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Dressed up in heated emotion
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Dressed up in heated emotion Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Dressed up in heated emotion Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
The good thing about not dancing at a wedding, was that you could see everybody else dance. Normally, she would not have taken that much note to it, as she would be dancing herself. But this night she had been in no mood to dance, even rejecting a few ever so kind offers with but the blink of an eye. So she had simply watched on the sideline, her chin a bit raised, clearly judging everybody that took the floor. And it was great fun. She made a point to scoff when somebody made a mistake when they were close to her, only to giggle when they became nervous and started messing up even more. The gloating was the only thing that at this point made this day bearable.

Maybe she had just woken up sour. Because she had tried, truly, to be civil about all this. But everything just went sideways at the last moment. Her family name was written about, her name had popped up in a stupid little gossip paper. But her hiding days were over and so with it her cheery attitude. The fake smiles were still there if she had to, and she had spoken to a few of her family members. But more than that? No. What should have been just another great birthday party had been ruined by last weeks events and a stupid wedding.

Talk about ruination: what did she spy. Her little brother on the dancefloor, with her cousin. Dear lord, almost everybody seemed to be family at this point. It was somehow weird that she was the only Winter bound by the Grimaldi's by blood, because Luca felt as much as family like any other. But of course, he had a different mother. The other reason why it was peculiar: she had not expected Luca to dance, as he was promised to another, if he was aware of it or not. Maybe? Anyway, not her place to tell him. And what was funny as that it looked really awkward. Not only because Luca was that much taller, she knew of that problem. But because their footwork was patchy. Maybel did not laugh at this couple as they waltzed past, but she had to hide a bitchy stare behind her glass. She saw what was happening. Angelina might fool the crowd, but not her.

So when the dance was concluded, she decided to be the good big sister for once. Her relation with Luca was still.. tense to say the least, but they had spoken about it. So the lioness went on the prowl as she made her way trough the crowd, until she was at Angelina's side where she easily hooked her arm across hers. ‘‘Little cousin, I have not seen you in ages,’’ Maybel said with a big smile as she guided her further to the side of the ballroom. It was funny that she could finally speak with a person of her own stature and had not crane her neck to have eye-contact. She was even a little bit taller, thanks to her killer heels hidden beneath the big skirt of her dress. Quite a culture shock, to say the least. So when they were out of the most busy part of the room, she turned her head closer to her cousin and her eyebrows lowered to an annoyed frown. ‘‘What do you think you are doing?’’

fitcheck x
Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:35 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Dressed up in heated emotion Untitled
Dressed up in heated emotion A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
She was satisfied with the work she had put down. As she was able to pull him back into somewhat of a dance, she just kept her blue eyes focused on him. It felt so good to have a man act like this around her. And perhaps that was wrong for her to think that way, but it being a Winter just brought it up to an all new high for her. She had succeeded in the one thing she wanted to do tonight. She had ruined his night and how messed up it was, she was happy about the results. Deep down she wasn't as sweet as she looked. She was messed up and she was strong. She wasn't kind, nor was she an angel like some of the men had claimed she was. She was done with her being seen as weak, small, a child, because she was none of those things. And she had proven that tonight. The more she thought about it as they kept on dancing, the wider her smile became. Maybe not the humiliation she had wanted for him, but this... This was much better. It was like winning a battle he didn't even know he was apart of. And perhaps it had been wrong of her to take him out of all the Winters. He was, after all, a weak link as one would say. An easy target for anyone that had a bit of brain. But Angelina wasn't going to feel sorry for him. He was a spoiled man after all. He just felt sorry for himself, what for she didn't know and frankly she also didn't care, so why should she show any compassion? She didn't know him, but from what she had seen he was no different from the rest of his family. It was well deserved.

The song came to an end and the small Grimaldi let her eyes finally off her victim. The ever remaining smile still on her lips as she felt how gently he let loose of her hand. She looked up at him as he made up an excuse. She narrowed her eyes for a moment, a more smug expression came on her face. Really no backbone there. She almost laughed in his face as he said those words, but she refrained. Only slightly nodding her head as to excuse herself as well. But Luca didn't seem to notice, as he had made sure to quickly get out of here. The brunette lifted her eyes, waving gently at his back. "Bye bye," she said in a soft sweet tune, her smile remaining as she did. For a moment she contemplated on following him like the annoying little thing she was. Pester him until he was in tears. Because well, it surely had looked like he was about to cry just a moment ago. Excitement sparked in her eyes at the thought. No no... She didn't need to get desperate now. She would surely find her way back to him eventually. Maybe he was a bit more intoxicated by that time. She hoped he was the emotional drunk, because that would be hilarious in her eyes. Especially in a place like this.

She had turned herself away, already looking around for the next man she could annoy. But before she could even get a good view of the crowd, someone grabbed her arm. She blinked in surprise as she heard an all too familiar voice. Angelina almost lost her balance as she tried to keep up with her cousin. What the...? "Maybel..." she said under her breath as she tried to correct herself. She was quick to do so, quickly finding her usual posture back. She tilted her chin a bit upwards as she looked at the blonde for a moment. What was her problem all of a sudden? She knew she wasn't out for some chitchat, because her way of handling was her own. Or perhaps... That infamous smile curled back on her lips as she remembered the gossip that had been spread about her. Oh... Was little Maybel hurt by some words that upper class man shared with each other? How endearing and how absolutely stupid. Had no-one ever taught her that those things didn't matter. Most likely not, as her father hadn't forced her to learn anything. She would be surprised if this woman even knew how to read and write. Oh... That wasn't a very kind thing of her to think about. Oh well.

They came to a halt at the side of the room, where less people were and they would have more privacy. But her cousin didn't think it was enough as she moved her head closer to hers. Angelina just looked up at her with those big doe like eyes. As if she didn't know why the girl had pulled her aside. Oh she really didn't. Her smile widened as she tried to hold back a chuckle. How amusing. She didn't only mess up the winter boy, but she had also got the attention of his sister. Well if that wasn't two birds with one stone. The question that she held up... She had seen it coming. So it didn't take long for the innocent looking girl to frown. "Why... I'm just dancing, didn't you see?" she said softly as she tilted her head. The big eyes focused on her, but she knew those pleading cute looks wouldn't work on her. She didn't care, because they still had people around them where it would work on. "I haven't seen you dance yet though... is everything okay dear cousin? Are you not enjoying the evening?" She was so good at acting the way she did. The tone of her voice was so soft, so full of concern. But she had done her best to make her voice loud enough so nearby people could hear her. A concerned frown came on her face, but a soft sparkle of excitement found its way back in her eyes. What now huh?

Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:47 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Dressed up in heated emotion Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Dressed up in heated emotion Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel almost bumped into her brother on the way to her cousin. In a split second she had to decide after which of the two she wanted to run. Her eyes went to Luca, who which she shared a short moment. Did she spot distress on his face? She frowned, but before she could ask, he was gone. She put a step in his direction, but mister with his long legs was gone before she could even give chase. So she had her eyes on the little culprit that was her cousin. She reminded her so much of herself, a little Grimaldi, fierce and rebellious. She always thought that came from her father's side, but maybe there was more of her mother in her that she might have thought. Anyway, Maybel knew how to make her way across a ballroom. And even with her small stature, a big red dress was the way to make people move out of her way.

Yes. Maybel, that was right. Maybel smiled happily as she strode across the room, just family catching up. Angelina was quick to keep in stride with her. It was time for her to be a big sister now, and she knew she was much less likely to be bullied by a child then her too-kind brother. So when they had some leeway from the merry band playing waltzing songs, she confronted her cousin with what she was thinking. And Angelina decided to play dumb. Ugh. Maybel rolled her eyes and cocked her head to the side. How cute, did she really think she could outplay her in her own game? She invented this game. ‘‘I know you know what I mean,’’ she said back. She had seen the suggestive movements with her hand, the clumsy footwork. She did not know what had ticked of Luca that badly, so maybe something she said?

And then she decided to start playing the worried cousin. Maybel let out a scornful laugh as she looked at her. She had to try really hard to not glance around her to see who was listening. She wanted to create this whole situation of her not enjoying her night? Well, that was true, and she was not helping. She just had to stop acting dumb and innocent. She could see her eyes practically grinning. ‘‘Of course I am enjoying myself. My father is just married,’’ she told her with a fake smile. At least, she had been enjoying the refreshments. The rest had been absolutely dreadful. ‘‘And I like to wait to the end of the night, when the party is a bit more fun to dance.’’ In other words, when there was a bit more alcohol in everybody's system. And her father was hopefully gone. And she would be to tipsy to care. ‘‘In the beginning of the evening everybody is just eager,’’ she then produced this little lie to make anybody that was listening a bit more excited to hang around a bit longer to see the Winter daughter pick her first dancepartner. And calling Angelina a bit too eager in the same sentence. ‘‘And now I think about it, drinks! You must be thirsty after keeping up with my brother.’’ And again she tugged on her little cousin's arm, moving away from the people again, making sure nobody would here the whole of their conversation.  
Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:18 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Dressed up in heated emotion Untitled
Dressed up in heated emotion A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
Out of all the Winters she most likely despised Maybel the least. But that wasn't much once you realized that that was basically picking the best out of the worst. Didn't her father see Victor as a son or something? Maybe he should just stay here with them, his new family. Dawnmire didn't need him, they would be fine. Or maybe, just maybe, a woman could be in charge. One of her sisters perhaps? Wouldn't that be a wild thought hm? Oh but no, that kind of mentality was way too advanced for Ashmoor. She almost chuckled when she thought about it. It was a painful reminder how much suppressed they really were. And how was this all fair again? Right, it wasn't. Just because she was born a girl meant she wasn't worth as much as a son. She would only be good enough as a trophy for an old man that would love her for her body and pretty face. She hated it, oh so much. And the mere thought, that always seemed to set her off whenever she thought of the Winters, was really fuelling that fire in her. Maybe she would be able to hurt a second Winter tonight? Maybel was already pretty worked up, or that was the vibe she was getting from her. So why the hell not? The stage had already been set, after all.

Angelina kept playing dumb when her cousin hissed back at her. So, she tilted her head a bit, blinking in surprise. "Mean what?" She said softly. She almost sounded genuinely confused. Those were the easiest roles to play. The happy go lucky girl and the confused ignorant type. Those two were the most desired by man with greedy hands. And sadly for her, she had learned to wield that type of being from a young age. Perhaps it was tragic to know that this was something she had deemed necessary, but she didn't think so. If anything, it had made her more capable, it had opened her eyes. She wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

Perhaps she should get into acting, because she felt really good in the role she was playing right now. But it would seem that talent ran in the family. Because there she went. The blonde started to answer her words by stating that she was enjoying her evening, because her father had just gotten married. As soon as she said this, the small Grimaldi narrowed her eyes, her smile widening. Oh... Her tongue was burning to take a hold of that comment, rip it apart in the hopes to get her to put the mask down. But she refrained as the older woman went on to state she would wait. Her expression shifted back to her more innocent look as she made an 'o' with her lips. Oooh... Okay. Well now she knew. But then the Winter decided to take a jab at her. Basically saying that she had been eager since she had danced with her brother so early on. Angelina blinked in surprise, before she chuckled. She averted her eyes to the floor, slowly moving up her free hand as to push back a strand of her wavy brown hair. Her mind was racing as she tried to find anything to restore her pride, but she didn't manage to catch up in time. Not yet aware that she had met someone way more above her level.

Before she could play her little innocent game again, she was pulled away again. The mentioning of drinks made her visibly panic for a bit, as she knew damn well how much of a lightweight she was. She had sworn to not consume a drop of alcohol, for she knew that she had to keep posture in a place like this. If this was back in Dawnmire she would have eagerly taken up the offer. It wasn't rare for her and her friends to sneak off with some wine into the woods and just play some games while having a good time. But she knew how she could get under influence and the thought of that happening here, really scared her. She closed her eyes for a bit as she tried to focus. It didn't take long for her to find her confidence back. After all, the other couldn't force her to drink anything... Right? "Oh... I'm fine, thank you," she said with a polite nod at the blonde. "Besides," She really couldn't help herself... "Your brother is a bit slow anyway," And that on more then one level. His dancing had been like nothing to her. Maybe she could have called it cute, but that was about it.

Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:18 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Dressed up in heated emotion Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Dressed up in heated emotion Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Oh, she was so annoying. Maybel wanted to grab her by the shoulders and just shake the truth out of her. Finally somebody at her own eye-height who she could maybe beat in a cat-fight. But that would almost be classified as child abuse, would it not. So Maybel gave her the most fake of smiles she could muster while she tightened the grip around her arm. She looked across the room and smiled at a man passing by, before looking at Angelina again. ‘‘Stop it,’’ she said in a low hiss. Stop playing innocent, because she was not. Something had happened on that dancefloor and she wanted to know what. Luca and her were just about on the same page again. The way it had hurt her to her core when he told her he thought she always had his back. She had some catching up to do, so having his back was what was happening here, right now.

Maybel looked at her younger cousin while she was talking, studying how she was reacting and eventually her gaze dropped to the floor. Was that again playing dumb, or had she put the little culprit in her place? That was for her to find out later, but she was not done yet. Oh no, if Angelina wanted to play a game, she would play. And if she knew one thing, there was truth in wine. Seeing Angelina get to that realization too was way too funny, so Maybel giggled softly. ‘‘Come on,’’ she chirped, while she led the two of them towards the bar. But Angelina was quick to metaphorically dig her heels in the sand. Maybel looked at her with a overdone disappointed expression on her face. ‘‘Oh, don't be such a party-pooper, Angie,’’ she mused with a slight tilt of her head. But her cousin could not surpress a comment towards her brother. Maybel chuckled softly. ‘‘Well, he was quick to run away from you,’’ she said in a soft voice as she put her head closer to hers.

She was not done yet as she arrived to the bar and without hesitation ordering two glasses of champagne, ignoring her cousin's earlier words. ‘‘I always forget that you are still so young. But don't worry, I won't tell Victor you had a little drink.’’ When the servant returned with two tall glasses she thanked him with a little wink, before turning back to Angelina, extending one of the glasses to her. ‘‘And of course, it's easy to forget your age when you do not act like it, hm?’’ Maybel brought her own glass to her lips as she kept her pale green eyes at her cousin. It had not gone unnoticed as she belatedly moved suggestively towards her brother. Maybe Luca was very wise to leave.
Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:04 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Dressed up in heated emotion Untitled
Dressed up in heated emotion A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
When she had looked herself over in the mirror before the party, she had given herself a little pep talk. To be in this disgusting, stinking city was already enough to ruin her mood. But the why for her to be here really hit the nail in the coffin. One could have already expected her to be a little annoying this evening. But she didn't see it that way. She just tried to make good use of an unfortunate situation, that was all. And as she had already tasted some sort of victory with the Winter boy, she now had the honours to spend some time with her dear old cousin. As the blonde dragged her all over the ballroom and even hissed her to stop, all she could do was frown and look at her in some sort of confusion. Stop what... Exactly? Be like this? Stop annoying her brother? Heh. Oh... But the lad had already ran away like the coward he was. Not much of a man if you asked her. She wouldn't be surprised if he had left the party all together. That thought alone made that smile return on her lips. Bright and precious, but with mal intend. If he didn't want to be her victim, then he shouldn't be such an easy target. Or he shouldn't have taken up on her offer. Had his mother not learned him not to play with fire? Oh oops- what mother again?

She didn't realize that her cousin was closely observing her as she was convinced that her flawless innocent demeanour could keep up the act. So she just kept going. Playing dumb and all that was her best bet right about now. Just be that precious girl that could easily be adored. She was but a sweet little lady after all. God she almost had to hold herself back as to not roll her eyes whenever she had these thoughts. These were the kind of things she absolutely despised, this was the reason why she hated all of this. So when she softly declined the offer, the other just went straight to opening her mouth. Already on their way to the bar, she blinked in surprise. She didn't care if she didn't want any drinks, she was just labelled as a part pooper anyway. Angelina narrowed her eyes as she quickly looked at the Winter. Couldn't be one if there wasn't a party to begin with. What were they even celebrating in the first place? Marriage for a man that had already had it twice before. That was no reason for celebration. But just like so many other things was this a thing that high society kept on. Anything was a good enough excuse for one of their stupid party's. And even though she was perfectly capable at remaining calm, she couldn't help herself. A jab at her brother quickly was returned in his own right. Her jaw dropped a bit when she heard it. Did she just...?

She averted her eyes at the floor, closing her mouth as she did. Why did she even care? He was just a wuss anyway. He couldn't handle some heat and that's why he ran with his tail between his legs. She had scared him, made him feel bad, that's something she had done. As a woman and on her own. But she wouldn't let Maybel ruin her little victory. No... She wouldn't let her. But as she looked back up at her cousin, ready to speak, she was already too late. The Winter started to talk once again. God did she never shut up? A glimmer of annoyance shone in her eyes, especially when the other stated that she was still so young. Young? She was calling her young? They were like only three or four years apart in age. She only differed one year from her brother and she was the one being called young? What about her stupid crybaby sibling huh? He was the one who couldn't act like a proper adult. He was the one that just ran away when things got interesting, got fun. And he was older than her for crying out loud! She narrowed her eyes as the other reached out a glass. She had placed her arms over each other, crossing them ever so slightly as she had tilted her head a bit forward. Not a very prideful posture, but she didn't need other people to see the looks she was throwing at Maybel. Her hair acting as a curtain to give her some privacy in it's own right. And the other finished it up with more words. She averted her gaze when she did.

She kept her deep blue eyes focused on her... For just a tad bit too long, perhaps. But in just a moment she shifted back to that innocent expression. That bright smile and big doe like eyes. She tilted her head, naturally restoring herself. But her smile grew wider and wider, clearly became more... fake as it widened. She reached out, almost ripping the glass out of the hand of the other. "Victor is not the boss of me," she said softly as she kept eye contact with the other. Without much hesitation, she took a few sips of her drink. Taking in the alcohol as if it was water. But she didn't finish the glass right away, no... She stopped, moving it away from her lips as she gently placed her second hand around it. Her eyes looking down at the bubbling drink. That fake expression from earlier seemed to have faded, but then again... When was she actually being really genuine? No-one really knew. "You know," she said as she looked up at the other. "That could be said about more people here," She smiled as she looked up. Like her and her brother. Maybe they did act their age for someone that got spoiled from birth. But they wouldn't last a day out there. The reminder of her age had stirred so much up. It was a duality she hated so much. She didn't want to be seen as a child, because she wasn't. She had been robbed of that a long time ago. But a part of her was scared of that one day, when she would be of age. Because it would mean she would finally come on the marriage market... The thought alone made her avert her eyes again, taking a small sip of her drink. Maybe she did need this after all.

Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:56 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Dressed up in heated emotion Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Dressed up in heated emotion Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel had not come to the wedding to make friends. She had only one goal: been seen pretty, been seen behaving nice, maybe talk with a few family members or two and then leave. Her first goal was easily achieved, but the second was more difficult. Everything and everybody annoyed her. The music was too loud, the people too obtrusive, her father too happy with himself. She did not ask for any of this, so she acted liked the spoiled child she was. She realized she should have been with Luca sooner, but he had been so stupid to dance with her cousin. Obviously the idea of the latter, because she could not see Luca dance voluntary.

Angelina was a funny little thing. She reminded her a bit too much of herself, and she knew how dangerous that could be. But in contrast to her, Angelina did not have a scary looking father. Victor was a good man, but he was not her dad. And while Angelina tried to play nice, she could see the mischief tugging at the corners of her lips, that little twinkle in her eyes. And she recognized it, because she had seen it in the mirror. It was only as she mentioned Luca again, that the cracks in the façade started to show. Surprise, and then later annoyance. Good, then she know how she felt. Maybel continued completely unbothered, and totally ignoring Angelina's rebellious stance. She would not take the glass? That's alright, she was patient. And otherwise, she could handle another drink. They passed a moment looking pissed at eachother. Maybel raised her eyebrows after a few moments. ‘‘Really?’’ she cooed softly. Well, her loss. But ah, mentioning Victor did the trick, and the glass was snatched out of her hand at last. Maybel giggled happily.

‘‘No, of course he isn't,’’ she replied to her little cousin. He was only the baron of the city she lived in, her eldest brother and head of the family now their father and Emilio had passed away. Oh, she would have hated it too if Luca had been older and suddenly the one deciding what was happening. But she would never have to worry about that. She was in this very unique situation. Every other man would have put their only son first. But not Matthew Winter, who almost viewed her as only heir. It had caught up to her more and more the past few weeks. She would never apologize for her lucky situation as she took it for granted. There were no girls like her. Maybe Alison, their lucky heiress of Ashmoor, only because her aunt had failed to produce sons. Was Angelina jealous? Or just bitter at the way of the world? ‘‘Cheers,’’ she commented with a chuckle as her little cousin began to sip her beverage, Maybel soon following suit. She was not drinking as fast as her, because well, she did have a head start, but it was funny nonetheless.

Angelina then changed a bit in her expression. Maybel perked up from her glass, which she had been swirling the liquid in around to create a little whirlpool. Her cousin made a point and she smiled softly at that. She did not know who she was gunning for. Her? Her father? Luca? ‘‘I agree,’’ she commented. ‘‘Girls trying to be older than they are and men much younger,’’ she said with a roll of her eyes. She stepped forward and looked at the ballroom again, lowering her voice. ‘‘We are all guilty,’’ she said. ‘‘Take your brother, with his bethrothed a decade younger than he is. Or happy couple of this party.’’ She had already told her father how she had disliked it, but he would not listen. ‘‘Soon it is your turn, little cousin. So you might reconsider my words and do act your age, before you end up like my step-mother.’’ She turned her head towards Angelina and took another sip from her champagne. It was, sadly, the ugly truth.
Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:17 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Dressed up in heated emotion Untitled
Dressed up in heated emotion A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
She was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable with the situation. Maybe it was her time to leave the scene, seek out an easier target like she had done in the beginning of the evening. Maybe Jane was around. She had always been one of those easier targets to pester. The two weak links, or so it would seem, in the oh so grand Winter family. She had already gotten one out of the game, a second shouldn't be that hard, right? Or maybe she should just keep trying, despite those feelings. How hard could it be? There was so much stuff she could hit her with. Yet, she wasn't able to find the right words. Where had her confidence gone? Where was her fire she was so proud of? She couldn't let this just be, she had to prove herself. No longer for fun, but as a soft of statement. For herself, mostly, as she knew little people that would actually care. Maybel wanted a fight, or so it would seem. Then why not deliver? She had prepared for war with a man, but if his sister wanted to step in she wouldn't back down.. Right? Right.

But the blonde seemed to know perfectly what she was doing. She had been reasonable in her mind and had been smart by denying a drink earlier. But Maybel just found the right words to really get her fired up. Perhaps it was her inexperience that really dealt the final blow in her impulsive action, because she caved so easily. Then again, how could she not. If there was one person she really despised, it was her brother. He had caused the death of Emilio and for that alone, she would never forgive him. She wouldn't allow him to be the boss of her, nor would she allow him to be anything more than just another man. Problematic and vile to the core. She wasn't going to be some ignorant girl, blindly trusting anything that was thrown at her. And she definitely wasn't going to bow her head for anyone as well. She didn't need permission from anyone to do the things she wanted to do. And she was going to prove that. If not tonight, then tomorrow. And if not by then, then perhaps another day. She would not bend. She would be strong, rebellious, a storm. An no one was going to tame her.

She only really glared at her cousin when she responded the way she did, stating that, of course, Victor wasn't the boss of her. Her expression being somewhat neutral for just a split second. She wasn't amused by it, not in the slightest. If everything remained as it should have been, Emilio would have been head of the family, baron of Dawnmire and the one that made all the final decisions in their family. And yes, things wouldn't have been perfect. But they would be good enough, and that was all that mattered in her eyes. Now they were stuck with a man that looked so similar to him, even seemed to act similar in some regards. And it just felt wrong. He wasn't her brother, not the one she had loved so dearly. It was like the universe had mocked her by doing this, but she wouldn't submit to it's cruel ways of seeking out entertainment. She knew that she was right... And that, in it's own right, only gave her more fuel for that ever growing man hate. She really couldn't catch a break on that matter. Soon enough she would come face to face with her greatest challenge yet. She would be ready, she had to be. She had to stand her ground.

The girl remained smiling as she tried to hush her triggered thoughts. Maybel was poking at her, trying to get her to act out. And without her knowing, she did. She wasn't perfect, she had a lot of weak points in her own right. Pushing her buttons was really simple and the blonde really had found her way with it. She started to speak about the statement she had made. Angelina averted her eyes for a moment when she spoke, for she knew she would roll her eyes if she didn't. She already had enough of her and they had barely spent a good twenty minutes together. How could anyone stand her? Without much further thought, she drank the rest of her glass in one go. She wasn't particularly paying attention to what she was saying, because she obviously wasn't interested in what kind of things she had to share with the world. But there she went again, tugging at that annoying little string. She looked back at Maybel when she mentioned her brother. That soft expression and kind, shy smile still on her face. What about him? Oh... She let her blue eyes wander to her empty glass, fiddling it between her fingers. And who's fault was that? Wasn't her, she was endorsing it in the slightest. If anything, it were the WInters that really stood behind it. She looked back up at her cousin, clearly being unhappy with what was being said.

And then a jab towards her was made. She blinked slowly when she commented on the fact that was almost her turn. Act her age? She narrowed her eyes, tilting her chin a bit upwards when she did. End up like her step-mother? A soft chuckle left her lips as she finally moved her hands and placed the empty glass on the bar. "You think I'll make it that easy on them?" she hissed softly. "You think I'm some stupid little girl?" Her way of speaking was somewhat aggressive, yet still soft in it's own right. It was as if she wasn't capable of displaying real anger. Her smile widened, tilting her head a bit. "I don't want it, I don't need it. So I won't let them, period," That fake smile returned to her lips as she looked at her cousin with those big blue eyes. A lot of girls didn't think like her. But she didn't care, she really didn't. "So no, I won't end up like your new step-mother..." Her smile widened as she looked the other up and down for a mother. Oh... She shouldn't say such things, but who was going to stop her? "Or your last one..." She chuckled, moving her head closer. "Or your dead mom," she said, in barely a whisper. She knew if her brother or even Matthew were to find out that she was saying these things about her aunt, that she would get some sort of punishment. Then again. What could they do. They couldn't force her to do anything. "Because, let's be honest," the small girl slowly tilted her head a bit the other way as those soft words left her lips. "There's no way anyone would marry your father if it wasn't forced upon them," she looked up at Maybel with those big blue eyes, a sparkle of genuine joy in them. Anyone would be stupid for marrying a Winter, the disgusting peak of high society. And her father, the man of the hour, was really top tier example of disgusting twisted masculinity at it's finest. Only a real idiot would submit to a proposal of that man. It would seem that three time was, indeed, a charm. How ironic.

Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:16 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Dressed up in heated emotion Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Dressed up in heated emotion Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel somehow could understand Angelina. She would have been furious as well if some man would decide the future of her life. She had some very unique position, filled with privilege and promise of true love. Her father left her to her own devices in that part of her future, which had made her a bit of a harlot herself. The little, pretty Winter daughter, last in name for to be the heir. There were tens of people in front of her, but she was still a Winter, and still people thought of her like she was a tradable good for families to combine. Luckily, she had a brother, who would carry on the family name and she would not have to bother about that. She had no duty, but to herself. And who was going to stop her, or her father?

Angelina definitely did not seem to own that privilege, hearing the way she was talking. Like she would kick, scream and fight as soon as she was promised to another. Like "some stupid little girl". Maybel shrugged. There were a lot of girls that had to undergo that faith. Lottie was one of them and she would not call her stupid: she was going to be a baroness. Or Jane, for that instance, that would have been in Lottie's place, if Emilio had not found his early grave. The rich families in the upper-class were always like wolves: looking to find money and keep money. They combined with each other wherever they could. Some day Angelina would be just another piece of prey for them to devour. Maybel wanted to wish her good luck "not letting them", but her cousin was not done yet. The blonde took another sip from her champagne. She liked this Angelina a lot more, feisty, bold. Her true self, not hidden behind those innocent smiles that every idiot could prick through. And it was so easy to wind her up, like a little toy, and her cousin would go snapping.

Like now: barking she would not end up like her new step-mother. But then she continued and she mentioned Rina, and then her mother. Maybel looked at her dumbfounded. She was truly too stunned to speak. How dare she speak of her mother like that - her bloody own aunt - at her father's wedding. If her dad had heard her speak it, he would have taken her tongue for it, no matter how much he loved Victor's family. He had loved her mother more. Maybel balled her free hand in a fist as her smile disappeared from her face. She wanted to strangle the girl, hit her straight in the face. But she would have to restrain herself, or wait for the opportune moment to dig her heel in her foot. She now looked at Angelina with such a glare. If glances could kill, Angelina would drop dead on the floor right about now. And oh no, she was not done yet, because in almost the same breath she would insult the man of the hour. The audacity of this bitch.

Maybel bit the inside of her lip when she kept silent for a moment. ‘‘Well, it seems that you have at least one thing in common with my father.’’ The little bitch. Without much doubt, she grabbed her cousins hand again, squishing her fingers ever so tight around hers. She pulled her even farther from the business of the dancefloor, not caring how this would look right about now. ‘‘Listen, midget,’’ she said to her when she turned her head back to her cousin. ‘‘I just started to like you, but alas-’’ She bent a bit closer to the girl. ‘‘I don't know what your problem is, but my family has been nothing but good to yours. You just picked the wrong poison,’’ she whispered in an angry tone to her.

Maybel then pretended to stumble as she emptied the rest of her glass over Angelina. It was a low blow, but the only thing that did not entail physical violence or screaming at the top of her lungs at a wedding. It always seemed their were ears in the walls. It was however truly a pity right about now that she did not inherited her father's taste for red wine, or that pretty light dress would have turned bloody. ‘‘Oh, oops,’’ Maybel spoke, without even trying to act. If they had been friends, Maybel would have offered her cousin a pick out of her wardrobe to replace the stained dress. But seemed that she did not have anything in her size left.

Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:32 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Dressed up in heated emotion Untitled
Dressed up in heated emotion A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
Angie was out for a fight. She had been ready to get in a fight with her brother, and now she was also prepared to do the same with Maybel. After the things that were said and her sour mood, it was only natural that she was saying the things she said. She was pleased with herself as soon as those things fled her lips. She had little concern for the others feelings, because why should she? The only thing that kept them connected was a dead woman that she always was compared to. And she hated it, so much. How her dad would say that she reminded him of his sister and all that. But not physically, no. It was more in how she was. How she enjoyed to be in the garden, make her hands dirty, do something. She had fire, a fire that her late aunt apparently also had. It was something that seemed to be present in all Grimaldi women, as her sisters had it too... And the woman that stood in front of her. But everyone seemed to handle it differently... And for the youngest of the family that went in childish, rude and foul ways. But she didn't care, for it was the only real thing she had beside her pretty face. And she would use it, abuse it, enjoy it. She had every right to do so, because well... Who would stop her?

Her smile widened when she saw the expression that came over the blonde. Her brows raised a bit as she just kept looking the beast straight in her eyes. The glare she gave her said enough; if she could, she would kill her. But that was her way of working. Get them so pissed off to the point where anger could manifest in physical ways... Yet, it wasn't possible, because Angelina was smart enough to do these things in a public space like this. If Maybel even laid as much as a finger on her, it would be the talk of the upper ring. She wouldn't fight back, because to the people around her she was nothing more than an innocent girl. And she would keep that façade up for as long as possible. A little lie never hurt anyone, after all. Oh well... Maybe it did a little, but why should she care?

It didn't take long for the Winter to finally speak up. She stated she was like her father and for a moment Angie rose an eyebrow. What did she even mean by that? She was nothing like that man. That man only had eyes for the things he wanted and did as he pleases. Something his daughter did as well. So if anyone was like Matthew, it was her. But before she could say anything, she was grabbed by her arm once more. She almost lost her balance, the empty glass in her hands almost slipping from her fingers. She blinked in surprise as she gasper for air, quickly recovering her posture as she looked at the other in annoyance. Did she really have to drag her around everywhere? Whar was her problem? She couldn't keep her mouth shut, nor could she sit still, or so it would seem. They move further away from the dancefloor, further away from the people. Towards more open space, where people also seemed to hold more private or calm conversations with one another. Angelina looked up, a polite smile curling on her lips as she saw some men stare at them. She almost had to hold herself back not to roll with her eyes. She had seen it before, and perhaps she would have gone for them if she wasn't already dealing with a situation here.

They stopped moving and the small woman looked up at her cousin. She started by insulting her, calling her a midget, something that made her giggle right away. Small sparks of excitement shone in her eyes as she awaited the things she had prepared for her. She was mocking her with her expression alone, and she knew it. She knew that what she had said would have agitated her. But that it pushed her so far to say that? Damn, she really grasped at the closest insult she had, because she was certain that emotions got her so worked up that that small brain of her couldn't keep up. It was even funnier when you realized that she was actually a bit taller than her. It was only thanks to the other slut related shoe wear that she now looked down on the Grimaldi. Not that she cared in the slightest. Their eyes met as the blond leaned in, but the young lady didn't move an inch. She only stared up at her with those big blue eyes and that damn grin on her face. How could a face, so overflowing with innocence, be worn by someone with such vile mouth? Oh well, one would be surprised.

And then Maybel actually started speaking about families. And as soon as she was finished, Angelina broke out in laughter. She placed a hand in front of her mouth as she tried to keep the volume of her laugh down. Was she actually being serious? Was she supposed to feel scared? Because of all that? That was just sad. She found it hilarious that the infamous Maybel couldn't come with something better, because in her eyes that wasn't a good thing at all. All the Winters had done was steal Grimaldi's away. First they had done it with her aunt, then Emilio and now Victor. She didn't care what kind of bond that meant they had, it just meant that those greedy Winters only had eyes for what they had. Just like how that Winter girl would marry her brother simply to become baroness. She wasn't going to tell her that what was happening between them was actually love, right? Because what she saw was just lust. She couldn't wait until tension broke and that sensation faded, only for a bitter aftertaste to remain. After all, pretty faces didn't last forever. Her laughter died off and for a moment she took a deep breath. "Oh... Should I be on my knees now? Oh thank you great Winters for forcing marriage upon my family. It makes me oh so happy," she said with a bright smile and a sarcastic undertone.

She opened her mouth again as to continue, but as she did Maybel stumbled forward. Her glass was spilled straight on her. The champagne was cold and for a moment Angie gasped for air, taking a step back as she looked down at her dress. It was now ruined, as the alcohol was spilled all over the top part of her outfit. The remains of the bubbly fluid finding it's way down to the rest of her dress... Her jaw had dropped as she stared at it for a moment. An unlucky choice of attire right about now, as white wasn't very flattering when it became wet. She looked awful and she could already feel the many gazes of people on her. Still somewhat in shock about what had happened, she looked up at the blonde. Staring at her, she narrowed her eyes, slowly making fists out of her hands. How dare she. Angelina took a deep breath as she kept looking at Maybel, her disbelief slowly turning some sort anger. Really? She had been the one to start it. She had been the one who wanted this. Not her. She had approached her, she had taken her arm. What was her fucking problem?

Angelina averted her gaze for just a moment, before she glared back at her cousin.... And with that she stepped away. Her gaze fixated on the ground as an upset frown was on her face. Stupid bitch. If she felt like ruining her dress was the way to go, then she knew exactly what she had to ruin to move onwards. Her eyes lifted for a moment as she approached the bar, her pace rapid for her height. She placed the glass down and quickly stepped away, disappearing in the crowd.

Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:58 pm
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