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You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile EK3xGIZ
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

The wedding, oh god. When he saw the invitation from Matthew Winter. His first reaction was to not go. It was something he had stuck by readily, until now-when the day, no the moment, actually came. Something in him went against his better judgement, and urged him to go. To show his face despite everything, even if it was a trap. Even if Matthew Winter had something horrible planned. If he didn't go- he'd be nothing more than a coward. What would Maybel think of him then? She had so wanted him to attend. And he had promised her he would-he couldn't just go back on his promise, could he? A Preston should always keep to his word, even if it might be his last one. Though Alexander suspected, this wasn't as much an issue of honor, as it was about something else entirely. He had debated it for hours, going back and forth with himself. But eventually-he had made his choice. He would go. And just let everything that would happen wash over him. Who knew-maybe he could reason with Matthew while he was there.

Though the young lord doubted it.

He had dressed up for the wedding of course, though nothing too flashy, He didn't really want to stand out much, to grab any unwanted attention. So his ensemble was rather simple, and yet still fit for a wedding. When the man entered his carriage, he glanced at his pocket watch. He was late, the wedding was sure to be in full swing already. But that was good-really it was. He didnt want to stay from the beginning to the end anyway. Since he only really went for Maybel, and not the actual. You know, the wedding. Though he did wish the bride the best, marrying a man like Matthew Winter. It sounded like a true nightmare, at least to him. When they arrived at the event. Alexander almost wanted to direct the driver to bring them home again, but in truth; his mind hadn't changed. And after having taken a few breaths. He stepped out of his carriage. And towards where everyone else was. He entered the room. It was beautifully decorated of course, perhaps a little; too much? If that was even a thing. But he didnt take much time to appreciate the furniture, his eyes quickly scanned the room for one person in particular. Maybel Winter, it was hard to spot her at first. With all the other people muddling up the room. But then, finally, he saw her. In the most beautiful red gown. Alexander wasted no time in approaching her. "Maybel." He whispered softly when he was close enough.

He wears something like this
Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:45 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel had not been enjoying the start of the night. Seeing her father once again with a woman was just... it made her skin crawl. The whole run-up to this night with the whole drama with Alexander and Luca, it being written about, she deciding to stay low on the radar, but reconsidering that decision as she showed up draped in a red gown that was just a tiny bit inappropriate. She had felt self-pity for long enough know. And after a few drinks, having a toe-to-toe with Angelina, her smile started to return. And so did the carelessness, as her cheeks had obtained this little red blush from drinking a bit too much too fast.

Alexander had not come and that was also a reason for just sucking it up, accepting that she had been - well, she had not really been stood up as they had no - no nothing really. No appointments, agreements or promises. This was just her father being mean, seeing if the boy had the guts to show up. And Alex had just shown his true colors. She was over it. She was going to have fun. She would talk the talk, dance if she wanted to, and drink so much she forget this whole night. Until-

"Maybel". The voice made then hairs on her neck turn upright. She had just turned away from a conversation and when she turned around, she looked straight in the face of Alexander. She could not help but drop her jaw and then press a hand to her mouth as she giggled. She was truly dumbfounded and so happy that he somehow had appeared from thin air. She could almost not believe it. ‘‘I did not think you would come,’’ she said in a cheerful voice. She shook her head and she had to remember herself that she now, was out in public. The stupid paper still in the back of her mind. People would stare them down like hawks. Everybody had probably read about them and then here they were, she with this stupid grin on her face, a tiny bit unsteady on her feet, and spirits risen to the roof.  She wanted to throw her arms around his neck, dance until the morning came, be irresponsible, laugh at his stupid jokes all night. But instead of doing any of that, she visibly struggled for words, until she reached her hand up her ear. ‘‘Look, you gifted me these once,’’ she said as she let the earring glide to my fingers. ‘‘Guess they were my lucky charm after all.’’ And with that she carefully set a step closer, but not without taking a glance around the room first, being careful and careless at the same time. Well, at least she had not seen Luca in a while. Guess he was not around to break them up this time.
Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:16 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile EK3xGIZ
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

She didn't think he would come. And yeah, well-he didn't think he would either. But of course he didn't say that to her. How could he? She looked-so happy to see him. Even if she visibly restrained herself, but Alexander understood that. They were in public now, after all, and many eyes were laid upon them. Though the young master wasn't so sure how long Maybel could contain herself, she seemed a little tipsy. Smiling to him from ear to ear, and she seemd a little out of balance. It made him chuckle. "I promised I would, didn't I?" He said to her, his voice gentle and his eyes were soft. "I always keep my word." That was true at least; he always kept his word, even if it was probably best if he didn't. Alexander watched her for a few moments. She was-actually looking for words to say. What a day, the famed sharp witted Maybel Winter was speechless. Though he had seen it before; that rare side of her. Yet it still amazed him every time. He was just too used to her always having an answer ready that when she didn't- it just didn't seem right. But the cat soon found her tongue again. Maybel changed the subject to the earrings she was wearing. Saying that he had given them to her. Alexander inspected them for a few short moments. He'd originally seen them laying through a display window when he walked past a jewelry store while making his way through the Upper Ring. And they just; reminded him of her. So he had to have them. Never mind the price. ‘‘Guess they were my lucky charm after all.’’ His eyes found hers when she stepped closer to him. Not a lot, there was still a respectable distance between them. But it made his heart beat just a little bit faster. "You don't need a lucky charm for me to be with you, Maybel." He said then, looking her deep in the eyes.

He wears something like this
Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:26 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel saw the big stop signs in front of her, that she probably just talk politely to him, thank him for attending the wedding and be gone with it. Everybody here would by now read or heard of what was written about them. But fuck them, she could not care less at this point in time. Nobody really know what happened that night, only the two of them. She had not even told Luca the whole truth. And then of course what had happened a few days ago. And when he told her he promised, that he was a man of his word, she just had this sparkle in her eyes. He truly was too good to be true. She bit down a gleeful smile as she looked straight up at him. ‘‘Well, I think it is very brave,’’ she said with a chuckle in her voice. And then she tilted her head to the side for a second. ‘‘And stupid,’’ she followed up with a more muted voice. She had told him before that he was the stupidest man she knew. But she was happy nonetheless. Maybe a bit daft was her type after all.

Because she too, could be a bit stupid from time to time. Like right now, because she was probably doing what she should not. Was her father already looking? Was her brother on the watch in some gloomy corner? Well, screw them already. Because Alexander spoke again and she felt a blush creep up her cheeks. ‘‘Oh, stop it, you,’’ she reacted in a second. She squeezed her hands firmly together as she forced herself to not avert her gaze. How wonderful it would be if she was just some nobody at this wedding, talking with a boy she liked. It was nothing like her, so she pushed those stupid thoughts away. Come on, she had to grab herself together and act like herself once more. ‘‘When are you going to ask me to dance, Lord Preston?’’ she said with a small tilt of her head.
Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:33 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile EK3xGIZ
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Gods, that sparkle in her eyes-she pure glee she radiated. It made any lingering fear or doubt he still held in his heart, melt away completely. Not that he was suddenly free from all harm, certainly not. He still expected to run into Maybels father before the evening was over. And while he dreaded that encounter. It did seem worth it. Especially if his mere presence here made her so undeniably happy. She called him brave then, with a chuckle in her voice. Probably suggesting that she didn't really mean it. But that was alright; he didn't think himself very brave, either. If anything, he was; ‘stupid,’ He looked at her for a few moments, confusion clear in his eyes. His smile fading a little. Before he shrugged it off and chuckled, like she had done before. "Well, not all of us are born with both beauty and brains." He gestured with his hand towards her then. Clearly indicating he was talking about her. 

The conversation went on then, the little bump in the road was all but forgotten. For, he was sure that she didn't really think he was stupid. It was probably just a joke. When he had told her that she didn't need a charm for him to be with him, he knew it was a little bit of a corny line to say. But it did seem to work. Since, she lit up like a Christmas tree. Red all across the board.  ‘‘Oh, stop it, you,’’ She responded quickly with that, it was so fast that he didn't even have time to think of a counter. Alexander laughed nervously as he felt his own cheeks warm up. ‘‘When are you going to ask me to dance, Lord Preston?’’ Dance? Oh- of course yes. They were at a wedding, after all. And dancing was almost expected of them. Alexander swallowed, but then he started to grin, as the perfect comeback formed in his head. "You? But Maybel, there are so many other ladies here too- maybe I'd like my first dance to be with one of them." He moved eyes around the room. Going over the many other women who were in attendance. Making a great show of it as he did so. "Even if they all do fail in comparison." He then concluded, as his eyes moved back to focus on her again.

He wears something like this
Tue Feb 14, 2023 7:10 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel was only a bit tipsy, she was not that far gone to do something stupid like Alexander, turning up to this wedding. But she had had a rather eventful evening leading up to this moment and the only thing that had calmed her down was downing maybe a glass too much. She was just in the unknowing bliss of worse to come. But it made her very smily and she could just not stop grinning stupidly as he called her beautiful. Maybel tilted her head slightly and studied him for a second, pretending to be thinking very hard. ‘‘Well, it seemed you have lost a bit of your brain when you took a tumble,’’ she noted with a teasing sparkle in her eye. ‘‘Luckily only the inside has been damaged,’’ she noted with a smirk, because Alexander was not hard on the eyes either. He reminded her of a puppy. And even Maybel, who did not care for animals much, was not immune for puppy eyes.

But as she initiated a dance, he had the nerve to even look at other woman. She raised her hand when he started that little act of him, which he had a knack for. But mid-air she stopped, catching herself that it would be very bad to grab him by his chin to make him force to look at her. So instead she crossed her arms in front of her chest when he started to compliment her again. ‘‘Oh no, it's to late for flattery know, mister,’’ she said jokingly. She gestured an hand towards the room. ‘‘I'm sure I could introduce you to some.. other lady.’’

Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:29 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile EK3xGIZ
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Maybel seemed to be all smiles and giggles this evening. Which wasn't that strange since she very clearly had one glass too many. Though, Alexander didn't mind that. He liked to see her so happy, it was a good look on her. In fact, he found it rather charming, to see that dumb grin adorning her lips. Maybel then held her head at an angle, before she studied him. When she did so, Alexander couldn't help but laugh as he felt her eyes roam all over him. To help her out a little, he turned a round. Doing a little spin in a process. So she could truly examine every inch of him. After which, she seemed to be lost in deep thought. Though the young inventor knew, that she was merely putting on an act. ‘‘Well, it seemed you have lost a bit of your brain when you took a tumble,’’ The man shook his head as he reached for his neck with his hand. "I think I lost more than just a little brainpower." Like his reputation, and his door. but the man didn't like to dwell on that fact too long. Especially since he didn't really care much for what people thought of him in the first place. And well; he didn't quite help himself either; coming to this wedding and all. Maybel then made another remark, one that indirectly spoke about his appearance. Since his accident hadn't ruined that. Something that was quite true; he hadn't sustained any injuries from the row between him and Maybels brother. Amazingly. He only hoped; the same could be said about Luca. "For now," He teased her with a wink. "Who knows how long it will be before I ruin that as well." He chuckled at the thought, as he locked eyes with the woman before him. "Then, I won't have any intelligence, nor looks, to do me any favors. So I would only have to rely on my personalty." He winked at her then. Since he knew, that his character was one of the best asset he had.

He hadn't outright refused her invitation for a dance, he merely played around with it. Suggesting that perhaps he'd like to take another girl for a twirl first. His little act did seem to get a rise out of her, though, since he could see her hand coming his way. Yet she stopped herself halfway. It seemed that she didn't dare to actually go through with whatever her plan was. Alexander was both relieved, but also a little disappointed. The woman instead decided to cross her arms, evidently not won over when he had turned things around, not even when that had ended in another compliment for her. She spoke up, telling him that his flattery wouldn't save him this time; it was in fact too late. This caused the young inventor to raise an intrigued eyebrow. He hadn't expected her to ever say that to him. Maybel then offered to introduce him to another lady. And Alexander thought about that for a second, his eye switching between Maybel and the crowd. It was now his turn to pretend like he was thinking very hard. But he eventually broke out smiling. "You may introduce me to a hundred ladies, Maybel," He began as he turned towards her. "But, I won't dance with any of them, not until I've had the pleasure of taking a turn with you first."

He wears something like this
Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:11 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Oh, this boy. His silly turn made her a giggling mess once more. He really could do no wrong. He always knew the right things to say and do to make her smile. He was stupid, really, but in a very endearing kind of way. She pushed the loose strands behind her ears again as he told her he lost a bit more than just brainpower. Maybel scratched behind her ear for a second before shaking her head slightly. "I'm sorry" she mouthed at him without making a sound. It was after all her complete fault. But they managed to start build with the broken bricks left, there was more than enough to work with. And when he responded to her remark that he looked quite dapper tonight with a wink, she couldn't help but grin stupidly again. He was so different than all the other men she talked with. They were all much like herself. Alex seemed to be born in the wrong world. He was from one where knights and chivalry still existed. Straight from a storybook. ‘‘I guess that will do,’’ she mused cheerily as she tilted her head a bit to the other side.

Maybel had to try really hard to stay in her little temper tantrum and not start laughing to hard again. She already felt watched and she kind off did not care anymore. Maybe it was the champagne, maybe it was the sunny presence of Alexander. And as he was very convincing in keeping up his act, she might really start to throw a tantrum. But Alexander came through and with his charming way he made her melt. ‘‘The pleasure is mine,’’ she told him a soft voice, in which she raised her eyebrows slightly. So she extended her hand to him, not trying to be to eager to practically jump in his arms. But just before he could take it, she pulled back slightly. ‘‘But no falling over this time. I have some reputation to keep,’’ she teased him with a wink.

Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:49 pm
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