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I was born in a messed up century
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
I was born in a messed up century  Untitled
I was born in a messed up century  A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
She tilted her head as she observed the people dancing, her eyes going to their feet as she quickly noticed a woman misstopping. She couldn't help but smirk and rolling her eyes. Rookie mistake, but who was she to mention such things. If she spoke up about it, they would only feel insulted. For such a young girl to mention their mistakes. No, that was just uncalled for for them. The high class was just all stuck up with their pride and their high and mighty attitude. Angie couldn't be bothered with their ego, she never did. She simply didn't understand why they felt the need to uphold it. One would call her way of thinking to be spoiled, privileged even. She had always had everything she ever wanted, yet she did not like the very thing she was apart of. Perhaps it was for the fact that she never thought about what her life would be without her family. Being born a Grimaldi, one of the noblest names one could carry, meant she would always have some sort of security. But she wasn't yet aware that even that had its limits.

The petite lady moved herself forward. Her mother had chosen a dress for her. One that was quite reserved to say the least. She didn't really stand out and she preferred it that way. If one old man would approach her and compliment her, she would surely snap back with an awful insult. All eyes had been on her recently when it came to suitors. Soon enough she would come of age and men would come asking for her hand. She could only hope her father would be reasonable with his choice. She didn't want to be wed in the first place. But if it really had to happen, she sure as hell wished it wasn't an old stinker. Or Renestrae forbid a Winter. She couldn't help but roll with her eyes once more at the thought. Knowing her family they would all jump as excited puppies if a Winter asked for her hand. Didn't they all just love that fucked up little family now didn't they? As her eyes slowly moved across the room, she spotted some of said people. Look at them. Oh my what hot shit they were... Not.

Her gaze fell on one man and for a moment a corner of her mouth curled up. She had read about him a little bit ago. Something about him and his sister? And another family. Feeling a bit salty about being here, she couldn't help herself. The small girl approached the tall man, looking up at him as if it was nothing. "Well, well, if it isn't Luca 'the bastard' Winter," she said with a soft chuckle. Her big doe-like eyes focused on him she made sure to move in a way that he couldn't just simply walk away from her, blocking his way if he tried to leave. "So, mister tall boy, are you enjoying yourself?" She really couldn't help it. Trying to push his buttons even though he hadn't done anything wrong. He was simply a Winter and if she could annoy one of them this evening, she would have succeeded, and her day would be all good. It were the simple things hm?

Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:31 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
I was born in a messed up century  OTwu4s1
I was born in a messed up century  59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

The wedding. Out of all things where he didn’t want to be, this was number one of the list. But it was almost mandatory that he at least showed his face. Would he stay long? Not sure that truly did depend on how the evening would go. But after everything that had happened with him and Maybel, he needed to be here. Even if it simply was to serve as a wallflower for the time being. Luca was dressed in a clad black suit, just standing near a table, gazing at the people that were happily twirling their dance partners around. This morning a leaflet had been pushed in his hands, some gossip apparently. If he needed to make a guess, it would have been sent out to everyone in the upper ring. Had he read it? No, simply because stupid like it didn’t interest him.

One of the servants had pressed upon the point that someone had written about what happened at Blackmoor Manor. Off course they had. Yet he didn’t even remotely care. So while he hadn’t read it, the member of their staff had done their best to tell him in the most polite way that he was referred to as the bastard Winter. Did that label hurt hm? No. It wasn’t true. If anything while the marriage between Rina and Matthew had been anything but beautiful, it had been a lawful marriage. So if that pathetic little writer wanted to lash out like that, then he or she was simply an imbecile.

But then, someone approached him. Not someone of no importance. It was the youngest Grimaldi. Right, off course it had to be one of them. ’Ah, if it isn’t the tiniest Grimaldi.’ Two could play that game. The way she placed herself made it unable for him to move away. He could simply pick her up and place her in a corner though. Perhaps he should do so? ’Oh, off course. I’m having the time of my life, can't you see that Angelina?’

Outfit zonder baard wel yk

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:36 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
I was born in a messed up century  Untitled
I was born in a messed up century  A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
Angie looked up at the man with big, innocent eyes and a shy smile. Her entire expression just beamed of how precious she was. Or, appeared to be. The girl was all too aware of how petite and cute she could look. Her tiny frame might not be much help when it came to fighting, but here during the high standing parties it was the best weapon she had. Desirable by those disgusting men, but they were easily played one way or another. She could easily toy with them here, they had enough eyes on them so she was safe if one would use their strength. But she wasn't the kind of person that would let it go so far. She had read about enough scandals to know that she was more prey than anything else. People with mal intend would eventually get their way one way or another. She slowly blinked as she tilted her head a bit, eagerly awaiting a response. She just wanted to get under his skin, see him annoyed. Please, just for her?

He tossed back her words by calling her the tiniest Grimaldi. She let out a soft giggle when he spoke, averting her eyes for a moment. Oh, she already knew what to toss back at him. She just couldn't keep it to herself. "Last time I checked that title went to your sister," She said as she looked back at him. Only by a few centimeters, but Angelina was still a tiny bit taller than her cousin. And even though she didn't care, she would still use it to annoy the other. "But don't worry, I think you can still go for tallest Baux title," She said in a... meaner way as she looked at some people passing by. She showed them a gentle smale and waved elegantly, before her big blue eyes went back to the WInter. An innocent gaze accompanied by a soft smile, she was content with that stab. She knew that name wasn't all too loved around these parts.

Luca went on to say he had the time of his life and the small girl nodded, as if she couldn't read the sarcasm he was spitting right in her face. "I'm glad you are. After all, it is quite the joyous occasion," She stepped a bit closer, her smile widening. "So..." She turned her head to look back up at him. She clearly didn't care he was double her size. She knew he wouldn't dare to touch her or do anything to her. She would simply scream, and her brother would come, if not her father or the guards. Perhaps even Matthew Winter himself would respond. After all, it was no secret how much he adored Victor and the Grimaldi's as a whole. "Looking forward to no longer being the youngest?" She lifted her eyebrows a little bit, before letting out a soft chuckle. She was sure that Matthew would get that little whore of his pregnant. Men could get children for quite some time, even at an old age. And he was a Winter and all that so heh.

Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:55 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
I was born in a messed up century  OTwu4s1
I was born in a messed up century  59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Big doe eyes, that shy smile. She could twist anyone around her finger if she wanted. But apparently she had set her eyes on him. He was so very happy about that. Though if anything, he wasn’t that much of a fool to fall into the trap that she was laying out. If anything, why would he? Frankly the opinion of others, they didn’t truly matter to him. Or at least, not as much. Luca simply was who he was and they could accept it or fuck off. That was the simplicity of it all. Gods, he should’ve never come to the party in the first place. But here he was, and immediately one had come forward. To mock him.

’Though in name she is as Winter isn’t she? Having everything one could dream off, being written about and what more.’ He despised it. But that was the life of a Winter was it not? To be talked about, to have everything one could dream off but still have nothing in the end. ’I’m not worried at all.’ He simply stated, remaining unfazed by the so-called stab. If she wanted to hurt him that way, then she could honestly just buzz off. It had no effect on him, It never would. His mother was dead, and frankly to him she had never truly been alive as a mother figure or whatsoever. So no, he didn’t give a rat’s ass.

’Such a grand occasion for sure.’ Gosh, if he could he’d barf right on the spot. But he was raised with some decency. So he just had to suck it up and undergo it. The fact that she came closer did make him raise an eyebrow, wondering what her deal was. ’Couldn’t care less Angelina.’ He hummed. If anything, he was already the least favored child, that wouldn’t change after another one being born. ’Shouldn’t you, you know be dancing around with one of your suitors. It would make your brother happy.’

Outfit zonder baard wel yk

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:17 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
I was born in a messed up century  Untitled
I was born in a messed up century  A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
She was good at what she did. Keeping up those innocent looks while spitting out straight insults. It was what she was best at. To look all good and angelic, but on the inside she was anything but sweet. Not that was no secret. She had quite the fire in her, and that kind of attitude came with a certain reputation. She didn't mind it, as she barely cared about her image in higher society. Rebellious as some would say. And yes, that was exactly what it was. But not for the reasons one would think. She had seen what power and money did to a person. She had seen how absolutely corrupted everything was. And she hated it. She hated it oh so much. If only she could do something about it. But she couldn't, since she was just a little girl. She had nothing when it truly came down to it. She only had her big round eyes and pretty face. And what could be seen as a her greatest asset as a woman, was also her greatest weapon. She wielded it with pride, for she knew how some men could crumble underneath it. How wrong it was, she didn't care. Because everything was already messed up anyway.

She chuckled when he spoke of the fact that Maybel was a Winter. By name, yes. He was correct there. But he knew exactly what she was hinted at. Then again, he was a man and a Winter at that. So some things could never change. She rolled her eyes as soon as he mentioned what the name meant. Having everything they dreamed of huh? She kept her gaze to the ceiling for a moment, before looking back at the tall man. Right. He stated that he wasn't worried and Angie showed him another polite, shy smile. "Oh yes it sounds absolutely delightful to be stuck in this city and have everyone's eyes on you," she said, tilting her head a bit. "I'm soooo jealous..." her voice was clearly underlined in sarcasm as she kept her smile up. She blinked slowly, before finally averting her gaze once more.

He went on and tried to play off her stabs as if they were nothing. She lifted her gaze again, showing off one of her smiles as she looked back at him. Staring up as if she had done nothing and he just called her out for no reason. She tilted her head again the other way, slowly placing her arms behind her back. Oh he was so fun to mess around with as he tried to state that he didn't care and all that. How could he not care? If he didn't care he wouldn't be here, if he didn't care he would have left the Winters with a pretty girl as soon as he turned 18. But no. Luca still bowed his head to his father like the child he was. Amusing that he claimed he didn't care while all the signs pointed that he did. But before she could say anything, he jabbed back at her. Dance with a suitor? Her smile faded a bit as she raised her brows. Please her brother and all that hm? "As if he cares," she said, her smile returning as quickly as it had gone. "He is too busy with that Winter girl anyway," He never had even said her first name, because frankly, she didn't care who it was. Let her be Jane or even Maybel. Whatever. They were all the same anyway. She chuckled for a moment, clearly more in a way that suited her words.

She stepped closer, tilting her head a bit as she raised a hand, almost reaching out to him. "But if he is watching..." a more polite tone of speaking, for the first time perhaps. "Shall we?"

Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:02 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
I was born in a messed up century  OTwu4s1
I was born in a messed up century  59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

’Alas, I must confess. I’m the one who's jealous.’ He spoke truthfully. Enough already with the jabbing at each other. For a moment he decided to be truthful. She could do whatever she wanted with it. But he was jealous of the fact that she could indeed do as she pleased. Or at least that was the idea he was getting from her. It wasn’t something that would ever happen to him. Not if it came down to his father. That fucking Winter name. He utterly despised it from time to time. Now maybe more than ever. Because he knew what was attached to it as well. Pending marriage. His father had never stated that he had found someone already, so he was under the assumption that it was still up to Renestrae for whom he’d marry. Little did he know.

Shortly he tilted his head. Ah, some trouble in the perfect household of the Grimaldi’s. How sad. Honestly, he could happily die from laughter right about now. Simply because Angelina proved her father wrong already. No family was perfect apparently. He did wonder if she’d tell him more, but well. ’He’s your brother. I assume he cares for your future.’ He raised a brow. It was what any brother did after all. He also cared for Maybel’s future, whatever it might entail for her. He wanted her to be happy and loved. Certainly Victor would want the same for his youngest sister?

When she raised her hand he looked at it. A tad confused. But, he couldn’t say no. He was a gentleman after all. So, he took her hand in his and guided her to the dancefloor. Dancing. Right, he hadn’t thought that he would be doing that tonight. But here they were.

Outfit zonder baard wel yk

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:18 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
I was born in a messed up century  Untitled
I was born in a messed up century  A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
She raised her brows when she answered him in a way she didn't expect. A satisfied expression on her face as she got what she wanted. Why was he acting all high and mighty anyway? He clearly wasn't happy and the confession he just gave her was crystal clear. She had to with held another chuckle as she slowly raised her hand and covered her mouth. Funny boy. Was he longing to be free from that suffocating Winter life? Perhaps. Too sad he was bound to it by blood and name. She would almost feel bad for him, almost. But that was quickly discarded as she remembered who's son he was. He was part of the problem society had. She just couldn't help herself as she simply despised everything he stood for. A privileged man... and he most likely complained about it too. It was never good enough and all that. Would it ever be for any of them?

Angie spoke of her brother in a not so loving way. She didn't care much if that painted an ugly picture of her family or not. Because at the end of the day everyone knew that every family had a little bit of issues. Perfection didn't exist, only in fairytales. Ever since the passing of Emilio she had set herself aside, pushed Victor away in every way and shape possible. Because she did not want him in her life. She was angry and upset with her brother. What she didn't realize is that her hate all stemmed for her sorrow and grief. Too stubborn to realize or submit, she just kept doing the things she did. Oppose him, oppose this society. Cause a scene for all to see. So when the Winter boy spoke of her brother she rolled with her eyes. "As if I care that he cares," She didn't need him to care. She had never needed him in her whole life and she wasn't about to start now. A smile curled over her mouth as she looked back up at the other. "Besides," She shrugged for a moment. "It's my future," She chuckled. "And I can handle myself pretty well," She didn't need no man or brother to tell her what to do. A free spirit till the end, that was what she wanted to be.

She was somewhat surprised that the Winter took her offer up. A bright smile on her lips as she followed him to the dancefloor. For a moment she eyed him again, looking him up and down. Could he even dance? Probably. But was he good at it? With that tall body of him she could only imagine that he was rather clumsy. And that was the exact reason why she had picked him out and lured him here. She tilted her head as she let her fingers intertwine with him, her other hand reaching up at him so it could rest on his shoulder. Oh... Quite the way... This was a bit awkward. She chuckled as soon as she realized this must look ridiculous. He was too tall for her. And yet, she didn't care. She looked up, her big blue eyes looking for his hazel gaze. "This your first time dancing with a lady?" she asked as she slowly started to follow him. She had a lot of dancing lessons under her belt and knew perfectly what she had to do. Yet, she didn't fully commit. As she moved her legs in a way that he simply had to bump into her with his, maybe even hit her foot. She wanted him to and she wanted it to look like he had caused it. That's why she kept following his guidance, only really letting small things slip in. Just to test the waters before she started the real thing.

Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:47 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
I was born in a messed up century  OTwu4s1
I was born in a messed up century  59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Did it surprise him that one thought so little about the Great Victor Grimaldi? Maybe a little. But that’s what growing up as the son of Matthew Winter did to you. He had always seen Victor as quite an upstanding citizen, loyal to the core and protective of those he cared about. Loved dearly by his father, which made him undeniably jealous of the man. Did he hate the other? Why would he? He didn’t really now the lad all that well, apart from crossing him in the corridors of the castle every once in a while. But to hear his sister speak about him in the tone she did. It was honestly something worth thinking about.

Shortly he hummed, but when she mentioned that it was her future he raised a brow. Corner of his mouth curling up.’I’m afraid you won’t have much to say in that future of yours. It will be your parents who’ll decide upon that or pray tell your brother. That’s how it goes for you, for me, for everyone of a certain standing.’ And he loathed it extremely. Undoubtedly she already knew all of these things. So why was he even bothering? ’For what it’s worth, I hope they will grant you a choice in the matter.’ It was the least a parent could offer, a parent that wasn’t Matthew Winter.

Their fingers intertwined and he softly hummed. Looking at her other hand, the corner of his mouth briefly curled up. What a sight this must be. The giant, with the little leprechaun or something alike. Maybe it looked endearing or something, taking her hand in his and softly smiling at her. ’Let’s do it this way.’ He whispered softly. Slowly starting the dance when the music started playing again. Keeping his eyes focused on hers. ’It’s not.’ He spoke calmly, they didn’t fully commit just yet. He just wanted to get a feel of things. He was well, leading. Though he didn’t feel entirely good to handle her. Mainly because of the height difference.

’From what I heard, you are quite the amazing dancer. So don’t hold back.’

Outfit zonder baard wel yk

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:32 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
I was born in a messed up century  Untitled
I was born in a messed up century  A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
Angelina was a free soul, something she would hold onto for as long as she could. She would keep living the way she did, even if marriage was forced upon her. Why? One would ask. Well, simple. If she could just rebel a bit, show the world that she wasn't going to bend to anyone’s will, then she would have won. She smiled brightly at that thought. Making a small change starting from herself. Maybe she could inspire other girls to do the same. But that was wishful thinking. A lot of people followed the herd with their head down, especially women who had it all. Why stand up when you had an easy life? A mentality that she mostly saw in the Winter girls. That girl her brother was going to marry? Just as blunt. Just happy that she would have a title, but deep down, what did she really have? No spirit, let alone an opinion, just a name that she carried as she followed the herd. Funny if you asked her. Didn't they look down on the lower ranks for that same mentality? Well, it would seem that after a certain amount of time even the rich forgot what it was all about. As long as they had an easy life, right? Idiots.

So when Luca spoke she looked at him with a smug expression. He stated that she wouldn't have much to say, her parents and brother would. Because that was how it went. Angie narrowed her blue eyes, holding back another chuckle as he let him finish up what he had to say. He did wish for her to have a choice in the matter. When he said that she couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. "If that's what you think, bravo, but I'm never getting married. And I'm certain of that," She seemed to calm down when she spoke those final words. And even if they did arrange something for her, she would make that man's life a living hell. Both him and her parents. She wouldn't be some sort of puppet, some sort of trophy to be sold at the highest bet. Those were titles she was never going to yield to. Her sisters had proven over and over how marriage was a mistake and didn't they thrive now that they were free of such shackles? "Besides, I don't need a man in my life," she said with as much confidence as possible. It was true, she really didn't. Especially those high standing pricks that thought they were hot shit.

When they started to dance, she couldn't hold back her laugh and he couldn't either. It was infectious, as she couldn't keep that look off her face. This was ridiculous. They looked ridiculous. But if there was one thing that she was sure of, was that some eyes were on them. Luca was quite the presence in a room full of people thanks to his posture, something he undoubtably got from his father. Even if he tried to make himself blend in with the crowd, he couldn't. They stood out and that's exactly what she wanted. She hoped that her brother was watching now, or maybe even her parents. Or any other Winter for that matter. Because what she had in mind wasn't something that should be kept for them alone. He whispered softly to her and started to guide her in the dance and she followed, focusing her eyes on him as she kept that charming smile on her lips. He then commented that it wasn't his first dance with a lady, something she softly hummed to. "Your sister doesn't count," She said with a soft chuckle. Another playful jab at his ego, she hoped. She was just having fun after all.

He then said something else, stating that he had heard she was a good dancer. Her smile widened for a moment and in instant she pressed herself more against him. Closing a certain distance they had kept each other at. "That depends..." She said as she carefully moved even closer and closer to him. In the movements she was making it looked fluent and almost part of the dance. But this wasn't something one should do with a stranger. One of her brows raised as she looked the other up and down. "... on how good my dance partner is," Her voice sounded soft, yet challenging. Her gaze focusing on him as her smile had faded a bit. In a way, it almost looked like she was mocking him. She didn't think highly of him, let alone his dancing. And she wasn't exactly going to make it easy for him either. As she slowed her own movement and legs a bit she hoped that he would get stuck, hit or even stand on her foot or leg. She just hoped he wouldn't notice the subtle change in pace she made, so that he couldn't adjust himself on time. If he tripped and fell here on the dancefloor... Why, that would be hilarious for her.

Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:18 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
I was born in a messed up century  OTwu4s1
I was born in a messed up century  59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

That smug expression stayed present on her face, and frankly he did wonder what would become of her. What did her parents have in mind for their youngest? If anything, that was their problem entirely but certainly a problem he’d like to see unfold. ’It’s not about what I think. It’s custom.’ Otherwise he would’ve opted out of it as well. But to go against Matthew on that matter, wasn’t something he had done. Not yet, who knew. If he had to depend on his father to find a suitable wife for him then he knew he’d be disappointed either way. Cause why should a man that loathed his son that much, choose the person he’d be spending his life with? Really, it was an absurd tradition for the upper class. But again, a tradition that would not be broken that quickly. He liked Angelina’s spirit, he did. But he wasn’t sure if it would be strong enough to go against the current.

A dance, it still wasn’t something he had kept in mind for the evening. But here they were. A funny sight for sure. But well, it was what it was. Wondering why on earth she had sought him out. But he wouldn’t get an answer to that, so he wasn’t going to overthink it. With his luck, it was simply to humiliate him all together. Which was nothing new in the life of Luca Winter. ’I never danced with Maybel. Though I must say, it would’ve helped me with the difference in height.’ He raised a brow, shortly chuckling as he shook his head. Ah no, there had been a few women in his life. But those were things that had stopped before anything remarkable could happen.

Seeing her smile widen like that, meant that he had at least done something right. Small victories in life and all. What he hadn’t foreseen was that she pressed closer to him, it almost made him freeze on the spot. Almost. But he managed to shake it off. Looking her in the eyes, jaw ticking. ’Aha.’ He simply stated, the challenging tone in her voice didn’t slip his ear. His focus laid more on her movements than on his own, which was how he quite easily caught wind of the change in pace. What on earth was she doing?

Outfit zonder baard wel yk

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:26 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
I was born in a messed up century  Untitled
I was born in a messed up century  A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
People would always say that she had a fire in her soul. A passion that couldn't be tamed. And perhaps they were right, or maybe they were just naive. For all Angie wanted was freedom. Not only to herself but the many women that weren't happy with their lives. Ambitious to say the least, but what else was a rich girl to do with her life? At the end of the day there wasn't much that she could do on a day to day basis. And now that her greatest ally, her brother, was no longer with her, she did feel like she couldn't do it anymore. But giving up...? That wasn't something she would accept. Never. Someone had to do, someone had to keep being headstrong. Because if they were all little sheeps in a herd, then change would never come. Not for her and not for others that shared the same mindset as her, that were trapped in similar situations as her. One glance around the room and she would surely find at least one person that would agree with her. After all, a lot of people hid their true intentions. But not she, she would never. Her big mouth really was an asset in such situations.

He spoke that it was custom, something she raised a brow for. "And you say tradition can't change?" she asked with certain curiosity. A glimmer of amusement sparked in her bright eyes as she tilted her head, a chuckle leaving her lips. "At the end of the day you are still in control of who you are... And what you do," she said in a more soft manner. "If you let tradition and others decide that for you then... That sounds more like a you problem," It was a fact after all. He could step away from it, just as much as she wanted to. If he didn't want to marry, then why should he? He could just not show up at the whole arrangements after all. And if he didn't like being trapped in the capitol, then why stay? He was huge, she doubted that one guard alone could hold him back if he really wanted to go anywhere he wanted. Oh but... That would never happen, right? She chuckled once more at that thought. "Oh... but you would never understand," she said while she kept that smile on her, shaking her head. Oh simple minded creatures.

Angelina would be lying if she said that she didn't have a good time. Because she did actually have a pretty good time dancing with the other. It was funny and he was funny as well, so that combination really made time fly. The expression she held on was perhaps a tad genuine as she kept looking at him. But on the other hand, it was also something she did out of habit. Looking on with a bright smile and big, soft eyes. When she teased him with the sister comment he quickly talked back to her, indirectly taking another jab at their height difference. "Oh... That explains a lot actually," she said as if it was a fact, something anyone could see. "Your hand should be lower," she said with a challenging grin on her face. Her hand came loose from his shoulder as she placed it on his own hand. Without much hesitation she pressed it down more and more until it was at a very... Questionable height. Right on her hip. She chuckled, slowly letting her hand go over his arm, barely touching the fabric of his suit, as she moved it back up to his shoulder. Her eyes followed her own movement, until they finally found his eyes again. "Don't hold back... Right?"

Pressing herself more against him, toying with him and doing things that were just straight up wrong if anyone knew what she wanted out of this. She noticed that he was a bit caught off guard by her sudden move. She kept her smile on her lips, slowly letting her head rest a bit against his chest. She acted as if she knew nothing as her one hand moved more upwards, letting it rest further up... If she was just a bit taller she would rap it around his neck, but she couldn't thanks to... Yea... She could hear him and for a moment she looked back at him. He had noticed and adjusted in time. For a moment she felt a bit annoyed that he did.. Oh... If he wasn't going to bend for something like this... Then perhaps another method would work. "So..." she said softly. "Who were the lucky ladies?" She smiled at him, the fingertips of her hand going over his suit. And for a slight moment they grazed his skin. Her pinky finger almost hooking into his tiny scarf. SHe chuckled, tilting her head. Her silent little war went on in her own right.

Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:19 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
I was born in a messed up century  OTwu4s1
I was born in a messed up century  59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

The corner of his mouth raised up at her words. Tilting his head. He had his own thoughts on the matter that was for sure. ’I’m not saying anything. Change is upon us. Only to root out a tradition that runs as deep as this one, it will take time.’ He hummed softly. Looking her in the eyes and taking a deep breath. No, he was quite certain of the fact that things like arranged marriages would be upon them for years to come. It would take a whole revolution to undo that. And he simply didn’t see anyone lighting that fuse pretty soon. But who knew what the future might bring? ’And what makes you think that?’ This time it was his voice that had been laced with curiosity. Wanting to pick her mind.

Briefly he furrowed his brows when she spoke. But the moment her skin touched his, it almost felt like someone poured hot water over it. Swallowing down the initial shock, as she slowly pushed his hand down to her waist. This was unexpected, but he let her handle it. Looking in her eyes, tilting his head ever so slightly when their eyes locked once more. ’Right.’ Almost tumbling over his own words. Okay, this was okay? Why wouldn’t it be okay right?

But she pressed closer once more and he felt that same warm sensation moving through his body. Feeling her head laying against his chest, made him faintly smile. It was nothing like he had expected, but for now this seemed more than okay. Until her fingertips touched his skin. It was as if time just stopped. Her question fell flat on his ears as his body just froze up. Memories came flooding to him and he couldn’t break out of it. His skin drained from all of the color. Until the music got through to him once more. Making him blink rapidly. Cheeks flushing entirely, in stark contrast with how pale he was looking. ’I’m sorry.. I think I need some air.’ His words barely reaching above the music, but given with how close they were, she’d be able to hear it.

Outfit zonder baard wel yk

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:43 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
I was born in a messed up century  Untitled
I was born in a messed up century  A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
If she was being honest she didn't care for his opinion. He was a man after all and a Winter at that. His way of thinking would always be corrupt, regardless of what he said to her. Whatever it would be, she was sure that it would be stupid. And then he actually spoke. She raised a brow when he did. Was he just smooth talking her? Because it sure as hell felt like he was. Stating stuff like 'change is upon us' and all that. Why should he even care about that. The only reason why would be to please her and her way of speaking. Observant, but foolish if he knew her at least a little bit. She did not like people pleasers. They were one of the most fake people a person could meet. So... She kept her mouth shut, not wanting to give him any more fuel to try and please her. Men... When he asked her a question, however, all she did was laugh softly as she averted her blue gaze. Looking at the floor beneath them she let a silent moment fall upon them... Only to break it after a few seconds. "You're a funny man, mister Winter," Indirectly answering his question in it's own right.

She was a master when it came to this kind of behavior. Pushing people. She always found that one weak spot. Everyone had one, even she did. But the fact was that the man's weak spot was... This. She was satisfied when she almost heard him stumble over the one word he could bring out. A satisfied smile came on her face as she felt proud of herself. She had this man right where she wanted him and that felt really powerful. It made her feel good about herself, really good. Something in her told her that she could actually get him on his knees right about now. If she played her cards right, that was. Wouldn't that be a sight hm? "You're doing great," she said softly as she couldn't contain her smile. She was beaming about her achievement, about what she had done. In the back of her mind she could already taste the backlash that could come from this. If anyone paid close attention, that was.

And as she made her moves, it became clear that she finally was playing the right strings. She had gotten what she wanted, found what she was looking for. Now the true game could begin. However, what did annoy her was the fact that he had come to a halt. Luckily for her she was moving slow, otherwise she would have tripped over his feet. As she stared up at the other she made some distance between them. Her hand slowly settling back in it's original spot. It almost seemed like he was completely gone. As the color drained from his face, only a flustered expression remained on his cheeks. She raised one brow when she noticed this. Was he such a good boy? Someone so pure that couldn't even handle a bit of touch? Or maybe he was just extremely sensitive? She slowly blinked as she looked him over. Her hand still resting in his... The young lady gave it a soft squeeze in an effort to pull him back. Come on now, don't be a wuss. Give her a challenge.

He finally did something. He started to blink and he... Spoke. She was surprised that he even was able to say anything at all. The poor guy almost looked like he could fall over. For a moment she contemplated if she had done enough. Just let him go and go on with her evening. But as soon as she felt that kind of compassion, she shut herself down. She lifted her hand a bit off his shoulder, gesturing to her ears. "What?" She said a tad bit louder. "I can't hear you," she said as a smile was kept on her lips. Playing dumb hm? It was one of her greatest weapons. She narrowed her eyes, feeling triumph as she took a step back, pulling at him as their hands were still locked. "Come on, what's the matter?" She said softly, tilting her head a bit as she kept pulling at him. Trying to drag him back into this dance. She knew she was being mean by doing so. And that was exactly why she did it.

Wed Jan 11, 2023 4:43 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
I was born in a messed up century  OTwu4s1
I was born in a messed up century  59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

’Luca.’ He corrected her. Mister Winter was the man getting married today. A man he very much like to distance himself from if he had the means. If anything, calling him by his last name. It irked him more than was normal. But well, in the end it was who he was and he couldn’t change it. Not if he didn’t do something drastic. Who knew, maybe at some point in his life he’d be driven to that exact point? She seemed rather pleased with herself. Though he didn’t see why. But well, he’d probably never. Not that he truly cared. For as long as Angeline was enjoying herself, he was content as well. Until things started to shift. Slowly at first, which had caused his first stumble, but it didn’t stop there.

The moment her fingertips touched skin, was the moment that his world seemed to be crashing down on him. Harshly. Memories he had pushed away, that he had locked away, came rushing back to him and it was doing a number on him for sure. Perhaps it had been her squeezing in his hand, that made him return back to reality. He wasn’t entirely sure. What he was sure about, was that he needed to get out of her. While he would’ve simply opted for running out. He knew it would draw to many eyes and it would raise suspicion with his own father if he was still around. Fuck. How did he get out of here?

But as Angelina spoke, he frowned. Hadn’t she heard him? Really? The music wasn’t that loud was it? He wanted to retract his hand, but for the sake of appearances he didn’t. She kept pulling at him and he swallowed, trying to tune back to the here and now. Trying to push those damn memories away again so he could go on with his evening. But they kept popping up in his mind and annoyance grew inside of him. Moving with her for a bit, trying to shake it off once more. Slowly but surely a new song was being played, which was certainly the cue for him to get the fuck away. Gently he pulled his hand loose from hers. ’Sorry.. I’m not feeling alright.’ An apology like no other, and with those words the man simply took his leave. Almost bumping into his sister while he was walking straight towards the exit. Only to take a turn, stop at a storage closet where the wine was being kept for the evening. And he took a bottle or two, before disappearing to a corner far out of sight from anyone. Yet still, close to where the party was being held.

Outfit zonder baard wel yk

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:14 pm
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