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Maze of Memories
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
Maze of Memories Le8Mpd3
Maze of Memories PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
It was a couple of days after he had returned from his trip deep into the woods. Once he had returned home, Sigma dove right back in his studies, so he hadn’t left the house much. It wasn’t that he did not want to leave the house, as much as that he was scared of doing so. This trip had made one thing clear, he had to speak about things he didn’t really want to speak about. Especially because it was with someone very dear to him. He shivered every time he thought about it, a cold grasp around his heart. He was scared, no, beyond scared about the reaction of his brother. But maybe, now that they had found each other back, it was time to speak up. Sigma sighed softly and stroked his fingers through the fur of Pumpkin, who was sitting on his lap. He looked outside, the sun was sinking into the horizon. He could just stand up, go outside and see if he could find Polaris. A rash decision, maybe, but he stood up, placed Pumpkin on his desk and grabbed his coat from the coat rack. ”I’ll be home later,” he spoke into the house, wondering if his mentor was even in tonight. He didn’t get an answer, so he took it as a ‘no’ and stepped outside.
It was cold today and a fresh blanket of snow laid on the ground. He wondered where he could find his brother, but his first instinct told him to go look at the inn. It was warm there, and maybe an ale would help him loosen up. So that speaking would come easier. With his head deep in his coat, he walked towards the inn and opened the door, to be greeted with the scent of ale and unwashed bodies. He quickly looked around, before snatching an empty seat. Let’s see if he could find Polaris here.
Tags: Polaris Estrella
Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:10 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Maze of Memories Untitled
Maze of Memories Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
Earlier that morning it was snowing, something that scared the man way more than it should. As he tried to use every excuse in the book that morning not to step outside, it worked. The old man had asked some questions first, but eventually gave in and asked if he was okay for taking over the front if he didn't want to work in the back. Polaris didn't mind at all and besides, it wouldn't take long. Miss Spots just had to be fed and her water had to be changed. But beside that there was nothing urgent to be done in the back. He felt kind of bad as to leave the other with the heavy lifting work, as he was younger and way more fit to do it. But if he actually changed out there due to the snowfall... Oh, he didn't want to think about that. He shook his head somewhat, thanked the old man that acted as his grandpa, and grabbed an apron. As he tied it, he quickly went to work in the kitchen. The man had asked him to prep some food, as there would be plenty of clients that could use some stew stopping by due to the snow. The young man had smiled at the thought, actually excited about doing this. It had been years since he actually did something normal. And even though it was a chore, his heart fluttered at the mere idea. How he had missed the simple things that granted him the simplest of joy.

He had always been a good cook and working with a knife almost came as second nature to him. Perhaps not in combat, but when using it in kitchen... Well... He had cut his fingers before, plenty of times actually. But with all the failures came a little bit of experience. And so he had folded his fingers somewhat back, cutting the vegetables at a high speed as he moved it to a bowl. Going back and forth, he was able to cut them up rather swiftly. This allowed him to move on to other things, such as potatoes and other vegetables that had to be cleaned first. For a moment he stopped, staring at the work, before turning away. He grabbed the bowl of cut vegetables and threw it in the pot with water that was hanging over the fire, stirring it as he went on. When his other hand was freed up, he grabbed a handful of spices that the old man had out and threw it in there, before taking a step back. A sigh rolled of his lips, looking back at the challenge at hand; unwashed vegetables. The corners of his mouth turned downwards as he could only think about one solution for the matter.

Layers. Layers of cloths and sticks. It didn't look like much, but he was doing it. Standing back from the pot of the water as he rubbed the vegetables with the back of the stick, where he had placed some cloth around to create some padding, essentially simulating a hand in the process. "Oh Xeion what am I doing," he whispered to himself as he looked at his work. Struggling as he went on, he eventually was able to throw the stick to the side. Having the vegetables and potatoes out of the water, he couldn't continue, as they were wet. He frowned, looking at them, before he heard a noise. Leif stepped into the kitchen as he looked up, smiling at what he thought was his grandson. "You almost done?" Larry shook his head with an awkward smile on his lips. "Almost... Just wanted to get to these and uh-" But before he could continue, the man gave him a gentle shove and almost literally grabbed the work out of his hands. For a moment he blinked in surprise. "You help with the bar or something," Oh well... He could do that.

When he stepped out he already saw a handful of costumers. Luckily for him, Leif did have multiple workers. Not much, but just some men that helped out from time to time. He was getting too old to run this place anyway. As he looked around the place, he stopped at the bar for a moment, looking at the woman that was pouring out some drinks. Her name was Frida, she often worked the day shifts. She was already getting up there in age, but was still very clear of mind. Someone who had lived in Avalon their entire life, their pointed ears was a dead give-away that they were an elf. Polaris never had the courage to ask her what specific species of elf, it felt kind of... Rude. "Ah Ozzy, good to see you," she said as she placed the drink in front of him. "For the man in the back, with the deer pelt," He nodded at her, grabbing the beverage before he moved passed some tables to the person in question, placing it down with a nod and turning back.

People came and went, some came for a room and other just for a meal or drink. Frida had asked him to prepare some of the rooms upstairs when things settled down a bit, so he did. It was rare for him to actually work this much in the inn. He always left so early in the morning, going through town as he tried to find a job. But perhaps, he should stop doing that. There was plenty of work to do around here anyway. Besides, he had a roof over his head and Leif wouldn't let him starve. It was a sense of security and stability that he hadn't gotten in a very long time. It was enjoyable and very welcome after all those years of imprisonment and fear. As his hand went over the bed to even out the sheets, he straightened his back. Another room ready. Good. Time to take some of the dirty laundry down and see how busy it was in front. He could already hear more voices then before... It made him smile, but it also gave him some heartache. It reminded him of a simpler time, when it was just him and his guitar. Preforming at places like this. But that was something from the past, something he could never afford to do again.

Feeling a bit defeated he went downstairs, putting the laundry away in the proper baskets before walking out to the front part of the tavern. As his eyes went up, he nodded to the elf behind the bar. She was washing some glasses, everything seemed alright... Not too busy. "Could you check up on the new guy?" She asked, nodding at a table with a single person. He looked over at it, before nodding. He took a deep breath, straightened his back and shook his shoulder. Well then, time to put those memories back in where they belonged and look forward. Part of good costumer service was a smile anyway. His lips curled up as he approached the table, but when he actually got closer his eyes lit up. "Well," He said, his smile becoming softer and more genuine as he spoke. He wanted to greet the other properly, hugging him and all that. BUt he wasn't sure how the people around him would respond. He couldn't afford to loose this identity. It offered him shelter, food, a warm bed, security, safety. If he had to live it under another name, so be it. "It... It's great to see you," He said, a bit uncomfortable, but he quickly recovered himself. "What can I get you?" He said with a nod. Not really knowing how he should act now. He felt extremely happy to see his brother, but he felt as if this familiar environment became oh so hostile because of it. In only a mere second had the warm familiarity of the tavern become chokingly warm, too hot to breath almost. What if they all saw through him. What if... What if someone was here and they knew. He lifted his gaze at that thought and looked around, as if looking for someone. But there was nothing to see. Just the regulars.... Laughing or drinking away. A frown appeared on his face.... Deep breathes, he was fine... Right?
Wed Dec 07, 2022 11:36 pm
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