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Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
delightful  Wp10309412
delightful  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Damn, stupid bulls. One of the bastards had had his horns caught in the fence, which meant that he first had to free the damn animal, and then he had to fix what he broke. Thiago had some nails in his mouth, a hammer in a gloved hand, and with the other he tipped his hat down against the shimmering glare of the sun. He continuously cursed through his teeth, while he yanked the old nails out of the broken plank and ripped it of the post.

He threw the broken piece aside and strapped the hammer between his belt, as bend over to grab a new plank. He caught a glimpse of the bull in question, sweeping his tail lazily from left to right, munching on some dry grass like he owned the place. He might as well, having him running around fixing his mess. Sometimes Thiago wondered why he didn't sell the place, pack his backs and go live in.. well.. Nah, whatever. He knelt down, lined up the new plank, and began hammering away. He didn't notice someone approaching, before his bull did.  
×  @Nyx Xiaoyu × voice ×
Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:29 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
delightful  9J7lqbMa_o
delightful  2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
The Agrarian Ring held quite some memories for the former Lower Ring citizen. She spent many of her teen and young-adult years working small jobs here. Whether it was loading ships or joining fishing boats at Port Silverstone, or helping out the local farmers within the Agrarian Ring. Of course she would've rather be born rich and privileged, but she had to admit that those years within the Lower Ring had its charm. Tomorrow, her new life within the Upper Ring would begin, and she didn't know whether to be excited or scared. Not scared of those Upper Class snobs, but scared to have to conform to their snobby ideals.

But first, there where some people she had to say her farewells to in person. Two of those people resided within the Agrarian Ring, at one of the farms to be exact. The two brothers had been pleasant colleagues, and while highkey scared of some of the farm's animals, she had always felt comfortable on the farm. At home was a big word to describe the feeling, but it sure came close.

It didn't take long for her to recognize the dark haired man, who seemed busy fixing one of the fences. Before she could throw a sarcastic greeting his way, her eyes fell upon the bull behind to still to be fixed fence, and she froze for a second. This was something she hadn't missed from her time at the farm, the spoopy and intimidating animals. Especially the bigger ones, and the ones with horns. "Is it safe for me to greet an old friend without being impaled by Mr. Bull over there?" She sarcastically complained from a safe distance, raising her voice just enough for Thiago to hear. The Winter's probably wouldn't accept an impaled guard within their castle tomorrow, so she better played it safe.
@ Thiago Gallio
delightful  SdxS4JA8_o
Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:15 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
delightful  Wp10309412
delightful  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Thiago's brain often went completely empty during this kind of work. He was a simple man, just focused on one task at the time. And at this moment it was not to hit his own fingers when he hammered the nails in the planks with practices precision. The "new" plank was barely better than the one the bull had destroyed, but it was the best he could find at the moment. So when the bull looked at something over his shoulder, he didn't notice, not until he heard a voice.

Thiago stopped immediately. It wasn't rare for him to have visitors. He didn't live far away from Silverstone, and sometimes people just looked for a job. Or very desperate merchants came snooping, looking for some cheap wares to buy. But the boy that came to visit, was one he hadn't ever expected to be back.  ‘‘Nyx!’’ he said in surprise. He removed the nails out of his mouth and placed them on top of the fence post. Nyx commented about the bull and he gave him a rare smile. He looked over his shoulder to the beast and shrugged. ‘‘Nah, he is not mean, just stupid.’’ But Thiago noticed that he stayed back a bit. He remembered Nyx usually stayed out of the way of the animals, and only approached them if he really had to. He had been a good hand: hardworking and strong. But the animals never were his favourite.

Thiago decided to walk towards him and smiled again. ‘‘Didn't expect you to come back.’’ He stopped in front of him, his hands rested on his belt when he quickly looked Nyx up and down. He always had been a very small boy. He had been a bit hesitant to hire him, afraid he wouldn't be strong enough, that he would be slow and lagging behind. But Thiago always had a soft heart for the less fortunate and gave him a chance. One he didn't regret. The only regret was that he had moved on. ‘‘Can I help you with something?’’ Because, why else would Nyx had come back?
×  @tag × voice ×
Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:55 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
delightful  9J7lqbMa_o
delightful  2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
While she did consider Thiago a close aquaintance, maybe even a friend, she did not expect the man to drop his task so quickly as soon as he laid eyes on her. It brought a faint smile on her face. She always had been careful who she'd consider a friend, but whenever someone made her feel appreciated she couldn't help but feel a bit flattered. The comment about the bull made her chuckle. "Good, I can't afford being impaled. Not today, at least." She jokingly answered as she closed the distance between them. Their meeting almost made the reason of her visit feel bittersweet, but she came to say goodbye after all.

"It's good to see you again, Thiago." She told him as she raised her hand, initiating a handshake. The manly kind of handshake, of course. Being back on the farm felt both weird and comforting. Way more comforting than she'd ever imagine herself within the palace, at least. The people within the Agrarian ring were hardworking, often kind and grateful souls. Nothing like the cold and snobby upperclassmen of the city. If it wasn't for the money, she sure as hell would have never accepted the job there. But maybe this would be her only chance to save up for her dream. A ship of her own.

"Not exactly, I don't think you'll be able to guess the reason behind my visit." She joked, but a bittersweet undertone could be recognized within her voice. "You might want to sit down for this story, how about grabbing a drink?"  She offered him, before her gaze fell upon the broken fence. "Or do you need some help with this first?" She quickly added to her offer. She had done lots of these small jobs around the farm within her time here, so maybe one final task would be a fun way to end this era of her life. You know, for old time's sake.
@ Thiago Gallio
delightful  SdxS4JA8_o
Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:14 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
delightful  Wp10309412
delightful  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
The smile on his face lingered for a moment longer as the boy said he couldn't afford to be impaled. Well, could they afford that? He looked towards his bull for a moment longer. ‘‘I bet he can delay that, if you ask him nicely,’’ he joked. They came together with a sturdy handshake. He grabbed Nyx by his forearm. ‘‘Good to see you too.’’

He missed people like him around here. But to be honest, he could barely afford it anymore. He couldn't spare the change anymore. He needed  some backup money if something broke, and well, things broke often around here. And everything just seemed to get more expensive and upper class people demanded more for less. He had to lower his prices to be able to compete on the market. And Elliot wanted to live like a king. Sometimes he could help a kid for a few weeks, to get him back on his feet and send him on his way in exchange for work. But often it was just him.

Nyx started to explain why he was here. A story of some sorts. He furrowed his brows for a moment. A story and a drink, it sounded like a blessing. But, he offered some help on the fence. ‘‘Actually,’’ he started. ‘‘If you could just raise the plank for a me, then I'll be done in a second.’’ He grabbed the hammer in his right hand again while he turned towards the broken fence. ‘‘And then I can't wait to hear that great story of yours. It must be grand if you came all the way up here.’’
× @tag × voice ×
Fri Jul 22, 2022 6:43 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
delightful  9J7lqbMa_o
delightful  2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
It almost felt like she timetraveled back into the older days, were small jobs on and around Thiago's farm were a daily occurence. "No problem," she anwsered him while kneeling down next to the broken fence, grabbing the plank that needed to be restored and holding it into place. Even the small splinter piercing through the first layer of the skin on her thumb brought an odd but comforting sense of nostalgia with it. Back in the day she'd spend hours removing small splinters from the palms of her hand. This would probably be the last one for a while. As Thiago fixed the fence, her gaze drifted away to the beautiful view of the Agrarian ring. Maybe she would still be able to see it within the far distance while in one of the Winter castle's towers. Perhaps if she'd wave, Thiago, Elliot and her old friends and colleagues within Silverstone could see her. Probably not, but it was a reassuring thought nonetheless.

She patiently waited for Thiago to finish before loosening her grip on the now secured plank. "Looks like he won't be escaping again any time soon." She said jokingly, referring to the bull who was stuck behind his fenced prison again. At least his view was beautiful, something her 'prison' probably wouldn't have. Showers of smog and boujee buildings awaited her. Perhaps this bull was lucky. "Shall we move inside? I'm curious to see what you have done to the place while I was gone." She offered with the same joking tone as before. The brothers probably hadn't changed much of the interior, not that she expected them to at least.  
@ Thiago Gallio
delightful  SdxS4JA8_o
Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:16 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
delightful  Wp10309412
delightful  Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Nyx helped him and in a matter of seconds, Thiago hammered two nails in the plank. It was a small job, just a few seconds out of Nyx his day, but it spared him a few frustrated moments if he had to fiddle with the plank all by himself. It was nice to have some help every now and then. He knew Elliot wasn't worth much most of the day. But he couldn't afford much boys like Nyx anymore. So when the fence was fixed, he leaned against it contently, smiling at Nyx. ‘‘Thank you,’’ he said as a habit. When Nyx joked about the bull again, and he chuckled softly. ‘‘Now, now. You don't give him enough credit.’’ If the lumbering idiot wanted to, he could probably smash the whole fence to pieces. But he was lucky he was an idiot. The bull reminded him of Elliot.

The conversation changed back to that drink. He laughed again. ‘‘Oh, it's changed a lot,’’ he said sarcastically. They both knew all the attention went to the farm. The house was used to sleep and eat. He rarely spend time inside. So it was probably dirty and shabby, especially with only two outgrown boys living there. But is was home, he supposed. Thiago nodded with his head and he started to walk home. ‘‘You are making me very curious about your story. Coming all the way down here again,’’ Thiago started to talk again. He hoped Nyx wasn't in any trouble. But he looked at ease, so he didn't suspect it. Maybe he just wanted to catch up. He was happy the world still turned for some people. For him, it sometimes looked time stood still, trapped in this dull routine.

He stepped inside his house. It wasn't much, really. Wooden walls, wooden floors, wooden furniture. It smelled like some of his leather projects he had brought inside. And of course, like cows. He removed his hat and threw it on the table, and then went over to the kitchen. It was all one big room really, with in the center the big table. ‘‘Take place, and I'll go looking for that drink.’’ Elliot must have something somewhere. He usually did. So when Thiago rummaged through the cabinets he found two cups and a bottle of strong smelling liquor, that burned his nostrils only taking a whiff of it. Jeez, Elliot really started having issues. He poured Nyx a cup first, and then set down across her and poured himself a cup. ‘‘Now, tell me all about that big story of yours.’’
× @tag × voice ×

Thu Sep 08, 2022 2:59 pm
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