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Calypso Sythaeryn
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Avalon Citizen
Calypso Sythaeryn
Calypso Sythaeryn
Calypso Sythaeryn  EZ8RVbt
Calypso Sythaeryn  FZUucqU

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being the little sister xoxo

Calypso Sythaeryn
Calypso (/kəˈlɪpsoʊ/; Greek: Καλυψώ, "she who conceals"
Gender Female
Age 23
Species Moon Elf
Magic Moon Magic
ReligionOdirian Deities
Occupation Being the "little" sister
P.O.B ???
Residence Avalon
Height 1.70
Build curvy
Hair color Strawberry blond
Hair texture wavy
Eye Color blue
Skin Tone fair


Calypso is blessed with beauty; that is obvious to anyone who sees her. With her alabaster white skin, deep blue eyes. And of course, perhaps her most striking attribute; the Rapunzel-esque hair. Which is colored a rather particular shade of strawberry blond. Thus giving it a red hue in certain lightnings. Calypso has a very feminine appearance; thanks to her soft features. Having a plump face of a roundish shape. Puffy lips, and large, expressive eyes. Her stature; is somewhat on the average side. Being not particularly tall. But not miniature enough to be called short. The woman has certain curves on her body. Causing some to label her as voluptuous. 


Calypso always dresses well. As a lady of her rank should. Wearing dresses that are in fashion, and made out of expensive materials. The woman has a particular love for the color red; and this can often be seen in that color. Her hair is usually half up- to show off the flowing locks, she often at least a part of it having somewhat loosely. Though, the rest of the hair is usually braided in various different styles. Calypso is known to wear jewelry. But she never wears much of it. Just a nice pair of earrings. A necklace here and there. And some hair accessory. 
Constellation The Vixen
Alignment True neutral

Calypso is a mysterious person. That is to say that her intentions are never clear. All her moves seem to be caclulated, and planned ten steps in advance. She is usually friendly enough, albeit in a very neutral way. But to say if her kindness is genuine is hard. Saying anything about her at all for certain is difficult. Since she hides her thoughts and feelings very well. The woman is extremely intelligent. In academic way, but also when it comes to people. She can read them like an open book. And thus usually know how to act around them. Something that often leads to a quick connection. Perhaps it's a good thing, then; that Calypso isn't especially ambitious. She is very easily satisfied. Making the best out of each situation as she goes along. Though she naturally will try to improve it, whenever she sees the chance to do so. 
Family Tree


father daddy sythaeryn
mother mommy sythaeryn


Brother n/a
Sister 1 sister


Aunts & Uncles n/a
Cousins n/a
Magic type Moon Magic

Calypso is skilled in two areas, illusion magic. And ice being. Her proficiency comes mostly down to her practice, and study. She is especially well versed in the former rather than the latter. But she is starting to shift her focus a little more to the physical magic. Illusions are really playing with someone's mind. Showing things that aren't really there. To trick, or manipulate them. But it won't always get you very far; in a fight, for example. Thus, Calypso works on her mastery over ice As a last resort; if her illusion magic fails. So far, the woman has an above average understanding of the bending form.
Calypso was born as the youngest daughter of the Sythaeryn family. One with a noble lineage made up of both moon and wood elves. Because of this, it wasn't exactly clear what, from the get go; what Calypso would be. Her elder sister had inherited the genes what would make her a wood elf. Something that could very well happen to her. Yet it soon became clear that Calypso was not like her sister. And in fact was; a moon elf. The two sisters shared a close bond. Growing up together in the family mansion. One that was situated in Avalon. But very near the border of Lemuria. Because of that, the family often made trips to the other nation. Causing Calypso to be decently acquainted with the Lemurian culture and customs. 

The girl had a relatively good childhood, with little to vex her. She wasn't her parent's favorite; but was still treated well by them. Calypso focused most of her time on studying all sorts of things, being especially interested in magic. And one's brain. How a person thinks, feels and what shapes it all. 

It was a fascination that continued well into her teenage and adult years. It changed her, even though very gradually. There wasn't a specific point where she truly incorporated the teachings into her personalty. But no one could deny how different she was from when she was a child, More cautious and calculated than before. Yet she was still kind. Her change also made her parents look at her with more favor. 

- Loves cats
- has one of those hairless ones just for fun
- one would think her favorite color is red, since she wears it alot. but its actually grey.
- Has mony hobbies, like painting.
- Has a knack for guessing things about people. Such as their past, wants. And even if they are lying to her or not. She is known to guess wrong ofc, but she is mostly correct. This is because she trained herself in reading people. A simple look of interaction with a person can give her many idea's.
Wed Dec 07, 2022 10:23 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Calypso Sythaeryn  XuTWurPc_o
Calypso Sythaeryn  MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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