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The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
Fragile EmesTWTJanebanner
Fragile EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

Renestrae had truly blessed the day and the tea party. The Monroes were so lucky in these cold days to be blessed with sunshine and blue autumn skies. Or so her mother kept saying. For many upper-class women in Alderrath, the Monroe tea party was an important high-society annual gathering. And, of course, their unmarried and unengaged children. Usually it was earlier in the year, but for whatever reason it had been delayed. And so Jane found herself back at this party. It used to be a lot of fun. Everybody dressed their best. Delicious teas and refreshments were served. Ladies and gentlemen played several fun games of cards or other social pastimes. All while enjoying the outdoor breeze of the large Monroe estate. But, most importantly, there were many discussions of potential marital matches.

Jane sat in her chair, a warm blanket around her shoulders, sipping her tea. She looked her absolute best but felt anything but. Her mother had brought her for a simple reason, of course: marriage. Finding a new match. There were plenty of potential suitors and their kin at this gathering. Most of them were a couple of years younger than the Winter girl. Most of her peers were already married and starting families, especially at her age. So to say that Jane felt a bit out of place was an understatement. Her mother enjoyed it very much, of course. Catching up on the latest upper ring gossip and news. It should bring a smile to her face to see her mother in her natural element. She wouldn't want to take that away from her, but if it were up to her, she would be spending her time in the library. Or some other distraction. Really, anything but this would do.

"Oh look, Jane, that's George Sinclair and his mother! I heard he just inherited a fortune from his uncle's trading business. Medical, I believe. Such a nice family. Sadly, he is still single. Such prospects he has.." As her mother tittle-tattled on, Jane just kept staring into the distance, trying to fight back tears. Not even looking at the other guests. Why did everyone feel the need to move on. As if she never made a loving vow to be Emilio's wife until the end of her days. It might not have been made official before Renestrae yet, but to Jane, it was more real and set in stone than the marble sculptures that decorated the large garden field surrounding them. She felt so alone without him, and being here made her face the fact that she would never be with him again.

"I know it's hard, dear, but you promised you'd try. Let me talk to the Sinclairs; see if they'd like to sit with us for a bit." Jane couldn't really say anything against it, of course—she could barely say anything at all—and was left alone at the table. Most people started gathering around the fountain anyway, for some kind of surprise. The Monroes and their famous party surprises... As Jane sat there in the watery autumn sunlight, looking across the field at the people who were talking, laughing, hoping, and enjoying themselves and life, it felt as if a wall had fallen between her and them. Finally, she gave in to her pain. Softly sniffeling and shoulder shocking. She didn't want to make it obvious for all the other guests; luckily, they were all too busy with the surprise as some pops and excited screams erupted from the small crowd. Or so she thought. A shadow fell over her, clearly one of a man of tall stature. Since the man obviously startled her, she quickly tried to wipe the tears from her straigthend face. Jane was a bit annoyed by his sudden appearance but mostly embarrassed by her own public display of emotions. Causing her to snap at him. "Unless your name is George Sinclair, I don't think you should be here, sir."

(C) Ross
Tue Dec 06, 2022 2:34 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alphard Ambrose
Alphard Ambrose
Fragile 21eabcf0f03e6e685c0eacbb129fb8f6db80ef1a
Fragile 3e74098e3620c6a403320625b70356bb936aa7ac

Character sheet
Age: 42 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: een boefje

he wiped the blood from his face

as he slowly came to his knees

I'll be back when you least expect it and hell's coming with me. There is a hill at the bottom of the valley where all the poor souls go when they die and if you listen real close you can hear em' like a ghost, saying you're never gonna make it out alive.
If there was one thing Alphard absolutely hated it would have to be the tea parties people invited him to. There was nothing fun about drinking tea, especially not if you have a buisness in brewing whiskey. With a sour look on his face the man sipped his lemon tea, absolutely hating every sip of it. His pale eyes wandered over the people that were there once again to see if there were any interesting faces yet, but he ended up disappointed again.

When he finally found someone interesting he sat up and put the porcelain cup down on the table. Alphard placed a cigarette between his lips and used one of the candles that was there to light it because he couldn't be bothered to use a match to light it. For a second he enjoyed the smoke filling his lungs before he got up and made his way over to the crying young lady. Jane Winter.

"And leave a lady to cry all alone?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Alphard sat down on the chair next to her and pulled out a flask from the inside pocket of his jacket, offering it to her.

Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:07 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
Fragile EmesTWTJanebanner
Fragile EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

Although she refused to look the man in the face at first, Jane almost immediately regretted her words. That wasn't who she was. She didn't snap at people. Especially after the man's reply, which forced her to look at him. She wasn't fully sure what to make of it, but it seemed friendly and well-intentioned. Whipping the last tears of her face. She observed him as he sat down next to her, puzzled by him and his intentions. Judging from his fine attire, which was polished and well groomed, and the simple fact that he was at this tea party, it was clear that he did belong in the upper ring. Then how come she didn't recognize him at all? She had never met him before, of that, she was certain. And somehow he too felt out of place. She wasn't sure what it was exactly, but something about his mannerisms seemed out of place here. Who was this man? And how come he was the only one to recognize that she was unhappy? Not even her mother seemed bothered by it today. Jane's eyes widened at the scandalous offer of his flask, and she couldn't help but hide her surprised smile behind her hand. Blood rushed to her cheeks at the idea alone. “I don't imagine George Sinclair offering a lady his flask.” Clearly intrigued by it and by this man, she contemplated it for a moment. Making sure her mother wasn't looking, after which she accepted the flask and took a swig.

The warped expression made it very clear that Jane wasn't used to the strong liquor, and she had to cough a little. It burned in her throat, but it also felt like just what she needed. When she was in control of her face again, she looked at the flask. “Hmm? Not bad.” she mused softly as she discreetly handed it back again. Thanking him with an almost shy smile. She then returned to observing him, still puzzled by the man. Jane felt almost stupid for asking after the little exchange just now, but she had to. “If you're not George Sinclair, who are you then? I... I don't think we've ever met...” If they had, Jane absolutely would've remembered it. He wasn't like any man she met before, that was for sure. 

(C) Ross
Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:15 am
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