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Chin up, boy
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
William Villiers
William Villiers
Chin up, boy NDBjvaS
Chin up, boy 3039c096f232ad264a19d6faf1160da7f85dbbf3

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Banker / Investor
What thing is more fragile,

The evening had progressed in quite a way. William had danced around with the people he had picked out. A few other things had happened and the party was now literally in full swing. It couldn’t be any better really. A slight buzz had made the whole night better to say the least. And as another tune resounded he couldn’t help but chuckle. Certainly at the response of some of the people that were present. There dancing wasn’t even remotely good. But at least they were having fun weren’t they? While he was conversing with someone who he had met at the bar a while ago, he watched a familiar figure walk in. Making him grin from ear to ear. The perfect person to join the festivities he’d say. William excused himself with the guy he was chatting to. Ordering two new drinks, before turning around. Quickly glancing around to spot the other again.

With two glasses of scotch in hand, he eventually found Alexander standing a bit on the side. Making him raise a brow. Quite peculiar placement one would say. But he joined him either way, softly elbowing him against the shoulder. ’If it isn’t the prettiest face of the ball.’ William teased as he handed him the glass. ’I was starting to think you weren’t coming, you’re missing out on all the fun buddy.’ He grinned from ear to ear, looking at the other man in question. Wondering why he was so late. ’Or is there a particular reason why you are late? I remember you being quite fond of events like this. Twirling ladies around left and right.’

Than the human heart?
Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:50 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Chin up, boy EK3xGIZ
Chin up, boy Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Maybel had left him for a short period, he hated to see her go. But Alexander knew that they couldn't hang around one another the entire evening. It was better that way, he didn't want people to talk more about them than they were surely already doing. And besides, he did want her to have fun with the other guests here, too. Give her space; she deserved that much. But Alexander wasn't really sure what he was supposed to do now, mostly because he didn't dare to do anything. He was afraid that one wrong step would bring out the ire of Matthew Winter. So he just; kept his head low. And he stood in the corner. He did scan the room, for familiar faces. Faolan had to be here, right? Maybe he could bug him for a while; he would surely be safe with his old friend, right? Suddenly the young lord felt someone elbowing him, shocked, Alexander let out a noise as she whipped himself around to face the person who had touched him. He expected it to be Maybels father. So his heart was beating in his throat. But he was surprised to find it was none other than William Villers. It wasn't Faolan, but certainly another friend. One Alexander was all too happy to see. The older man teased him, but then handed him a glass. One that the young inventor eagerly took. He could really use some alcohol right about now. Alexander downed the contents off the glass almost immediately while he listened to what the other man had to say. Though, he couldn't help but chuckle at the words of his old friend. Causing him to cough a little. Since drinking and laughing at the same time didn't work together. Alexander then moved the glass away from his mouth and shook his head. "Well no, I wasn't going to come originally. I mean- you know, why don't you?" He must have read the paper, everyone who was anyone had. "But I changed my mind last minute." He looked away from William then, looking into the crowd.
Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:49 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
William Villiers
William Villiers
Chin up, boy NDBjvaS
Chin up, boy 3039c096f232ad264a19d6faf1160da7f85dbbf3

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Banker / Investor
What thing is more fragile,

There were only so many people he could actually talk to before he was bored out of his mind. Right now he still had plenty of people to actually talk to, but his eyes had fallen on a friendly face. Alexander Preston. Truly the man of the hour, if you took the whole wedding out of the equation. The shining star of the Countess Summer apparently. Which made him worry for the kind hearted man. Given that there was some truth to that whole gossip pamphlet, he simply needed to make sure if the other was okay. The best way of doing that was simply having a drink with the other. To kind of feel him out about the subject.

The noise that came from Alexander made him raise a brow. ’Be careful mate, you don’t want a whiplash.’ He pulled a face, shaking his head for a moment. Offering him his glass while taking a stance, focused on the dancefloor for a second. But soon enough his attention was pulled back to Alexander. Who had already downed his glass. Right. That was how well he was doing apparently. Shortly he hummed at his question. ’It’s all speculation, so no I can’t be sure about what I know.’ He looked at the other man. ’Let’s grab another drink shall we? I’m happy you came though.’ Hoping that the other would indeed want another drink. If anything, from the looks of it he could use it. ’Let me guess, that particular reason being the daughter of?’ He spoke in a soft yet playful manner.


Than the human heart?

Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:58 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Chin up, boy EK3xGIZ
Chin up, boy Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Alexander couldn't even describe the noise he just made-it sounded a little like a mix of a squeal and a scoff at the same time. Definitely not a sound he had ever made before; and hopefully one he'll never make again. ’Be careful, mate, you don’t want a whiplash.’ He heard the person, who Alexander had now identified to be his friend William, say. The young inventor nodded in agreement. But when the older man offered him a drink, any semblance of a warning seemed to disappear in Alexanders mind. And thus he threw the alcoholic beverage back almost immediately. Something he quickly regretted. But the nobleman didn't give himself much time to dwell on that fact. Since he had questions to answer, something he did-with another question. ’It’s all speculation, so no I can’t be sure about what I know.’ Speculation- but it was all true! All of those things written in that dammed paper really did happen. Well; he knew that it had been the truth. But he supposed that people like William didn't have that luxury. Countess summer was a great writer, but not the most trustworthy source. At least that was something that he could console himself with. Mister Villiers then suggested that the two of them get another drink. The corners of Alexanders mouth curled upwards at that notion, but his smile only increased when William told him that he was happy he had come. "Yes, another drink-that sounds like a marvelous idea." The dirty blond confirmed as he shot the man in front of him a kind look. "And thanks for saying so, William. I'm glad you're here too." He meant it. Seeing William here, really made him feel a lot safer.

When Alexander admitted that his plans had changed at the very last second. The other man made it quite clear that he understood who Alexander talked about. Even if he didn't name any names. "It's part of it, but not the only reason." Alexander said casually, but only when the words left his mouth did he realize how ridiculous he sounded. Especially to William. Since, he had already demonstrated that he knew the truth. So downplaying it was a little foolish. "Okay, fine, she is the only reason." Alexander finally said as he had his eyes glued to the floor. "I made a promise to her, and you know me, I never go back on my word."
Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:35 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
William Villiers
William Villiers
Chin up, boy NDBjvaS
Chin up, boy 3039c096f232ad264a19d6faf1160da7f85dbbf3

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Banker / Investor
What thing is more fragile,

Maybe he shouldn’t have scared the other. But well, it happened now so that was that. The idea of a drink seemed to entice the other. Which was always good. He also looked like he might need it. So who was he to deny him one? It was downed quickly which had made him wonder what was on the other his mind. Nothing good he assumed, granted what he had read about him. Countess Summer. While he had tried to stay away from it, it had been very alluring to read it with everyone talking about it. Was it all truthful? Who knew. Was he dying to find that out? Not really. Granted that some things should simply have been kept private.

Alexander didn’t seem convinced about him believing it or not. But that was something he could understand. The notion of another drink worked as enticing as before, so maybe that was simply the best way to handle the situation as a whole. ’But how have you been doing?’ He simply asked while walking towards the bar. Getting a refill for both of them and sliding the other his glass. ’Savor the drink this time hm?’ He teased playfully.

Shortly he hummed. Part of it. That was something the man sincerely doubted. But hey, if Alexander wanted to believe it. Shortly he chuckled at his following words, briefly raising his hand. ’I don’t need to know the details Alexander, you do whatever you want and don’t let something as stupid as Countess Summer change your mind hm?’


Than the human heart?

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:27 pm
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