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[FoF] Neutron star collision
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Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
[FoF] Neutron star collision  IzBexY8
[FoF] Neutron star collision  Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

The markets, the Twilight Ball. All the events that came forward due to the festival, it spread the knights thin. It had been made so that they would be patrolling both the markets during the first couple of days and the ball as wel. Though with the amount of knights that actually went to the ball or the markets with their relatives, it spread them very thin. For once, Caspian had decided on attending both as well. Partially working since he had to keep an eye on the Princess, yet also deciding on enjoying himself a little bit. Indulging in a little bit of dancing, perhaps drinking, though never too much. Though he knew well enough that others were keeping an eye on the festivities, so maybe he could relax just a bit more this time around.

He had decided on a more formal attire that had nothing to do with his work for once. A simple white button-up and a black vest and trousers. Nothing too dazzling, yet extremely different from his normal attire. With a small smile on his lips he had stepped into the room, looking around. Making some small talk with people that came up to him. Talking about the academy, relatively all small talk. Until he saw a moment so sneak away.

A moment where he also found that the Princess was without a dancing partner. With his hands folded behind his back he approached her. A smile resting on his lips. When in her line of sight, he made a bow for her. ’Your Highness,’ The smile on his lips turned wider. ’You look, radiating.’ He complimented her, eyes briefly wandering to the ground, yet soon crossing her eyes again. ’Would you do me the honors of sharing a dance with me?’


It must be made.
Wed Jan 04, 2023 3:09 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] Neutron star collision  9s9opHd
[FoF] Neutron star collision  Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
It was always a pleasure to see the wonderous expressions on the many faces that attended the Twilight Ball. Everyone was dressed to the nines, basking in each other's presence. The chatter was filled with excitement as the guests had a moment forget about their regular troubles. And then there was the dancing, that made the ballroom look like a scene from a storybook.

After the Princess had danced with one of the sons of her father's councilmen —entertaining the idea of a possible suitor— she was left alone as the polite man took his leave. Before one of the many other noblemen could take his place, however, a welcome face popped up in front of her. "Ser Caspian," she greeted him with a warm smile on her face. "That's most kind, thank you," she spoke politely when he complimented her. "I must say you look quite handsome yourself." Arianna didn't often see him without his armour on. This was a rather pleasant change, mostly because he seemed so at ease. His request for a dance didn't come as a complete surprise to her, but it was still recieved gladly. "I'd be delighted to." She said as she took a step towards him. Carefully she placed her hand on his shoulder and her other in his, so that they could start just as the music started to play again.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:08 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
[FoF] Neutron star collision  IzBexY8
[FoF] Neutron star collision  Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

This ball, he had visited it numerous times before. With his family. But this time was different, while he of course was here as Ser Caspian Elessar, he was also here as the royal guard of the Crown Princess although off duty. Though it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t keep an eye on her. From a distance of course, since the Princess wasn’t his to watch today. A part of him felt like he did need to keep an eye on her, at least while she was present in the room after all.

While he talked to numerous people, the young man was biding his time. Waiting for the exact moment to step in. Which presented itself rather quickly actually. It surprised him, but he gladly took the opportunity. He had made a small courtesy, by bowing his head for her. Complementing her for the dress she was wearing. A soft smile curled around his lips when she did the same. ’Nothing compared to you milady.’ A cheeky grin briefly curled around his lips. One that she could hopefully forgive him for later. When she placed her hand on his shoulder he nodded again, softly taking her hand in his. Giving it the faintest of squeezes, before the music started and he took the lead in the dance. Not holding back a bit, since he was versed in ballroom dancing.

’I hope you are enjoying your evening milady? I can always whisk you away from a dance partner shouldn’t you be interested in dancing with them. In a discrete way off course.’ A suggestion like no other, which was both meant as a joke and as a truth. After all, he wouldn’t let her dance with an absolutely boring gentleman. Moments where he could easily swoop in.


It must be made.
Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:49 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] Neutron star collision  9s9opHd
[FoF] Neutron star collision  Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The way her handsome guard came to the princess' rescue on the dancefloor made the scene seem like one from folklore. Ser Caspian had proven himself to be very valiant since Arianna assigned him to her personal detail. Today's effort, however, showed he was valiant in more ways than one. As he complimented her once more, she showed him a gentle smile that graced her rose-coloured cheeks. It was exactly what she had expected him to be: courteous in every way.

As they started to twirl amongst the other couples, Arianna had no hardships focusing her attention on him and him alone. "Oh not to worry Caspian, I'm enjoying myself." she spoke gently. "But I have my duties like you have yours, which include dancing with all those who might ask for my hand." She went on. "Even if their efforts are void." She added with a slight grin on her face. Many wanted to dance with her, only few actually posed as a suitor, and only a fraction managed to capture her interest. "But your offer is appreciated." She then thanked him, softly squeezing his hand. "How about you? Are you enjoying your night off?" She inquired as she briefly raised her brows. It must be nice for him to just be himself for once and enjoy the festivities, instead of always watching her.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:08 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
[FoF] Neutron star collision  IzBexY8
[FoF] Neutron star collision  Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

Dances weren’t a thing he particularly liked. There were too much things that had to be taken into consideration if one wanted to keep it as secure as humanly possible. And although it wasn’t his task tonight, he did feel that he still had to keep an eye for any danger. Right now, it had presented itself as the Princess being alone on the dancefloor. Something he couldn’t let happen. Simply because well, while Arianna could possibly use a break. For the eyes of other people it could come off as something weird. So no, as the valiant hero he was. He stepped up happily.

He twirled her around without much effort. Caspian was a schooled dancer. After all, how much did a sword fight actually differ from an actual dance? But no, his parents had insisted that he would take up ballroom dancing as well, for whenever it was needed. ’I’m happy to hear that.’ He smiled warmly at her. Duty. It was what drove them all in the end. Him in his duty to keep her safe from anything really, she in her duty to one day rule the kingdom. ’I would still happily step up in case their dancing is too bad.’ He grinned almost playfully at her.  Pausing their moments for a second, letting the hand that laid on her waist loose, so he could actually spin her around her own. Catching her quite easily, stepping back into pace even quicker. ’I am. Though I can’t seem to let go of the job entirely. The urge to keep my eye on you, for your safety off course, is simply to grand.’ The man grinned. And well, it wasn’t like it was a bad thing to look at her. She simply was mesmerizing. ’I must confide, I’m not particularly fond of these kind of balls.’


It must be made.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:50 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] Neutron star collision  9s9opHd
[FoF] Neutron star collision  Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
There were many who would require a dance with her tonight. The Twilight Ball was a perfect place for possible suitors to present themselves to her, and moreover, her father. If the King saw someone dancing with her who was to his liking he might take it as a sign. It wasn't something Arianna was particularly interested in, yet she knew full well it was her duty to comply. So she smiled and twirled over the dancefloor like she was meant to, hoping to make the best of it. Thankfully, there were some she'd dance without any complaints, like Caspian.

Her guard proved himself to be quite the dancer, which was a little surprising to her. But she assumed his parents were responsible for it, so that their son might woo ladies not only with his sword but also with his dancemoves. "Luckily for me, most of them are quite capable." She spoke. "But please don't hold back in stepping up." She then added. She didn't mind actually dancing without having to think about the politics of all of it. He twirled her around skillfully, catching her as if she was as light as a feather. It made a smile appear on her face. "So you have the urge to keep an eye on me?" She taunted him as her smile turned into a grin. "For duty's sake, of course." She went on, so that he wouldn't feel too uncomfortable with her teasing. She frowned, just a little, when he admitted to not liking these balls all too much. "And why is that?" She asked. In truth, she felt quite the same. She felt most at ease when she was by herself, not surrounded by the masses.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:09 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
[FoF] Neutron star collision  IzBexY8
[FoF] Neutron star collision  Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

If anything the man would’ve rather worked this evening. That way he was actually doing his job and getting paid for it, instead of fulfilling his job and not getting paid for it. But he had accepted the fact that the Princess had given him some time off. Work was something he liked doing, this not so much. Mainly because this truly wasn’t his thing. To many unknown factors all together it would bring trouble. He wasn’t quite sure what kind, but something was bound to go down. It truly was an unexplainable feeling.

His focus at this moment obviously laid with the Princess and their dance. Showing of that particular skill. ’Don’t worry. I won’t.’ He laughed ever so softly. The smile remaining present on his lips as he twirled her further around. Okay maybe, this was one of the things that he did actually enjoy. Which had more to do with her than something else but well. A slight hue creeping up on his cheeks as she spoke. ’Well yes, for duty’s sake off course. Nothing else.’ He grinned playfully, two could play a game as he gave her a soft squeeze in her hand. ’To many unknown factors one has to take into consideration. To many moving objects that could cause harm to you or your family. Simply too many people in one room, not my thing.’ The man explained truthfully.

It must be made.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:36 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] Neutron star collision  9s9opHd
[FoF] Neutron star collision  Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
This event was the perfect example that it was possible to learn how to love something. Arianna was happiest when she was on her own, or with few people, in a serene and quiet atmosphere. The Festival of Frostcrown was everything but that. Yet slowly, she had managed to grow into her role as princess, which went alongside liking the event she now attended. She just hoped that she was able to put these skills of learning to love to use one day, especially if were about matters of her own heart and her hand in marriage.

For now all she had to worry about was following the music. Thankfully, her partner made that quite easy. "You are a man of true chivalry, Caspian." She said as her smile briefly turned into more of a grin. Their banter continued, and she even spotted a slight blush on his cheeks as they spoke. "Of course," she agreed with a courteous nod. Her polite mannerisms were all so no one would think anything of their dance, yet her eyes held something far more playful. "I understand," she told him. It was only logical he'd be on edge tonight, even when he had the night off. "I must admit that I'd prefer quiet nights over these too." She admitted with a knowing smile. "What would you rather be doing right now, if you had the choice?" She asked curiously. Perhaps he'd enjoy something she wouldn't expect, like reading a book by the fireplace. She could think of a hundred things she'd enjoy more than this. And though they wouldn't be possible, a girl could dream.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:43 pm
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