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[FoF] What is my fortune?
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter
[FoF] What is my fortune? JRalQ48
[FoF] What is my fortune? Py7jWhX

Character sheet
Age: 40
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Traveling monster hunter

There're still monsters out there, I should know.

Sorin had heard of this festival, but never actually visited Ishgard during the festivities. He usually preferred to winter in his home back in Silvercrest, but his current hunt did not allow for that. The festival’s market square was quaint and people were engaging in all kind of games. The scent of baked goods and festival food was an assault on Sorin’s heightened senses. The scents were so prevalent that he nearly choose to just walk away… That and him being completely socially inept and alone.
Sorin bought a small bag of elongated baked goods that were dusted with cinnamon and sugar. They smelled great and he was happily snacking on them as he walked over the marketplace. He was looking for something to do. He was bored, but did not feel like spending another lonely night training. He looked up at the night sky and saw the near-full moon. He would need to leave town tomorrow to hide in the wilderness for a while.
He looked next to him and saw a man that looked like he was selling confectionaries to people while raking in a tidy profit. Something about the man’s smile seemed off though. It was more refined and tame than he would guess a businessman to have. This man did not need the money. Was he a nobleman perhaps? Intrigued, Sorin wandered to his booth and read the sign. “What are fortune cookies?” He asked as he looked the man up and down.

@Mortem Rizal || words: ###

Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:39 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
[FoF] What is my fortune? J2Hi32L
[FoF] What is my fortune? Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude.
He was a cook, not a bakker. Still, he had impressed himself with these cookies. It was only for a couple of days that he would be back in his home town and with the festival, he wanted to make the best of it. So he had made little hollow cookies, in which he would put a piece of parchment with one of his vision written on them. Most of them were trivial, not very specific, but fun none the less. He couldn't really control his vision as he wanted, but every day things would make a good cookie. So he had been busy all morning, with baking the cookies and putting the writing inside of them. After that, he went to the market and set up a little table with a glass bowl upon it. With his curly handwriting, he made a board to place at his side and sat down.
It didn't take long for people to notice him, not only for his cookies but also as one of the Rizal family and people were interested in their fortune. He handed out the cookies for a minimum amount of money and sat back with a smile. It wasn't until a ragged looking man came to his stand, that he stood up. Mortem nodded to the man and smiled when he got the most commonly asked question of today. "A little peak into your fortune. Open a cookie and see what the future has in store for you." He smiled ever so slightly. "You want to try?"
Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:50 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter
[FoF] What is my fortune? JRalQ48
[FoF] What is my fortune? Py7jWhX

Character sheet
Age: 40
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Traveling monster hunter

There're still monsters out there, I should know.

The man explained the concept of the fortune cookies to him and Sorin politely nodded. He did not feel like meandering aimlessly during this festival so this was as good as anything to keep him preoccupied. The man that stood behind the booth seemed to present himself very properly. He was definitely a noble. Sorin had understood that the festival was a place where the nobles would mingle with the common folk, but he did not expect one to just sell cookies... It seemed so silly.
So... You wrote the fortunes?” Sorin asked incredulously. It did seem silly to buy cookies from a grown man with a make-believe fortune. “Are the cookies themselves any good? If so, I'll take one.” Sorin finally acquiesced. Perhaps the cookies would entertain him for a while. Cities weren't really Sorin's thing and this festival was a bit to busy. There were to many scents and to many sounds, including the strange noble's.

@Mortem Rizal || words: ###

Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:14 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
[FoF] What is my fortune? J2Hi32L
[FoF] What is my fortune? Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude.
The man seemed hesitant, as if he didn't trust a simple cookie. Mortem looked him up and down, they didn't differ that much in age. But the stranger looked well-travelled, rougher, living a harsher life. Not like him, a noble of a notable family. The only scars he had were from a hunt or one of his knifes. The stranger asked him if he had written the fortunes and Mortem gave him a sly smile. "That would ruin it, correct? But to answer your question. Yes, I have seen all these fortunes and wrote them down. I also baked the cookies and put writings inside them." A shimmer could be seen in his brown eyes, he was enjoying this little talk. This man was interesting, he had experience, an opinion about the world. One Mortem would love to hear. "People seem to enjoy the cookies, so if I'm allowed to pat myself on the back, I'd say they taste just fine." he answered the last question, before picking up the bowl and handing it over to the man. Let's see what the future had in store for him.
Sat Feb 04, 2023 10:12 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter
[FoF] What is my fortune? JRalQ48
[FoF] What is my fortune? Py7jWhX

Character sheet
Age: 40
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Traveling monster hunter

There're still monsters out there, I should know.

So this man was both the creator of the cookies and the fortunes therein. This hesitant nobleman seemed off somehow. Sorin did not often think of himself as perceptive, but his abilities did shine through now and then. However, this man was more difficult to read than most.
Sorin smiled kindly and took a cookie as he placed a coin on the counter. Sorin's sharp eyes looked the man up and down as he continued with small-talk: “You seem familiar somehow, have we met before?” His heightened sense of smell was next to worthless on a crowded plaza  but even then the man was clinically devoid of scent. Something about the man's dark eyes unnerved him, like a predatory animal looking at a plaything.
Sorin opened the cookie as he munched on the biscuit. It was sweet and crumbled in the mouth like a wafer would. It was nice. The fortune read: Beware the pale moonlight for this full moon brings an unwanted change. Sorin looked at the piece of paper with a stone face. This wasn't news to him at all, but it was still a strange coincidence. “Who are you really?” Sorin asked directly.

@Mortem Rizal || words: ###

Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:55 pm
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