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Try to move your feet
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The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Try to move your feet Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Try to move your feet Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Alexander wasn't here yet. She could not blame him. She had expected it. And still she was disappointed. Maybel stood on the side of the ballroom, sipping champagne, because she probably had a look of small death on her face as she watched the people on the dancefloor. She had really been trying to hide her contempt as her father had taken his first dance. And then she was jealous of Lottie twirling around like a love-struck foal with her brand new fiancé. She would usually have thrived on parties like these, but the whole "her father's wedding" left a sour aftertaste in her mouth, even if she was drinking her favourite. She licked her lips and forced another fake smile as some man came to congratulate her with her father's new wife. There had even been a man that dared to drop the "step-mother" bomb. Really, if another single person would utter that word, she would slap him.

Maybel pushed the loose strands behind her ear as she gave her empty glass on a passing servant. She softly patted her lips dry with a finger, as she did not want to ruin her makeup. The night was still young. Dear lord, she should be dancing and talking. She should be in her element, flirting with man, making them stumble over their words. But no, she could only sulk. She hated this night and she would have to sit out so many more hours of it. Or.. was her father still in the room? If he left, she could leave too, right? But then again, she would not want to hear even a pin-drop of him consummating his marriage. Another drink it was then. If she could not leave this party, she might be able to forget it. And with small steps she made her way across the side of the ballroom, glaring at everybody that dared to follow her.
Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:19 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
William Villiers
William Villiers
Try to move your feet NDBjvaS
Try to move your feet 3039c096f232ad264a19d6faf1160da7f85dbbf3

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Banker / Investor
What thing is more fragile,

A wedding like no other. It always was somewhat special when a Winter married. Though a Winter marrying for the third time, that was special in a whole other way. Yet he wouldn’t judge as it wasn’t his place, if the man was happy about it. So be it. If anything he wasn’t going to think about the nonsense that had been written out in that peculiar little pamphlet. Though it had mainly been about the children of the wedded man. Not that he read it into detail, but it was the talk of the town so naturally his colleagues had stooped a bit lower than normal and they had been discussing it at work. After talking to a handful of people about work matters, William was close to being done with it to be fair. While it all belonged to events like this, he’d rather keep work completely out of it. How long had he been here now? An hour, maybe a bit longer who knew at this point.

After he had emptied out the drink in his hand, he put the glass on the bar and straightened the blue jacket he was wearing. Hands folding behind his back, he had noticed that he had caught the eye of a few people already. Though, if anything, easy targets for sure. His gaze moved over the people present, but lingered when he caught sight of none other than Maybel Winter. The belle of the feast in his eyes. Corners of his mouth softly curled up as he walked up to her. Maneuvering between people who were in fact dancing or walking in the opposite direction.

Halting in front of her. ’Ah, miss Winter. Might I say, that you look stunning this evening.’ Which was why it came to a surprise that she wasn’t twirled around in this very moment.

Than the human heart?
Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:37 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Try to move your feet Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Try to move your feet Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
After meeting with her father, making Angelina's life a bit more difficult and generally surviving this night, she already had had a drink too many. But it had not hit her that bad yet, so another glass it was. But as she was making her way down to the bar, she was being stopped by a man. She looked at a fine piece of suit before her eyes slowly went up. She produced a sweet smile, but her eyes were not smiling as happily. She was looking in the eyes of Mister Villiers, one - if not - richest families in the upper ring. Of course she knew the man, as he knew her.

Maybel straightened her back a bit as he complimented her, which was almost not the creative anymore, but more an obligation at this point. She folded her hands together and kept them in front of her. ‘‘I know, Mister Villiers,’’ she said with a cheeky smile. Why she decided to start acting like an arrogant bitch, she did not know. But she really did not care anymore at this point. She felt like everybody at this point was out to get her, so she maybe confident carelessness was the shield she had to pick. ‘‘But thank you. You are too looking sharp, as always.’’ She moved forward again, kind off wanting to pass him, carry on with her loathing day, but she caught herself from being rude at the last moment.

She placed her hand on his lower arm for a second. ‘‘I was just getting a refreshment, could I get you something?’’ She looked up sideways at him, not knowing what overcame her. Maybe it was his reputation. I mean, a man of his age and standing should have been married years ago. She liked men like him, those who were swimming against the stream. Out of all company here, he would be one of the worst, and why not have a bit fun with that? Write about that, bitch Countess.
Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:50 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
William Villiers
William Villiers
Try to move your feet NDBjvaS
Try to move your feet 3039c096f232ad264a19d6faf1160da7f85dbbf3

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Banker / Investor
What thing is more fragile,

Maybel Winter, always a sight for sore eyes. But now she had fallen a victim herself to the pen of that Countess. He wondered what it would be like for a person like her. Was she slowly losing her mind? Or was she set on finding out who had written such horrendous things and be done with them? Always a pleasure to find out. Though that wasn’t the intention why he had approached her. If anything, if he had been correct he hadn’t seen her on the dancefloor just yet apart from with her father that was. Which was weird. Very weird.

Shortly he chuckled in the way she responded to him. Funny way of accepting a compliment. ’Why thank you miss.’ The man smiled warmly at her. As she moved to pass him, he shortly raised a brow. She had seemingly stopped herself though, which was probably a good call anyways. When her hand was placed on his arm he tilted his head. Soft smile still lingering on his lips. ’Well, I can’t say no to that can I? Let me walk with you.’ Not wanting her to stain her dress or anything like it.

’Might I ask why I haven’t seen you being twirled around on the dancefloor just yet? In my opinion, a total shame.’


Than the human heart?

Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:58 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Try to move your feet Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Try to move your feet Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
She was amusing, was she not? The way he laughed at her uncommon remark. She would use to glower in the look on a man's face when she said something rather out of pocket like that. But she just did not care that much right now, as she was in a particularly sour mood. But she forced herself to pretend for a bit longer, and she forced another smile when he thanked her. She should not be that ungrateful anyway. Just talking to William Villiers would make many girl jealous. He was handsome, successful, filthy rich if not that. But like every man like that in the upper ring, he had a bit of a reputation. A man of his age should have a wife and children. Well, there was your answer.

But god, maybe that would be just what she needed. Maybe that was the reason she placed her hand on her arm, offer him a drink. And of course he accepted. Maybel raised the corners of her mouth once more as she agreed to follow him over to the bar, studying the look on his face. She just knew that there would be more to this and she just wanted to drink her dissapointment of the night away. She just would have to forget about it, rather regret it. But, lord Villiers announced his intentions soon enough. She gave a half smile and chuckled dishearteningly. ‘‘It is a shame,’’ she said sarcastically. She shrugged and looked back at William with a hint of defiance. ‘‘Maybe I'm just not desirable anymore,’’ she said with that same tone of voice. It could not be further from the truth, as she had just declined everybody who had dared to talk to her past her nasty looks. Especially men that were obviously beneath her. But even that - apparently - was getting noticed. Then she looked back up at him. ‘‘Or is it too unfathomable to think that a woman could decide what she wants?’’

Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:50 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
William Villiers
William Villiers
Try to move your feet NDBjvaS
Try to move your feet 3039c096f232ad264a19d6faf1160da7f85dbbf3

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Banker / Investor
What thing is more fragile,

Maybel was in a mood. That was something even a blind man could spot. Which fueled everything that was going on even more. But that wasn’t why he was here right now. If anything he simply wanted to dance with her. Though would he mind if she refused him? Not really. Yet he did want to make sure that she was doing somewhat okay with the whole situation. Both that of her father marrying once more and the Countess Summer ordeal.

Soon enough something did seem to change and a drink was offered. Not something he expected. But he would go with it nonetheless.The two of them moved to the bar and he briefly glanced over the room, catching a few stares from other woman as well as man. Picking out Maybel Winter, it still made others jealous. So truly, did she lose much ever since those words had been written about her? From the looks of it, not so much. When met by a reply from her he raised a brow. Briefly tilting his head, as the corner of his mouth curled up.

’Then you haven’t been looking around.’ The man simply stated. ’You’re the most desirable woman in here Maybel, don’t let anyone tell you anything different.’ He looked at her, truly looked at her. Straight in her eyes. For a brief moment wanting to bring his hand to her cheek, but he refrained himself. Instead letting his fingers brush over her hand for a split second. Humming at her words. ’Don’t let your spirit be taken down due to some words that are being written out of mere jealousy.’ He spoke calmly. Straightening his back. ’You’re fucking Maybel Winter after all.’


Than the human heart?
Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:27 pm
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