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Charles Marlborough
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Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough VJVDjoD
Charles Marlborough 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary

Charles Marlborough
Routine is a ground to stand on, a wall to retreat to;
we cannot draw on our boots without bracing ourselves against it.
Gender Male
Age 28 YEARS
Species Lycan
Magic None
Religion The Faith of Renestrae
Occupation Private secretary
P.O.B Alderrath
Residence Alderrath, upper ring
Faceclaim Douglas Booth
Build Slim, toned
Height 185 CM
Skin tone Pale
Hair color Dark brown
Hair Texture Slightly wavy
Eye Color Hazel


With his dark hair and hazel eyes the man can be considered quite normal looking. He is taller than most people, which makes his built slender but still quite muscular. Something he keeps that way by often training with his peers. There are little to no imperfections on his face, and he has quite an impeccable jawline. His hair isn’t that short, but not that long as well, finding the perfect in between.

Charles knows how to carry himself, behaves almost perfectly while working since that is expected of him.  He often finds it difficult to relax, mainly because his mind is always working one way or another. As of recently more marks can be found on both his wrists and ankles, which is from the shackles and ropes that hold him down during a full moon.


As far as clothing goes, during work the man is always dressed in the finest suits. On occasion and if it’s really hot he simply wears a button up in all kinds of colors. But he is always neatly dressed when on the job.
When off duty, which is almost never, so when he is home, he often changes to a more simpler attire sticking to neutral tones. In the winter he can be spotted with wool sweaters and a jacket.
Constellation The archer
Alignment Lawful neutral
TraitsDedicated, strong-willed, intelligent, honest
TraitsInflexible, stubborn, judgemental

This man represents tradition and order, often using his understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. If there is one thing the man is great at, it’s giving advice to others about  all kinds of things. He truly embraces the values of honesty, dedication and dignity.  He isn’t scared of doing things that might seem too big for him to take on, both work and personal wise. If anything he dives in head first. Yet when he takes on those bigger tasks the man often works with someone, so he can distribute certain tasks and errands. Yet never the most important or confidential errands, those he does himself.

When things end up in chaos, the man can’t handle himself properly. Chaos makes things unpredictable and if there is one thing he dislikes it’s that. Due to this he might be considered as inflexible, because he isn’t willing to bend for the chaos. If anything he wants to break down the chaos. Tradition and order are one of his key values. If chaos does get the chance to break through, he becomes rather uncomfortable and rather stressed as well. But Charles is also extremely loyal, patient and reliable. When he gives his word to someone, he will do anything to make sure that he actually follows through. Which makes him a rather stable and responsible person to be around.

Recently a shift has occurred. Where he normally has no problem keeping himself calm and collected, he often lashes out at people nowadays. The reason for it? The fact that he has been bitten and has become a Lycan. When in his lycan form he has zero to no control in what he does or how he reacts.

SkillsSwordfighting, organizing, writing, communication, sculpting, calligraphy  
Unskilled at Hunting, anatomy, staying calm in unusual situations
HobbiesHorse-back riding, playing the piano, reading,

Family Tree


father Daniel Cargill
mother Cassiopeia Winter
addoptive father James Marlborough
addoptive mother Dorothy Marlborough


Brothers Clarence Marlborough
Half sister Alison Winter


Adopted sonIsaac Marlborough


Aunts & Uncles James & Sarah
Niece Ella Marlborough

The bond with his family is a rather strong one. Certainly with his twin brother, the two of them are as thick as thieves. They are truly considered a unit when they are together. He is often the only one that truly knows how he is doing. He’d protect him and his little girl with his life. Thinks his brother is the greatest dad ever to that little girl.

The connection with his birth mother exists. But it isn’t your regular mother and son bond. No, in many ways Charles considers his adoptive parents as his true parents. But he does carry a warm heart for Cassiopeia as well.

He loves his adoptive son, he truly does. He just wishes he could spend more time with him. Considers himself to be the lousiest of fathers around and actually looks up to his brother.

Type Private secretary

A private secretary supports the Duchess in her duties, organizing official programs and taking the responsibility for everything from speeches and correspondence to official presents and congratulatory messages. He screens visitors in a tactful manner and fixes up appointments for the Duchess.

He keeps an accurate list of engagements and meetings, and keeps track of her travel arrangements. Charles is the key point for communication with other members of their governing body and with members of the household as well.  He is also responsible for staying on top of her security, so the man has a lot of contact with the guards as well.

Weapon type Sword

His father pushed him into swordfighting, but he has grown to love it. Now being close to an expert in fighting with a long sword. The one he inherited from his father.


Born on the first day of the Growing Moon, together with his twin brother. Yet he was the first to be born. They were the product of a relationship that should’ve never existed. Cassiopeia and Daniel Cargille. Daniel wasn’t some lowlife, no he was a man of stature as well. Just not Cassiopeia’s husband. An adventure that led to the now Duchess having two sons. To keep it from coming out, they were adopted by her brother and his wife. Two loving and warm people who took the boys in as their own. Their childhood was loving and easy-going. They had everything they desired including two loving parents who would move mountains for their baby boys.

Charles was chosen by James as his favourite, making the bond he shared with the little boy a close one. With the idea of molding him into a perfect copy of himself when he would grow up. This molding entailed that he’d be starting swordfighting from the moment he could lift a sword, the typical boyish things aristocrats learned. Charles did notice that his brother took another approach, but that didn’t matter to him. If anything it made him value his brother even more. The two kids enrolled in private classes together: history, religion, mathematics, literature, anatomy and sculpting. After Clarence received an unnecessary scolding of his father, he tried helping out his brother more with the more boyish things like sword fighting. Taking a very calm approach with him, in the hopes that he could slightly raise his brother’s skill just enough to please their father.

Young as he was, the boy didn’t have a favourite subject or anything. He enjoyed it all equally. Their scholars seemed to see something in him. Charles being a more extraverted person who actually spoke his mind, but showed a great talent in organizing little things. They were the ones that truly pushed him into the hands of joining the organization office of the household of the Duke. Just to do small things for them, so that particular skill could grow in the boy.

As they grew older, his way of handling horses evolved even more. The kid was found in the stables quite often and was taken by his father to help out with a charity that focussed on horses that had grown old. Giving them a nice and comfy life and letting kids meet them as well. It was something he loved doing. It also gave him the chance to become a better horseman.

Slowly but surely his organizing skills were branching out as well. Keeping the chaos from actually getting inside the organization of the matters that belonged to the Winters. This was indeed something that got him the attention of no one other than the Duchess herself. Which was something that stayed under his radar. While he got older, his studies got more intense as well. But he proved to be a very intelligent twelve year old. Mastering certain skills quicker than other people of his age. By the age of sixteen he had grown out to be a master organizer and planner. Communication skills were through the roof and that got him to join the household of the Winters as a secretary for a few of them first. While he was still only granted the smaller things to handle, it would give him more time to hone his craft. But off course he was still a young man. Who did enjoy everything the city had to offer as well. Charles was a people’s person, having a wide array of friends and appointments of his own. It was his nature to constantly be busy, if it wasn’t with work than it was with having friendly meetings with either friends or family. He kept doing things with his brother, which was one of the things that kept their connection so good. Often dragging him to all kinds of places.

But then, they found out something that rocked their worlds. James and Dorothy weren’t their real parents. Or at least not the ones that had created them. It was none other than Duchess Winter. It came as a huge blow to the both of them. But with Charles being more rational he seemed to handle the whole situation better than his brother. If anything, their parents were the people that raised them. Not someone who didn’t even have the decency to look after them. The young man didn’t have any fear of this shining badly on them. Because in the end, he was quite sure that this would never see the light of day for the general public. The Duchess had her ways of keeping that information hidden. Charles did see the toll it took on his brother, so he supported him through it all. Taking some time of to just do more things with him. And maybe create a bit more distance between him and the Winters for the time being.

Which only lasted that long. Right after his eighteenth birthday, the man that outranked anyone in his line of work. Declared to him that he would become the private secretary to the Duchess herself. This was something that made him worry, was this just because he was her son? Was this some way to keep him close? He couldn’t know, not for sure, which was why he was starting to doubt himself and his skill for a while. Which was something James seemed to notice. The man kept pushing him, which eventually made those doubts disappear again. In the meantime his brother had moved out of the house to start his own life and honestly he was so damn proud of him. Personally he stayed home a bit longer, to just make sure that the bond with their adoptive parents stayed well. The amount of work he had, it kept piling up. It was hard balancing that at first, but he did try to make time for his family whenever he could. But he was always available for when the Duchess did need his particular skill set.

The day his brother came home with a child was weird. A ten year old boy who missed an arm, born that way his brother claimed. With a lot of persuasion behind closed doors Charles couldn’t say no to the boy, and thus the paperwork which was already halfway filled out was signed. Making him a father at 24. Wondering if he had made the right choice. His time now divided between his work, his son and the rest of the family. It was getting quite tough for him to juggle it all around, but for the time being the man was keeping up with it quite well. The idea to get a place of his own appeared for the very first time. But maybe it was better for Isaac that they stayed with James and Dorothy a bit longer.

Life went on and often he visited the church with his brother and his wife, religion was a pretty big thing in their lives. Charles himself was quite a devoted follower of Renestrae. But he only goes to church once a week, or he tries too. After the miscarriage of the child of his brother, things took a turn for the worse. With his brother. So he decided on cutting down on work for a little bit, still doing what he needed to do, but his brother needed him. Helping him out wherever he could.

A year later, the news of them getting pregnant again was a joyous occasion. The whole household seemed to live-up again. It was a pregnancy that went right this time around, so he took the liberty for himself to pick up work again. Yet still staying available for his brother. This was the year everything changed for him though. The day before his niece was born, he had found himself on the outskirts of the city delivering a parcel. He was attacked. A sharp pain in his arm, sharp teeth had latched in the tender flesh. Charles tried slamming the creature. But he didn’t have his blade with him. But the creature didn’t even flinch when his fist hit it straight in his face. The hold on his lower arm was only getting stronger at that point. Out of nowhere a fiery arrow was shot in their direction hitting the creature right in the shoulder, which made him fall to the ground. Blacking out instantly. Whatever happened next he wasn’t sure.

Out cold on the streets, bloody and broken. Hours later he was found, nearly bled out. He was being carried off to the best doctor in town. On the day of the birth of his niece, he was being placed on the operating table. But he remained unconscious until three days after the birth. Mentally the man wasn’t doing well, not even close. Which in the end would result into some post traumatic stress. When regaining his own health, he dove right into work. Trying to forget what had happened to him. What he possibly had turned into. Whenever he was free, he went to his brother with Isaac in tow. Eventually moving in as well since things weren’t going well with Esther as well.

As that first moon happened, it was his brother that pulled him into his basement. Chaining him up and locking the door. Each and every moon was the same, for two whole entire days he disappeared. Only appearing late in the evening on the second day. That was how life went along. The family growing closer, but their issues weren’t getting any smaller.

In the last year, Clarence his wife passed away, he was trying to get Isaac adjusted to his new arm and doing his job. But slowly he was losing himself.

🖋 Used to suffer from some form of dyslexia, but has grown out of it due to studying really hard.
🖋 Owns a Maine Coon called Empress
🖋 Likes being around kids and animals, but almost never finds time for it.
🖋 During a full moon, his brother locks him up in his basement.
🖋 Suffered nerve damage in his lower arm, is desperate to find a way to get that fixed
Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:53 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Charles Marlborough XuTWurPc_o
Charles Marlborough MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:22 pm
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