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The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
Escapism EmesTWTJanebanner
Escapism EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

It was a clear evening. You could see the moon and stars shining brightly through the window, but not for long. A servant girl, who had worked at the palace for some years now, pulled the long curtains together with a swift motion. Blocking out any moonlight and coldness from outside. A normal routine at this time in the evening. Dinner had just finished. She was ordered to get some of the rooms ready for the night as most of her employees were already retreating to the drawing room, for a little nightcap and some family socializing, or their own quarters. The library wasn't going to be used anymore that day. So the servant girl was making sure all the windows and drapes were closed. Some candles were still burning, but most of them were already out. The warm fire place, which was still crackling, provided the most light in the room. She softly hummed while working, assuming she was all by herself in the large bookroom. For a moment she walked by the many books on the bookshelves, tracing a finger across the many leather-bound covers. She couldn't read so well, but she liked how many of them were so differently shaped and colored. The standing pendulum clock in the corner chimed, warning the girl she had to hurry, it was already 9 o'clock. She quickly walked up to the fireplace, past the two empty armchairs, that stood there for anyone who liked to cozy up with a book by the fire, when she suddenly jumped. Letting out a loud scream before she could stop herself.

After dinner, Jane secluded herself a bit from the family. Putting on a smile around everyone was getting a bit tiresome, and since she had some wine at dinner, she had a harder time playing the part of the perfect daughter. It didn't seem to matter anyway... Aunt Cassiopeia's words had been clear. Everybody saw straight through it. So what was the point of pretending anymore...
She had found some much-needed quiet with her glass of wine in the library. There she planted her derriere on the cozy armchair in front of the fire. Sipping wine and staring into the flames. Deep in thought about everything that happened the past weeks. The family dinner, her nightmare about Emilio, her sister and Victor. Maybe everyone would be better off if she just left.
Jane didn't even notice the maid coming in. So when the girl suddenly appeared, she too jumped, especially after the loud scream. The next moment, she felt the cool liquid slosh over the rim of her wine glass, straight onto her neck and down her corset. She automatically froze, but not before she too let out a high-pitched yelp. "Oh my lady! I'm so sorry! I thought I was by myself here," The maid started apologizing profusely, pulling out a rag to dap the red liquid on her chest. Not that it would really help, the dress was ruined, and they both knew it. "It's fine Molly, don't worry about it." Even though Jane meant what she said, it was more to stop the girl from groping her in her attempt to fix the damage. "Really it's fi-" The door flung open. Both girls looked up, Molly's hand still cleaning Jane's chest, clearly surprised by the sudden and hasty entrance of none other than Victor Grimaldi. Jane stared at him, eyes big as saucers, when she suddenly broke the silence by bursting into laughter. What a sight this must be for the poor Baron of Dawnmire.

(C) Ross
Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:20 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Dawnmire
Victor Grimaldi
Victor Grimaldi
Escapism 8o00lah
Escapism 200

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron
If there was only one solution to every problem,

Tomorrow he’d go back to Dawnmire. He was needed there, a letter had come that very afternoon that something required his attention in his city. He’d obviously go when the first daylight would hit. It wasn’t something alarming or dangerous of anything, just something about the mines and paperwork that needed to be filled out. Something he still rather did so himself. While he had members of staff who were perfectly adequate in doing those things. Victor had always been more of a hands-on person. Besides, being present in your own city was required in the end. And he had enjoyed his time here in Alderrath, but all good things came to an end. Regardless of it, he’d miss it here. He always did. Maybe now even a bit more.

The man had been strolling through the corridors of the castle, discussing certain matters with one of his friends that had come over. Things about the upcoming wedding of Matthew and other matters. Gods, that dinner had been messy to say the least. The corn of the Duchess had fallen on him as well, though if anything he did understand where she had come from. But he had accepted Matthew’s ask, simply because in the end it was his day and he decided on who he wanted close when he tied the knot. But that hadn’t been all, after the dinner itself he wasn’t quite sure how to feel about the situation. Dutifully he had gotten Charlotte to her room, kissed her goodnight on her cheek and had gone to his own chambers. Now he was finding himself standing in the hallway, saying goodbye to the person that had come by. To make way for a place where he could just sit down and relax for a moment. His journey for tomorrow had been prepared already.

But then, then he heard someone yelling. Multiple someones actually. Which instantly made him turn around, jogging to where the sound came from. The library. Without further ado he pushed the door open, to walk into a scene he certainly hadn’t expected. Jane was covered in a red liquid and a maid was cleaning her off. What on earth had happened here? But as the blonde started laughing, he couldn’t help it but frown. ’What happened? Jane, are you okay? Tell me that’s wine and not blood.’ Instant worry.

the world would be insanely dull
Thu Jan 12, 2023 2:23 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
Escapism EmesTWTJanebanner
Escapism EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

If she hadn't had a second glass of wine at dinner.. and another one while pondering alone in the library—well, half of it since the rest was now dripping down her chest and staining the corset of her dress—she probably would've excused herself and quickly left the room as soon as Victor had shown his face. With the liquid courage in her system, she wasn't as... anxious to see him as she normally was. The whole unfolding situation must have looked incredibly strange. It certainly seemed so to Jane, and she couldn't help but laugh when the baron came in the door so unexpectedly. As soon as she saw his frown and heard the worry in his voice, though, she covered her mouth and forced herself to stop her laughter. “It is, just wine.” She held up her empty glass as proof. “Just an accident.”

Molly was still attempting to clean, so Jane placed her hand on the shoulder of the maid, so she would stop. “It's alright, Molly. I'll handle it from here.” The gentle smile on Jane's face was a relief for the servant girl, and she understood the hint that she wanted her to go. The maid quickly bowed to the baron before leaving the room. Jane turned towards Victor as well, noticing the effects of the wine now as she felt a little wobbly on her feet. “I'm sorry, Victor, I didn't mean to worry you.” Jane was probably one of the few who could understand his worry. For a short moment she looked at him, and a sadness shimmered through her eyes. She pushed the feeling down, turning away to sit back down in her chair. “I'm glad you're here though.” Jane admitted as she poured another glass for herself, from the bottle that she had put next to the chair. “If it wasn't a wine accident but something more serious..” She paused for a moment, realizing how alone she felt with that thought. Even with all the servants in the castle. She wasn't sure if anyone would've come running in as fast as Victor did. Even if it was just a coincidence of him being within hearing range. She knew one person who would've run like that. And seeing that his brother reacted the same way gave her the feeling that there were still parts of Emilio in the world. “I'm truly glad to know you're around.” A melancholy smile crept onto her face. How beautiful and sad. 

(C) Ross
Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:15 am
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