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How you get the girl
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Penelope Villiers
Penelope Villiers
Niet Ro
How you get the girl Yk5wvaD
How you get the girl Tfm2dtA

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Socialite (gossip columnist)
Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee deep
I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
The banquet of one of the Duke's advisors was in full swing. After dinner, the young lady had been talking to an older lord when her brother had pulled her aside. Of course Poppy had known that the older man was called George Malberry, that he had lost his wife late last year and was still too heartbroken to find a new one. But all her brother was concerned with was keeping his sister as pristine as she had always been. Poppy really ought to know better, the elder and 'wiser' sibling had said. So she agreed, after which Theo took his leave once more.  

The girl was left in the hallway outside the ballroom. With a sigh, she straightened her white-coloured dress, so that it flowed out perfectly at her tiny waist. The gown left her neck exposed, so that it highlighted the delicate diamond necklace she was wearing. Even more so since her hair was carefully done up and graced with another tiny string of gems. By all means, she looked perfect. Now she just had to make sure everyone else thought so too.

When she entered the ballroom once more she took a brief moment before descending down the stairs. As she saw some heads turn her way, and then some more, her blue eyes fixated on another pair in the crowd. She was almost put off her game by them, almost.  With a graceful smile on her delicate face Poppy ignored all other looks, and just fixated her eyes on his. By Renestrae how long had it been since he had been in Ashmoor? It must have been half a year. She walked past the crowd he stood in, never disconnecting her gaze from his. But she also didn't bother stopping to say hello. Instead she made her way over to Alison.

"Ali, you did not tell me your cousin is back." She said in a hushed tone. "Those hours at sea really did him good." She mused with a smile on her face. Would he still be looking at her? Or had he forgotten her already, like before. Poppy really didn't like it when people seemed to forget her, and she had never been able to keep Lionel Winter's gaze on her for long. But perhaps today.. "Is he looking?" She then asked her friend quietly, unable to see for herself as her back was turned to the man.

& Lionel Winter

Gown x Hair
Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:30 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
How you get the girl JS82q3hE_o
How you get the girl 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
After dinner, she had lost sight of her friend. They weren't seated together after all, which was fine considering the fact that this was not just a moment for them to catch up. Such banquets certainly had their fun, but they also had their value. Value that she needed to appreciate more, according to her parents. And so she'd tried her best to be very serious and put together throughout the night.

She couldn't quite help the crinkles around her eyes appearing, her nose scrunching up as she was in animated conversation with one of the older lords whom she had known for a long time. Polishing up on old connections was also part of the reason why she was here, wasn't it? She couldn't quite help the fact that catching up often led to passionate discussions or heartfelt conversations.

As Nelly found her way back to her, she swiftly put a hand on the lord's arm as she excused herself for a moment. A curious glint appeared in her eyes as she turned to her friend, which turned into a knowing look as she explained herself. "You think so?" she asked as the corners of her mouth curled up. Maybe she had a point, but she hadn't really noticed. To her he was just her cousin, after all. She peaked over the shorter girl's shoulder at her question, meeting her cousin's blue gaze as she did so. Not too sure what he was thinking, but he was definitely looking. She swiftly nodded, then added: "You should go talk to him!" in a hushed voice that wasn't entirely hushed in true Alison fashion.

Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:01 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Lionel Winter
Lionel Winter
How you get the girl Tiz0hA0
How you get the girl 5nzLram

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Vice admiral/National hero
With the tide
Lionel engaged in conversation with a small group of lord and ladies. Which he hated, small talk was probably the worst things for him to endure. He'd rather sail in a storm. Or board an enemy's ship, then hear the endless nothing comments and nonsensical questions his fellow aristocrats threw at him. So far, he had indulged the small crowd that had formed around him. But then a sniveling little rat boy spoke up. His high, pitched voice cutting through the crowd. "Fascinating, you sir have a very interesting job-, I bet you-gosh how do those things even work?" Lionel narrowed his eyes. As he placed the half empty glass of whiskey he was drinking out off, on the table he was standing next to. "What, a ship?" He questioned the young lord with a low and irritated tone. The crowd light mood shifted when the rest of the onlookers feel silent and started at the man. Who started to become all red and fidgety. "Well yes my lord- I." Lionel stepped forward. Cutting the younger lord off mid-sentence. "You want me to stand here, and explain to you how a ship works?" the vice admiral looked down at the boy. With a stern and cold look. He otherwise didn't touch him, though. But he didn't need to. His gaze was enough to make the boy squirm. "Get out of my sight." He then said, his voice calm. Like his whole demeanor was. Always in control of not only his emotions, but the situation as well. The young, spindly lord quickly took his leave. And when he did, the crowd immediately started to whisper about him. But Lionel had let his eyes wander. And found something much more interesting. He knew Penelope Villiers, how could anyone not know her. She made her self quite known to all. As the entire Villiers clan. There was a time when he found the arrogance the family had extremely annoying. And he, therefor, wanted nothing to do with any of them. But now, something was different. Perhaps those last 6 months had changed his perspective on things. "Excuse me." He said to the people who were still buzzing around him. As hemoved toward the girl, who was talking with his own cousin.

"Dear cousin Alison," He greeted her, nodding his head to her out of respect. Before turning his attention to the shining jewel of this ball. "Lady Villiers." He pronounced those words, much slower and much softer. "I hope you ladies are enjoying the festivities as much as I am." His eyes turned quickly back to Penelope, for just a split second. For, he knew, that someone like her thrived at events like this.
@Ladies x
Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:41 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Penelope Villiers
Penelope Villiers
Niet Ro
How you get the girl Yk5wvaD
How you get the girl Tfm2dtA

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Socialite (gossip columnist)
Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee deep
I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
As soon as the lady returned to the ballroom, she let her gaze flow freely around the ballroom for a moment. Penelope wasn't looking for someone in particular, usually she liked to spend these moments gazing at multiple people. It was truly an art, you see, to captivate as many people as she did while she simply descended the tall staircase. Of course they'd look at her, she was one of the most precious gems at the ball. Yet there was only one she cared about now. She hadn't expected Lionel Winter to stand among the crowd. And as she saw him her entire purpose of walking down the stairs changed. Her piercing blue eyes had found a match of true equivalence in the handsome man. Poppy was intent on keeping his gaze locked in hers, and as it seemed, she was succesful.

After she had glided right by him, she made sure to end up right next to Ali. Her best friend, who seemed quite amused with the fact that Poppy found her cousin so dashing. "Oh definitely, he looks so very dapper tonight." She said with a sigh. Ali was kind enough to check if Lionel was even looking —Poppy suspected he was— but didn't give her an actual answer to her question. Instead she suggested that Penelope should be the one to go talk to him. With a look of perplexion on her face, she looked at the blonde. "You know I couldn't!" She said in a whisper, urging her friend not to whisper so loudly. "What would I even say to him?" She continued. It was simply ubsurd-

Dear cousin Alison. Penelope recognized the voice and she managed to gracefully turn around to face the man. A most satisfied smile appeared on her delicate face as she heard him pronounce her name. She definitely liked how that sounded, but she made sure not to let it show too much. "Lord Lionel," she spoke, letting his name roll off her lips slowly. For a brief second, their eyes connected once more. It was easy for her to charm people through precious eye contact, it was even easier to speak engaging words. "Very much so," she confirmed. "I was just saying to Alison how good it is to have you back." She told him. "You must have many heroic tales to tell after your journeys." She said as she looked him in the eye once more. Her blue eyes simply sparkled, as if they were an alluring invitation. Perhaps the cause was the ball, or perhaps it was the man standing in front of her.

Gown x Hair
Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:47 pm
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