago felt like he was the one being robbed.

‘‘I'm going to kill him,’’ he said to himself when he finally exited the shop from the back. He walked back to his wagon and there he was; smug looking and stuffing rich smelling pasties in his face. Thiago balled his hands into fists and sped towards his brother. He snatched whatever he was eating out of his hand and seriously considered to hit him. ‘‘You are going to back me back for this,’’ he snarled to him. He stormed towards Bessy and grabbed the reins again, attaching them to her bit. They would have to finish his round together now. Thiago took a bite from the pastry he had snatched from Elliot's hand and oh my god, it was the most delicious food he had had in a very long time. Fucking Elliot wouldn't even remember the taste the next day.
× @tag × voice ×
Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:30 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Elliot Gallio
Elliot Gallio
black sheep  Ellie10
black sheep  51cc3d0afc66d35f71a2a4565fa64e54

Character sheet
Age: 20 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: idiot

a soul full of sunshine

Elliot had fallen asleep in the short period between getting back to the carriage and his brother arriving. The chocolate eclair was still between his lips when his brother pulled it out of his mouth, and, honestly, that was what woke him up. Not the words he said to him but the fact that he took what he stole from the bakery. ”I think we’re even now.” Elliot yawned as he tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes with the palm of his hand. It wasn’t a big succes since the ‘I’m drunk and now I need to sleep for a very long time’ sleep had hit him. He yawned again as his eyes slowly closed again and it wasn’t long before he started snoring softly.
Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:17 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
black sheep  Wp10309412
black sheep  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
The eclair was divine. In a few, quick bites, he had finished what his brother had left. But he almost choked on the last piece when Elliot started to speak again. Even?! Thiago slammed his hand on the box of wagon. ‘‘No, we are not!’’ He had risen his voice now and looked back at Elliot, who was already asleep. The nerve on that kid. What would he have done if he hadn't found him? Sleep in the gutter and get robbed probably. Thiago walked over to him and kicked against his feet. ‘‘Get up,’’ he demanded him. He was not going to carry him. Not in a thousand years. If he wanted to be a big boy, he could drag his own sorry ass in the wagon. Thiago was already wat to soft on him. He had hit him, then robbed him, and now he had decided to just close his eyes and sleep his troubles away.
× @tag × voice ×
Wed Jul 13, 2022 11:25 pm
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