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The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
Otherside EmesTWTJanebanner
Otherside EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

The summer sun shone through the leaves, flickering the light in warm speckles like freckles on the earth's green nose. Her fingers intertwined with his, gently holding each other. Her head rested against his legs. Eyes locked into loving gazes as they talked about sweet nothings. He smiled, a smile she loved. Her heart fluttered as he moved closer. She held out her left hand so they both could admire the diamond ring that decorated it. "I do," she whispered in his ear with a smile. He turned to her, only inches away. With the smile she loved, he answered, "I do." sealing it with a kiss so warm, loving, and pure. They barely noticed the dark clouds filling the air. Only when it started to rain did they quickly get up, laughing and shrieking in the sudden storm. In seconds, they were drenched, running hand in hand toward shelter. She hadn't realized it yet, but something had changed. Darkness filled the atmosphere. Only when she felt his hand fall out of hers did she look back. She wanted to scream at the sight she saw, but all the air in her lungs was gone. Choking in the breathless air, she looked at him standing there, his face emotionless. His body was covered in deep cuts, open wounds, and blood-soaked clothing ripped to shreds. She felt an endless stream of tears, unable to move or make a sound. He looked at her, his expression empty and emotionless. Gone was the smile she loved. He then took the ring from her finger and turned away into the storm. Held down by an invisible power, all she could do was watch him go. He made his way down the hill towards a spot that seemed to be beaming in the sun. untouched by the now-raging storm. She saw her sister standing there. Dressed in white, waiting. Her lungs started to burn. With blurred vision, she saw him join her sister, placing the diamond ring on her finger and sealing it with a kiss. He then looked up at her one last time. Smiling that smile she loved.
Finally, Jane was able to let out a gut-wrenching scream, jolting upright in her bed. She gasped for air in the dark. Quivering in cold sweats. She quickly covered her mouth, afraid she would awaken anyone in the palace. A deafening silence followed. Unable to bear it any longer, she got up, grabbed her nightgown, and quietly left her room. As hastily as she was able to on bare feet. She walked towards a wing of the palace, which was sure to be empty at this time of night. The study wing.
Once she was sure no one would hear her, she stopped. Only then, when she was sure she wouldn't bother any of her family members, did she give in. The sobs took over. Leaning against the wall, she dropped down slowly to the floor. Her nails burrowed into the expensive rugs on the floor. Letting it all out, her body shook uncontrollably. She wailed as loud as her body needed as she was crushed by empty feelings of loneliness. Crying out for the deep love that had been lost so suddenly and horribly, she lay there against the wall in the dark.
(C) Ross
Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:54 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
Otherside WSN0ewN
Otherside HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

heroes always get remembered

legends never die

Matthew's engagement dinner was just what Cassiopeia expected it to be. Many things were said, some more favorably than others. But that didn't surprise her much; what she, however, did not foresee was Jane. And her sudden outburst. The girl surely took the things that the duchess had said very personally, even though they weren't directed at her at all. It was something the woman couldn't get out of her head. For it was so terribly disrespectful. How dare that girl speak to her, like she did then? That wench that spends all her days crying over a dead man. If only she channeled that energy she showed at the dinner in her recovery. But perhaps she liked being sad, like the attention it gave her. Cassiopeia wandered the halls, at first because she simply couldn't sleep. There was too much on her mind. And when that was the case, walking usually helped. The woman walked on, with candlelight illuminating her path. Though, the woman was sure she could make her way around the place in the dark just fine. She knew the palace like the back of her hand, after all. She stopped, when she heard-what sounded like sobs. It was very faint at first. But definitely there. Cassiopeia narrowed her eyes, and followed the cries. They became louder and louder. And when they did, it dawned on her that they belonged to non other than little Jane. The duchess smiled, that was perfect. Really, the perfect opportunity was about to reveal itself to her. And all she had to exchange in return for it; was a little bit of sleep. "Jane," Cassiopeia called out to her. As she walked towards the much younger woman. Who was currently on the floor. Weeping like she had lost her love months ago, but just now. The duchess softened her eyes and kneeled down next to her. "We are all so worried about you girl, because this-it's getting out of hand." Her sadness was so extreme even after all this time. It was very worrying to say the least. Why, if you asked the duchess. It wasn't even healthy. "So, I've arranged for a doctor to come and see you. A special kind of doctor, an expert on treating mental, emotional, or behavioral problems. A psychiatrist." She smiled at the woman below her. But her words weren't soft at all; If you caught on to their meeting. "His name is Doctor Henry Cotton. He works at the Bethlem Hospital." She went on. A dark glint was seen in her eyes. "Your mother thinks it's best that you see him, too." Convincing that woman wasn't hard at all. Cassiopeia was able to do it in just one afternoon during tea. "He will make an assessment of your mental state, and depending on the outcome; will help you forward." The man helped many women who had gone mad with grief. Though perhaps "helped" wasn't the wright word. More "kept them from embarrassing their families." Cassiopeia locked eyes with Jane Winter and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Of course, I can blow the whole thing off, If you like, I wouldn't want to cause those who are dear to me, unnecessary pain." She really didn't; the duchess wasn't a sadist. She just fought back when she was being attacked. When the little sheep around her overstepped their bounds. "But then again, you haven't been very nice to me these past few days, have you?"

Sorry if I messed up the timeline with this but its for drama so its worth it xoxo

@Jane Winter

Sun Dec 25, 2022 1:57 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
Otherside EmesTWTJanebanner
Otherside EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

It physically hurt. She could feel it in her chest, getting rawer with every breath she took. It felt as if her heart was ripped out and replaced by a black sludge, pounding her ribs to pulp and pumping acid into her veins. She hadn't felt this pain since the day she saw his mutilated body. The nightmare had brought it all back like a tidal wave, crushing every bit of work she had done in an attempt to heal. Oh, how slow and painful that healing process had been. What was the point in even trying if one night could eradicate it all?
The raw, open wounds of loss and grief, the coldness, the emptiness, and the numbness that would follow. She wanted it all to stop. Just surrender. Succumb to the darkness and let it pull her down. She felt so lost and alone, longing for the one person who had given true purpose to her otherwise lacking existence. She met him and thus discovered herself. And when he was taken from this world, he took that part with him. But still, she could hear his tender voice whispering in her mind to get up and go on. She wanted to listen; she really did, but this grief had such a heavy gravity. Was she ever able to do it without him?

Jane didn't even hear her name being called out through the halls. She was so enveloped by her emotions. Only when the soft candle light lit up the hallway did she notice. Looking up, her face was a puffy, moist mess, but her cries had gotten softer as the one person she did not want to see in this vulnerable state walked up to her. She couldn't help the soft sniffling and shaking of her body, though. She tried to wipe her tears, while turning away from the woman who had been so rude during the family dinner. Why was she here? Did Jane wake her with her crying? But her aunt and uncle had their quarters on the opposite site of the castle? She couldn't have. Jane felt too vulnerable and, frankly, a little embarrassed to face Cassiopeia at this moment. She just wanted to be alone in the dark with her sorrow.

With her arms wrapped around her legs Jane sat on the floor, her chin resting on her knees. Avoiding eye contact with the woman who now kneeled down beside her. She attempted to regulate her breathing as her aunt started talking. At first, she quietly listened, though she felt the tears welling up again after the first sentence. Jane never meant to cause worry or stress to her loved ones. Deep down, she knew this wasn't healthy, but she just didn't know how to get better. To hide a new sob that she felt coming, the devastated girl buried her face into the soft fabric of her nightgown, which was draped over her legs. Her aunt continued talking. One would assume that she would try to comfort her eldest niece in this moment of grief, but the more she spoke, the more confused Jane felt. A special kind of doctor? It wasn't that bad, was it? She looked up at the blonde, who smiled down at her. The confusion on her face slowly faded as the words sank in. Jane wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what her aunt was offering here, but it wasn't in Jane's favor at all. What was more upsetting, though, was that her mother agreed to this? She softly shook her head in disbelief.

The Duchess' hand felt cold on her shoulder and as the two Winter women locked eyes. Finally, the cat came out of the bag. Jane shook her hand off of her shoulder and got up from the floor. ”You can't be serious. Is that's what this is all about?” She almost couldn't believe her aunt would be this petty. ”You want to sent me to an insane asylum?! Because I spoke up to you?” Jane couldn't even look at the woman anymore, turning away from her as she again shook her head in disbelieve. All she did was defending people she loved! What kind of family was this!? Playing these mind games. To what purpose?! ”I can't believe this..” She softly mumbled as she walked back and forth the hall. And her mother agreed? No. ”My mother would never agree to something like that.” Jane came to a halt again as she looked at her aunt. Her eyes almost begging for it not to be true. ”Why, why are you doing this? Why are you here?” Jane was completely flabbergasted. She just couldn't understand how someone would do this. Against their own family?  
(C) Ross
Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:09 pm
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