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[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox DUrBZsK
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

After the sparring session with Rán, he had asked her to accompany him to the Frostcrown Festival, even better so the ball. Why he had asked? Frankly he didn't’t know. It had just popped out and he had kind of hoped for the best. And well, now here he was. For once leaving his precious armor behind in the barracks and changing into something that could be considered a tad more fancy. Though Arkyn wouldn’t be himself, if he didn’t bring his blade. So he strapped the weapon’s belt around his waist and hummed. Briefly glancing at himself for a moment and humming. This had to do right? He sincerely hoped so. If anything he knew that Rán would outshine him either way, which he certainly didn’t mind. No, maybe, deep down a part of him did enjoy the fact that he was taking her out like this.

The barracks were deserted apart from him, everyone had gone to the ball or spent their time somewhere in the city. As they should. A smile curled around his lips. Good. Then nobody would spot how nervous the man actually felt about this. It was silly. But it was what it was. If anything, nothing some alcohol couldn’t clear after all. The fact that he stayed in the barracks with his men, was something he decided for himself. If he wanted too, he could go to the small manor the Skygge’s had in the city. But that would be like putting himself above others, and that wasn’t his thing.

Earlier in the week he had bought something for her as well. It seemed like the right thing to do. A small chain, with a silver bear pendant attached to it. Something that symbolizes her in many ways in his mind. The little box was safely tucked in the pocket of the vest he was wearing, he still had to decide when he’d give it to her though. As he reached his destination he knocked on the door, a servant letting him inside. One that immediately disappeared, most likely to get Rán.

on arrogance alone..
Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:59 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox Unknown
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán must admit she was pleasantly surprised that she would not show up alone at the Frostcrown ball. No, but with the head of her guard. She did not know where this sudden interest had come from, but it well, maybe she did deserve a little bit of innocent fun. She had been occupied with much more delicate business ever since she had shown up in Ishgard. She had hit her knuckles bloody on Ve, only to have to smile at dinners and fancy gatherings the following days. Even riding out with the princess as if nothing happened. And then the sudden question to accompany Arkyn. She had been sweaty and muddy after a bout and she had laughed and agreed. And now she was ready to the actual party. A party. She would imagine it was a whole different kind of feast as they would have in Norwyn, where ale went flying and song were sung. No, this was a proper ball.

So she would show up proper. He hair was braided in a crown and interwoven a steel headband with her family crest on it. She had finally decided on something black to symbol the longest night, with silver embroidering. But she did not leave without hiding her glass dagger underneath her skirt, strapped safely to her leg. She had not parted with the blade ever since she had gotten it, still pondering what it was and why it was given to her. She mostly braided her hair herself, but today she did needed some help, because she could not reach that way. She then had taking it on herself to do her little sister's hair, spending the afternoon with pins between her lips and blond locks between her fingers.

Nerys would have to find her own way to the ball tho. She was a big girl, so she would made do. After all, there was a man waiting for her. When a servant came over to casually adres that Arkyn had arrived, she smiled and nodded. The governess confidently strut towards the door, where Arkyn was waiting. He looked nothing like the man and friend she had known for so long, so a surprised smile adorned her lips, ‘‘Well look at you,’’ she mused happily. She walked up to him, immediately brushing her hands across his shoulders, to straighten the jacket just a tad. ‘‘You look quite dapper,’’ she said amused when her eyes trailed up at him. It still seemed somewhat silly for the two of them to attend this festival together. But somewhere, it also made sense, did it not?

dress x hair
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:44 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox DUrBZsK
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

He was stupidly nervous for this. While there truly was no need. If anything, asking her to be his date to the ball, it had gone so easy. And in his mind it made sense that the two of them would appear there together. Was he looking forward to the mindless dancing or anything that had anything to do with it, not really. The one thing he was sure of was the fact that going with Rán, meant that there was something enjoyable about the matter. A win-win situation for the both of them. He’d keep all the fools away from her and would be able to whisk her away if the talking became too political. For once in his life, he wanted Rán to just enjoy the evening. Without anything attached to it. Just some innocent fun. Both of them could use that.

When he heard footsteps, he instantly looked up. Amber eyes finding hers, the corner of his mouth curling up. ’Next to you, my attire is nothing.’ He smiled warmly. Briefly looking at the hand she had pulled back. Offering his arm to her. ’Do you want to walk? Or should we go by carriage, be all fancy?’ He chuckled ever so softly, still looking straight at her. By Ranaan she looked amazing.

’You look amazing Lady Trygg.’ Nothing compared to her. But honestly when did it ever?

on arrogance alone..
Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:50 am
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox Unknown
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
It would be her last outing here. She could almost smell home. The taste of the salt water of the Emerald Abyss on her lips. She longed to see the snowy fjords harboring their home. A younger her would have laughed if someone even mentioned homesickness. She had wanted to travel the land, see more than just Ravaryn and especially Norwyn with it's barren mountains on the horizon. And now she wanted nothing more.

So, being at this place, was a bit home from home, and to spend the last event together with someone from home. It was almost safe. She would never admit such thoughts, of course, because they were for stupid little girls. But she could not help but smile as Arkyn gave her compliments. He was standing out even more than she ever did. She could dress and walk among aristocrats, because she had been taught how to act from a young age. She would expect Arkyn would pick the silent, broody type who would not speak unless spoken to. ‘‘Well, I still own to perfectly capable legs,’’ she started at him. ‘‘Let's just walk and not draw more attention so we might actually enjoy the evening together.’’ She took his arm as he extended it to her. It felt almost weird, because it had always been her at the head of everything lately. And know she was just a woman at the side of a man. But her words held some truth. If they were just some attendants to a festival, instead of a governess and a guard, maybe other people would just leave her be.

Lady Trygg? Where was that coming from. ‘‘Oh please, Arkyn, you have known me for decades,’’ she answered him with a light-hearted chuckle. ‘‘So can we make a deal and just act like we are ten years younger? Just for tonight?’’ She looked back up at him again. They had known each other all that time ago. She could not remember if he was already away to the border around that time, or if they had been together in Norwyn still. But they basically grew up together. Nothing had changed just because her father died. Well, a lot had changed, but not... this.
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:17 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox DUrBZsK
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

Arkyn couldn’t wait to go back home. He had seen enough of Ishgard at least for a bit. The man was craving his known surroundings more and more each day. He wasn’t going to lie. Which was why he hoped that Rán would soon decide when they would leave. His men were getting a tad homesick as well. Which was something he could get since a few of them did have children running around already. Though tonight would hopefully be fun, for the both of them. Just a night out like years ago, where they could simply enjoy each other. Or well, that was what he hoped. That she could take a break from all things that had to do with politics.

’Do you?’ The man grinned playfully. Offering her his arm and she took it. ’I hope you’ll be able to enjoy it yes. Without any political nonsense.’ He softly hummed. Shortly glancing at her, a warm smile present on his lips. Soon enough they were on their way towards the castle. ’Don’t laugh, but I can’t wait to be back home.’ He chuckled softly. Yeah, he was quite done with this place. Lingered for their hometown. ’Guess getting homesick is a thing after all.’

He used her title deliberately. And well, she saw right through it. Making him laugh ever so softly. ’Ten years younger hm? I think I can manage that, but can you handle that?’ The man teased. Ten years ago. He had already been back in the city, working for her family. Pining for her in ways he probably shouldn’t. ’Just for tonight, I think I can manage that. For you.’ He smiled warmly. Continuing their walk, briefly placing his free hand over the hand that was resting on his arm. Smiling.

on arrogance alone..
Thu Feb 02, 2023 2:17 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox Unknown
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
The governess gave him a not-amused glare as Arkyn started to tease her a bit. ‘‘I could kick you if you want to be sure,’’ she responded with a raised brow. But she only took a moment before rolling her eyes and starting to walk to make pretty clear she was capable. She was almost thirty and still liked to act as a child, like everything was a challenge. Arkyn started to speak and a sigh rolled over her lips. ‘‘Well, here's to hoping,’’ she softly said. She was afraid she might have to survive a few obligatory conversations. ‘‘I will have to start be good at it some day.’’ She was nothing like her father, who could remain calm, but also witty and cunning at the same time. It seemed to come so natural to him. As soon as somebody told her something stupid, she had to hide the urge to hit the culprit straight in the nose.

The castle came in sight and she looked at the peaks of the towers. Even those were enlightened, small torches illuminating the windows. But the crown piece was the road leading up to the entrance as they started to merge with the other visitors. And if Arkyn could read her mind, he stated his own homesickness. She glanced at him with her lips barely parted, as she was slightly surprised. She didn't laugh. ‘‘I feel it too,’’ she said softly. ‘‘Everything is.. much simpler back home.’’

As they continued their way to the castle, she stated that they could be ten years younger. It made him laugh and she looked smugly back at him. ‘‘Oh, I can handle it,’’ she promised. Because by Ranaan, the day Rán Trygg backed down from a challenge, you would have to call a healer. ‘‘Thank you,’’ she said as he agreed, like it was some small victory. But as he placed her hand on hers, for a moment she tensed up. Why? That what was she was asking herself as she glanced up to him quickly for a moment. But she leaned into it, convincing herself she didn't need anybody's approval. ‘‘So, are you ready to crash a aristocrat's party?’’ she asked him with a cheeky smile.
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:55 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox DUrBZsK
[FoF] Meet me on the Equinox PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

Parties like these weren’t for him. If anything, prancing around with the nobles. It simply wasn’t who he was. But for tonight he would make an exception. Knowing he would be one of the only few people that could make this whole thing tolerable for her. He’d gladly take one for the team. ’Wouldn’t be very nice of you to kick the one that will help you out later tonight tho.’ The man chuckled playfully. Looking at her for a moment. Ah yes, he knew how far he could push her. But if anything this was all just fun and games. A way for the both of them to let off some steam before they would enter the pits of hell that was that stupid party. ’No worries, I’ll whisk you away the moment those conversations will become too boring.’ He shortly smiled at her, meaning what he said. ’I’m quite sure you are good at it already.. But emotions seemed to get in the way from time to time.’ Which wasn’t abnormal. If anything it showed that she was human as well.

The simplicity of home was getting more alluring the longer he was in Ishgard. He almost yearned back to it. But for now he knew that at her side was where his place was. Not even for protecting her because she was capable enough on her own. No, Arkyn was walking next to her in this particular moment because he wanted to make sure that the night would become a bit more pleasant for her when she had a friendly face walking next to her.

A soft chuckle was audible. Challenging her, it was always the thing that led to something better. It made him certain that she wouldn’t back down from the entire evening as a whole. He felt her tense up, for a moment tilting his head as he locked eyes with her for just a second. ’That depends, do I have to act aristocratic? Or can I be my true self?’ His brow playfully shooting up.

on arrogance alone..

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:15 pm
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